A New Husband for Christmas - Full Movie - Free

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okay just keep on praying till he makes away he might not come when you wanna he'll be on time it's gonna be all right smells good and looks even better how are we doing oh we are great that's what i'm gonna hear how's breakfast jay good that's good all right babe [Music] [Music] thank you for my enjoy come on welcome gotta go have a great day [Music] also needs to be self-sufficient okay come on i'll race you to the bus stop all right yes all right so let's see if i can marry don't be late just hold on yeah it won't be long again [Music] is [Music] [Music] and as always thank you for tuning in to mix 99.5 the heart and soul of st louis this is your girl signing out d marie from be the voice live and i know you guys are out there in those streets trying to get that last minute turkey but please slow down because it's cold out there they said the snow is coming but the most important thing i want to know who is inviting me over for that thanksgiving dinner because i know y'all making it tell me why they deny my vacation request first of all good morning well it's not a good morning to me what's going on renee this stupid office and their stupid rules they're gonna deny my vacation request for the friday after thanksgiving did they say why she's talking about that i don't have enough days even after i already told her that you approved it okay so who denied it mary give me yourself you call her is mary yes mary this is kelly your office manager i have renee standing here at my desk and she stated you denied her vacation request after she told you it was already approved by me yes kelly that's true but renee has already used all of her personal and vacation days yes i understand that but i approved it so i'm telling you as your manager to place the approval slip in her files okay thank you how am i ever gonna be successful at my job if she keeps overriding everything i say you must talk to her and tell her how it makes you feel she's never gonna listen excuse me all done it's important that's what i'm talking about ain't nothing like having your girl as a boss look i do not understand how you be out there and all that with finances like mine you have to go to black friday for that free tv that kirk um and i'm pretty sure it's keurig whatever kelly thanks mo why correct hey what was that all about oh mary tried to deny my vacation time i had to get my girl kelly to put her in her place i always kelly was my supervisor she seemed real cool yeah that's my girl uh-uh here come your boy thirsty rick i'm about to act like i'm doing so much you can't hey good night no ree why is she always acting busy when i come around hey probably because you don't want to be bothered with you bro just give it up [Music] so julie are you still not wanting to know if you're having a girl or a boy oh girl no i definitely want to know and i'm really hoping for a boy i just want my family to be complete oh that would be so perfect right you have your girl and your boy done and out of the way oh i'm so happy to be a tt again a tt when are you going to join the club and be a mommy come join the club trust me that won't be happening anytime soon why not kelly tasha girl me and see have too much going on to be bringing an innocent child into this mess of a life of ours anyway how is baby boy doing at his new school girl he is doing so good he is making so many new friends he even got invited to a birthday party next week he is so excited about this that's so good sasha i am so happy to hear that yeah i think i'm done with that and i really need to sit down okay girl go ahead i'll take care of this thank you so ladies what are you asking santa for for christmas girl i'm not asking santa for anything but i'm asking jesus for a new husband kelly what are you talking about clearly there is something you need to get off your chest what is it so y'all know how close me and stan used to be we were like bonnie and clyde baby right but since i've given my life to christ it's like we can't see eye to eye on anything girl it's gotten so bad i can't even stand to see him walk in the room oh my god so what you gonna do girl have you all thought about counseling girl please stan ain't gonna step foot in nobody's church let alone counseling well go to a council that's not at the church i've been married to that man long enough to know he is not going for him happy holidays ladies mommy mommy daddy bought me an apron really looking fast now you get to help mommy cook in the kitchen will you put it away for me yes thank you that is so sweet thank you very much you're such a good dad hey kevin tell stan i said if he thought last year's turkey was banging this year he's gonna bite his fingers off hey if it's better than what it was last year i might bite my fingers off too sure you just much still coming to friendsgiving right girl i guess you better and don't forget about the thing this year we are okay great i gotta go sorry i gotta head out something i just gotta pick up a couple of things before i head home i'm gonna go ahead and head out with kelly okay oh don't y'all forget to be on your check-in and your contribution already done thank you man hey thanks ladies so much for helping me out today bye did i just walk in on something is something going on nothing just girl talk did you bring me something keeping secrets now no babe kelly going through things with stan you know how it is but kelly's not going through anything with stan kelly's going through by herself why would you say that kelly and stan were doing just fine before kelly got all in the church like that she need to let that man be and you know what the same way god was all patient long suffering with her she need to extend that same graces if you remember kelly had always been saved mommy can we take cookies now yeah let's go wash our hands and we will bake those cookies hey mom hey is everything okay yes good good good good oh girl make sure you check out our new lipstick line we got some colors that will pop on you welcome ladies to the grand opening of nettie kelly i see you d was finally made yes we did ebony this is beautiful i love it girl and this is so nice well thanks to the finest design in the city baby yes no this has kansas name all over it oh well i'm glad you noticed noticed candace this looks amazing you did your thing girl thank you so much my love y'all just missed julie yeah she told me she could only stop by for a minute you all are coming to the friends giving this year right um of course we are the question is will you be there what's that supposed to mean ebony so anyway ev i know this location has to cost a pretty penny what you do girl hit the lottery didn't tell us um excuse me don't worry about how i get what i get boo you just keep on doing you let me get mine hug your mind and you get yours however you get yours and i ain't even gonna charge you for that let's stay in your lane one-on-one whatever ebony you crazy um excuse me i don't even have that much love and these are for the people i don't know drink mine welcome ladies to the grand opening of nettie kelly hi mimosa thank you y'all been wonderful probably boy on social media i'm steve look the committee i'm out keep giving up for bbc [Music] be sure to come out every wednesday night here at lowe's cafe for open mic night be blessed [Music] hey you really trying to take this comedy thing serious huh you dog all right i mean uh that'll do my thing what he did all right he did great carry you won't relax don't worry about it but you know it's always one hater out the bun come on man you did your thing bitty b you know i'm just messing with you hey hey you had me dying man but uh excuse me fellas i gotta go entertain one of my many fans y'all do your thing please look at this guy dude hey that dude is hilarious man straight up hey but stan i mean you gonna apply for my old position or what man man you know what man it's crazy that y'all asking that right now because i have been thinking about it real tough lately man you might as well you're the team lead so go on climb that corporate dog you show right because you got henry and steve on i put my partner put my name on his application i'm so glad i just put that boy name on my application hey hey it wasn't even like that man stanley look i really need you to apply for that position man like and i know where you at i know that look man look i feel like i was disqualified too you know for the position i'm at but man i just went for it man and the rest is history man [Music] you missed the show i know i know man i had to handle some business i know you did you there you go what's up what big money man i'll tell you well your wife got that makeup louds going on huh what kind of long you have to take out for that one that's one of them loans that you got to mine your business on well i'm glad thompson's content with her eight to five hey whoa hold on now you're gonna have to keep your eye on tasha she come up with a game plan man or something you're gonna be investing in hello hold up gotta hang out like they do in the movies sure yeah yeah so y'all happily married huh yeah man