Throwing runs with eden

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] damn son where'd [Music] there we go all right anyways i'm not gonna i'm not gonna get sued or anything am i i think we're good anyways today we're gonna play some music i'm gonna try to do my best to finish up the um oh oh oh oh oh oh actually to my keyboard oops i was like finishing up the regular characters we are all the way to eden with complete checkmarks see worm thank you for the primer be thankful it wasn't licensed nintendo music true true would have uh i don't know i don't know who owns nintendo anymore anyways i was going to make a joke i can't make it anymore i'm [ __ ] gaming wait would i be isaac do we have it on this side of the screen or the other kiss the camaro [ __ ] the camara where's the camaro uh i think it was on this side it's been a while i've been playing photos in vegas for like a straight week uh we're gonna do that later also okay um we are i think in vegas we are like [Music] we're not halfway through the game but we're getting there we're getting there i i wasn't like yeah one dlc down some other stuff but there's there's a long way to go but first video games we're gonna do beast with eden he's probably gonna unlock me bad items because it's eden but here we go how are we real by now i'm doing okay november friday no not today there's a there's a sub goal now like if you want to subscribe to make me buy another stupid outfit you can go ahead and do that like kirk inventor right here with the prime gaming thank you palindrome word same forward and backward race car maybe level mine is her mood what palindrome this car no hamud isn't it's not [Music] oh my god dude oh we started you know i don't care because we started with sacred heart [ __ ] you my balls i started with 10 damage [ __ ] anyways yeah look at this i can shoot big bullets why is my window all the way up there there we go okay yeah i got a secret turn i don't give a [ __ ] i got homing and a million damage on stage one okay so cry about it we're doing beast though this is pretty this is the i started the regat i started the game with like the freest win of my life it this is unreal god [ __ ] damn car battery i think i'll throw it into the ocean where it belongs in the bottom of the sea thanks for the fun streams especially like the isaac once oh you don't like my fallout streams what is this i think what's up though especially the prime ones it's best but thank you for the subs especially for the tier three ones because i make more money um let's see be it beast yes or no i'm joking oh what the [ __ ] okay explode here please yikes also i'm going to be a little bit rusty because i haven't played this game for for a whole a whole week unbelievable right a whole week wow how does it do it i think uh i think the secretary missed it right there next to the left of the sacrifice room it probably is i'm gonna toss i have five bombs on stage one i don't know how but i do and there we go not this okay thank you anyways i have a half a soul heart that's that's you know what where that that is well spent on his sacrifice boom oh eternal uh do i do it i have a solar to make up for it afterwards if he is a bomb and half a heart there well i will i will get this either way this is a good resource to have three hearts one heart in there means i can get hit now one two three times three times would not equal anything good yeah let's see what the ball is choice on this hot summer day go to vaccine and i'm now be coming for wait what when i stream again any drink of choice on this hot summer day it's not also okay i think here we have like nine degrees celsius and i am now becoming a fallout ghoul good luck thank you for the prime man it's not hot here it's actually very cold this is a cold summer day i drink water lukewarm water time to die yeah okay so this is gonna give me a soul heart but we have two red darts here two red arts so that means we can just uh yeah let's just sacrifice all the red hearts and then and then uh you pick up the soul hearts oh that's the wrong room it's like first twice i might get an angel like that i haven't like done the math here but i'm pretty sure but yeah we got a chest use this hello doodles a little rumor nothing wow i got two more darts and then i'll pick up the soul hearts and whatnot i can i can't do three more with the half heart there leaving me at half a heart which is which is fine but i'll see how to see i'll see when i get there it's gonna cost me a bomb though let's see i i i don't have the entire chain of rewards for the sacrifice rooms memorized so i'll have to just boom and now i can get teleport and we got a chest okay so the next one here so the half heart is worth it because if you might get that yeah no we didn't okay but that's fine but do we do the coin thing or and the soul hearts it's gonna cost me a soul heart troll bombs key i'll be no vivo three we get troll bombs then we get the angel and then we get the coins oh yeah because there's gonna be a lot of money if i can there's just there's a half-heart here right now i already took that and okay anyways it's gonna cost me two solars but i think it's worth because no it's still here epic tremendous okay so now i can do two no we can't because they need another half i'm gonna have to sacrifice two of large gives stolens as well it's very risky well i can buy that actually just bomb this so i can go into the next level with like more than [ __ ] one heart uh here we go let's do the boss thing let's make him spawn first then we blow them up and he spawns boom there we go and he is pretty much dead there we go and now we might get solarz we got coins that's fine too but now we're done here i can afford that car battery honestly it could have some funny interaction later on so and i'm still gonna have 15 leftover coins actually i'm no i'm gonna have ten leftover coins we're pretty we're pretty well off now i think that's that was pretty good that was not bad at all what monster use for isaac a lot but all the mods that i use have zero effect on gameplay except for you could argue you could argue that the one that shows tinted rocks has has an effect but that's just so that i can like assess my environment faster and not and like reach chat okay it's just it's just streaming is it's more difficult when playing this game because i have to talk to you guys as well and read your messages and whatnot so i have like a little crutch installed to identify the tinted rocks also i i i have poor eyesight so i have i haven't i have many excuses for using that one so just [ __ ] try me i love seeing you play the game so much will you be doing a full video review type video of it i don't maybe i don't think i'm like very good at reviewing games or talking about games i'm like okay at it i can make like but the amount of time it would take me to make a comprehensive video about this game that has like that adds anything would would it be worth it you know i don't know perhaps i'm not going to do alternate routes though i'm going to kill this fire there we go can you please say obic obercham topke thunderbulgarian trace all right there we go twitch mod no so the thing about twitch mod is that it's the same annoy that word the twitch iteration as far as i know when you cheer bits it will like do something to the game it will alter the game and it can do probably good things or bad things but the issue is that i haven't beaten the game yet i haven't got no check