Thursday Night Bible Study 5-27-21

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we thank your god for saving us oh lord saving us oh god washing us in your blood cleansing us up from all of our dirt and sin huh oh god we thank you right now huh we are grateful oh god for the gift of holy for your gift of the holy ghost we guess oh god celebrate it uh pentecost cindy uh on last week on this past sunday oh god when you sent your holy ghost into the upper room huh oh god where everyone was on one accord and god we thank you right now fill us again oh god with your precious gift of your holy spirit we need your god more today than we never needed before oh god when we look out oh god into this world huh when we hear the news when we listen to the radio huh and we see all of the chaos uh all of the sin huh all of the sickness uh and all of the murders oh god that's taking place in this world oh god oh god we say lord cover us oh lord with your blood lord we need you more and more than ever before oh god we look unto you the author and the finisher of our faith huh and just as oh god oh god you're serving in the bible he looked to you for help oh god we look unto you oh lord oh god to ask you how to come down on tonight uh bless our service oh god another another another blessing another touch oh god to touch our lead oh god bishop patrick lanewood and senior we thank your god for your manservant uh in this part of the vineyard uh we thank you for the courage uh we thank you for the boldness uh we thank you for the anointing huh that you're placed upon this life and god right now we ask you oh god to continue to cover him in your blood continue to cover him oh god oh god with your hand of protection huh bless the service on tonight uh bless your message oh god to let it go for four lord with power and demonstration uh of your holy spirit uh oh god let that word be an encouragement to some a healing oh god save to others uh oh god right now a deliverance oh god to those who are in need of deliverance so whatever we need whatever is needed oh god we can find it right here in your house oh god oh lord for our lord we thank you we stand before you in this house oh god with our eyes oh god towards you for your name is written in this house uh your glory huh is in this house uh your anointing is in this house and god we say thank you thank you god but we are not just gathering huh as people do huh but we are gathering here in your presence for in thy presence is the fullness of joy and at the right hand oh god oh hallelujah there's glory forevermore oh god we love you on tonight because you first loved us uh you sent your son jesus christ to die for us on mount calvary's cross and god will forever thank for her oh god right now oh god we say thank you and we give you the highest praise and god before we in this prayer we pray for the peace of jerusalem your chosen people oh god even though there is a cease fire at this time but god we still we lift up jerusalem huh bless them oh god bless in the president uh oh god of jerusalem huh oh god president netanyahu and you oh god to bless them oh god oh god give them what to do how how to do her and the way to do her and god we pray for the blessings uh on our country and now god as we close our prayer we pray for every individual every man woman boy and girl oh god touch on tonight uh you know our needs you know our requests uh meet the needs of god oh god answer the request uh oh god if there's anything that keeping you oh god our prayers are from reaching your ear so oh god we ask you to remove it for god we want to be right we want to be safe we want to be holy oh god oh god you're calling for holy people in this last and evil days uh we thank your god you kept us from mass shooting kept us from violence oh god oh god and we give all the glory we give all the honor and we give all the praise to you huh and god we thank you even though there's a lot going on huh you're still on the throne huh we still look to you huh we still trust in you huh we still lean on you huh we still call upon you uh oh god right now god you said in your word it shall be well say ye to the righteous for it shall be well and they shall eat the fruit of their doings oh god in jesus name we pray let everyone say amen our scripture is coming from isaiah the third chapter in the tenth verse and it reads say ye to the righteous that it shall be well with him for they shall eat the fruit of their doings thank god for the reading and the blessing of this word and at this time let us receive this anointed praise team clap your hands for them as they come hallelujah let's clap our hands for jesus on tonight for he is worthy he is worthy of all the praise we welcome you in this place tonight those of you who are joining us by facebook and youtube please join in with us on tonight's service in the lord what about that word on sunday this pentecost i want the holy ghost to have his way on tonight so why don't you join in with us as we minister with this song hallelujah i wish somebody soul would catch on fire heads on fire catch on fire well i wish somebody saw would catch on [Applause] well i wish somebody so would well was fully calm they were all in one place they were all with one accord and suddenly there came a sound like a russian mighty wind it'd fill the place where they were sitting well i wish somebody saw one by cats [Music] so [Music] they spoke with other tongues as he gave well i wish somebody fill me fill me up [Music] come on put your hands together for jesus where the holy ghost abides there's a mighty good time in the lord and i don't know about you but i want to catch on fire with the holy ghost fill me up again and again with a holy come on let's put our hands together for jesus i feel good tonight with the mighty burning fire only goes half your way with the holy ghost and the holy ghost with the holy ghost with the holy ghost with the holy ghost but with the holy ghost with the holy ghost with the holy ghost come on let me hear you say it with the burning mighty fire with the holy ghost with the holy ghost with the holy ghost with the holy ghost with the holy ghost with the holy ghost with the holy well i wish somebody one more time oh i wish somebody hallelujah bless his holy name ah the residue is still in this place from sunday and i thank god for the holy ghost this song has been on my spirit all day i listened to this song growing up as a little girl and why don't you join in and help me sing it how many of you need the lord to walk with you hallelujah walk with me lord won't you walk with me walk with me lord won't you walk with me while i'm on my teacher's journey [Music] i want jesus just to walk with me [Music] help me walk with me lord won't you walk with me [Music] walk with me walk with me lord won't you walk with me hold my hand hold my hand lord put your hole oh all in my trials [Music] i need you to walk with me [Music] is [Music] lord in my troubles lord i need you to walk with me lord i need you to come [Music] walk with me [Music] i need you to walk with me lord i need you with me when i'm heavy lord my sickness lord i need you to walk [Music] lord i need you to walk with me [Music] is [Music] lord i need you to walk with me when the road gets heavier [Music] lord i need you lord i need you to go before me i'll make the way walk with me [Music] [Applause] journey thank you jesus well come on and clap your hands with jesus and give the lord some praise tonight what a joy it is to be in the house of the lord one more time tonight we get another opportunity to hear from america's foremost preacher tonight is all about jesus but it's also all about bible study and bible study is for the serious believer and for that believer who needs to get serious if you're watching on facebook or youtube live don't touch that down don't move from that place you are listening to god's man who shall bring forth the word of the lord i would that everyone will rest upon their feet at this time and receive our pastor bishop patrick lane wooden senior praise the lord let us give the lord praises tonight thank you allah almighty that's a wonderful introduction what a mighty god we serve what a mighty god we serve father in jesus name we thank you thank you lord for another day thank you heavenly father for life for health and for strength thank you for your goodness for your kindness and for your tender mercy we ask you god to bless us tonight as we study the word of the lord together father our prayer is for more of thee and less of me oh god may we abide in your presence and in your favor lord my mind goes back to when i was a younger man a babe in christ at the temple church of god in christ and lord i was thinking today where when some walked away from you those of us who remain asked for that portion of you that they gave up lord we want more of you not less of you but more of you it is our desire to move closer to you to serve you in the beauty of holiness god bless those who are streaming tonight cause your face to shine upon them let the word of the lord sink deep into their spirit the saints who are here tonight bless us lord live here in the sanctuary we're thankful oh god we're thankful for all of your goodness and your kindness and your tender mercy thank you for every miracle thank you for every door that you've opened thank you for every way that you have made now father heal the