that's not the case with me man don't look at me i'm happy to sing you know what i can honestly say i'm happily married man okay wait a minute wait wait so y'all honestly don't think that it's possible to be happily married no absolutely not i mean you could pretend to be but you're not oh wait a minute wait a minute not wait a minute oh god you are really going to sit here and tell this man that he could not be married happily married to his wife his true love look man at one point in our marriage i can honestly say that we would say but right now i can't say the same thing so check this right i just don't understand how is it that we can go from doing everything up under the sun together tonight it's like we hate each other look bruh i can tell that she hates the sight of me coming and to be honest the feelings are starting to become mutual you know i fear you man but you know everybody know my situation mm-hmm man he be she crazy it's all get out crazy i mean when we good we're good when when she started what it's bad the who hey but it's 50 50 you weigh yourself out so i'll take it well shoot you know my wife she a workaholic bro so that kind of worked out for the both of us you know what i mean man i don't know if she happy or not so i guess i'm safe safe man it's not safe matter of fact you tripping you better know if your wife happy or not man hello why is it always important that they always happy mm-hmm what about us uh until now we need to change that mindset well truth be told the bible did say be careful how you treat our wives unless our prayers be hindered yep the liquor most certainly started to kick in man every time this dude get the drinking he start putting scriptures hold on hold on he ain't lying though the bible does say that yep this most definitely about to be a long night [Music] [Music] hey mama hey baby what you doing nothing just says styletania styles looking for something to wear to the company christmas party oh that's right that is coming up isn't it send me a picture of your outfit when you get it i'm just gonna wear something i already have now make sure it's burgundy because you know it's the color we're wearing this year oh yeah that's right did you start your christmas shopping yet not yet but i will soon i know you probably already done when you get finished in june child you know i don't mess around i don't have time to be in the store with all those crazy folks anyway i was just calling back from earlier call me when you get done [Music] oh mama yeah baby never mind what is it kelly nothing it's just staying like i'm getting really frustrated i feel like he's not for me anymore oh here we go singing that same old song did you do what i told you to do yes i demanded that he get it together but he has not changed no you have to tell him that he either has to get it together or he needs to leave i mean he's sitting up in that house you serving god and he's disrespecting you and god and want to act like the devil himself anybody got time for that right and do you know the other day i kept calling him over and over again and he wouldn't answer his phone for nothing and when i got home he was sitting on that couch with his friends playing that video game he spent all his free time doing that it's so frustrating that don't make any sense you could have been stranded on the side of the road or anything that's what i'm saying now did you put blessed all over the house like i told you no mama i haven't done that child that's what you need to do put it on his pillow put it in his shoes on his toothbrush if you have to i mean do what you need to do pray those demons right on about your house wait a minute oh he's too brushed look i know you serious but that is hilarious i really appreciate you talking to me mom i'll do but look i'm gonna go ahead and try to find what i need to get and get on up out of here i'll call you later okay all right baby all right love you i love you too baby [Music] what this dude it is i'm fine mm-hmm that you're most definitely awful real good in that dress girl fine fine like a whole snack come on over and see that stan i am not in the mood okay yeah of course you're not you're never in the mood i don't want to do a number giving you a compliment anyway a compliment i could care less about a compliment from you i am fearfully and wonderfully made i don't need your reassurance that would you learn to church today kelly i'm not about to put up with your sarcasm today i'm not gonna do it look you're the one who came here with this little attitude and being that you just came from church i'm just trying to see is that what you learned today whatever stand i have every right to have an attitude when are you gonna get it get what kelly that i've changed oh have you yes but you won't acknowledge it look i'm ready for you to come on come on and do what what quit dragging your feet get your life together and live for god is that what i was doing we first got married to kelly no and neither was i and what does that have to do with anything look i'm ready for you to come on you're supposed to be the head and i'm supposed to be following you i'm to follow you as you follow christ but you're not even following him you make it so hard for me look let's just calm down cause i've been in this house all day waiting for you to come home from church so i can enjoy the rest of the day with my wife but instead you want to come here with this whole attitude you know how your day could have been enjoyed if you would have came to church with me stan you know what i'm just gonna go give me some need leave stan that's what you do best i'm blessed father in the name of jesus god i come to you right now praying against all these spirits in my house lord especially for my husband he is allowing the enemy to use him i need you to help him to understand oh my god miss miss anderson what how did you get what is this something you need it sounds as if there's something you need honey so i'm here to check on you look i'm fine i'm just praying and about to put blessing all over this house and pray these demons about my husband uh whatever are you gonna do that for dear look i need to see a change of stand and you think you're gonna see change by putting less oil everywhere i don't know but i'm willing to give it a shot because things have gotten too far out of control sweetheart please just hear me out that's all i ask sure go ahead all right now listen when i say this it is coming from a place of love all right okay listen the first thing you need to do honey is to pray miss anderson i was praying uh yes i heard you sweetheart it sounded like the prayer of the self-righteous with javelin not much honey listen you must first pray and ask god to change you change me yes trust me mrs anderson i have definitely changed sweetheart listen you are the one who proclaims to be the believer in this marriage right so that means that you've given god permission to use you well i do let him use me i serve and worship him faithfully do you really kill me listen the bible tells us in romans 12 and 1 that we are to present our bodies as a living sacrifice dedicated to his service and pleasing unto him now that there is the true worship that you ought to be offering up okay so you really don't have to throw all this word at me because i know it very well trust me child you do know your word but it's not enough just to know it now is it the bible tells us to be doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving your own selves but it's so hard and i'm getting tired of stan it takes two to make a marriage work well sweetheart i'm not a firm believer in all them little popular sayings y'all have today i don't know if it takes two to make a thing go right or will it make things easier maybe but let me tell you what i do believe sweetheart i believe that if there's at least one willing vessel that will allow god to have his way well then you at least have a chance of seeing things turn around for your good well you are speaking the truth you sure do have a lot of wisdom when it comes to marriage how long have you been married i think it's been it seems like it's been about 2 000 years honey that man was crazy in the road lizard i want to tell you we had our share of ups and downs and it was i'd be willing to be your accountability partner if you will allow me to i'm willing to do all right good now your first point of focus is to pray and ask god to change you okay and oh man make one more suggestion honey what's that you know you can't always take everybody's advice all right even those who are closest to you yes ma'am happy holidays sweetheart [Music] together we walk side by side that's how it was meant to be here [Music] you see nothing else matters no i will love it for eternity [Music] holding your hand with my hand and yours it is such a wonderful feeling this christmas holiday [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] and so that will be your total need that actually concludes my presentation this morning so again i thank you all for choosing erickson insurance agency for your insurance needs again i am susan erickson and i will be representing you guys from the northern division moving forward