mark so i wanted to get all the check marks without cheating because i think the twitch mode is essentially cheating right you just get free stuff um i pretty much stick to strict and stuff like that which is why i'm like desperate trying to justify using a tinted rock mod so no i don't think i'll be using switch mod until i beat the game i get all the check marks if i'm still playing the game then yeah i'll get it but we'll see you can [ __ ] me over as well yeah sure so in that case it would be like i'm sure it's pretty good for like entertaining for entertainment but for me to be like okay either i get something good and i feel like i'm chasing the game or i get annoyed because chat just [ __ ] up something i thought i was doing right it was a bit dumb but again i could do it for neutral because i love the i've already beaten the game and i've done everything i can in that game so yeah that's why i did it there well this is this is actually very good it's i have car battery with it and i have high base damage this is going to be very nice it's going to be nice for clearing out like uh small enemies like those those annoying yellow flies and dross they're gonna get [ __ ] by this like this boom all that look at that it's gonna do 20 plus 10 to their health twice which is yeah just kills them that's pretty [ __ ] good it just kills everything great and we have a soul heart that i don't really need honestly good morning gamer the gaming going well yeah this is like probably the most rigorous i've had in my life the first item i got was sacred heart as eden which is pretty [ __ ] rare as far as i know so we got that going secret room could be with the item room it can't be below the above the unidentified room or with the course room i should have probably looked for a sacrifice room first so i could have gotten an angel room here but you know what i don't care it's whatever actually i do care i'm just coping attack speed damage good now i have uh plus three damage thirteen goddamn uh what gives you that viewer on the left i think the the viewer thing on the left is vanilla you just have to enable it in options and i had to forget what it's called but yeah because there's no sacrifice room i could bomb for money but i don't really need money i don't care uh i could go to the i'll go to the cursor and buy a soul heart [ __ ] it that's pretty good that was worth uh it's probably up here yeah i could have checked it it's probably there's probably a little block in the in the item room on the bottom right that means it has to be on the top here it has to be here then there's no other way well that's also pretty good damage but is it better than this that thing has a four room recharge and deals 40 times 280 this thing deals 13 14 times two which is 28 plus 10 percent of their max self for every room yeah i'll get do i get book remember yeah i'll get the book it's gonna cost me two hearts but i you know now we're one from bookworm we were one from bookworm so that's fine i'll buy another one there we go destroys better as hp increases yeah when they get more max health it's gonna be good but even like since i have 13 base damage right now it's it's it's really good now as well like really strong very good every room is basically a freak flicker at this point like i just one shot everything except the least i suppose i saw the rock but i only had one bomb so i'm gonna see how it goes the tower i can use that for the signature i guess or i'll use that for the for the tinted rock honestly probably the best no all right i could also use it to play the room there with a bunch of shrooms might get a magic mushroom now we have okay we have three bumps now it's fine what's this okay and what's this uh dog [ __ ] nothing good but i could blow up this guy so that's fine you're the secret heart from the start yeah because we're playing eden he gets a random starting item from like any item pool so we were just really lucky and got sacred heart on the first floor which is pretty great pretty good pretty good can't complain the straw is going to be good here if i just pop this guy's open first there there we go usually a long fight but not today i don't get something for picking up that whatever wow all right i guess a little cursor is still relatively early i regret it i guess this throw also synergizes really well with um with dark one because like i'm gonna i'm gonna spawn red hearts and then he will just like you know [ __ ] him up more damage let's go oh [ __ ] they're immortal yes sure yet i'll do this now we have eight percent more save power chord for beast like you know six bombs is not going to make a huge difference there i think i just really don't i suppose just blows mushrooms instead didn't pay off but whatever nice that was a good chunk of his health holy [ __ ] god damn oh there we go okay add more damage well it was it was you know it was bound to happen it was bound to happen i was gonna get a [ __ ] item at some point uh do i bomb the angel i'm gonna not bomb him in case i get filigree feather yeah catacombs one let's go down don't forget to leave a trinket i don't need it i mean if i want inner child i guess i could leave it but i don't really care about inner child i don't think it will be needed i just really don't take it this is working out that's very good thank you very good this is this one is just stupid this one is just stupid rigged is this tainted to you no it's how what i just tinted eden man epic yeah entire room just dies every time god damn [ __ ] dick how dare you survive thank you okay nice dude oh hello queen of hearts oh [ __ ] wait there you go thanks there we go a little hermits here [Music] all right i'll bring the hermit so i can teleport um is there anything else to do there's a chest room but i didn't really have the key for it unless i just yeah this is normally in you gotta hate this room i guess we're done secret room cannot be there well i mean i guess it can but i don't really have the bombs for it i'll check this one because since i have like a shot easy way to gain health not really going to bother with secret rooms though let's go oh the bosses yes to the left nevermind hello horse life welcome wait is this is my damage actually 18 is that a syringe or is it actually it's actually 18 holy [ __ ] i'm gonna do a lot of damage there we go okay that's good left oh it's oh that item did nothing the stapler staples your left eye shut and this item it gives your left eye less seriously so it doesn't actually do anything yikes let's just do this one more pills up here i don't think i will i don't think i will you need shot speed i guess it could be good not opposed to the idea i'm saying i i'll say it's nice to have but it's that that could make your uh build worse also if you have something like a um like if you have homing shots you don't really need shot speed i think unless you pick up like if mascara and get like negative shots spears and [ __ ] if you get something like trisagion and you're low shot speed then your bullets are more likely to just stay on top of the enemy and do more damage it can be nice to have low shot speed but yeah never imagined the straw being this good like it's just doing everything right now yep thank you oh [ __ ] don't mind if i do captioning not just because it available me stats no other reason not gonna take those if i get a devil deal i'm gonna get this i'll bring this with my kids together funny hand i don't need bombs [ __ ] it lost soul is