Every piece of equipment on this job has broke down ready to move on but job turned out awesome

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all right guys we are back on our drainage job and uh yeah unfortunately the volvo has replaced the 120 so let me show you what we got so aaron and i ended up working late last night i apologize i didn't get a lot of video of it i left my camera in the wrong truck but we got up to captain kleeman's we got the volvo repaired we got it hauled into this job we got the 120 loaded which was a little sketchy but it worked out and then uh we thought we were gonna get rain last night unfortunately we didn't but we did get the last 40 feet of pipe in you can see it ending right there and a little riprap showed up this morning so what's on the agenda for today is we're going to dig out just a small little retention area here probably take some of these sandstone rocks pretty up around that pipe a little bit and then uh we're gonna take a rip-rap and fortify the end of that pipe where it goes out there and the uh goes out to the river so then we gotta do something with all these rocks we dug out of here i guess this will be a pretty good test machine to machine obviously you guys see the 120 set that rock up there so be interesting to see how the 140 handles it uh so yeah let's do it aaron's up there somewhere i guess apparently he forgot to put fuel in the uh skid steer before he brought it down here oh he's on a fuel search so let's get this girl fired up we don't got fools checked in it hopefully it'll make it through the day without any issues apparently keeping track hoes running right now it's not the easiest thing for us perfect well we're off to a good start let's make it happen all right guys back rolling this morning i got this little area here cleaned out this is just some nasty rocky muddy stuff i don't know what it is got the end of the pipe exposed we're going to take some of these rocks all these rocks come out that's all we just dug take some of these rocks and try to stack around the end of the uh that's your little one really i didn't notice from the seat well i know you're 30 feet away from them i just want to make sure you knew there's a lot of things i don't like about this tricho but i do have good visibility is this the pipe here that's it right there don't smash it right beside it that was almost a perfect job yes it was i like it too not soft landing oh yeah we got her i remember what i was saying we got the pipe exposed all these rocks come out of this hole we're going to build this kind of a nice little decorative wall here since we got the rocks and uh kind of protecting this pipe here a little bit and then uh we'll get done with that we'll go down the riverbank i tell you this morning man after operating that 120 for six hours or so hopping back in this thing enjoying the air conditioning but i am missing the 120. it was a sad sad day yesterday i'm trying to slowly get over it but uh although i got caught straight out of the rock in here so i'll get hollered all right i think this big one should go across i hate to say it i mean you're thinking the same wouldn't make a good name brock but it's gonna have a better preference here you know they should like call this town rocky the boy thing that's a joke that's the name of the town dragon point the homeowner wants to save one of these rocks for an address rock unfortunately we have plenty of them to choose from so that should not be a problem all right let's grab this other rock we'll put it down there on the topper here and then we'll stack them out this and uh to be to your right can come out a little bit coming on out all right hold that right there i think that looks pretty good looks like some pros done that one i'd like to go ahead and stack it a little farther maybe a little higher all right 10-4. push it back to you all right that looks real good so don't worry i won't now back to you about eight inches all right yeah that looks good your left hand needs to be turned actually i think that'll work perfect right like that what i was trying to do is flip it just not quite like that well i'll give that flip about a nine so yeah i like that i wish you had another little bitty flat rock you put on the other side i got uh i think i got if i could have one more little bit of flat rocks on that other side i think i picked this great neighbor to come tomorrow but let me go out here and see what i got this pile behind me all right eventually you may have to end up putting one in the navel right over there not like that what do you think i like it may be able to show you how to shove that up a little bit yup looks good you turn that rock 180 now spin it around yeah we're like better edges out front like that so all right you're tied against it we may have to shim that up in the back yeah we're going to find some really thin ones uh so we can bridge over top that middle and then we'll take out a great big rock right here in the middle his name rock oh that one all right there's a couple shamrocks right here uh all right you think i need to lay out this drop across there now and then we'll fill it in with pieces or you want to fill it with pieces and then i'll shut the doors off ah i may grab some in pieces and uh i'll throw them in here you how many you can probably can't bust that rock up there uh let me uh let me just come in dirt around here it's gonna fit on their level and then all right all right final piece of the puzzle needs to come towards me a hair and then out towards the highway just a touch more there you go right there i really like that we just got shimmed this one side all right i think i'd like to put a rock on this side kind of going that way all right take some small rocks and kind of fill in the edges all righty there she is there's what she looks like that didn't turn out too shabby for a bunch of random rocks we dug out of the ground nice little catch basin there so we got this end of the pipe cleaned up next is the other end of the pipe so i'm going to go down there take the excavator start cleaning up around that man behind the scenes he's going to bring some of this there we need some of this dirt down there that's what the dirt is there for so on to the other end here we go i hate to pat myself on the back there but looks pretty good i'll do the same don't break your arm we got these radios i don't have to yell at you yeah uh don't break your arm i