thanks again for your time thank you mrs erickson the information you shared was very valuable no problem renee will you be sure to have my meeting minutes out by noon tomorrow sure mary i will have your meeting minutes out by noon tomorrow [Music] you want to take a break go get some lunch sorry ricky i have to work on these meeting minutes come on renee you got to take a break at some point uh-uh i'm fasting as a matter of fact i'll be fasting all month renee right the one and only and you're kelly's assistant correct i sure am great i actually wanted to stop by next week when i'm in the area and drop her off some more brochures so if you can fit me on her schedule that'd be perfect okay i'll take a look at her schedule and i'll contact you with the time and date well thank you hey are you seriously gonna let gary sit over here dude why are we over working our butts off like we crazy crazy well first of all we all know that gary hurt his back not too long ago and he asked to be on light duty for a while man that's it for a while he'd been on like duty for arm carried for two and a half years you know what i hurt my back too i'm on light duty too hey i'm so proud of steve man you always trying to be funny this is not the time right now hey look how about y'all stop crying and complaining all the time man and just worry about getting y'all john dude let's start with that hey many hands make light work you know well you got many hands let's make life work and you want to give me i'm on like dude [Music] baby i was going out with what's up nothing i tried to call you a few times earlier today yeah i know it's been it's been a little crazy around being a little busy what was going on though what's up look i know you're busy so i will make it quick okay um you know that lady i'll be listening to on the radio all the time minister norton nah not really but what's up anyway so the girls are going to chicago because she's going to be speaking at a women's conference in a couple of weeks and they wanted me to go so just wanted to clear with you first how long was that for kevin uh we leaving on wednesday and coming back sunday hey like i don't know about that baby um what you mean you're not feeling it i mean what i said because like this five whole days you talk about being gone look baby i'm a little busy right now can we please just talk about this later my god hold on um i was just calling you to be respectful i really don't have to ask you for anything and furthermore you know what you saw right yes we could talk about it later all right but i love you love you too all right [Music] you still going right renee what are you doing air hustling in on my conversation sorry girl anyway i need a favor oh what is it renae well you know that guy was telling you about right which one and why do you keep playing rick he seems like a really nice guy and i think he's like you for real for real who likes nice guys plus those the ones you gotta watch out for one guy anyway i'm talking about the one fish again girl know what i told you what is it well he asked me to go out on a date with them with his company party so i'm just gonna need maybe two three days off tops okay renae seriously going forward you're gonna have to submit your time off request to human resources why kelly you're the head of human resource i know renee look i'm working on a new me and they have guidelines that need to be followed so we as in you are going to have to follow them wait a minute kelly i don't know what's gotten into you this has never been a problem before i know and listen please don't take it personal because i promise you it's not like that look i'm just trying to change okay and i got to do things different change i don't think i like all this change kelly i don't know what's wrong with you lately but friend to friend i'm not liking it i'm not liking it kelly what's getting into you and we are back right here at mix 99.5 the heart and soul of st louis this is your host d marie right here with be the voice live and we are at the question and answer part of our program and it looks like we have quite a few callers today so we're gonna get right to it uh caller number one are you there um my name is claire and i have a question from minister norton praise god claire um what's your question today my question is my husband and i um we are we were high school sweethearts however um when we got married i wasn't safe okay my husband still likes to party he doesn't want to come to church with me i just really feel like that we're unequally yoked and i just want to know if you have any type of advice that you could offer um first i want to say congratulations on accepting jesus as your savior that is absolutely the best decision that you could have made second i want to congratulate you on accepting your god-given assignment in your marriage yes you are on assignment in your marriage to be a light and be obedient to god's word also you know part of your assignment is to pray for your husband and his deliverance and then you also have an assignment to be the light to your husband um to be patient to pray for him and his deliverance and then take all of your frustrations to god because truly he is the only one that can change your husband's heart not you um also i want to recommend that you read first peter chapter 3 and just meditate on that okay thank you so much minister norton oh absolutely it's my pleasure and i also want to recommend another book it's excellent book it's um called argue really his good thing by kyrie williams and chrissy appleby in that book is an entire section that is dedicated to those sort of situations and claire i thank you again for calling in and i hope that helps thank you so much oh wonderful god bless you mr norton that was awesome so it looks like we still have some callers okay [Music] oh my god hey ebony dad kelly what took you so long girl i am so sorry but i've been very busy busy getting lit girl and you didn't call me what kind of friend are you ebony girl look sam and his friends just left they were here celebrating a promotion he just got please stand and friends they'll be here getting this mess up too don't start with me i'm not in the mood okay callie when are you gonna wake up when you don't quit letting this man just walk all over you it will make you think he's walking all over me ebony first of all you've been saved going on four years now this man ain't thinking about getting himself together he's still drinking callie girl he smoke i just ran into him in a club last week don't you think you deserve a man that's gonna live for god the way you are yes i deserve a man that's living for god but unfortunately i'm not married to one right now and anyway who knows what his future holds girl nothing uh-uh listen you're right ebony i've been saved for about four years now but you know what i've been doing the whole time girl what i've been living god to my husband not living for god you've been doing what okay so look the bible says that we as wives are to draw our unsaved husbands by the way we live not by our words but by our actions girl you serious about this jesus stuff my girl is changing for real i am i really am i even have an accountability partner that helps me out so much well pray for your girl baby because i ain't nowhere near that point trust me i will but look i appreciate you coming over and seeing about little old me girl you see i got all this work to do girl look i would just come by to check on you make sure to stand and have you locked in no cage or nothing but if you need anything call me okay okay i will oh kelly julie invited me to some conference thing where are you going stan doesn't want me to go stand i want you to go wait a minute so now he thank you his daughter and not his wife no ebony he doesn't think that look all you need to know just just understand that i'm trying to draw my husband by what i do not by what i say you know what kelly let me tell you something baby you already know me honey i never understand nothing like that i'm gonna call me [Music] oh my god i can't believe she's still mad at me i need y'all to help me with this apology okay okay i can go in there i can go in and i can just be like please please kill it please oh that's too much bigger you're right when you fight on my bigger i know i could just write an old school letter say i'm sorry and slip it under her door no no no no much too cowardly make it natural you're right cause i'm not a coward i know take her her favorite cup of coffee and just apologize old school i'm sorry best friend period [Music] kelly hey friends renee what's going on i just wanted to apologize you know for the other day the way i ran about your office the other day i don't want to seem unappreciative because i really do thank you for this opportunity that you gave me it's just this new you it's gonna take some getting used to now i'm not gonna say i like it but i do respect it oh renee that's sweet thank you apology except so friends for life of course you know you're my girl all right girl let me go get back to work please now don't say like that kelly like i'm not the only one around here doing all the work i do everything you don't want