Throwing a SHARK in the pool at school! (Bad Guys at School #2)

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- [Annoying Orange] Okay, don't mind me, just puttin a shark in the pool. (laughing) (upbeat music) Hey yo, it's A.O, back with another game video. And you know what? I like this game so much, I want to play it again. It's called Bad Guys at School. And it's kind of like Grand Theft Auto, but at a school, ya know. Woo hoo! I kind of looked like Neo from the Matrix there. (laughing) So our current mission is we need to throw a paper airplane into the girls dormitory. Feel the air on your derrier- Wait, we need to write on paper. Whoa, I can write, okay. I know exactly what I'm gonna put. Pear (laughing) Pear did it. (laughing) Okay, it's looking good. Here I go, aim it up. Go, oh wait, no okay, down is up. And up is down. It's like an airplane. Yeah! (laughing) Pear did it. (laughing) I saw him, it was Pear. Watch me do a kick flip ollie mctwisty nipple. That's my favorite skateboard move. You should know that. Ow, whoa. Okay, what's my new mission Bobby MacPherson? Smash up the principal's car with a baseball bat? (laughing) Oh yeah, ask and thou shall receive. I can't wait. Oh yeah, oh yeah! Here's the bats. Of course I'm gonna take all of them. (laughing) You never know, I might lose one. And if I did that would drive me batty. (laughing) Hey, there's the steam roller! You know, it's probably about time that I drive that. Oh yeah, I gotta get way over there. So we better take the- We gotta take the steamroller. Hey buddy, do your best impression of a pancake. I'll help you. (laughing) Uh oh, look out! (laughing) What the heck? Is that person Vanos? Did I just get Vanos snapped or what? (laughing) Oh now it's stuck! Oh, it won't move, okay I guess. Oh hey! Popped back to regular size. Good for you, so did he. How'd it feel to be a pancake my bud? He doesn't have an answer for me. Oh, he's angry. Let me get this straight. You're angry at me for punching you, but not for running over you with a steam roller? (laughing) You should probably get your priorities straight. He must like being a pancake, that's what it is. Yeah, I like to do the juke and jive you just do some spinny's around. (laughing) Help me! This kid is punching me. I'm gonna to kick you in the nipple! Yeah, how you like that? (laughing) Winner, winner, chicken dinner! Got any cash for me? No, okay. Peanut butter, jelly, peanut butter, jelly peanut butter, jelly with a baseball bat. (laughing) Yeah! We're havin' a smashin' good time! (laughing) Oh no! (laughing) Oh no, where'd the car go? Oh, it's up there. Well, don't worry, I'm here to help. Well thank goodness I got here with a fire extinguisher, I don't even know how this fire got started. Oh man. Thankfully I was here though. (laughing) You should be more careful with your car. Principal likes his car burnt to a crisp. (laughing) Oh, you didn't even care huh? Okay, that's cool. She's totally cool with a little fruit punch. (laughing) All right, what's my next mission. Start and fight- Start and win a fight in the cafeteria. Uh oh, it's a school cafeteria where food fights back. (laughing) If someone could tell me where the cafeteria is, that'd be real great. (laughing) Hey Siri, tell me where the cafeteria is right now! Come on, I can't find it. You would think I'd be able to find it. It's gotta be huge. Oh, is that it? I bet you that's it, it's outside of the school. It's a completely different building. Oh hey, I was almost inside of it earlier with my steam roller. (laughing) I was just trying to make pancakes at the cafeteria. Ooh, is that stuff I could grab on the ground. Gimme, gimme. Nope, I can't. All right, who should I start a fight with? Oh hey, it's the cook! We should just go right for the cook. Here's what you get for killing my food friends! (grunting) (laughing) He's got the wacky wobbles! Yeah! (laughing) Wow, what the heck? I'm floating! (laughing) End of day one, start a new day. Okay, day two. Blow up a firecracker at the principal. Oh, that could be fun. (laughing) Okay, so where do I get a firecracker? Oh, I see it. It's showing me where the principal is. Bobby McPherson, where is the firecrackers? I need to know, I'll keep punching you in the nipple. (laughing) Okay, here's the principal. What's he doing in there? Should I go in and check? I'd better do it. Oh hey, what's up principal? I see you're really working hard, staring at the wall. Cool. Let's see, does he have firecrackers? Excuse me sir, do you know where the firecrackers are? Whoa, I pulled his pants down. (laughing) I didn't mean to do that! I pantsed the principal. (laughing) What the heck, where are the fire crackers? I know you want me to throw a firecracker at the principal, but I don't have any firecrackers! And you're not telling me where they are. Oh hey, check it out, we can actually leave the school. Oh wow. There's a whole town to explore. Hmm, I better use this car. (laughing) The