good it's literally really good like if you get a devil deal you can just take a demolition for free if you use the soul goodbye but i didn't tremendous all right uh well in that case it doesn't matter if i have it or not i could explore the rest of the rest the last of the level the rest of the level but [ __ ] it i don't really care i'm just going to go get my check mark at this point i have enough damage and stats to be the the beast so this is the number one so the next one we're gonna have to yeah not affect angels rooms yeah but this is the last stage of the like now we will get either angel or level but if i get devil i will just take the deal because i have like full hearts anyways if it's a good item i guess i should probably have saved that but doesn't matter yeah we're good i have the attack speed thank you for a spider man appreciate it yeah i guess it will be good for beast just get a little bit more damage no i don't think i will actually no no thank you all right let's just do the boston yeah attack spinning damage all on point no modifiers but with sacred heart you don't really need that what they were immortal goddamn cringe the more you know there we go well i want to get some stats so okay got two more damage and some speed that's cool yes goodbye i better go shot speed look at that great uh i think we're good here look we have a hermit so i can just teleport up with that i don't know why did that anyways angel oh what's this yeah i think i will i like this mod this is great and in they go are you going to check out the acoustic like a dragon the english one it's basically persona that's one no i'm not gonna check out the english one if i'm gonna play that that would be japanese oh go goodbye mm-hmm oh on oh [ __ ] okay all right thank you book oh my straw oh my straw i like maestro uh straight over all right boss time i mean i could go look for it but i don't need it at this point i think i'm good [ __ ] [ __ ] all right still got that all right he's playing this team down so i'm done oh [ __ ] anyways that's good there we go unimaginably simple because someone repeating the rules what rules mcdonald's gamer thank you for what's up man ah yikes tickets give me a heart thank you superintendent i hope you're ready for mouth-watering hamburgers i thought you were having steamed clams oh no i said steamed ham that's what i call hamburger you've got a hamburger steamed ham dude perfect you know these hamburgers are quite similar to the ones they have at crusty burgers my book sorry a bit quiet i'm just listening to the beautiful dialogue i haven't heard it before lord what is happening in there entirely within your kitchen yes oh my god he killed himself you bastard will you not kill yourself oh cool i that's a bit late but thank you thank you i was this handsome could it be bombs okay the pill take the pill [Music] appreciate it infested all right i could do one more room and get some hearts i guess from this draw let's see if we get okay that didn't even work out oh i lost one great thanks okay we're not doing that this is cool tremendous can't sleep i guess [Music] awesome very good very good all right here we go [ __ ] that laser man yeah i'm bad at games it's been a while pretty slow actually what's that oh [ __ ] nice all right almost one year now still love you albibo thank you for the sub snippets god oh you bastard yikes there we go all right okay [Music] what yikes go on then oh no longer oh [ __ ] i hope that was enough i want to spend as little time as possible in this face there we go good that's like the worst face which is why i wanted the warrior to strength strength to last that long hello next this is hard yes [Music] [Music] almost fast enough big payout today big payer payday amazing stop tremendous there goes your money i shouldn't have picked up the sword the store i i just shouldn't pick it up i just shouldn't it's just not this is not smart it just it just ruins runs it doesn't matter how like good you think you are the game the sword will just ruin runs that's it not my heart man okay awesome it's fine though i have a plan could it be to the left here it's prior police yes all right i'm feeling an hour on this one i'm feeling an arm this one oh not a chat i meant in the game blood rush does not work with that okay leaves mascara 5 damage this would just be outright painful yeah i think it would will haunt straw no hp that's pretty good six damage yeah i'll take it oh scarborough but whatever [Music] my attack speed is garbage but it's okay this is a good synergy item okay it will work out it'll work out don't worry about it all right wrong thing nice gaming btw gaming grits okay this is all hard [Music] nice [Music] i think i'll uh is somewhere left this guy there we go yeah i think it would be best because i want to get angelite and floor one if that's possible to do that okay so it's it's three i need one two three soul hearts can i get that i don't know with this health i'm not getting any devil deals that's for sure fast [ __ ] nice any shops i got money was everyone spending random crap i don't know it's just what they do well no sacrifice i guess no i have heart up i guess thanks it's fine what do we got okay one whole damage there we go [Music] i don't think that's very good with this item oh sniped well that's good uh i can't really get into this it's an arm moment i'm gonna go piss though first it's peace and then we we are okay brb so all right our a compass and eraser hands are terrible terrible terrible that's good wash your hands what do you mean wash my hands i did so what do we get here all right right we got we got that curse we got the funny curse yes may i have a key please okay kill me a moose okay good good start this is no no i don't think i will right this is gonna take a while my god oh my lord [Music] it's like a nice damage item but god it takes forever to kill stuff maybe it's not a good damage item i don't know anymore okay nice spawn it on me thank you okay thanks okay this game oh three more times all right there's no yeah there's no way telling where the cursor miss so anyways you can't to connect them with stump well it's like it's like literally the same as the regular horn except it's it's stumped so it makes sense right doesn't have the sharp part but it's still [Music] okay all right that's not that's not bad not bad come here i guess i'll do this okay nice thank you thank you game i appreciate it this room again all right more damage would it get even more let's just go for devils okay that's not um yes yikes dude can't be here yes release it's probably certain what okay uh huh well that solves the that problem i guess well it's better than the [ __ ] stump that's for sure no the boston what about it although you're in the challenger can you can open that god damn okay let's do that then would make sense [ __ ] off okay this guy [ __ ] you i'm being boned okay great it could have been there but anyways there's a heart up there but i don't really care that's whatever i'm just getting damaged like i already have enough time but i have 20 damage now dude now some tax bit or something thanks yikes good thanks very good item yeah i think it will actually okay let's bring this uh to the whatever room we get if we get one let's just ensure that by doing this i'll bring it but first i'm gonna use this to i'm gonna research the key a couple of times to try to get the super secrets or secrets you want to stand still you [ __ ] goddamn i think