me to take no luck can't even take it oh i forgot to tell you miss erickson's out here to see you want me to send her in yes please okay hello hi hi good to you nice to see you again sam here thank you so much for fitting me into your schedule i know you're busy but i wanted to definitely drop these brochures off as promised thank you i will give these to renee and make sure she puts them in their mailboxes before this evening perfect this issue and hobby yes that is my baby oh you guys look so happy how long have you been married seven years wow i remember scott and i were happy my my my how things change mrs erickson are you okay i'm fine i'm sorry and please just call me susan we're just going through a divorce right now and things are really hard because we're still living in the same home i'm so sorry to hear that how long have you all been married four years and a day wait a minute your anniversary was yesterday i shouldn't be bothering you with my personal issues i susan you are fine listen i believe nothing happens by coincidence why do you say that well my girlfriends and i we started a wives book club recently and i would love to invite you to the next one i couldn't susan listen marriage is hard work that's why we started this book club so that we can hold one another accountable and encourage each other and from the sound of it you don't want your marriage to end i think it's a little too late for that trust me i think i think it will help have you heard of minister nordie tracy lauren her name sounds familiar okay so she has a podcast i listen to it all the time and recently she recommended this book are you really his good thing about kyrie williams and chrissy appleby i recommend you pick it up and bring it with you when you come to the book club i'll think about it i'll consider okay well i'll text you the address and i really really hope you can make it i think it will help you thank you so much i really appreciate that i know we just met but i'm here for you i can i understand how it could be you know and i'll keep you in my prayers thank you so much no problem you have a good day have a good one you too thank you hey what's up with the miss business one hi baby what i gotta do pulling numbers something just to speak to you stop acting silly what are you doing here well since i was in the area i decided to stop by national day tonight stan you know it's friday i have church tonight and we're handing out turkeys let's see what i mean kelly what it's like i gotta pull a number just to spend some time with my wife stan don't be like that listen i've been going to friday night service for years you know i don't like to miss it i'm sorry i even came down here action [Music] really staying [Music] down nothing and nobody come before my dad minister norton you are preaching in here today you said something that was so profound you said that as wives our first ministry is at home can you please talk to our listeners more about that oh absolutely i would love to you know we as women must realize the season that we're in in our lives if you are a married woman there's a season for you if you're unmarried there's a season for you in the bible in first corinthians 7 and 34 it talks about the difference between a wife and a virgin and it says that the unmarried woman cares about the things of god and how she may be holy both in body and in spirit but that the married woman she cares about the things for her husband and how she may please him and i want to say something to all of your listeners out there today i do not care of what your title is in the church i'm not concerned about that what i am concerned about is that you are running to the church every time the doors swing open and you are volunteering for every opportunity that comes by you all the while you are neglecting your family and your husband but your first ministry your first ministry is at home sweetheart oh my god [Music] oh man i'm glad you're still here look um i'm sorry i changed my mind i would love to go on a date with you tonight i'm good kelly you can go ahead pass out your little turkeys or whatever i don't want to inconvenience you or nothing you got your little church thing going on so go ahead and do that baby i promise you it's fine okay yeah i love you yep again holy spirit have your way yes have your land renee get back to work i'm on lunch hey ladies so we have a visitor everybody this is my girl susan susan this tasha candice and ebony and kylie hey susan nice to meet you ladies thanks so much for allowing me to join you all um i've actually never been to anything like this so i don't really know what to expect girl let me warn you can expect a whole lot of booziness cut it out ebony susan please don't pay her any attention but it's okay we're just glad that you can make it actually we're just about to get started so feel free to listen in or if you want to jump in at any moment feel free to do so thank you yeah all right ladies so go ahead and come and make yourself comfortable right ladies so we are on chapter two romance and riches honey okay so susan what we do is we read a chapter of the book each week at the end of each chapter there are little things that you can do to enhance your marriage you know uh we come back together in a setting like so and each lady gets a chance to talk about what she got out of that chapter okay great i'm just listening oh that's fine all right so we'll go ahead and begin with you tasha what'd you get out of this okay well this chapter actually held me a lot and this section she focused on making her obligation as a wife our first priority over everything we have going on and you all know i have a lot going on whatever but there was one thing that really stood out to me in this section and i highlighted it the enemy will play on your emotions and have you thinking that withholding sex from your husband will teach them a lesson but she's pointed out that in the bible it states that by withholding sex we're actually placing them in a tempting state well wait a minute what about the wives that don't talk from their husbands and he's still ain't no good and i heard giving his baby mama money that we ain't even getting ebony come on that's not the focus right now okay we'll deal with that in another subject girl positive vibes only ebony girl did not sell you a whole lot of business anyways tasha that was really good and you know what that was certainly a word for me ebony what'd you get out of this week's chapter excuse me i wasn't even feeling it this week girl look i be doing all this stuff and he act like he still don't see me changing and you already know i'm not about to be nobody's fault ebony look we all agreed that we were going to take this seriously this is not a journey that you could take lightly look we ought to be this way as wives whether they notice it or not i mean because we're not doing this unto them we're doing it unto god you know what we already said it before let's say it on the count of three again one two three we're doing this on today okay ladies let's get back to our book discussion thank you so in section three she talks about being good managers of our homes and a good example she wrote about was the husband being the thermometer and the wives being the thermostat now the thermometer it just reacts to what's happening around it right but that thermostat that thermostat it monitors the environment and if it gets too hot or too cold it decides what to do to correct the situation now that's good no it really is good though because when he comes home with an attitude i instantly get one too like i don't care what you've been through today don't walk up in my house with the netherlands that's what i'm talking about that i'm saying is how i used to react to it but now i see that i am the thermostat and i can just adjust the temperature in the environment can i baby cut in here ladies and say something sure go ahead first of all what you all are doing here is amazing i mean i really wish that i had met you guys before scott and i got on this page in our marriage sweetheart look if you want your marriage to work it can nothing is too hard for god and i know but you know scott and i are going through a divorce right now and honestly um i'm just listening for when god gives me an instruction and blesses me with my next husband your next husband man baby because he will give you another one susan you're married to scott right now that should be your focus why is it that we could trust god you know for jobs you know we can trust him to watch over and save our kids heal our bodies but when it comes to relationships most importantly our marriage we don't believe that he can fix it girl god can fix anything that's right all he needs is a willing vessel a yielded vessel in your house in order for him to work trust me i know i honestly do want a marriage short i just don't think it can in this state oh my god honey have you all tried counseling listen this church the pastor and his wife they hold these marriage sessions every month called marriage works if you work it i really think you should go and the pastor also has a book out now called the marriage cup and the covenant kelly did you