sick that are in our midst whether they're here or watching and streaming wherever they are wherever our voice is heard god provide meet the needs of the people of god where they are save the soul that's nearest hell and open our understanding and let the word of the lord sink deep in us tonight in jesus name amen would you give the god of the bible praises tonight amen praise the lord you might be seated in his presence it is good for us to be here tonight uh in the name of the lord for our thursday night bible study there's nothing like studying the word of the lord and walking in the scripture you know saints uh uh i still believe with all my heart and and i am convinced as convinced as i have ever been that the bible is right and the bible is the word of god amen and if we embrace it and live by it and walk according to it uh god will bless and keep every one of us especially in times like these when there are all kinds of things being said being taught being promoted being pushed oh my being packaged and just presented i've seen falsehoods presented in such lovely and kind ways with soft soothing music being played in the background and the preacher having taken voice lessons and adopted a tone of delivery that will cut through people's defenses and make people believe a lie a well-packaged lie amen one of my one of my rules of thumb that has kept me down through the years is simply this brother more if it's new it's not true and if it's true it's not new for god's truth according to jude was once delivered once delivered unto the saints and uh anything some of this new stuff that we see now that's passing as church and passing as gospel uh these these things they fade they don't last long they are like a shooting star which lights up the purple sky only for a moment and then they go dark but the word of the lord abideth forever and the saints of god god keeps the saints and i thank god for being a keeper in a day like today how many are glad that the lord is a keeper praise the lord and you know you know for yourself he'll keep you saved amen so i'm just grateful we're going to walk in the word tonight i want to give honor to pastor superintendent james parker it's an honor to have him with us tonight and to my first assistant ella john amand shuku we certainly do thank the lord for him thank you for that introduction we give honor to elder wilson amen he's out tonight uh working out of town but we praise god for that man of god and to all of the saints to our mothers tonight and mother turner and to mother williams and to our mothers god bless the mothers tonight and to all of the saints i certainly do give honor to my lovely wife first lady wooden we praise the lord for her and to all of you our heavenly father's children our friends who are streaming from near and far and we are certainly encouraged as we hear from people literally across the united states of america people who see us on streaming live people who who are watching our broadcast um uh the tct network is spreading out everywhere right now it is the largest it is the largest and god has put us uh and and by far god has put us in places uh in around this country and people are hearing the word of the lord and you know what i thank god for the response that people are giving to god's truth i if i've said this once i've said it a thousand times there's always a market for god's truth not everybody is rebelling against the truth of god not not everybody is saying we don't want to hear the truth there are people who are grateful to hear the word of the lord and to those people we preach and to those who are not grateful for it you better get right because you're going to have to stand before the lord one day isn't that the truth let's go today tonight to the 10th chapter of the book of job job chapter number 10. amen we've been studying this book and we're going to do a little differently tonight i want to read in your hearing verse 20 through 22 and then we're going afterwards we're going to attempt to backtrack a little and uh and study and uh and cover this chapter if it is the lord's will i tell you the lord is blessing us uh through this this powerful book and we're hearing from people and we're grateful uh as we delve into the the mind of a man who loved god who loved god whom god loved and uh and one thing one thing we learned that uh god can love us and yet not reveal to us everything that's going on amen he's god amen only when we get to heaven will we know even as we are known but the bible says while we're down here paul says we know in part we prophesy in part but when that which is perfect is come then that which is in part shall be done away john declared that when we get there we will see him as he is amen and then he said every man that hath this hope in him doth purify himself and it's just going to be amazing an amazing time and i think amazing is a two week of a word to be able to look on the father and and see him and then to have the father to reveal all things to us that's going to be something in it man and it's all going to it's all going to make sense then job chapter number 10 and verse 20 job says are not my days few cease then and let me alone but i may take comfort a little before i go whence i shall not return even unto the land of darkness and the shadow of death a land of darkness as darkness itself and of the shadow of death without any order and where light is as darkness and you see that this is a different description that he gives um then then he gave in uh chapter three and we'll we'll look at it in a little while um concerning what happens uh after we die in chapter three he speaks of a place he says there where the wicked was ceased from troubling here he speaks and he's speaking of the dark grave so he says in verse 20 are not my days few job thought that he was about to die and he said this and uh i want you to know a saints he was talking to god he says are not my days few cease then that is stop this and leave me alone or let me alone i want to teach from this subject tonight the thing that we should never say to god uh the one thing that we should never say to god and that one thing is found in verse 20 where job says to god in his anguish leave or let me alone leave me alone the one thing that we should never say to god open our minds lord and our understanding in jesus name amen now i want you to know this that the text tonight it deals with jobs perceived contradictions or his perception that god was dealing with him in a contradictory way we're going to see in the scripture where he plainly talks about how god dealt with him one way and then he describes how god deal dealt with him another way and in trying to reconcile the contradictions that he perceived um it left him asking god of all people to just leave him alone because he felt that god had contradicted himself in terms of the way the lord was dealing with him um on a much smaller scale sometimes when we were out riding it's one thing to ride and the wind and you're riding with the wind it's another thing altogether when you turn and you turn the trail changes and you turn into a headwind and it takes so much more effort to maintain your pace with the wind blowing in your face than it does with the wind blowing at your back and sometimes when god deals with us god deals with us as though the wind is blowing at our back and then the funny thing about life as at a moment's notice it's like that same wind have shifted and it's blowing in your face sometimes you don't really get a chance to even celebrate a victory before the wind changes are you following me and so you you got to know how to to how to live and how to see god when the winds of life shift and you got to know that they do no one has the wind blowing at their backs all the time praise the lord and no one has the wind blowing in their face all the time amen it shifts and when it when the shift comes it's a contradiction it opposes it is the exact opposite of what had just uh transpired and you got to know how to go from the mountaintop experiences of life the vicitudes and the valley lows experience and still stay with god some of us when we go from a mountaintop to the valley low we don't see you for six months in church because you don't know how to deal with it you feel like god has somehow done your own and the only thing about that is the only problem with you you dropping out and getting lost and getting better and thinking we can't find well the problem is every what you don't realize is everybody goes through that well pastor dale wasn't like mine but yours wasn't like theirs everybody assumes that their trial is the worst that's a trick of satan that's a trick of satan now let me get off my beaten path here and show you look at uh uh first peter let's see oh my first peter chapter number five and uh verse nine holy spirit just drop this in my spirit uh speaking of satan it says whom resistive steadfast in the faith you resist the devil steadfast there has to be a positive consistent resistance uh to the devil and we resist him according to the scripture steadfast in the faith do you see it look at this and what helps you knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world knowing that you're not alone other saints are going through the same thing amen and and you don't have to do that by revelation just talk to any pastor people call and they they assume that their