it's there no it could be there not great okay what can be in trouble what the [ __ ] thank you [ __ ] flies on my first run today i already had this damage the damage i have now i already had that okay i don't like stage three but now i had homing as well i had [ __ ] did i'm salty that i picked up the [ __ ] sword just for fun whatever it opens the bathroom damn did that one shot those guys what did i get taking more damage well let's get the diplopia the spawn was sick tart man thank you uh there could be some more stuff i think but let's not ruin the chance shall we let's just go to the boss i'll have to give up the if you don't get an angel room or double room i'll have to give up the that's key but i have so many bombs and keys now it shouldn't really be a problem all right this guy oh that just makes it so much better thanks game yeah just launch it right into my [ __ ] dog jesus christ well there goes that i guess one percent oh let's just go next [ __ ] it whatever jesus what's this done well great well the shot speed and text bit really else that's so far so we've got something going here [Music] yes anyways anyways wake up let's just let's just leave this let's just we'll be order yeah let's just leave this here okay i'll get it in the trailer for the boss i guess i would have needed it so we'll get that well having strength was really good as well but whatever [ __ ] this game i didn't think it would hit him nice dude all the rights boss yes thank you cannot get an aids boss please okay that's terrible okay what the [ __ ] man i [ __ ] this [ __ ] game [ __ ] this game i don't care anymore dude oh we got rock bottom though we got rock bottom [ __ ] off i don't care i go to the bottom okay it's fine that is gonna live okay i just gotta live do my damages my damage is garbage but it's not going to get any worse okay let's just say that hello [Music] so i'm being bullied please stop stop camping him [ __ ] dog uh it's a burst magician i'm not gonna take that nice great well i did kind of do that so nice okay one would have been enough but thank you i guess my damage isn't that bad like it's 3.75 which is like it's not as good as the lost but that's fine my move is stretched though well it's uh it's a soul heart um are we good then i don't have bombs for that thing so forget use a magician it's reversed it's a rush look at it look at it it's upside down okay projectile repulsion i'm not gonna get the item i like this one more great cry about this all right i'll keep my gambling machine it's okay for you to gamble but for me no i'm not allowed right can't have it all right wow could have an item that like extracts my stats that'll be nice oh my god [ __ ] this it repents enemies too so it's nice for this room hardest room in the game i keep getting hearts what the [ __ ] yes look okay okay adam if i got the money for it i guess hello a bomb tremendous well two i'm gonna go open that chest then can you describe base to my friends yes brain rot what based it's just like saying good or cool there we go all right thank you thank you i needed that moving space that's actually not that bad um and one damage item be very much appreciated one single one [ __ ] she will fly so i think about it [ __ ] this ball man all right what do we got here oh that's not bad it's okay it's okay with rock bottom it's not bad it's not good either [ __ ] this room because i have no damage whatsoever this is going to be hard wow i mean rock bottom is nice but when you have nothing no stats to increase then it's kind of pointless yikes i want that okay that's useless a pickaxe okay all right [Music] forever devil room you get angel rooms are always one step ahead think i'll be no think no it's gonna take a while money devil deals are based and evil pilled true they can be good but it's like unlikely well this is one of the items that's very very good with uh with a rock bottom with rock bottom this is pretty good with rock bottom 40 damage that's pretty good can't complain damage issues no more thank you you don't have a gamble yet where's my mods almost let me get some food i don't have i don't have dinner today like i forgot to buy dinner i woke up hungover i was like surely i don't have to surely have severe responsibilities right should they pull at the same time what kind of food i get actually no you don't get to do that i'm getting sushi where's that let's not let me order yes i got okay i gotta add a card just what are you doing i'm streaming man let me just order the [ __ ] goddammit what's wrong with this app okay okay this is broken what's wrong with this package oh my god wait are they closed they close at seven is this a joke the closest seven seven this is not real thanks what are your clothes it's friday today right it's friday am i wrong you silly goose you have to put the card details in twitch chat oh okay yeah i see it's real there we go order confirm confirm thank you okay there we go okay that that was harder than it had to be but i made it let's please do some ipk gaming okay spider buddy i think i for will is also i think options is probably better options is probably better why did my phone vibrate super a human being a senior order okay that's reassuring thank you sure i can eat this pill with no consequences okay range down one good pill please experimental that's good i got a heart nice great oh money i can for i can afford options now tremendous i never gamble before but i believe today please don't find us way too loose i pick a rock bottom i you never know i can i can make a lot of things to happen okay i can assure you of that thank you now it just needs like a brimstone or something something with like synergy with this and normally that would reduce my damage a lot but with rock bottom so just stay why is my attack speech so insane what the [ __ ] oh because it didn't get reduced holy [ __ ] uh okay do i get that yeah that's three damage i have him this year [ __ ] i'm just gonna leave [ __ ] this [ __ ] goodbye idiot huh this is fun great did you start running with rock bottom as eden yes i did i did actually and it's very nice thank you oh this is good with rock bottom this is actually very good that's really nice yeah i understand this oh no not spikes not spikes okay good to know but i can stand up but yeah these and not not like yeah thank you thank you but no thank you void is playing off now call me a [ __ ] all you want i don't care i'm this great the sus the sauce all right all right raindrop the game really likes giving me a range up like that's for sure it do be enjoying that uh do we get the cursor there's a mini ball so check it out i [ __ ] just [ __ ] i don't care that oh there we go 68 damage tremendous because the the big big mushroom proc 68 that's not bad yes yeah spawn on me [ __ ] i have too much range i thought i had too much range this is the point where if i find a if i find a brimstone i win the game attack x i win the game there are some others but yeah basically that or or soy milk sorry it's not that convenient but it will win the game i'm getting it if i can wow [Music] all right then we got two more items in the thing awesome nice all right uh what could this be sweet i'll bring his arrow yeah i think i'll bring it i think i can bring your jarrah should be fine i know 60 damage will do more than that but okay no yes item room i have a good lighting room okay let's go find that what's that oh there okay the rest of the restaurant was busy so they're gonna take a bit