read it i did i've been trying to get stan to read it with me but you know how that is do they do counseling at all you know what i believe they do but i'll find out for you please do okay it's gonna be all right girl [Music] welcome home hey that's sexy right there you talking about the food of me baby most definitely not the food bowling for tea i like chili i can get used to this right here oh yeah well good because i just wanted a nice romantic dinner with my husband tonight i tell you what let me get out of these sweaty gym clothes and i'll be back to join okay you better hurry up [Music] [Music] baby what are you doing you supposed to be in the shower well you know i was planning on getting in the shower until i seen it all out of money going down the drain kelly what is this maybe that's my ties on offer statement put that down okay i'm in here waiting on you are you telling me that you are giving this church this much money just stand i pay my tithes and i give a little more towards the offering why are you tripping why am i tripping kelly this statement said that you can get that church over ten thousand dollars within a year like what is wrong with you you lost your mind or something baby you really need to calm down for real look i got dinner ready come on bo like something is certainly wrong with you like then people got you brainwashed do you know that you living in an apartment but i bet that little preacher he got a nice little lavish home with nice cars and taking care of his family but you giving them all our money i'm not about to go back and forth with you about no ties and offerings you don't even go to church stan i didn't dress sexy for you i went out sushi for god's sake trying to set up this whole romantic evening and you want to sit up and argue about some ties and offers you are unbelievable they believe you see typical kelly you always try to make it like i'm tripping to something well you ain't gonna get it off this time because at the end of the day kelly you are wrong you act a complete fool when i go out to spend some money it's always oh we on the budget we can't spend too much money here i see why now kelly cause you're spending it at that church baby you are not about to make me feel guilty about my obedience to god okay you kill me saying when you want prayer or you want god's favor to help get you out some trouble then it's all good but the moment god requires something from you like money now it's a problem and he's the one that blessed you with it in the first place wow so instead of you understand where i'm coming from you're really gonna sit over there and defend this foolishness kevin i don't get you like i don't i don't want to do this tonight okay we were having such a nice evening can we please just finish where we started we have a long day tomorrow and i just want to enjoy this night and not let this ruin it well it's too late for that it's certainly been wrong stan are you serious that's a heart attack i'll be on the couch [Music] thank you what's in there hey everyone hey [Music] [Music] well i'm here to be the judge of that yeah cause you know me big j yeah i'm ready i got a big old healthy opportunity five to ten minutes and guess what what's up y'all gonna be tasting greatness y'all feel what i'm saying hey but hey stan it's not coming nah man no scott man like you know what i'm saying him and his wife they going through it or whatever right now he thought it was going to be a little fellas night when i told him it was a couple's thing he was like ah ladies come help me set the table uh we don't want you doing anything we got a girl right let's go i still got my fingers but that turkey was good though everything was absolutely amazing but it is my favorite part of the evening we're about to play a new game and it's inspired by the newlywed game just a little bit different right babe that's right check this out so real simple game each couple gets a note card okay now women you're gonna have to know cards first we got men and women on opposite sides of the table just to make things a little more interesting all right right we're gonna ask 10 questions after those 10 questions ladies you're going to write down what you think your husband would answer okay then you give the answer and ladies we'll see how well you know your man y'all got this simple enough right yes question number one when and where did y'all first kiss [Music] yeah let's start with him yeah that's easy okay in a batmobile on her lunch break oh please damn girl you was getting in on right [Music] well for us it was the first day that we met dad my girls are some undercovers ebony because it was actually a week after we met at my house girl police same difference girl stop it come to think of it i think i remember that you know what i'm going to make sure all day okay listen listen dante what you got to say bro oh yeah another mistletoe in my family's annual holiday oh my god the mistletoe old romantic fella i will never forget that you write i know it's fooled in though but y'all may as well gonna give us time clueless [Laughter] you know what you know what but while we're here just gonna tell us like when and where it was right yeah oh i couldn't tell you when it worked wait a minute y'all not participating i'm saying bro no we're hosting anyway all right all right next question what one word best describes you in the morning and remember gentlemen it's what she would say about you uh all right this time we gonna start with antoine right it's a good path my baby know i be horny we as well gonna end the game cause we are already the winner i know my man baby yeah that's my man energetic hyphen energetic is the same thing right sin what about you um embassy hasty hasty what in the world bro you use the word hasty bro what'd you write that um i wrote lost what does tasty even mean all right so you henry cranky crappy extremely well maybe you need to adjust the temperature in the environment [Applause] get your opinion your piece of paper ready and write down whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa you need to let us be great man we just here hosting bro on to question number three what is the first thing that your spouse would do if they won the lottery so that's that's what i would do right right right um okay what you say uh yeah pay ties henry you don't even go to church what would you pay tithes to maybe i can send my money through kelly or julio james i mean they go to church henry the bible says you have to bring your tithes not send the memory i was gonna try to send marriage too hey trust me listen to kelly because she know all about that don't you oh that's what we don't stand really let's keep the positive vibes going but stay in your necks what would you do you know what i start up a church so i can get rich off all these people paying their taxes right now that's a good idea bro shut up you shut up okay kelly what would you write down certainly not that so again no points for us hey dante um what you got man simple invest in the indoor golf facility of course i know this man like the back of my head that is good okay antoine what about you i get like an amusement park something like that someone's going to generate this ebony with you right now give majority of it to his baby mama oh all right all right all right check this out we're gonna switch it up a little bit okay ladies now y'all in the hot seat okay question number one which one of y'all are better with finances yeah that's good kelly we'll start with you well i think we all know that i am much better at managing the finances really kelly said you know i did believe that to be true until i realized how much money he was taking out of our household oh my goodness really stan are you serious you know what i'm sorry y'all we about to go [Music] no kelly it's it's okay it's just a lot of negative energy coming from over here and i do not want to ruin the vibe come on stan i'm ready to go hold up so now you're just going to leave mirror no i'm not leaving you here stan you coming too come on i'm ready to go please [Music] yeah have a good night [Music] i cannot believe that you humiliated me in front of our friends like that what is wrong with you what's wrong with me i can't believe that you could humiliate me behind my back how am i humiliating you thank you you know what you are unbelievable i just came home the other day and you and your boys was in the house smoking and drinking no point that's my house stand yes you know what you're doing whatever you want to do when you want to do it i'm tired of the disrespect scene hold on who do you think you talking to oh so you my mama now oh no no no stand and ruin the vibe there was ebony over here with all that being all negative and nice to spread like wildfire look so it's negative because i'm speaking the truth huh yes don't get mad at me cause you're a fool for your baby mama you the only one don't know it stop it please you guys are disrespecting each other and it's not cool you know what julie you're right we should bring this vibe into your home it is friendsgiving kelly ain't the only one leaving i've gone too i'm not here stand up that's that i was telling y'all about