situation is a unique one my marriage is going through i'm going through there's sickness over here there's sickness over there you might be the 10th person depending upon the size of the church who have called and the preacher can almost finish your sentence for you but in your mind you're the only one you're the only one but i'm going to tell you something you're never the only one take it from me take any preacher online who's watching actually any pastor you're never the only one it's there never comes a season where only one person is going through what actually happens is when satan attacks if you really want to know satan attacks in clusters that's really the way he attacked in clusters but because you know you don't know what someone else is going through you know the only person's life that you know about for sure is your own but satan attacks in clusters he comes he's come he comes against congregations he comes against saints he doesn't just pick out one person he comes against the people of god so peter says to you it says to us when you resist them just know that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren uh that are in the world but the god of all grace who have called us unto his eternal glory by christ jesus after that you have suffered a while you can't find wild on your wrist no matter what type of watch you wear even the fancy ones don't have wild on it uh but after that you have suffered a while a a divinely predetermined amount of time god deals with that now you can prolong your while you can make it last uh longer than it should have by failing the test god takes elijah takes them way down in the woods and actually elijah why did i bring you down here elijah elijah gives the wrong answer he takes him further into the woods why did i bring you down here elijah he gives the wrong answer again he takes him further into the wood and then god has to speak to him several different ways the man the guy just couldn't get it and then the lord had to explain to him what was going on sometimes god keeps taking us further into the woods till we get it amen he said but the god of all grace after that you have suffered a while look what god does he make you perfect establish strengthen settle you to whom be glory and dominion forever amen isn't that something so let's look at this tonight job is dealing with uh life and how um everything you know you talk about the wind shifting he goes from being the richest and the most famous and the most admired man in the east to being the brokest the most persecuted uh the most talked about and put down man in in the east um uh job was made fun of by some of the people that he formerly helped and gave money to and and and and helped make their lives better and when he got down they actually criticized him isn't that something so now this is what he is uh he he's contending with and so uh let's look at this he says to god are not my days few now one of the things we know the answer to that question joe thought it was yes but we know after having read the book that the answer to that question was no hey job you got 70 more years left so that should tell you right there that things are not always the way they appear amen that's why you got to trust god it may look like you're at the end of your role but that's that's because we're looking through our eyes humans are extremely we're extremely limited amen uh what is the human uh on a clear day how many miles on a flat surface can we actually see is it is it 10 miles is it 20 12 12 miles so now if we can't see any further than that on a clear day and on a flat surface there's a whole lot about life that we don't know that we can't see even the most wines amongst us don't know it all can't see it all so all know it all you just look you none of us know it all none of us see it all i hear people say after i've seen it all no no one says i've seen it all you got to be god to have seen it all you don't want to see it all if you if you saw it all you'd walk away jaded you messed up you wouldn't be able to sleep at night it would shake you you would be so afraid that you'd be afraid to go outside amen thank god for not allowing us to see it all butler um for you scholars out there butler comes down hard on job for this statement and uh uh butler is justified in my opinion um for what he's uh with what he had to say about job he actually said this is a terrible desire expressed by job job tells god to get out of his life and you know that's not as uncommon as it sounds how many times have we seen people leave the church backslide say i'm through with the church we were talking the other day to a man who uh uh getting ready to take a ride and the guy said that he's a he's a he's he's jewish but he says i'm i'm not religious we we we happened he had hot open heart surgery we didn't know the guy just met him he had open heart surgery and one of the uh up room writers said to him say well man the lord has been good to you and his response was well i'm not religious but if you say so okay i'm not religious i threw up both of my hands i am and we begin to claim proclaim our you know because we ain't gonna go along with that because we are we're saved sanctified filled the holy ghost that you know when it comes down to my salvation i don't go alone to get along you say you're not i mean he didn't have to reveal that about himself then says he revealed something he didn't have to reveal i decided to reveal something i'd have to reveal i'm tired to jesus amen and love the lord and not ashamed of my relationship with christ at all as a matter of fact it is the main thing in my life that i'm proud of what i'm proud of most is being a christian the number one hands down greatest move i ever made no two ways about it was to give my heart to jesus christ amen amen jesus christ jesus christ jesus christ serve the lord it's an honor to be saved amen being saved is not a ball and chain it's the greatest thing that has ever happened to me i mean uh he gave me a robe of pure white and all he got for me was a filthy garment i am an honored man to be washed in the blood of the lamb how many of you know your honor to be you're blessed to be saved be washed in the blood of the lamb the man said that he didn't have a relationship and he said that when he came up said his rabbi his rabbi made him just he just fell out with religion fell out with god and just decided to go secular and uh i guess he told god to leave him alone and we couldn't wait to put our fists together and pray to the god of heaven and ask god lord whatever you do don't leave us alone amen now david said when my mother and my father forsake me the lord will back me up whoever have to leave i don't want god to leave me alone because if you got if you have the lord you you have all that you need if you have everyone else and you don't have the lord you are in a very disadvantaged position amen so uh job job actually said to god get out of my life leave me alone and here's what he said butler says he said leave me alone so he can enjoy some earthly pleasures look at the text are not my my days for you cease then stop this and let me alone that i may take comfort a little uh grant me some ease give me a break god i'll show you in a few minutes if we get to it tonight where job accused god of coming after him with wave after wave you know sometimes in life you feel like you're being hit with wave after wave and everybody can identify with that at some point in your life and if you if you can't just keep living you will sometimes life just keep throwing uh bombs at you you know this happening as soon as you as soon as you as soon as you got that whole this particular hole in the dam uh uh plugged in then another it springs another leak and you get that one and then it springs another leak and then another one you you stick your toe in there you got your hand you got both fingers and your toe in and then it springs another one now after a while you're running out of things to put in the dam to keep the whole thing from erupting sometimes life is that way but even when it's like that you cannot ask god to leave you alone and you cannot act it out by leaving god alone we haven't seen you in choir rehearsal lately i noticed you haven't been on the usher board uh we've noticed we haven't seen you at church well i just been going through you can't do that that's not the way you do it because everybody who's been here has been going through also and and and when the lord the lord teaches us that when you're going through every scripture i read he tells us to look to him look to him we're not told to run from him but to run toward him amen oh my butler goes on and says that uh he asked god to leave him alone so that he could enjoy some earthly pleasures before he dies which he thinks is soon he don't know that he actually have as long to live as he has lived say to a fool you won't he was that he was at the halfway point of his life he's got 70 more years to go and it doesn't look like he's got 70 more minutes and he's asking god to leave me alone give me a break so that i can get some pleasure out of life before i die so butler says many in every age look at death in such a perverted manner if they think death is near they wish to live a vile life and soak up as many unholy pleasures as possible before they die many have that attitude during wars when they think they are doomed it's eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die foolish philosophy which does not consider eternal destinies end of quote and he's exactly right there have been many people uh uh hopefully most of them uh that one saved when the doctor gave them uh a bad diagnosis and they found they were sick they go to the they go to the bar they go to the club they they they they spend the money they have left on wine women and song because they they realize that they're they're dying but let me tell you you can't do that if if you're thinking about eternity see that's there's a reason why uh uh suicide is is up one of the reasons it's up is that people have a have a messed up view have a foolish philosophy of eternal destiny let me tell you no matter how bad life gets don't kill yourself you don't want to stand before god with that murder on your hands that is not a solution the greatest i don't know of a greater uh a um i think that's one of satan's rephrases one of satan's chief lying spirits is that suicide spirit because everything about that is a lie and he convinces people that your way out is to take your own life you're talking about making a fool out of you and what he does is he makes you the way he does it is that you've got to get consumed with yourself and with your situation see that is that is one of the greatest acts of selfishness nothing can be more selfish than taking your own life and there you are having taken your own life and you're laying there for your loved ones to find you that that's what your mama finds or your your wife or your your husband or your children praise the lord or somebody discovers that you've done something like that you have you've given no thought to to how the how your survivors are going to uh um get along you're given no thought uh uh if you go here to the sermon that i'm going to preach that that ought to change your mind right there because i sure wouldn't want bishop to do my eulogy if i've taken my own life because he has told the congregation on more than one occasion he's going to tell it but you know why i would because i don't want the next person sitting out there who are dealing with the same spirit to take theirs uh uh you have to be careful you have to be careful just because the person who did it was selfish we got look the the dead don't hear the sermon no way you gotta look to the living and try to save the next person that's a spirit that's a spirit and it it'll make you think that doing that which is unconscionable is a solution and it is not and it is certainly not a part of the christian doctrine amen you have no right to take your own life you have no more right to take your own life than you have a right to take mine why do you not have a right to take my life because you didn't give me life god gave me life why do i not have a right to take your life because i didn't give you life god gave you that life why do you not have a right to take your own life because you didn't give it to yourself god gave it to you you don't have a right to take that which you didn't produce in the first place so you're going to play god you're going to determine when you are going to end your existence you didn't determine when you existed did you what did you have uh what role did you play in that think about it what role did you play in your conception no role at all where you have no right to interfere with the life cycle and take that which god has given you tell what you do have a right to do you have a right to fight back and to rebuke the devil and say you know what i'm going to live and not die you know what david said and and declare the glory of god i'm i'm going to get through this in the name of the lord and and and as a side note brothers and sisters you you can't repent for saying in advance lord forgive me for what i'm about to do boom doesn't work that way say amen now i'm sure nobody said in his suicidal if not hopefully you heard something that will change your mind don't do that don't do that and you know so let me tell y'all something too that's not the kind of uh if someone is in that condition don't don't play with them with words where you you well i can see i understand why you thinking like that no don't don't do that because you don't know what that person is and how serious they may be and while you're trying to play they ain't playing what if they're not playing and the finality of death is that it cannot be undone you can't go back and fix it it's not like a tv movie the man died in one movie you turn on watch the next one you watch you turn to another channel and that that's the same guy that's because that was that's acting there was a movie that was on uh about some kid that that committed suicide and and the kid was the narrator of the movie and the kid was talking about what happened and all that and and but let me tell you the reality of it is you take your own life you won't you won't be at your funeral you won't be there watching people grieve you won't hear what anybody has to say you'll be in hell amen so uh and and one of the things we learned from job is as low as he was and as sick as he was and he had ample opportunities to do so job never tried to take his own life he didn't have a right to do that neither uh do any of us you don't want god to leave you alone you don't want god to leave you alone let me give you an example of what happens when god leaves someone alone turn to romans chapter number one i'll give you an example of what happens when god leaves us alone romans chapter number 1 and verse 21 says because that when they knew god they glorified him not as god they knew him but they didn't glorify him as god neither were thankful but became vain in their imaginations and their foolish hearts notice the the the use of the word foolish he's not he's not playing here he doesn't want you to think that something that is foolish isn't he want them to know that to know god and fail to glorify him as god is foolish and the effect that it will have on you is that it will corrupt your mind it will corrupt your thinking notice what it says but became vain in their imaginations and their foolish hearts were darkened that is their reasoning their thinking grew dark we see dark thinking uh passed off today as enlightenment and wisdom and and when you think like people used to think when people had brains they call you judgmental and old-fashioned and they accuse you of not being uh up on the time but but we're seeing craziness promoted as the end thing and this is one of the reasons why bible study is so important it keeps your mind strong so you won't break and give in to that crazy stuff the next thing you know you you're sanctified saying well i don't know i just don't want to judge nobody oh no no now your mind your vain vanity emptiness is getting in your head and and the devil is darkening your reasoning we're saying darken reasoning going on that's why we have to fight the culture wars and stand against these things some of the young folks shared with me the other night some of the preachers but we don't want to preach about homosexuality we don't want to talk about politics we're going to talk about this we don't want to talk about that well you know what what do you want to talk about you know you may tell me you don't you're going to lead people but you're not going to deal with what's going on in the world the things that are darkening the minds of people people watch a 24-hour news cycle people watch stuff all day long and everything you're looking at every commercial everything you're looking at is designed to get you to do something get you to think uh some kind of way buy some type of ideology well you mean to tell me you're going to come to a church and the preacher doesn't even bring it up well i want to say to you preacher your silence you're actually endorsing the devil by being quiet oh yeah and when you stand before god when you stand before god god will ask you why didn't you speak up the bible teaches that the lips of the priest should speak wisdom the leader ought to have something to say and in a time of battle you know you can't you can't get on the sidelines in the time of battle and then still have a whole lot of mile you got to be involved in the battle i told you before i lost i don't hate him we're not enemies but i wouldn't want to go to battle and we were years ago when i was pastoring in canada north carolina young minister friend of mine fine young man we were we were having dinner at a very exclusive restaurant there in rockingham mcdonald's and while we were sitting there uh having a big mac and a and a quarter pounder with cheese uh uh my minister who was with me he saw one of his friends and his friend uh was walking out the door and someone accosted his friend and used a racial slur so his friend went outside the restaurant to confront the guy who used a racial slur well my minister who was sitting there with me and pam looked at me and said pastor i can't let my friend go out there by himself so if my minister left the table and went out there and all of a sudden they're all surrounded by a bunch of guys uh uh so he went out there to go to to to go to to his rescue so i looked at my wife and i said i can't let my minister go out there and and and be in trouble so i went on out there my god looked around we were so surrounded i said oh lord we're in trouble and there was another elder who was with us