longer that's fine i don't care thanks what's this done great there we go you need this mod if you don't already have it i'm augustine circle yeah or the other good mod thank you of course of course that should be here as well i guess i think i'll check this but yeah okay ah this can give you so much [Music] huh [Music] now can i dupe that or can i avoid it i want to avoid it now is that possible do we have any charge batteries somewhere huh i do tremendous um i could draw this for some more hearts i think i will actually or no it could be it could be used let's just get two bonuses fine i still have to fill them so i'll keep jera for something else i'm gonna go pick up those hearts what's up in here there we go one over there as well i'm no i i i need two i need two hearts to go into a curse room so let's get that we can go into the curse room because at this point i'm using red hearts which can be replenished easily this is good for bc i'll take it this is very good for beasts i will have to use jarrod on this roto because i can't bring it you know well i could yeah i could leave it honestly thank you all right i guess kind of useless but whatever okay all right thank you this is a nasty room what the [ __ ] yikes hmm who's going to try those experimental pill i don't think about it thank you well that's not going to be used for anything at this point but this battery is nice why did it spawn two cards what anyways crystal balls give that okay i needed that perfect uh so let's do the miniboss first i guess all right there's that let's just bring that with me so i don't forget goodbye [ __ ] wake up okay let's check it out spectral is gonna be nice honestly because it will only blow up on enemies done very nice indeed all right boss time all right oh hello what's this then oh hello cool uh yeah i think that's good i'm not gonna avoid him i'm not gonna avoid that fart thanks thank you now i gotta go all the way up there to get those black hearts closed captioning not available well to be fair what i could do yeah huh [Music] yeah it could be nice [ __ ] it the world until i get to fool again let's look at mom and we're good whatever it's nice because i don't have to think about hitting a school accidentally which is epic thank you uh negative it doesn't matter and down we go look at such there we go big money not so big money what the tears up okay i guess it's going to be like a speed up for me now we got two speed that's good oh i want that mine okay [ __ ] huh okay well it's free so hmm hmm i don't know nah i'm not gonna take it for such a draw there's like a long drawn-out fight i don't wanna like [ __ ] up it's gonna be so dumb if i if i it's gonna be done for you if i get teleported on the final boss i don't want that that's stupid oh there we go stupid i think i'm done here item room is taken no it's not but i can do it on the way back doesn't teleport the other boss why don't they run oh okay i didn't know that okay oh my god really oh my god dude i'm so lucky i knew i knew picking up options would be good man i [ __ ] knew it i [ __ ] knew it i [ __ ] just i [ __ ] i think the final boss is gonna disappear okay yeah this is good we'll just have the sauce with me that's actually good machine gun uh it's already over here right yeah machine gun 70 damage i pick 71 damage by the way on the windowsill jesus christ only now is homing man homing will be epic oh my god carnage who cancer even faster even faster let's go even faster [Music] pov obama i'll be sucks yes you know these hamburgers are quite similar to the ones they have in crusty burgers all right we are yeah basement one more after this goodbye yes nucleotides entirely within your kitchen yes now oh it's an enemy yeah x i didn't know that i thought it was like a rock so where the spectrum will go through it like it's not bullied oh my god even those guys don't stand a chance wake up okay that's all i need to hear thank you here we go dream yeah yeah i wonder like how much damage is gonna do to dogma like how fast is he gonna die thanks but i could avoid that to be honest nice break foreign all right then this is being small and fast during this is super nice it's so nice rip ligma a little bit awkward okay yeah it's good it does good enough damage it just good enough that's fine there's a taste of it on medicine [ __ ] drone strike now uh there we go the his next face is really nice so i'm glad you shouldn't last too long yep no it didn't i i think i think i managed to brute force the wind we're just getting uh rock bottom so i make you up again the order is important now am i gonna interrupt it not quite that damage like that okay now he's dead how am i showing the game no i wouldn't there we go zeus everything in jar that's what we get right and a white clap [Music] yes all right [Music] oh oh now all these characters all the way till the last actually then we only need this for him i'm very close to getting megamas very close right around the corner can you show them what you have installed yeah pretty quick 55 mods jesus uh still lit it i guess then [Music] doing good no galo good morning ah a regular run what excuse i keep practicing or in chat come on there we go that's more like it i can do that when you kindly die hello all right surround us we are doing what oh we need bosses and [Music] hush nice item rather unlocked next the amount of farts holy [ __ ] range now but everything else up speed down as well okay all right i'm done mother either don't think i'll do that though right now [Music] almost done it does nothing for me cool great well i'm drunk as [ __ ] gonna sleep see ya thanks for the content all right nigel good night thank you for stopping by yes [Music] oh my god oh my god that sucks that is terrible probably not good but we'll see there's backward tears wait oh it gives you spectrality what the [ __ ] that's not so bad then i could totally work with that money well i'm gonna die if i take that so i don't think i will i i can another keys for the shop though [ __ ] i might use a recursion just to force it or i could look for a secret room i guess a bit alerted right here a reverse turret card all right what card is it though thanks you should do it right yeah i never learn i never learn don't take pills do not take the garbage [ __ ] man it's probably here guess not no that's good for that's good for that's good for this character i think it is that's not bad that's pretty good i don't know much more damage i do now but probably a lot bff's lilith yes that's not bad that's fine let me check my food if it's like around around the corner or what five minutes until it's delivered that's on its way here right around the corner oh [ __ ] strange key yikes let me get that now i can do hershey either way yeah that's good we will at least get harsh now yikes okay what are you going for albino uh i don't know i whatever i have the key so it doesn't really matter it do not matter epic epic [Music] oh it's better than two hearts [ __ ] that no may i have a a key please you won one key guess not [Music] getting bombs though hello um get in my food one sec [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so so [Music] so [Music] [Music] ugh food time i am hungry as [ __ ] i'm buying a food review but unfortunately i just picked like the first sushi thing that i saw and this is one that has strawberries on it there are strawberries on my sushi and i don't i don't like it i'm gonna pick it off it's garbage i love my garden food