right there well we can stay and finish the game if you guys want saying i have every right to have a say so what's going in this house look i've been holding so much in for so long i'm not doing it anymore i'm tired when we were smoking drinking i've heard together it wasn't a problem you dog on brightness the problem look that was our lifestyle before staying but i'm not living like that anymore why can't you get that through your head look you do understand this is my house just as much as yours right so you can't be telling me what i can and cannot do over here kelly and you most definitely ain't gonna be taking no money out of her neither look i said what i said and i'm saying what i'm saying look i've been dealing with you with your whole little change and i don't say nothing to you about it but then you want to pull this up on me like what more is it that you want from me what more do i want i want you to listen to me saying see look at you that's what i'm talking about stan man i'm trying so hard to be a good wife to you when you told me i couldn't go out of town i didn't go out of respect for you as my husband but you uh baby is so unfair cause you do whatever you want to do whenever you want to do it and i'm tired of it saying i'm sick of your mess i deserve so much better you tired of you sticking my message yes you deserve better yes i do you know what kelly you're right and i've been doing some serious thinking you just not the same woman that i married seven years ago you all into this whole new religious stuff and you always trying to force it on and i'm just not witty okay look you're right i'm sorry okay look we ain't getting nowhere it's like we talking at each other and not to each other baby look yes i decided to serve god and prayerfully you will too one day but that has to be your decision exactly kelly my decision and that's just not it right now look i can't do this no more you you can't do what anymore say what you're talking about us kelly this marriage it's just not gonna work wait wait look you don't know if you want our marriage to work are you serious but like i said kelly we on two different pages [Music] you just said that you deserve better and you do because the truth of the matter is our marriage is just not what it once was we on equally yo you know what your bible says [Music] look i'm so sorry look i won our marriage okay no stan when i said i want better i'm going better with you babe don't no don't do this i want the voice what wait hold on that's sweetheart tell me what happened i can't i can't do it anymore i give up i've been giving my all i've been praying i've been fasting i've been submitting i've been doing everything that the bible tells me to do as a wife but it's like he's forgotten about me who do you feel has forgotten you sweetie god mrs anderson he is punishing me for something i just don't know what it is oh kellie listen to me okay anytime storms in life come your way don't always assume that you're being punished as long as you're walking up right before god it's either one of two things he's either testing you or maybe he is showing you i know what it is i've been too nice to him letting him walk all over me i should have been mean and cruel like any other wife would have been not a wise wife kelly honey listen you are doing the right thing right now i know it don't feel like it but you are you are being obedient to the word of god well look what my obedience has gotten me headed to divorce court divorce court who told you to go to divorce court that is the first thing that comes to mind among marriages these days we don't even get to experience the fullness of god and all his promises because we just give up too easy why don't you turn in your turn in this bible to first peter chapter three i mean right now is not the time right now is the perfect time honey come on turn to first peter chapter three and i want you to read verses one and two wise in the same way submit yourselves to your own husbands so that any of them do not believe the word they may be one over without words by the behavior of their wives when they see the purity and reference of your eyes that's right you see there now you are doing exactly that honey what the word of god instructs you to do so whatever happens out of all of this baby it is supposed to happen [Music] look you're right when you say you can't handle this that is too much for you to bear because this is not your battle honey this battle belongs to the lord but what about staying you know like i have you you hear you talking to me and you helping me but who who's gonna help him you know who who's gonna who's gonna be there for him well that's your next prayer okay we need to start to pray and ask god to send him someone into his life who can speak godly wisdom to him okay and you know what i want you to take this journal and i want you to write your thoughts in this journal every single day and anytime god answers a prayer write that in here too thank you well sweetheart we all could use a little guardian angel sometimes [Music] scott you been quiet the hole right here what's wrong one minute you talking about a divorce now you got us in a counseling session with a pastor i don't even know him you know [Music] you remember i told you i was going to the book clubs right saying something about it what they've actually been helping and i just look that's just we'll talk about it later [Music] hello scott and susan very nice to meet you both nice to meet you too pastor so the reason that i arranged this session is because um my husband and i scott um we're currently going through a divorce okay however we're still living in the same home okay all right so share with me some of the details and background information sure so scott and i have been married for four years i was a customer service representative at a rental car company and he was a frequent customer he asked me out one day but i wasn't interested so you weren't interested no initially i wasn't interested scott you know that yeah okay however he was very persistent so i finally gave in and we went to dinner he was such a gentleman he wowed me with this conversation and things were really great i mean we started spending more and more time together and we clicked almost a perfect relationship until things changed after he cheated we just skipped some cheating stuff and i wouldn't but that is what happened no things changed way before i cheated you act like you can't just get past it like i said i i did it i said she forgave me now she's just still going on with it like i said man things changed right before i cheated what changed scott everything we had way more sex before we got married than we do now and i wasn't saved then either what does that have to do with anything everything say women can't have sex whatever when it's time for intimacy she used to come to bed looking all sexy and beautiful now she come to bed all wrapped up with this help me helmet looking thing i'm looking like a linebacker a linebacker what seriously you're not looking too hot yourself she'll only look like this when she going off she don't look like this all the time like when we're at home she don't look like this this ain't the same woman at the crib you don't have no sex appeal at the crib but you guard you looking all good i'm so sorry clearly we can never resolve anything because it always ends up in argument we obviously need some help yeah she needs a milk scott susan what i hear right now is nothing that i don't hear on an every session basis as i counsel lots of couples scott i'ma start with you as the husband and in god's order he's made made you the leader of your marriage and for you the two things you need to focus on is protecting and providing for your wife and unfortunately what happens in infidelity is that you broke trust and once you break trust it's difficult to get it back because trust is not given scott it's actually earned and trust is time tested and in order to for it to be earned you've got to get to a point where you give her what she needs and not what you want her to have as susan as relates to your faithfulness god puts a tremendous big responsibility on the wife to care for her husband's needs as well and so as it relates to you listen to scott what i hear from scott is not anything out of the ordinary that i hear from men all the time what he wants is to enjoy his wife and the way god has set things up he can only enjoy that level of intimacy with you and with you alone scott and susan are you both willing to put forth the effort that's needed in order for this marriage to work yeah yes okay well if you are if you win my adjoining hands we'll touch and agree together and i'll go before the lord in prayer lord god we thank you for our time today we thank you for speaking specifically to my heart about what you wanted both scott and susan to hear god we know that [Music] hey you fit [Music] i know [Music] guess what gary just made him do well he was at the microwave gary made him take his food out the microwave and it wasn't even done stop it bro you letting gary take your lunch money real funny man ain't nobody scared of no gear what's wrong with you boy why's he don't