might need you later oh yeah don't worry all right i'm curious what i'm dying to know this is the uh rock we dug out with a 120 set up here let's see how the volvo handles it turns to one point i play it's gonna have a power to lift it whether or not it's gonna happen to pick it up oh look at that volvo wanting to pick it up 120 picked it right up that's all i got volvo get it about six inches off the ground i'm out i don't know if you guys see over here i'm pulling for all she's worth that's embarrassing full though that is embarrassing that is absolutely embarrassing that is sad well it's official 120 will lift more than the ball though considerably i can get it off the ground that's about all i can do with it not gonna lie that's a pretty big disappointment i knew this volvo didn't even of the 120 but i thought it was just in my head that rock proof is not just in my head it's reality it's a bigger machine it's never machine i don't get it oh well can't say too much this one's still moving on to the next project all right getting started down here on this other end i just kind of got this bank slope slightly and you can see our pipe sticking out there this is going to be the worst part about this whole jobs aaron's got a pack there's no way to get a truck down here or nothing so aaron's got to pack all this rip wrap down here to us come on up as far as you can that'll probably be good just kind of lower your bucket and dump it oh work you got as much dirt as you did rip right i'll be a landing strip now 10 4 bring her on buddy i need some rock but basically we're good it's going to take us while the pack is down here we're going to stack rip rap back rip rap in here and uh go from there up get that protected and keep the river from washing it out make everybody happy that's the plan boys got to play him he's got hope playing work all right aaron's got a couple buck at the rip rap down here so we're going to take the track oh i don't know what it is rip rap has got to be one of the most aggravating things to work don't take much to spread it out though get iron to keep the dirt out of it and make our job a lot easier that guy's going to look pretty nice when she's all said i was just telling my people that uh my job would look a lot nicer without that dirt and a rip rap oh i thought i don't start a new track there don't need to go back to pennsylvania and get jason you may have to hey at least i got stuck in yeah being the key word yeah or i ended up in the river you're the only option i got today so i'll be nice that's right you don't like this this gear here it can get a lot worse i have video evidence of worse oh i want to jason i wasn't going to mention any names but all right hey you want me to just keep jumping next to you yeah i don't want it in the back of my pickup truck so go on a little farther you're good all right aaron has got several more buckets of rip rap down here watch out and uh he did a pretty good job keeping this pretty clean can't really complain oh that's a horrible noise it's gonna look nice all right guys there he's still packing rip rap down there with a skid steer a small job turned into a little bit of a bigger job because the uh neighbor decided he wanted a little bit of work out so that's a whole another deal there but i'm called up down below so what i'm going to do is i'm going to take a little bit of this rip wrap here this is tight for a hundred day machine hang take a little this rip wrap here we're actually going to rip wrap the bottom of this basin we made this morning just to kind of protect it here a little bit and uh keep it from washing out so hold on just saying aaron's radio died i was trying to get his attention down there but uh they don't uh without paying any attention to me so it's going on but anyway i got the uh 36 inch bucket on here off the one army that is actually by design i can't get near as much in it but man do i love the flat bottom on this bucket i know i've said that a hundred times for popping that rip wrap down and level it all works good he works real good i won't have to say this one thing that's really nice about this machine over the 120 i know i was giving it a hard time earlier but uh just like trying to pick this roof wrap up on the hillside right here the blade is definitely kind of handy and uh down there working on the riverbank i'm not gonna lie play kind of come in handy down there too kevin's getting wet i just wish it had a little bit more power i hate to go cranking all the screws and nothing pressure that this problem somewhere else one day but it's not bad we'll live with it and this is a tight spot hey here we go watch out dream watch out fireline watch out aaron wherever you're at coming through you get behind me i think you're dead can't really see what i'm doing down there that was oh yeah oh yeah there we go now walk around see what we actually got starting to rain boys and girls that is never good never good at all look at that didn't do two battle i got one rock in the pipe i guess that's all right put you guys over here and we'll fish that out of there we're getting there but i don't think the rain although the rain's gonna let us get her finished today but uh i guess we'll test this out and see how well she works trying to find the bright side of getting wet folks all right guys it's been like three days since i filmed the first half of this video and uh it's been a lot of fun it's been a struggle on this job to be honest with you see you guys real quick start from the beginning 120 had a hydraulic leak and then we lost the drive gear and the final drive this machine was on a captain cleveland's job and uh blew a hose so we had to get that fixed get it up here i probably don't work 20 minutes and uh knock the windshield clean out of it get that fixed and uh about 10 minutes after i get that fixed there's those tracks off the skids here get that fixed worked another couple hours and now this thing is stolen emissions comes we're getting ready to do that this has been this has been one of those jobs where can't go don't go wrong i guess but the homeowner and the neighbor they added a tremendous amount of work we ended up rip wrapping this whole bank down through here getting this whole waterfront pretty dope and we still got i'll take you guys up here i'll give you a cheer here in a little bit i'll take you guys up there and show you um we got the pipe and a little retention area all done got