and i look back for him because we're outnumbered now about 25 30 to three and the other guy stayed in the store the manager locked the store locked to me and he waved from that day to this day we've had no fellowship can't do that man law can't do that if you women don't understand it you're not a man but you can't do that and if you do you all you ought to understand it you can't do that praise the lord you you have to you have to say something and so the devil wants the real preacher to not talk about the things that are darkening people's imaginations dark reasoning is prevailing in churches dog superintendent parker dog minds dog dog look at this when you when you don't when you don't hold god in the esteem that he's to be held in you open your mind in your spirit to dark reasonings somebody say dog look at this it says and prof and look at this they don't know that they that that their reasoning is dog the abortionists don't know that killing that the unborn like that is dark they think there's something wrong with the protesters the man who has turned tried to turn himself into a woman thinks there's something wrong with us society now that praises women for being everything except mothers everything except wives think that there's something wrong with people who still have traditional values those of us who still believe in a husband and a wife praise the lord that god made them male and that god made them female and don't even let anybody know that you believe in law and order you better not bring that up the dark reasonings now are being uh passed off as intelligent thinking that will preach right there i could talk right here i got to get back to job but but dark reasoning he said here he says professing themselves to be wise they became fools and look at what they did and changed the glory of the uncorruptable god into an image made like two corruptable man and to birds and four-footed beasts and creeping things and look at what god did look at god's response did he curse them no did he rebuke them no did he make them sick he most certainly did not what did god do he left them alone the bible says do you see it wherefore god also gave them over gave them up to unclean uncleanness through the lust of their own heart he gave them up to themselves you're not going to reference me you're not going to respect me you're not going to look you're not going to honor me as god okay okay then i'm out i'm out of here and when god says he's out look at what comes in this is why it's so important for churches to be open and for preachers to preach and for the gospel to be proclaimed it's a force that keeps wickedness at bay [Applause] you know what he did he just simply left them alone he gave them what they wanted wherefore god gave them also also gave them up to uncleanness through the lust of their own hearts to dishonor their bodies between themselves oh and by the way i hate to get political but the the passages i'm reading to you now are the passages of scripture that the 44th president of the united states called obscure look it up look it up look it up obama said that paul's objection uh to homosexuality was based on a few obscure scripture passages in the book of romans now i'm gonna give you i'm gonna give you a homework assignment tonight look up the meaning of the word obscure and see if this is obscure see if this is meaningless look at what he says he says to wherefore god now i made you mad now i'm telling you that didn't he had he had to inject politics why because politics got in it see if you don't push back where the devil is pushing eternal you're gonna get pushed around you you you'll be a clown standing out there talking about something that is of no merit no you got you got to you got to hit the devil why are you trying to hit you say amen wherefore god gave them up to uncleanness through the lust of their own bodies to dishonor uh their bodies between themselves who changed the truth of god who changed right here who exchanged who king james has changed who exchanged the truth of god into or better for allah look at the people who are walking away from the bible and accepting other disciplines and doctrines and things lies lies lies we're bringing lies into the church lies into our families we're accepting and many times it's it's it's uh based on emotion you got a son or a daughter a aunt or uncle a mama or a daddy into behavior that they shouldn't be into all of a sudden your doctrine changes all of a sudden now wrong is right all of a sudden all of a sudden now uh uh the down is up and we got to be more tolerant and we've got to be more understanding no no no you can't compromise the standards of god because if the standards are compromised then no one can ever get delivered that loved one that you love so if you compromise the standard they'll never come up you got to keep the standards how paul says whether i fall even if i fall beneath the law he says i must give concern that the law is holy and that the law is good he never attacked god's standard we see the standard now being attacked we see the standard being attacked and that is not of god because you lower you lower the bar if you lower the bar we have nothing to respond to so how do we get it how are we going to get any better look at what he did i'm spending too much time on this i'm not getting anywhere i've got so many verses you know i could preach all night the bible says i'm not going to do it the bible the bible says wherefore god gave him up now look at this who exchanged verse 25 who exchanged the truth of god who changed the truth of god into a lie and look at this and worshiped and served the creature more than the creator let me help you with that who worshiped and served [Music] self self i want you to understand it what is who was the creature self humans became their own god is that not what we're doing now is that not what we've done was that not did did we not see humans become god when humans said that the institution that jesus died to establish humans put it on a non-essential list humans now say that they can change their sex humans now determine whether or not an unborn human being can live humans now are redefining all kinds of things humans are behaving as though there is no god and what's sad about it is humans are behaving like this both outside and inside the church so that's the problem that's the problem god's going to get you to if i be a man of god praise the lord we behave as though we behave as those there's no god our new god is ourself how we feel what we want when we want it what we're thinking how we feel about it i know what the bible says but you know uh uh i still i i still have my feelings what do you mean christian now i understand the sin of thinking that way but i don't understand a christian thinking that way pam and i was featured on one uh a program on a radio station and uh it was they had it's called relationship thirsties and we were speak we were the guests and everybody was calling in everybody was calling in we were answering questions left and right the bible said the bible says the bible says so when we went to break the director uh personally who's in charge of reverend uh everybody's calling in and it's going great but we have a problem what's that says man listen you my wife tate says you're answering too many questions by starting with the bible says so now when we go back uh we want you to talk but can you can you answer them without starting what the bible says so i said to him i said man now now you know you know i'm a preacher right you i mean you know you know i'm a holy speaker you know i'm homeless i'm sanctified church god of christ preacher i said now you you know i'm a preacher right and and uh you you know uh yeah i know and and we have other preachers on too and they can answer they they do good so we went back on the air i could i'm going to tell you the truth i try i couldn't answer one question because when you take the bible from the preacher if he's a real preacher you know what you've done you've emptied you've taken all the bullets out of his gun see now if you're going you you're going to tell me to answer a question but you're going to strip me off genesis through revelations i ain't got nothing and i still don't ain't no point nobody coming to me for counseling and uh now i want you to talk but uh we're gonna leave the bible out of man i'm the wrong guy john you with me we were at uh uh at uh uh one of the big universities remember yeah usa we had a had a big a big think tank invited me and four other preachers and uh and uh i don't know how they got me but they invited me and uh and and and they had a scientist in there and mathematicians and oh some smart folk uh biologists you know and so i'm understanding that what in the world am i doing here with all these uh academics academics these academians these smart people yeah i am a cornfield preacher uh and when i walked in i was introduced myself how i'm uh uh superintendent oh we know who you are oh man okay john y'all see that they know john and john and robert elder williams uh eloise you right there okay they know us and so it's time it's time to have the gathering time to have the the discussion the whole said now we're going to have this discussion but we're going to ask everyone because i got my seat i said what he told me and you know took my bible out you know it's my security blanket god you