look with his tail tucked between his leg you all right i look bro i left kelly man what say what what i just couldn't do it no more so i left oh so y'all thinking about getting a divorce listen man she said on her own mom the other day that she deserved better and she fed up with me and i'm fed up with her i know what you shouldn't be doing you're sitting here and beating up yourself about it i mean from everything you saying if she didn't change too much for you and you can't deal with it you need to do what you need to do but uh i'll break all myself you know we only get 30 minutes so uh we out of here and uh i'll see you later mr stevenson sir [Music] hey what's up stan what's going on with you everybody if i sit here for a minute right which nah not at all i don't mean to get in your business man but i couldn't help but overhear your conversation with your guys right and i have some advice for you all right what's up what's that your story it reminds me so much of my own bro but to see the only difference is it was me that gave my life to god and my wife stayed out of the world man that's crazy like that's the exact way that i feel man but let me ask you something have you ever asked your wife how she feels be honest with you i haven't like there ain't no reason to because i already know how she feel man look check this out when i say that my wife like she has completely changed like i mean it me and my wife used to do everything together go to the clubs party hang out drink smoke whatever the case may be but now she is totally different man and i mean that you know i met my wife in the club when i was deep in the dope game running the streets but then i went to the penitentiary for seven years and that's when i gave my life to god you know man my wife hung up with me the whole time i was locked up but you know she thought i was playing because that's what brothers do when they go to jail they find god and when they get out they leave god in there and we all know them kind that dog that wasn't the case with me i was serious when i came home i was completely changed man and when she saw this change in me bro she thought i was trying to be a preacher but i'm like baby no i'm just trying to you know i'm just living for god but she didn't want to hear it she thought she'd be getting away with my calling so she left i look that's crazy man like that's the exact same way that i feel like don't get me wrong with nothing i love the new woman that kelly becoming but then again i just feel like she deserves better like and i can't give her that right now man understand what you mean bruh you can't be that better for your wife i look get right on him later you don't even know if i can or how to be it stan listen man can't you see that's just the enemy's way of distracting you from what all god calls you to be see look when you give your life to god he becomes your gps system and all you got to do bro is just build beat into his voice he got you hey man that's deep ever tell me something so how long have you and your wife got me in the voice now still i can happily say me and my wife been back together now four and a half years let me ask you a question have you ever heard this lady named minister norton have i heard of minister north yes man like this all my wife listened to all day all night my wife is minister norton straight up that's great that's a small world man but listen bro let me tell you what we did my pastor wrote this book it's called the marriage cup in the covenant i got a copy of that book [Music] i really would like for you to read it and prayerfully it'll help you understand what god ordained marriage should be and not to be don't take for granted your wife praying and her faithfulness to god i won't keep you in your situation and my prayers all right gary man i appreciate that bro [Music] ladies i promise as soon as ebony gets here we will get started yeah i'm so sorry i can find my keys nowhere oh my god girl you lose those keys more than anybody i know girl we need to get you one of them clap things girl no what i need is that shirt better late than ugly i shouldn't even be here get started yeah i ain't the only one i got away now and i see where kelly is well just between us kelly called me the other day and she asked me to pray with her and she also asked me not to say anything but i figured since we're all girls we all could just pray together about her situation what situation don't say nothing y'all okay stan left kelly what are you serious girl wait a minute you mean kelly left saying stan left kelly and check this out he said that he didn't want to be with her anymore because he's not ready to change his life the same way that she had you know what i don't feel sorry for that's what she get why would you say such a thing girl look i told kelly a long time ago that that relationship was not gonna work she's so submissive the bible says this and the bible says that girl that's over for women back in the bible days that is not for women today girl look i stopped by the other day because she hadn't been answering the phone for me girl standing hispanic said just left girl they had stuff everywhere i remember a time when steam was laid off from work girl stan used to always be laid off i called kelly just to ask her if she could loan me some money until friday when i got paid oh james and julie needed to borrow money be quiet ebony y'all know she told me to let her discuss it with sam that's probably why she was so mad last week when she told ebony she wasn't taking the book seriously right talking about some ebony we all agreed not to take this journey lightly stop you ladies ought to be ashamed of yourselves and you all are supposed to be her friends and you she told you something in confidence so that you can pray for her not broadcast her business to everybody kelly is going through a dark season in her life right now and all you all can do is sit around and talk about her you may say that the word is for the old days but honestly i have never seen the righteous forsaken and it's working in my life if you all are her friends she definitely don't need enemies [Music] who is she girl anyway she don't come around here trying to tell us how we discuss our friend kelly is offering and she's a new kid on the block anyway on to the next chapter of the book girl please oh there's power and submission i guess kelly found out all about that power huh [Music] i feel horrible susan's right we should just pray for kelly man i know this has got to be hurting her [Music] this is kelly put her on speaker [Music] hello oh honey okay sweetie yeah okay yep i'm on my way what's going on what's she saying i don't know what did she say let's just first we need to know candy this is not you have you even left the house i can't eat i can't sleep i can't do nothing candace why did it end up like this like this is not supposed to be the end result are you sure yes what are you guys doing here kelly we came over as soon as we heard what happened how could he just walk out of your life like this as good as you've been for him where is he at matter of fact where's his clothes at sweetheart i am so sorry is there anything i can do no there's nothing nobody can do look i'm just gonna continue to pray for him okay hold on enough is enough you mean to tell me that you still want to pray for this man after he walked out of your life that easy kelly girl you saved now god has a better husband in store for you someone that's saved and not still out here in these streets maybe sin is a stumbling blocking your way and god just had to remove him you know what kelly we have been through a lot of things together and i have just never seen you play this role before they're submitting and that loyalty stuff you know man nowadays they take that for granted i know you said that god told you your marriage would work but clearly he isn't speaking of this one couldn't have been there is nothing in scripture that says to be this way only if your husband is saved yes god did tell me my magical work thank you for reminding me of that tasha look if god said it i'm gonna believe in him because it shall come to pass you know what i'm going through a real rough time right now and the last thing i need around me is non-believers look no please y'all just let yourself out you can be a fool all you want so don't i'll take promise chance at being alone and honestly i'm afraid cause i don't wanna live that way [Music] see late at night when you hold me close baby i feel so safe and it's so cold and baby i'm needing no face [Music] can we [Music] oh can we get y'all i just feel so bad for kelly oh girl so do i y'all know this is the first time that stan's not here for her company's christmas party she seems to be holding up pretty good though girl you know how it is she's in the presence of company she got to put on her game fans that's true why y'all over here looking all gloomy in the face i mean come on ladies this christmas eve snap out of it already ebony we're just really feeling stand for kelly right now right feel a story for kelly for what you know this is her favorite holiday it's dan's not even here with her girl will whatever life goes on and anyway