got here let's put in the video while we while i eat this because i'm just gonna eat it [Music] we're watching we're watching this last time it's about wings redemption found the rabbit hole they now deride him with much the same glee and enthusiasm as those looking to harass him and wings just got confused and shaved his whole head and beard with a razor and now he looks like a milk dud now he looks like a thumb he looks awful so who is wings of redemption and how did he go from being one of youtube's most popular creators to the subject of widespread and perpetual ridicule in the late 2000s only a few years after youtube was made available a new kind of video content was gaining popularity known as call of duty commentary which would chiefly consist of footage captured from the eponymous game and similar first person shooter titles the commentary in these videos would often be related to the gameplay but other times the video served as a vehicle for musings by the creator on any variety of topics among these early creators were names still active today at varying levels of popularity such as c nanners hutch tabes and dr disrespect who utilized the format to increase the official popularity of this group however there was one in particular that stood out a man named jordy jordan going by wings or simply wings he took to the style of video quickly two weeks after a test upload of himself playing call of duty world at war with no voice track he released his first commentary video on october 24th 2009 hello hello uh yeah hi again this is my first commentary and here we go i was going to do a shotgun vid i recorded today but well though he had little trouble talking for long periods during the 10-minute run time he apologized both during his commentary and in the description for various things including long pauses and his choice of subject matter even so he found himself comfortable creating videos and soon he was steadily producing new content including commentary videos as well as shorter videos highlighting impressive feats he accomplished in the game though his opinions were strong he was still viewed as maintaining an affable and relatable personality perhaps interested in maintaining an air of authenticity he would continue to record his commentary as a single take restarting the recording if he was not satisfied but willing to excel oh [ __ ] i lost it in this oh man it's late i'm tired and i'm ready to get this over with uh this is take three on the commentary on this because i've been having a brain fart and i bitched entirely way too much about quick scoping in my last two attempts he soon began using a short intro labeling himself as intense camping productions a play on the camping strategy common to first person shooters during this time he would engage frequently with his commenters and even stated that they were having a positive impact on him and before i go on with that let me uh just say i want to thank all the subscribers for tuning in and watching my videos and hopefully uh rating them at some point but i'm going through a hard time in my life right now the moral support you guys are doing fantastic i always said the love outweighs the hate understand true brother while the precise numbers are uncertain this literally was receiving thousands of views not in the first month both for the time and for such a new channel his subscriber count also began to grow in tandem but this attention was both positive and negative because his in-game username was visible in his videos people would message him on his console wanting to be his friend or asking for game advice they would even join his games mid-session and their skill levels would vary widely which could influence his ratio of wins to losses which he felt important however it was the comments in his videos that would prove the more emotionally taxing the call of duty community is well known for decrying certain playstyles as illegitimate or lesser and among these is the aforementioned camping strategy wherein a player chooses a single location and waits for opponents to approach this more methodical method of play was jordy's favorite tactic and one that he was unashamed of using though he was clearly self-conscious of it to the point that he felt the need to defend himself over its use in his very first commentary video i mean i just wanted to get this off my chest because some people think i'm a camper which i am a camper i i'm i ain't going to be lie to you i can't the [ __ ] wind if it requires me to camp to get the upper hand on you i will kill you but this did little to dissuade criticism while viewers agreement being met with completely displayed high level gameplay his usage of the strategy invoked occasional ire in the comment sections this quickly wore at jordy's patience and he would soon begin to respond to these commenters on november 23rd less than a month after his first commentary upload he created a video titled point of address in which he discussed the multiple issues he had begun to face if i'm playing in a game i don't want y'all to come in and try to join the game because what happens is you actually use my tips against me i mean i don't want to have to try hard every game i play don't ask me serious questions wow i mean i'll seriously thumb down anybody who just messes around and wants to know you know doesn't put my finger up my dog's butt or something like that come on guys be serious later that same day he released another music tips a bit more about himself and his living situation asking for donations towards an xbox 360 so he could play with viewers first and foremost a lot of people have asked me am i going to ever invest in an xbox i wouldn't mind getting an xbox but i'm currently unemployed at the time i got laid off my job october 14th and i'm currently on unemployment um so that means i cannot splurge whatsoever because i went from making a thousand dollars a week to 350 but there is another alternative a thousand per week is pretty good hundred of you donate one dollar i would be able to get an xbox 360 modern warfare 2 uh a year's worth of xbox live and the cables for hd pvr um and i could play with xbox people i make stresses you do not have to give me money however he also began feeling a need for his videos to perform well and he noted what he perceived as the low number of ratings he was receiving in relation to his view counts my videos get around 2 000 views now and they're still only getting 200 ratings and if you could just click any of the stars i don't care if you want to one start put a lot of time into them could you please just help me out and when you watch the videos put a uh just put a rating on it because i put a lot of videos out i i'm not like other commentators that put one video out a week where they have time to go back and do the animations and all this thing i forget to do a lot of that mess because i didn't put videos out raising a video doesn't cost you the money within the first two months jordy had gained her colleagues almost immediately [Music] in a now deleted video jordy decried those who practiced a technique called quick scoping arguing that it was too unrealistic to be legitimate in particular he attacked another call of duty commentator who went by hutch who had a significantly larger viewer base at the time these comments perhaps unsurprisingly drew ire from hutch's viewers rather than allow the feud to continue the two of them decided to hold what they called a friendly