talk about security blanket lord i need my bible praise oh now you your bible may not be your security bank but i ain't like this is my security blanket amen i got ready to leave today and uh patricia was in the office and she said now are you going to leave your bible here until you come back i said oh no the bible got the bible got to ride with me and i ain't going to work at home put that bible in in my bag praise the lord praise i feel better feel better with my bible praise the lord call me diagnose me call me whatever you want i i'm probably all those things but i still feel better with my bible and i have a whole bunch of them but this is this this is one right now i'm preaching my last preaching bible i've retired it's in the it's an off i don't lend it the page is about to fall out i've worked that thing got notes all in it i love it so the man get back to the story the man said we're going to have this discussion but we're not going to engage uh in the nuance of scripture we're going to ask everyone to close their bibles so i knew right then patrick wouldn't answer any questions i'm dead you know uh so uh all the other preachers they'll tell you agreed to it i told them i said now you knew that i was a preacher i'm a preacher you know you know that i'm a man of god i'm a preacher before you invited me i said so if you don't want me to talk from the bible then i'm going to leave everybody in there said oh no no no we don't want you to leave oh i didn't care about am i am i telling the truth i'm not exaggerating at all they want it and you know what 98 of the questions came to me you know why those other clowns dismissed themselves by allowing them to talk them into closing the word of god let me tell you something as a christian what we know about god is the only thing that makes us relevant [Applause] it's not it's not merely that we exist but that we exist to do the will of the law to promote the gospel of jesus christ so people will hear the truth man man has become his own god who worshiped and serve the creature more than the creator and it is the creator who is blessed forever amen and notice verse 26 and for this cause god cursed them no god stomped them no god put diseases on it no he didn't do it know what god did god gave them up onto vile affections you know what god did he left him alone it's okay you don't want me i'll leave you alone one of my prayers has always been god whatever you do do not leave me to myself now whatever you do don't do that don't do that don't do that don't uh-uh if you want to be if you want to be left to yourself have at it but i'm saying to god don't leave me to myself i want the influence of the holy spirit i want the influence of the scriptures i want the influence of the love of god i want the influence of god's keeping power operating on the inside of me i don't want to be left to myself that's a formula for disaster he says for this cause god gave them up to look at this vile affection he did not put vile affections on them got to look at how the scriptures are constructed he did not put vile affections on them what is implied is he kept vile affections away but when he left him alone violent affection says hey file affections do what happens in every city when they defund the police when you defund the police the criminals crime skyrockets because the deterrent to crime has been taken away and the criminals begin to sing oh happy day when when god walks away the most wicked and heinous and godless thought that can come up in a person's mind can surface and control that individual looking back on it you see what god kept us even before we got saved better thank the lord that the lord didn't leave you alone a whole lot of things whole lot of things you thought about the whole lot of people thought about killing whole lot of folk you thought about robbing a whole lot of things thing you thought about doing but you didn't do it because god god gave them all up to vile affections what a vile affection vile affections are any affections that cause an individual to dishonor their own being vile affections for even their women oh i can i can see them online getting upset and some of not all of them get upset there's a whole lot of folk that says preach preacher thank god for you even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature see this these are the kind of passages that the equality of act would outlaw this this this is i pray that it never passes the senate and and uh this is what the powers that be now are pushing so then then you know what you have to do with these kind of passages you got to either skip them or make sure you're not being taped or make sure you don't you don't read them you you only read them or teach them in a company of people that you really really really really know because there may be a government in farming sitting in the congregation and they would say you know what he's he's he's promoting bigotry he's he's homophobic uh he needs to to be arrested he needs to lose his license oh yeah but this is the bible i'm just going to read it with no commentary just read it you don't have to you a three-year-old understands this says for for even uh that women did exchange the natural use into that which is against nature and not only them and likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman burning in their lust one toward another men with men working that which is unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was me do you know what that last phrase receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meat means they got what they deserved from practicing that lifestyle that's bible you know i remember one time in holiness when you read scripture like this everybody was saying man i have to buy amens from y'all now amen i know you're scared i understand praise the lord no i'm just messing with you you're i i'm going to tell y'all what what what what many of you make you make it a point to tell me after serving no bishop man of god we're just letting it all sink in well you never heard this before you heard this before now it may be that you're a little shocked that i'll still preach it and read it and go there but if you but this ain't something that you got to oh let me let this sink in you read it and some of you clap and look away you know man you better rebuke that spirit the devil is darkening your reasoning so you're offended at me but it's not my mind that's getting darkened it's not my imagination that's getting darkened it ain't me praying crystal it's not me praise god there must be something wrong with me no there's nothing wrong with me i'm right [Music] who do he think he is a preacher thank you ma'am god bless sister durham i might move up on the seats see because i get more amen from over there i can look at this look at this look at this he said verse 28 and even as they did not like to retain god in their knowledge you know uh a little girl got in trouble the other day because when she got ready to give her a commencement address she wanted to talk about jesus you see that she wanted to talk about jesus and she had to get a lawyer to talk to the school board and when they saw a big lawsuit coming all of a sudden yes you could talk isn't that something this is how low we've gone now now had she had a speech that's filled with blm filled with woke filled with all this other stuff they wouldn't have said a word but bring up jesus and all of a sudden it is inappropriate to talk about jesus in the school system when the public school system was started in america so that children could learn to read the bible theology is the mother of all learning we started our schools so that folk could learn the bible now the bible isn't welcome there's something wrong with that something very wrong even as they did not like to retain god in their knowledge god made them see them sick no god cursed them no god stoned them no he didn't god left them alone god gave them over to a reprobate mind to a mind that is unable to do right a mind devoid of the things of god a secular mind a mind that doesn't have the influence of the holy spirit working on it i don't want god to leave me alone oh i'm preaching i'm preaching good and he says and when they got that reprobate mind he gave them over to do those things which are not convenient conv things that are not fitting things that good people won't do are you are you praying for me and notice what it says and being filled with all unrighteousness fornication that is fornication in the uh big sense of the word which is not just premarital sex but this is fornication uh in the masculine sense which is paneer which means any illicit sexual activity adultery fornication homosexuality bestiality you name it that's what that word there fornication mean fornication wickedness covetousness maliciousness when peop when a person comes at you with malice they want to hurt you to do your home full of envy murder oh oh debate you can't hardly preach without folk posting debating as you go you got the devil in you with your reprobate mind debate praise the lord but keep on god's got you deceit malignity whisperers back biters and look at this oh there's so many of these haters of god despite for proud bolsters inventors of evil things the whole porn industry evil has crept in let me tell you something the capitalization and the politicization of things have made institutions that we used to