neighbors said it was fine if I borrow it. It's totes cool, ya know? (laughing) Now is there like, firecrackers out here? And maybe there's like a store or something. I just, I need the fire crackers. This is redonkulous! There's no firecrackers anywhere! (laughing) Got stuck in the wheel well, whoopsie! (laughing) ♪ I believe I can fly! ♪ (laughing) Hey, I think that that's one of the bullies. Ooh hey, what's in here? Wow, cool! It's a pool! What you guys doin' in there? What are you thinking? (laughing) Ooh,I want the floaty. Let's see if I could jump on it. Wee! Hey, I did it! Nice! Seriously, I don't know where the heck these firecrackers are. What am I supposed to do here? Okay. Oh, you want to play chicken with the school bus huh? Who's gonna win this one? (laughing) I just drove right over him. Excuse me, sorry about your pets. Whoopsie daisy. (laughing) Uh the school day's almost done. Better go pick up the kids. Gotta take you home kids, come on! Hop on the bus! (laughing) What are you doing in front of the bus? Well, stop bouncing around in front of the bus. Excuse me, comin' through. I have a right of way here. (laughing) Oh yeah, now we're having fun. Oh hey, the steamrollers back, nice. Ooh, can I go out here? Oh. (laughing) The school bus doesn't fit there. Trying to fit a square bus through a round hole. Not working. Hey, what's out here? Whoa, it's the football team. Hey, you guys owe me money. I want my quarterback. (laughing) Ooh, can I have this? Okay, go long! They don't like me! (laughing) I think they want their football back. Well, they're definitely not getting a kick out of this. (laughing) This is my football now, it's mine! You can't have it. I'm gonna, I'm gonna do it. I'm getting in the air. You can't chase me now can ya? (laughing) I'm in a steamroller and guess what? Now you're a pancake! (laughing) That's what you get. Come on, I can't find the firecrackers anyway. Ut-Oh, I made that guy angry. Quickly, We gotta get outta here! (laughing) Oh, I'm in the fountain, can't get me! (laughing) Good old fountain fightin'. Don't worry, I know you just had Taco Bell I'm puttin' your butt out! (laughing) Batter up! Wow. Principle Von Butter Farts, I cannot find! (crying) Firecrackers. He really doesn't care I'm blasting him, with the extinguisher. (laughing) The horn on the bus goes ha ha wow! (laughing) Oh, what the heck is even happening? (laughing) Oh no! (laughing) That was insane. Am I okay? I don't think I'm okay. (laughing) Hey okay, I can swim again. Oh my goodness, look how far I have to go to get back! That explosion left me flyin'! It looks like there's something over there. What the heck? It's a shark! Oh my goodness! E to interact. Don't really do it. Ow! Hey! He bit my booty! What can I do? Oh, what the heck? I'm grabbing him? Oh my goodness, can I actually take them on land? Oh my goodness, can I actually do it? I can. (laughing) You know what we should do you guys? We should put this shark in the pool! (laughing) Oh, there's my nances with a new floaty toy for the pool. Uh oh, oh no! That guy's angry (laughing) He's like, how dare you bring a shark onto this campus! I will not be stopped. This is going to be way too finny! (laughing) Oh, there's somebody in there too. Okay, don't mind me, just puttin' a shark in the pool! (laughing) He lives there now. You probably don't want to sit there, buddy. That's probably not a very safe place. Come on, go in the water. Go visit your sharky friend. (laughing) I like how his clothes instantly disappeared. What are you doin' getting out of the pool? Go visit your sharky friend. Come on, he doesn't bite. (laughing) I like how they just don't want to come out. They're like no we're not going in there. Go in for the swim. (laughing) You're going to be swimming with the sharks! (laughing) Oh, now he's angry. Hey, come over here. I'm over here. Are you sure you want to go over here? (laughing) They're getting attacked by the shark! (laughing) Oh no! It got him! It got that swimmer! Ooh, there's money down there. I better get that money. (laughing) It's getting more. You guys are getting your booty's bit! You just sittin' there. This is the best school ever, you guys! Okay, batter up! Booty's! (laughing) Alright, I think I'm going to get going. If you know how to get the firecrackers, could you let me now? Cause I cannot figure it out. All right. I'm going to get going until next time! Later taters! Oh yeah! Go! (laughing) (upbeat music)
Channel: Annoying Orange Gaming
Views: 2,504,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: annoying orange, ao gaming, ao games, let's play, ios, gameplay, Throwing a SHARK in the pool at school! (Bad Guys at School #2), bad guys at school, annoying orange gaming, comedy, cartoon, video games, steam, lampoon, gta v, grand theft auto, parody, silly, fun, sharks
Id: 5qOgzyyd5xY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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