debate in which the two of them would discuss their particular grievances with the other chiefly their play styles and record it this recording was later released as a commentary video on december 13th 2009 hosted on hutch's channel as he was introducing himself jordy revealed a few details about his own life wings of redemption that's quite an intro buddy once you take it down a notch just you know take it down maybe another 14 decibels what the [ __ ] oh the the ebonics thing is uh something that my channel came accustomed to i stopped it at one point and people requested me to bring it back it's not how i where are you from that you're speaking ebonics uh i'm from myrtle beach south carolina i actually grew up in the uh garden project you gotta get slapped in the nuts for speaking of boniks if you're from north carolina i'm south carolina oh are you are you white yeah i'm like white as it comes but i did grow up in a black predominant neighborhood and that when when i grew up the kids i hung out with spoke about i guess i guess i qualified i guess that qualifies you to speak about yeah the rest of the video stayed mostly civil with both parties waiting patiently for the other to make their point and speaking with an enthusiastic but restrained chip even though they couldn't come to a consensus with the drama successfully defused jordy continued to upload videos to his channel and he grew rapidly his propensity for sharing information about his life would increase chips that taste like shrimp uh some people requested me to show some videos of some of my guns i guess i'll start out with the call of duty guns that i own he would often use his firearms as filler images when he wished to upload commentary without video content specifically in his point of address videos which became regular fixtures of the channel around this time he was beginning to attract the attention but of other gameplay channels on january 4th 2010 he released a dual commentary video with another commentator going by woody's gamer tag is my actual gamer tag and i go by woody the unexceptional gamer this began a trend of inviting other commentators onto his channel to discuss the game and their opinions on strategy and tactics to produce exclusive gameplay videos for their channel perhaps feeling a new phase of his life beginning he quickly cut ties with a different communal channel personally out of your shoes because you have to watch them be ridiculing other people on the channel you can't have them or moderation wait no i just don't like i haven't people come in here and say that they've had to watch ads honestly i don't mind either if i have mad ads i make money if i don't then people don't have to sit and watch for like a half a minute which is also good machinima was a big scam there was like a thing back in the day on youtube where like you would like join the network uh to manage your channel or something and they would do absolutely nothing for you and take your money but i think machinima was one of those they would just like contract you and never let you out of this the contract and you would just lose money for nothing like if you if you if you ever start a youtube channel and you get approached by like a network like a network who say like oh we're gonna we're gonna bring you sponsorships we're gonna do this and that and you're gonna make so much money it's it's a lie it's a scam i don't know how why it's how it's legal it's probably like technically illegal but i'm it's like a legal loophole or some [ __ ] because like they're basically scamming you networks do nothing absolutely nothing for you ever they are they just take your money and do nothing there you go youtuber advice for today don't sign let's see gaming i just gotta wipe up some soy sauce that i spilled on my on my desk so you speak norsk in english anything else nope that's it what about tick tock tick tock hype house the [ __ ] is that [Music] ah i love one more trip the only thing you do is if you get a dmc they can file a counter on your behalf yeah and they take you because of you like oh you're gonna do it yourself you get the dmca you dispute it that's it if it's not legitimate you just dispute it why do you need to pay someone a cut off your money to have them do that that's [ __ ] but do they still exist in the west like russian youtube or these companies used to exist but i don't think they do now or they're unpopular do who still exist network i get an email once in a while not so much now but during my youtube career i've gotten a bunch we're like hey we can get you ads actually and like can you though i don't think you can great uh well there's a couple more things i can check here i guess no the secretary was probably here then that's unfortunate the little bit of free shop without having to use a key there we go tremendous now though we're gonna decide it could it be on the left here yes but can it be on the top on the heart room yes so it's probably here then okay and there we go more keys cool i'll just have these chips available so i can eat them and give you asmr when i play video games networks see i know they probably exist but i think most youtubers like when they see a network trying to contact them they're like okay so what are you going to do for me like what's your what you know what do i get from this and when they realize that all that they're telling you is just very vague things that don't really seem to matter then then hopefully they will just you know not sign because if you sign you get scammed it's not a huge deal i mean it's like a 10 they usually think like 10 15 or [Music] something there we go no they want range actually nice perfect okay this room sucks with the the whis maybe i kind of does [ __ ] off i need pickaxe or like bounce bouncy shots would be amazing right now rubber cement there's a lot of items that can make this good and when it gets good it's very good but i just got to reach that point there we go all right this is terrible there we go okay tractor beam yeah will be good too that would be epic jmg gm jellyfish thank you for the five subs man appreciate it [Music] okay well i gotta find that you know nice oyster room please item oh my god [ __ ] this room this is the worst room in the game horrendous [Music] did he die oh i guess he died okay yep done item run please [ __ ] off nice [ __ ] off i don't have speed to actually move past that yeah i forget well i i run this scuff there's only one way to save it okay there's only one way to save it one way through the funny coin [Music] oh fish it happens that's why i mean i could have a good damage it's just scuffed okay okay anyways did we have a chance i guess that it worked out kind of so albino hold the r key to activate your ultimate ability i should try it out labyrinth thanks i kind of want to try the super ability what i think about it three of them what the [ __ ] yes there we go all right okay i guess it's yeah oh this this i should never pick the shot it's so it's so aids but i swear to god if you get like tractor beam or homing or anything it's really good it's like double damage if yet you know get synergy which you won't by the way i'm molding okay i kind of want to go with that that's a rare room what the [ __ ] can i find out the room please yes i guess i can't thanks [Music] of course the big one is me thanks [Music] there we go oh my god finding your size room is impossible albino be like i don't want anything to influence my runs until i