Three day Pond Build - Start to Finish - Retired Equipment Operator

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good morning and it is a beautiful morning it's a little foggy you guys can see that this morning we got the pup want some pets out here with us too we've also got the john deere 850b ready to go and i brought mike's truck up this morning we're gonna get it topped off with fuel because any minute jerry is on his way out we've also got the john deere 120 sitting at the top of the hill we're gonna run and get that after we get this topped off with fuel we're gonna start getting a dam pushed up today and i'm pretty excited about it she had a long night coyotes were out last night her job is keeping the chickens safe yeah long long night ninja girl long night all right everywhere we go we've got our camera stuff with us let's get this thing walked down to the pawn job [Applause] if you're new to the channel then welcome and let me get you caught up to speed about exactly what we've got going on today we are starting to push up the dam on this pond build project and this video will cover the dam construction in its entirety and when i say we for the record i mean jerry jerry is a retired operator and he offered to come out and run 850 and help us out on this if you watch dirt perfect's channel you've seen jerry on there already he also works for perfect part time there are several videos prior to this one where we've done all the lane clearing for this project renting dirt perfect's excavators to do so and i'll put those links in the description make sure you check those out if you want we have a little bit of miscellaneous cleanup to do with the excavator first thing then jerry's going to get out there we're going to do a little bit of excavator work like with the keyway cleaning out a couple ditches and getting things ready and then the rest will be all damn construction so stay tuned and i hope you enjoy the video so this this is my jerry defense right over here see that uh shows up at green stake that way is the septic field or will be the septic field the youtube pro youtube yup project which is right there on top of that hill but where we're at in indiana you have to have a certain amount of distance between your septic field and a body of water for obvious reasons this is the distance i need this is my jerry defense hopefully this keeps him from running the dozer back up in here other than that we should pretty much be ready to go i think i'm just gonna do a little general cleanup around the edges until he shows up which should be pretty soon tell you one thing it's gonna be a good day i know that for sure i know that for a fact it's gonna be a good day i will say this i said that a few days ago and it hit a little harder than normal it was not grand scheme of things still probably a good day but it hit a little harder than normal and i gotta say chelsea's been keeping me going the past few days ah lucky man lucky lucky man down here a lot of people say firewood and mill and all that kind of stuff you guys know what people make comments about when it comes to logs and videos anyway i got this picture the other day from a good friend of mine and that is a very exciting picture so we may try to make a trip down there one day see if he's up for making a video he just got that and he's been having a blast with it he really has he's been sending me quite a few pictures actually of it and well we're just gonna have to make time one day to get down there and see that thing running i could be a lot of fun a lot of fun so [Music] i really want to get that stump out but at this point i'm starting to get into these roots for this fellow pretty good and i really want to save that guy so i think we're just going to come back with a saw later and just cutting it flush and that'll be good enough be good enough for that one he gave me my first assignment which is kind of how the day is going to go but i'm pretty excited about it we're going to get the rest of this ditch cleaned up go over there and clean up a little bit of that stuff around the edge he wants to pull that firewood out just so we can get to it later let's get it done [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] next assignment was get these logs up and out of his way and we're just going to shuttle them way back this trail these are uh these trees were my neighbors trees these are my neighbors trees so we're just slowly getting them swung over there and at this point we're just gonna try to grab big bunches and track them from here i wonder if i can [Music] if i can grab this at the same time let's try it let's try it bud oh yeah we got her there don't we we're going to have to go sideways a little bit of a tight squeeze that's all right here we go nope nope [Music] so try to wiggle these longer ones through here a little bit that's about all the further we're gonna go with them but i get it back here all right let's go get the next punch hopefully i can just get in one move definitely a little tight right here though but that's okay so so so we got that cleaned out pretty good jerry's getting that stuff pushed out of the way then i'm gonna hop down there with the excavator and we're gonna go ahead and start running the keyway across here it's going pretty well pretty well so so so so [Music] so [Applause] [Music] so so i think [Music] so [Music] [Music] i'll come i'm gonna try to save this somewhat if i can at least i got quite a bit of tick there but we're out that way but we still have a nice area here mike for something yeah there's anyway there's plenty of room back here if i need to do something in anything yeah we'll be good i'm gonna let this warm up but i'm gonna use me checking the oil lean in that bed it's never used any before so you need something holler bud okay so so so so so so so i got a little work i need to take care of on the youtube yacht project up there this morning real quick i'm going to leave you guys on a time lapse down here with jerry though see how this turns out we'll come back check on them in a little bit [Music] [Music] do [Music] i came down to check on jerry see if he needed anything you want to know if we had a laser available so we're gonna