could trust cia fbi medical community so forth and so on money has corrupted it all politics have corrupted things the same people who would tell you don't touch a thing if they're not in office will tell you you better touch it if they are see that's corruption what the truth is i don't know but i tell you this the way it's been dealt with money power and corruption and you see it even in the church preachers and teachers are being trained to stay away from certain things because parishioners know how to let you know because they vote with their presence and their pocketbooks now if you go that preacher at one time two men we don't want to hear that well now god didn't call you to dictate the subject matter [Applause] that's what god gives to the preacher so i want you to talk about this tonight oh yeah yeah all right then mother in the discussion yellow yes okay and and you know what that no point in trying to turn to any any other page in the scripture because he won't speak to you about it well now i know the lord told me to read romans but seem like to me it's in my spirit to go over here and read something in revelation god said you can go to revelation if you want to but i guarantee you this i won't give you one you preach what i tell you i am the lord that's what the god of the bible says so you don't want god oh my time is about gone you don't want god to leave you to yourself and yet job says to the lord leave me alone you know excuse me jesus left the temple nobody else got healed in there and shortly thereafter the holy ghost left too read about it matthew 23 verse 38 behold your house is left desolate and he walks out of the temple in jerusalem never to enter the temple again job could not understand what god was doing and i want to tell you something it was important in the mind of god for job now listen to this i want you to listen to this it was important in the mind of god for job not to understand what was going on for if he was if he knew that god was using him as an instrument to defeat satan all job would have had to do would be to trustfully just wait it out see no matter how bad this is i've i've already got the inside scoop on it and hey hey hey fellas my friend look don't y'all worry about it matter of fact y'all going on home cause i already know how this is going to end god is using me he's using me to defeat satan and it it isn't amazing when you start to go through uh what god doesn't tell you but that what he doesn't tell you is where the trust have to come in see the lord wants us to trust him he tells us enough to let us know that he's with us but he wants to know uh sister brody do you trust me so uh uh the bible says that which a man can see then why should he hope for it see god you know it's god you know it's the lord when it's just beyond your grasp as long as you can handle it it's i'm not saying it's bad but you can handle it but when god gives you an assignment god always gives you something where you need his help to do it amen amen see and and there are things that he don't tell you and he don't tell you to keep you pure he says to abraham all for isaac thy son thine only son and you've been waiting on him forever all for him now what god doesn't tell him is that i got a ram in the thicket had abraham known that in advance it wouldn't have been a big deal no when abraham said said to his uh servants you all wait right here and me and the boy is going to go yonder and worship and we will return he didn't know how god was going to do that paul tells us later on that abraham assumed that god was going to raise him from the dead because abraham went there to sacrifice him because that's what god told him and isaac said to his father dad i i see the fire i see the altar i see every thing but well where's the sacrifice his dad's standing up thinking with tears in his eyes saying to himself son you're it you're the sacrifice and he puts his son on the altar and he draws back his hand and god says don't you touch him you're talking about abram being relieved look over there there's a ram caught in the thicket and then god says now i know that you believe me now now now i i want to know i want to know tonight i want to know tonight i want to know tonight how how do we fare when the lord leaves out pieces of the puzzle how do we do when god decides i'm not going to tell you everything i'm going to tell you just enough for you to know that you got to go through but i'm not going to give you all of the details see and that's the way he deals with us and and so wherever you are tonight um there are things that the lord's not going to tell you i just need the lord to just speak to me i just he's going to tell you what he's going to tell you and what he's not going to tell you he's not going to tell you not until the time uh in some cases god bless you preacher and in some cases not ever i mean he don't have to until till we get on the other side then we'll see all things as as they are job had no idea that he was being used as a weapon to defeat satan and uh and but but as job surveyed himself and his situation he asked the same question that mary reacts that some ask the disciples or they asked when jesus was being anointed by mary magdalene in mark chapter 14 and verse 4 it says and there were some that had indignation within themselves and they said concerning the ointment that she used why was this waste of the ointment made oftentimes because we don't understand what god is doing we think it's a waste and before we criticize job too severely let us recall how many times we've asked similar questions when a baby died when a promising young person got struck down in an accident when someone who's a good man or a good woman left here way too soon we often ask why this doesn't seem right this this was a life waste all of the potential that that person has but that's because we're not god amen we're not god the lord knows the lord knows even when we don't now i i'm going to be honest with you i'm going to stop right here i didn't get any i didn't get far i have i owe you my intention tonight was to teach um verse 2 through 22. i told you i was going to start in one place and then go back but i think if i try to go to verse 2 and make it through 22 i could make it through 22 but by the time i'm finished won't nobody being here with me everybody say you know praise the lord pastor but i we we get it for the night so this is part one of what we should never say to god never say to god leave me alone never act out amen never never act out leave me alone god don't act that out how do we act it out we leave god we leave the church we leave our posts i'm tired of this someone's hurting my feelings i'm oh no no if you don't want the lord i'm asking god lord give it to me give it to me many people in the body of christ are walking in anointings that god had for someone else one of the most false teachings uh in the body of christ is and it's a beautiful song what god has for you is for you so you're led to believe that can't nobody get what god has for you ask esau if you know your bible ask esau know what the lord has for you is for you if you walk in obedience every person who's burning in hell right now god had heaven for them hell was made the bible tells us for the devil and his angels it was not created for people and yet there are people there because they wouldn't serve the lord they said last night wouldn't stay in the process don't miss out on what the lord has for you you may have to battle that's one reason why i want to spend spending time in the book of job he battles sister he battles he he goes back and forth and we already know the story we know how it ends he comes out on the other side life is a battle nobody goes through every trial perfectly nobody goes through and never feels doubt no one goes through and never have to contend with depression and all these things sometimes the sheer weight of the world can can be on your shoulders and god knows how to send something to revive you all of us go through these things but when you get through your back and forth you got to come down on the side of i believe god and i'm saying to the lord whatever you do lord don't leave me let us pray father in jesus name we come before you tonight and we ask you oh god with all of the sincerity that we can muster father whatever you do don't leave me in the name of jesus david said and take not your holy spirit away from me ha shaykh edibles glory it occurred to me how unhappy i would be if the lord would ever take his spirit away from me times are bad enough and sometimes the going gets tough but god whatever you do don't take your spirit away from me we pray for the more of you we pray to get into your presence more we pray to draw near to you as never before in the name of jesus hey hey hey great god of the bible great god of the bible engulfed us fill us with your holy spirit fill us with your presence [Music] keep us on god moses said if you don't go with us then don't take us up from this place lord keep us in the name of jesus we find our ease we find our comfort we find our relief we find our respite from the trials and the contradictions the visititudes of this life we find comfort and relief in the god of all comfort god of all comfort god of all comfort god of all comfort comfort right now comfort right now comfort right now comfort comfort comfort somebody's been been restless god's