beat the game in its entirety proceeds to reset runs influencing rng to give him a good start and it's in the game it's in the game it's fair if it's in the game it's part of the game just how it is okay oh i can shoot the straight now kind of thanks i'm very bad at this game i get i'll lose my super ability there we go there's my super ability [ __ ] it oh [ __ ] see i'm glad i did that tremendous but it works thank you awesome room come on stop blocking my [ __ ] bumps man thanks i blocked my own bombs okay awesome that's great how does this work done okay we got two bombs tremendous and i blocked them something tells them we're gonna need a host hat for this [Music] oh [ __ ] two more thank you tremendous pyromanic yeah the best item in the game or one of the best that would be great i've only seen it one time when i broke greed that's like literally on time i've seen it never otherwise never you had a nice day thank you for the sub man hope you had a nice day as well what the [ __ ] oh that works i guess capri moon thank you for that man let's run this well if the boss has got to be down there man bum bumpers would be nice yeah but they are um chance based when they get them like if you get brimstone bombs then they would like proc as brimstone bombs sometimes all right i'll give him this golden coin it's gonna take a while prepare to walk we're playing [ __ ] that's surrounding right now [Music] oh [ __ ] jax strand type who was it that made the the was called gma himself it was like it was a strand type game like strand this is its own like category oh [ __ ] money a strong type game oh we got a cube how nice epic well let's give it the box i'm all for that i have enough case to do this okay great oh no okay [Music] serious pleasure thank you for warning bits i'll get empress could be down here actually although i think about it also be up here [Music] one thing i always wanted to try out with this is scatter bombs scatter bombs would be funny it's like a low quality item but this would be cool okay don't cry about it the sharp uh i guess i'll get that at least tremendous i think i'm good sober thank you for the for the sub [ __ ] the whole year thank you man with rl craft anyways how are you good how are you man i hold them here a euro molding all right well i might as well give it to this guy sounds like any bombs can you give him like a bomb items i'm giving good money i only ever get coins yeah i think he's like he's unlike he's like the charge the chargebomb where like he can give [ __ ] like actual items related to batteries and whatnot but it's like so unlikely it basically never happens when i gave i gave over 99 coins to a battery bomb and he'd give me nothing like he just kept charging my [ __ ] wizards aid but it's not like i have any other user ramps i might just give it to him when i can oh can i get the minion thank you ah i think this is a good item i have so much money that i can just buy the rest of the devils so i'll get this srg twinkie thank you what's up man let's give the bomb guy two more bumps and see if we can get like that because like getting one bomb bite in that would be insane someone tried going for that your videos and streams helped keep me going thank you funny meme man thanks man i'm gonna get that coin if i if i ever need like if yeah if i if i'm like one coin off an item i'm gonna eat mold so i'm gonna just get that let's try going for boss rush i guess darkness was kingdom hearts you want to come over here you [ __ ] [ __ ] off binding of these nuts thank you for the sub man yikes yikes oh okay there's a reverse turret though epic nice thank you i should bomb the shopkeeper i think yeah let's do that [ __ ] i can piss everywhere thanks of course you don't even get the devil oh my god we don't even get it by the way kill me okay all right does this work with bombs the [ __ ] yes it's kind of a [ __ ] run right now it's kind of a [ __ ] run i mean it works but it's again kind of [ __ ] it's kind of garbage it's gonna trash all right gmt enjoy work thanks oh my god all right your phone i can get invited with actual items in it that would be great my favorite boss of course not r how would that i was watching chat but it's a joke wow so there we go r oh if you i i don't mind i don't mind that was terrible that was actually terrible god i hate this character thank you good job you've lost depression yeah that was terrible awful run you wanna this room sucks tatty i just got an idea for a good emote to have the oh dude i want to make the instead of there being a finger on the r button i'm gonna have among ass just [ __ ] twerk on it that would be great yeah whatever okay anyways item there we go thank you oh that's good mhm but i hate the spiders he's good he's good he's good great thank you for streaming thank you for watching vigor them off all right damage and range i can't commit about that or can i could have been better i added mostly everything [ __ ] it oh my god does twisted pair work on lilith i mean she can shoot theirs but the twisted pair should be able to yes well it's a good reason to go deviled in this person this character oh yes nope there we go oh my god [ __ ] sick play well this one this crown is gonna [ __ ] though that's okay that's all right not beast money [Music] so guess under the bus position i need like a friendship chain or something positioning them like with this is really hard so the friendship the friendship thing will be epic or the duct tape why would you want panic button panic button is literally useless it's like oh yeah it uses your active item if you're about to die but like i would have used it anyways like what what's the [ __ ] point can we give a big of shadows yeah but i there's like no items almost i would take over book like box of friends on lilith like you start with the incubus of course i'm gonna keep a book the book of france of course of course i get the black spider i just want the flash spider man thanks don't talk it's awful it's [ __ ] dog [ __ ] if i can choose between having no trinket and a panic button i would just not drink it and throw it in the trash if there was a trash bike in this game i would put it through dependent button there okay trashy boy thank you for the sub man well at least i got the [ __ ] mining hat that's good very surprised it doesn't like does it does mining hat help with uh i want it better by the way this money has helped with because of the darkness it doesn't seem like it does but i mean thanks [ __ ] brimstone get him thank you i need a i need a friend like a minion trinket [ __ ] this is awful their own reveals rooms cringe based garbage thanks they just refused to move at this point all right gamba i don't think it will i don't know what i'm going for so it's it will be scuffed to do now okay if i find eden souls now i'm gonna come [Music] oh my god this one sucks dick it sucks penis big fat [ __ ] oh my lord [ __ ] this run kill me okay wow really wow oh my god dude [ __ ] this game [ __ ] this game holy [ __ ] holy wow dude that's [ __ ] insane okay nah [ __ ] this we're playing fallout we're playing fallout [ __ ] this game i'm done i'm switching games [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] holy
Channel: Albino Archive
Views: 27,318
Rating: 4.8834081 out of 5
Id: Ey8nTkDUqdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 195min 33sec (11733 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 25 2021
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