go get a laser and come back and just get him a couple reference marks well makes you smile [Music] so [Music] so so all right see we're at great rise at here we're still pretty low out here i'm feeling let's see what we got is that pro pro six feet up yet [Music] [Music] [Music] so jerry's getting pretty close behind me here he doesn't think he's going to be able to get it quite to grade today which is kind of a bummer because we're actually leaving on a family trip tomorrow we're headed down to gatlinburg so jerry's going to be out here by himself which is fine he's been out here by himself the whole time i've just been out here with the camera anywho he's gonna get up to grade tomorrow so the next time we'll look at this the dam should be done he's doing just a few more lifts here a few more pushes then we're going to uh i keep saying we then he's going to go around the top one more time we'll check grade see what grade is good and then we'll come back from vacation see how it looks so vacation was great by the way and it'll probably be a small clip of the trip in an upcoming video that doesn't matter i came back it was dark the night i came back and then i went to shift the next day and i just got off a shift you can see the 850 sitting there obviously the ranger and then mike also ran up the d4g for jerry to do a little work with it and i'm pretty excited i cannot believe the way this thing turned out so you guys want to see it so this is what we ended up with it's been it rained last night a little bit about a half an inch of rain here you can see it washed this out here which we i actually have a load of rip-rap coming later this week we just didn't have a chance to get the rip wrap on before the rain there's the culvert coming out you guys remember that right rolled up that way and then that was the road back to the original youtube yacht site so there's where that culvert was at it washed out out pretty good not a big deal like i said i've got rip rap coming later this week it's a rip-rap all the way down into there man it turned out great so water level will be right about see my finger right about there there is a spillway over the top on that side we'll put some rip wrap on but all in all turned out pretty awesome i can't believe it honestly i honestly can't believe it's definitely a little larger than what i originally expected no complaints there you guys remember this tree looks awesome here we are on the other side of the damn there's the pipe over there the dozers for reference that's that spot i was talking about washed out but like i said we expected that i just didn't get the rip wrap in time it's coming later this week so we'll get that all cleaned up turned out really nice jerry got everything cleaned up around the bottom side that was the original hole where we shoved all the stumps and stuff down into and that turned out really nice as well andy's got a trail or a path pretty much all the way around the back side of this dam which is great it's too steep to mow this way obviously but i can easily bring the tractor across and down or just come up and down it it's not too steep to do that and with the trail along the bottom i can just come down go around come up come down go around come up and kind of do that we're not going to bush hog it or keep it too crazy you know what i mean just maybe once a year just keep everything beat down so i think that'll work just fine i can't believe how nice this turned out [Music] i cannot believe how nice this turned out [Music] so this is pretty much the goal for this time of year it's a little bit late in the season to be pushing dams up the goal is to get the dam hogged in and then get all the seed and straw down around the outside and like i said i've got riprap coming later this week for that spot right there so we'll go ahead and get that rip wrapped and fixed and ready to go grass seed in that way the pond can fill up over the winter settle out throughout the winter and spring a little bit and then next summer obviously we have a lot of work to do yet we can start doing the fun things not that this wasn't fun but the fun things chelsea knife talks about maybe doing a little boardwalk around the steep bank on this side we've talked about a floating swimming platform i know gary has some plans and things he wants to do over here with us it's going to be awesome i mean it's just going to be amazing it's been a lot of fun it is an awesome awesome thing to have on the property i've said awesome 20 times that's how excited i am there's definitely some credit to be given though jerry did all of the 850 work in all of the d4 work and it turned out amazing so everybody be sure to tell jerry thank you in the comments and that d4 was not here when i left which means dirt perfect ran that d4 up here for him while i was out of town in gatlinburg having a good time so be sure to thanks dirt perfect as well for getting us taken care of and obviously for letting us rent the equipment for the entirety of this job and a huge shout out to our neighbor gary who is probably the main reason this thing happened because he approached us and said do you want to do it and we said absolutely it's been a very fun project and i know we're going to have a lot of fun doing all the finishing touches next summer i hope you guys like the way this video turned out we love the way the pond turned out as always thanks for watching and we'll catch you on the next one you
Channel: Captain Kleeman
Views: 308,063
Rating: 4.8680177 out of 5
Keywords: captain, kleeman, dirt, perfect, construction, machines, heavy, equipment, excavation, john, deere, john deere 120, john deere 850, bulldozer, dozer, jerry, pond, build, lake, farm pond, fishing, fish, building a dam, how to, keyway, dam core, excavator, how to build all natural pond, pond holds water, building a 1.5 acre pond, 1/2 acre, acre, pond start to finish, half acre, private lake, private pond, home owner, headstead, project, major, retired equipment operator, woods, outdoors, caterpillar, tractors
Id: dvqdQTqgX1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 44sec (2144 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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