gonna let you sleep tonight comfort you wake up feeling good in the morning comfort or you'll lay your head on your pillow and you'll you'll exhale and say i'm in the lord's hand comfort comfort comfort comfort comfort comfort to the home comfort to the home comfort to the home we come against that static spirit ah somebody's dealing with a heaviness tonight a heaven is god gives you give you comfort right now god gives you give you comfort right now in the name of jesus comfort comfort comfort hallelujah stay close to us lord keep our minds clear keep our reasonings in line with scripture hey god give us the tongue of the lord and a god-regulated mind regulate our minds lord in the name of jesus oh god regenerate god renew god revive god revive in the name of jesus revive revive revive god give us that do right mind that do right mind that do right mind hey hey hey that mind that says god has me i'm in his hands anoint us to read the bible and retain scripture in our minds and this thing to think scripture when life's pressure grabs hold to us to to think scripture first scripture first scripture first scripture first pray the scripture saying the scripture leave the scriptures for they are able according to the scripture to make us wise unto salvation wise unto deliverance the scripture will give us how to think our way out of situations and circumstances the scripture will arrest emotions that shouldn't be there feelings that ought not to be there fear that ought not to be there oh god do it now and father as i close this prayer tonight and praying with our friends online and the saints here in the sanctuary father whatever you do and god we we we humbly submit this we ask that you not leave us alone and i hear the lord ring it in my ear from hebrews 13. let not your heart your conversation be filled with covetousness be content with such things as you have for he hath said i will never leave thee nor forsake thee thank you lord in jesus name amen give the god of the bible praises [Music] praise him [Music] [Music] entitled the one thing that we should never say to god bishop wooden gave us many uh wooden nuggets tonight he said everyone assumes they'll tr their trial is the worst that's a trick of satan and then there is never a season you're the only one going through satan attacks in clusters and then when it comes down to my salvation i don't go along to get along and then dark reasoning is being passed on as intelligent reasoning and lastly as a christian what makes us relevant is what we know about god come on can we thank the lord one more time for this masterful teaching that we've heard tonight you can't put a price tag on this kind of leadership and preaching what god has given us here at the upper room church of god in christ is rare can we clap our hands one more time for this dynamic leader and preacher that god has gifted to us and to the body of christ but we're proud to claim him as our pastor amen he's our bishop he's a jurisdictional prelate but before he was all of that he was our pastor and we wouldn't change it for anything in my right upper room this is our leader this is our pastor we're going to hold on to him and tonight we can do what we always do and that is be a blessing to him he's sown into us uh spiritual things so it's only right that he should reap our carnal i'm giving um 100 tonight pastor superintendent parker is giving 125 dollars chairman morgan one hundred dollars elder people's one hundred dollars elder wilson is sixty five dollars and he's present with us tonight um elder rayford fifty five dollars evangelist lester fifty dollars and brother ron moore fifty dollars say your man for these for those of you who are in person tonight you know the commitment that you've made to the lord at this time the ushers are coming to receive that offering uh whether it's a hundred dollars or fifty dollars give it with joy god loves a cheerful giver and i tell you what it's a blessing to be able to have something to give in these days and times if god has blessed you just wave your hands just if god's been good to you he's the one that gives us the seed to sow it gives us the bread he gives us what we need and god is a good provider isn't he [Music] amen the scripture says some trust in chariots some trust in horses but we shall remember the name of the lord amen god bless you sir hallelujah has everyone had a chance to give [Music] all right let us pray the heavenly father god we thank you tonight for both the gift and the giver in jesus name we pray amen amen in-person worship will be held at saul of the earth church of god in christ located at 1412 north church street in burlington and also streamed on the salt of the earth church of god in christ facebook page bishop wooden will host the next ministers in training class on tuesday june 1st at 7 30 pm please plan to meet in the sanctuary our next psalm friday service will be held on friday june 4th at 7 pm here at the upper room our speakers elder jose josiah evans evangelist shekinah hurst and sister karis williams will deliver inspiring messages and we're also pleased to welcome guest psalmist tamila hairston come experience on friday for yourself and bring a friend or two or three get ready for the 2021 upper room men's men's conference we are his male servants amen glory to god to be held thursday june 10 through sunday june 13th thursday and sunday will feature powerful preaching from our pastor and national men's ministry director bishop patrick l wooden senior on friday night family night we welcome npm regional director pastor jimmy benson for our early speaker and national men's ministry director bishop designate michael golden jr for our evening speaker the conference will also feature our second annual god first football camp to be held on saturday june 12th from 9 00 a.m to 1 30 p.m for young men men ages 6 to 18. this is a free event but registration is required please see your inbox for registration information or email elder james faison at faison.james and lastly the men's department is also in need of tents for the football camp if you own a tent and are willing to allow us to utilize it on saturday june 12 please email brother michael wooten at wooten m 36 that's wootonm36 or elder jude albert jt albert 24 that's jt 20 your support is greatly appreciated this concludes this evening's announcements thank you for your attention everybody say amen praise the lord god is good and worthy to be praised may we all stand thank you so much for your generosity tonight thank you for your giving did the word of the lord bless you tonight amen let's take the scripture and study it and and apply it to our lives and and i'm excited about all of the things our men's conference is going to be great the 10th through the 13th and on the family night that friday night we want you to come it's not this this particular friday night uh as the lord dealt with me and dealt with uh our men's department president elder wilson we we saw the lord where he stepped out we sought the lord about what we would do on that friday night and it's going to be there he is back there i had sent him on an errand um we prayed about how we wanted that friday night to go and lord spoken said family and we're we're we're asking uh bishop designee golden is coming and he's already told us that he's bringing a busload and and he's excited about coming i'm excited about having him to be here and with our theme uh male servants see god says this god says when he poured out of his spirit he would he would remember sons he would remember daughters right he would remember old men and he remember young men and he says you know what it puts the word even even on my servants and handmaidens will i pour out of my spirit even down to the slave and i don't mind being god's slave i don't mind being i don't mind being on the lowest rung of god's social scale he says down to the lowest wrong of the social scale well i poured out of my spirit and i'm saying god that's that's me you know when we sing the blood you know it reaches to the highest mountain and flows to the lowest valley when i get to the lowest valley i always say that's where he found me now some of us was found on the on the mountaintop but not me i was in the lowest valleys and he brought me out it's going to be a great conference i want you to get ready husbands talk to your wives wives talk to your husbands we're going to have uh uh awesome time singles and uh uh all of w we're coming to church and that saturday that football camp is going to be something so i'm we're very excited and we've been excited was it for a while but we had to let other things you know take place with week 54 week 52 and all that and uh and then uh penn uh pentecost sunday so now we're getting ready to give this a full court press and we want you to be a part of it so we're excited let everybody say god first our seniors are leaving first amen if you all uh uh would be so kind i think some of you ought to acclaim senior status so you know before your time all right [Music] that's good god bless you you're going home [Music] we love you with the love of the lord you
Channel: God First Official Channel
Views: 3,407
Rating: 4.8873239 out of 5
Id: 1x0E7E3m7UY
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Length: 120min 55sec (7255 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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