that all good we're getting working for some awesome people up here this job turned out really well it's just been uh it's just been a struggle for some reason it's just one of those jobs that uh we've had minor the biggest breakdown we've had all year of everything we've done blew a hose on them on the 850 building that way i can't really complain we've had a pretty good summer i'm glad i'm saying they have all caught up with us on this job i think we're working on an indian burial ground or something and we're going to be on to the next one do i have uh permission to hop aboard your machine sir i'm going to let you right now come they're going to start calling you jerry i know it i know i got on his high roller the other day and he got mad at me yeah so well i mean it's like usual you uh make a mess i clean it up i got this uh supposed to tell everybody uh he's doing a fine job michael hmm all right we've got everything power right down through there we got these three rocks we got to set back let's get uh leveled up here so push a little dirt on the front there yep hold that we can see what that does that looks looks pretty good huh yeah that's pretty good actually right on the other side of the dock um all right hold on yeah they gotta be right there it could go that way here if we wanted yeah i believe that right there i like that is maybe just a little bit that was pretty close i think if you can just shake it down a little bit we'll be good hold that back up a little bit all right looks good as long as you don't think it's twisted you think it's good but i think it looks good i don't want it to i just making sure they need to i'll make some really smart come to me a little bit come to me about thank you need to go like that come back all right hey michael where spin are your around just a hair right there that's good so what do you guys think did we do a good job yeah is it is it approved look we even got you a fishing rock down there now we just got to get uh this guy over here is having a hard time getting a bird seeder back in yeah it looks pretty good doesn't it you didn't get it by yourself they already come back home too hey look at the birds on it look at them they're happy you must have got a gps right back in all right we got our rocks back in got uh i don't know it's been someone with this job right over there roxanne bird cedar in i got everything pie racked looking pretty good homeowners getting ready to seat and straw and uh hopefully we'll get out of here eventually all right guys we finally got her done let me give you a tear man this uh job turned into a little bit more than what we expected when we got here we had all kinds of just random problems but perseverance paid off we got her done so we'll start on this end go around we dumped about three or four loads of dirt in here this is really steep that way they could get uh getting out here to service this services riverfront with his little four-wheel drive tractor this here was kind of an addition we got uh over 300 tons of rip rap we end up putting on this riverbank and this was all packed in here if the skid steer there is no way to get a truck down in here so kind of re-slope this all and uh fill this rip wrap in here try to do a really nice job keep a nice nice straight edge for them there so what ends up happening here uh is we're basically this roof wrap you see is on three different property owners so the first property owner we're working for was the one here of course they're all all friends if you guys remember when we started this is where the all them trees were at and the pipe come down through here you actually see the pipe coming out right there so then we skipped over to this property owner and pulled up all the stones and the bird feeder here and rip rap across this property they're kind of land locked here so if we didn't come across the first guy there's no way to get down here the other ones look there's man behind the scenes there they look all right there that's why i came up here it looks great from up here and that's what counts you did a fine job today oh boy one of these days i'll find some good help we'll get out here and check it out from there keep working i forgot you can hear me without the radio so there she is we started all the way down there all the way down to there what do you guys think got some fans wanting to get on camera there so from there we'll head back up here to what our original project was where we started that so you guys see the pipe coming out there that's all prettied up i go up through here there's a great big tree right here uh up here where this catch basin's at is actually where the red oak tree was at that we cut down when we had problems with the chainsaw but uh got some rip rap in this all these stones we found to stack around this pipe they actually come out of the ground as we were digging the pipe we randomly found them and check that out looks all good right there pipes right there already got water going in it turned out nice this area right here is our staging area this is where we dumped off our rip rap and aaron picked it up and uh packed it down over the hill but you got one last thing i want to show you before i let you guys go is uh the big rock the volvo would not lift the john deere wood it's actually downhill on the riverbank but we found this rock when we were digging around we set up here for them for an address rock put their camp number and stuff on so pretty cool looking route that's it guys it's a wrap on this one hope you guys enjoyed don't forget to like subscribe and comment i'm gonna head down the hill and get a few uh instagram facebook pictures so don't forget to like us there if you want to see those and as always catch you on the next
Channel: Dirt Perfect
Views: 95,932
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrew camarata, excavator, excavation, letsdig18, letsdig18 volvo, digger, construction, trackhoe, grading, skid, steer, mini, bulldozer, dozer, installing rip rap, installing rip rap on shoreline, installing rip rap rock, catch basin installation, catch basin installation instructions, catch basin, french drain, drainage, yard drain, yard drainage, equipment problems, equipment, problems, broken, broke, repair, break down
Id: iO6J_MiAgng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 52sec (2452 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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