from my understanding wasn't she just praying and asking god for a new husband for christmas and girl with all these fine successful men and her girl she might be getting her presents goodness ebony just stop oh lord her friend is such a much she looks so beautiful it must be her husband i just love america's work out girl i need another drink man this is my beautiful wife susan hey steve that's dante and that's my man james nice to meet you pleasure to meet you all okay i'm gonna go to the restaurant all right okay all right good god please tell me she got a sister a cousin friend anybody gentlemen gentlemen have we purchased our raffle tickets yet uh no sweetie i haven't my name is steve how much only one for 150 and five for six hundred oh and so am i my wife already purchased our ticket so thank you you must be james i am julie's husband nice to meet you nice to meet you as well and thank you so much for that annual contribution listen we're blessed to be a blessing hmm wrap will take you pizza oh my god i don't know how happy i am to see y'all thank you so much for coming again this year of course why wouldn't you think we want to come well you know things been kind of crazy and given the circumstances this wasn't sure kel you understand our friends and we're going to support you all no matter what okay oh dante thank you that is so sweet thank you i appreciate that hey kevin yeah stan normally volunteered for the raffle auction every year so we're going to do it this year i asked my daddy to do it man henry don't clown my daddy i know it won't be like last time but trust me it'll be fine excuse me hi everyone would you excuse ms stevenson for just a second we're going to go ahead and get started with the raffle okay i'll catch up with you guys later all right all right man everyone's attention please we're gonna start our raffle party now [Applause] oh hey susan julie how are you i am ready for my bundle of joy how adorable thank you susan i really wanted to apologize for how we acted at our last book club meeting we have all acknowledged that we were wrong and we've even apologized to kelly that's so good to hear because honestly the apology to kelly is what's most important i mean you guys have known her far longer than i have and i just i was shocked to hear you guys speak of her in that manner that's all oh my god we shouldn't have and i promise we will never do so again we're good girl because true genuine friendship is so hard to find these days and julie you all really do have something special thank you susan welcome and i see that you and huffy has decided to work things out we have and let's just say i'm adjusting the temperature in my environment well okay girl that is what i'm talking about congratulations good thank you girl okay [Music] sorry it's just not the same about him being here i miss him so much susan i'm so sorry you are such a strong woman you are but you don't have to be strong for us that's right susan's right we all have our breaking point but listen we're your girls so it is okay not to be okay sometimes i mean you know i've been praying and asking god to help me because i thought it was gonna be different i didn't know it was gonna turn out like mean look at me i'm alone listen listen to me i don't care how it looks you keep trusting god and you believe that whatever your heart desires if it is in god's will he would give it to you kelly you were there for me in my darkest season and i'm gonna be here for you on yours yes girl just a a little light then you just pray and ask god for a new husband for christmas and girl with all these five men in here do you better dry your face and come and get your breath answered oh my god girl you are crazy i can always depend on you for a good life i really appreciate you i do you know my girls and i don't know how i would have gotten through this without thank y'all so much kelly you need to get out here you need to see all right and the last ticket number is 311 307. [Music] [Music] [Applause] we appreciate y'all for coming out thanks for the support because this event is very very dear to my wife so we appreciate y'all man the party on and merry christmas to y'all [Music] [Music] what's up what's up merry christmas miss stevenson stan what are you doing here hey what am i not welcome this year well i did say i would be the rapper taking a nice rush so i'm just here to honor that and plus besides you know this party wouldn't be nothing without the overstanding man right is that the only reason why you came of course brother is my beer well thanks for honoring your commitment [Music] kelly kelly so we gonna ask the lawyer i'm kidding seriously i miss you i um uh you do i do and i have some things i like to say to you i'm listening i think if you step outside sure after you stand why did you have to bring me out here to talk it's freezing we got nobody i just wanted to get you away from the noise i just got a few things on my chest i wanted to get off that saw i'm listening i ain't so careful never in a million years would i have thought that my mindset would change the way they did like in a short span of time you know the same week that i had left this guy in my job he had um sat down here spoke to me and he gave me this book to read he invited me to come out to his church now the name of the book is called the marriage cup and the covenant wait hello you mean to tell me the book i've been trying to get you to read with me staying i knew that book had sounds familiar oh my god it's too cold for me to be playing hey but everything got to happen guys time to go right so anyway like i was saying like the book is so powerful kelly like you know you read the book but what got me is the way they speak on the roles and the responsibility of a husband and a wife yeah and when i was reading the part about a wife kelly like he was doing everything that you were supposed to do in our marriage it was me like i wasn't leading the way that i should have been leading you so but anyway the crazy part about it is the author of the book is actually the pastor of the church that the guy invited me to go up to me wow did you go yes i had to go like because i had to speak to him like personally like and it was in that very moment when i really understood my role more as a husband so i even joined the church wait a minute you joined the church saying yes i joined church but that's not even the crazy part about it what's the crazy part stan i gave my life to christ kelly wait a minute you gave your life to christ yes really baby that's so good to be honest like the real reason i'm hurt kelly is because on this past sunday the messenger was about forgiveness so i just simply came here and asked you for your forgiveness i forgive you and if you don't want to forgive me i totally get that but i'm just i forgive you i said i forgive you baby you merry christmas merry christmas ms stevenson [Music] oh my god [Music] [Music] swine it reads do understand that forgiveness and trust are two different things just because you might forgive does not mean trust is going to automatically be restored i really like this book learning your husband's style of communicating is beneficial that's what i'm talking about right there keep reading nothing out here i read it it said learning your husband's style of communicating is beneficial okay every man is not the same however one thing they all have in common is that they all want to be respected did speaking to him as if he is a child will not be received very well amen to that many times we y'all have a valid point and all right and what y'all are trying to communicate conversely meaning at the same time the way y'all communicate at times is where the challenge is this is one heck of a arthur where's your highlighter [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] miss anderson hello excuse me are you the lady that lived downstairs yes hi i'm kelly stevenson are you okay yes i'm just looking for mrs anderson um her apartment is empty and she didn't tell me she was moving i'm sorry who mrs anderson she lives here no this apartment has been vacant now for over a year excuse me no one has lived here in over a year okay so it couldn't have possibly been vacant because i've spent time with her here talking many times over this past year oh no mrs stevenson right yes okay mrs stevenson you may want to give the lease an office a call i know it's the holidays so you may have to wait a week but give them the call they may be able to help you out with the situation okay but i know i'm not crazy are you 100 certain that no one has lived in this apartment in the past year i am 200 certain dear um merry christmas and happy hour days [Music] god you are truly amazing [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Indie Rights Movies For Free
Views: 1,806,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Christmas, Christmas movie, holidays, new husband, for christmas, full movie, free movie, black cinema, faith movie, faith, christian, female cinema, women
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 33sec (6213 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 13 2021
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