Building a 1.5 Acre Pond

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we're starting a new fun project be the first job for the new 220 we just bought got my man bucket on their new song at 160 it does all truck coming I'm clear about three acres and make a bow anchor half pond in these trees right here oh that's a nice big bucket for a new thumb put on here a bucket slightly used thing it was on a demo machine Pond Dam is going to come through here here I'll take you a little quick video here real quick back of the dam will be at that post dam swim come all the way across and tie all the way back in up there all that's going to get cleared out and pond cut into the field so we'll get in here should get a lot of this knocked down today now we got the pond site cleared we're all piled up and come over here take a burn pit now we're gonna take the dozer and push it all up here when they haul some that stuff back there in the back here with your truck that's uh yep coming together pretty quick you can start pushing that up here to me and I'm gonna go ahead and set this fire pile up if I do about half of in the hole and then kinda add to it as we burn day four on the pond project cutting in the core on one side he's down there baling that dirt bite got everything cleared all the brush piled up up there and pretty much there's a yellow flag right there pretty much yellow flag to grass line over there we'll all be pond so we'll be a nice pond that's all said and done come in here and cut these edges out bring the water back a little bit more to make it a little bit bigger and I'm going to go over here on the other side and finish digging the core where he's bailing right over there he's finishing the ghillie end he's tracking the dirt in all that stuff it's technically bad dirt is just the top sold which really isn't much topsoil I've built dams out of work material than this and we're calling this the bad dirt some very good dirt to work with I'm going over there in dig that core and we're gonna start hauling dirt probably after lunch start building this dam in there should get it all built by the end of the week everything yep nice project come on started a cut here after lunch been hour and 15 minutes and we've already moved all this on and over there to the dam him like a blurry you're I think it's a blurry but he's dumping those are spreading it out we're going to continue on all right cutting it down about oh six foot right here Wars gonna be about 15 feet at the dam so I'll be making probably a 10 to 12-foot cut more down there bonnes come along good day number six all and dirt out building the bottom down make about a probably a little foot good I am still got to come up probably five feet I would say bucket in the Sun there Oh making a cut haul it over there to the dam dumping it and spreading it tracking any [Music] it all into a big loop or you don't see pushes it off circle back around and get some no load Friday day number seven working on the bonds seven working days start looked like a pond now I know it's hard to tell on camera but it's a pretty deep fryer and lunch is good if you just hear that God we're probably 18 20 foot deep right there working on the last couple lives in the pond am will have a big horseshoe shake them on here making a cut on this hillside and get a little more depth on this hill just making a big long loop around please driving over a packet man I got some rock veins he do nothing with that there's a little bit of topsoil yeah that stops old but that's what's gonna go on top maybe we get some grass to grow all the grass does go pretty good out here this red clay day 8 on the pond building project set the brush pile on fire this morning and got me some topsoil piled up in the pond making a cut on the far side now he's grading out in the front of the dam was a dozer we're hauling a little bit more dirt down to the back to the pond dam to make the slope a little bit softer a little bit steep and to raise the van lift a little bit higher than we thought so it's probably every bit of a 20-foot tall dam there I don't think I mean you see the dozer on it right now how small it looks compared a few more loads across that and finish out my cut right here tie it into the pond Dam and we should just about have all the major picture move [Music] more end of day 10 and to get a video yesterday but we got the overflow pudding yesterday and Topsail spread out on the dam and this morning we're taking some more trees off that far it got 160 and 220 of they're taking into the burn pile and I'm grading the damn out about to start tracking it in went right the backside in and the front side well that does it allows the spot for the grass need to be able to sit in there and it gives it a lot better chance of a problem without washing off spend the next probably a couple hours tracking this in so we got the damn track in did that this morning get the laser all here one second and got to finish grading the top we got the slopes tracked in front and back that way when we seed and straw it tomorrow I'll run over the top with the sketch to her hit it with the dozer again before we see just to kind of break it up but this will allow the grass seed to kind of settle in those cleat marks not only does it pack it down but it likes that it gives the place or the seed to lay into and a lot better chance for the sprout and instead of washing ruts in there when it rains a lot a lot of tracking but I got a track been starting to come along now got to finish I got to put spread those back out those stumps and building some fish pads now I'm going to put some post in for a doc here's the overflow just a little 12 inch overflow not a whole lot of water runoff into here and it curves on our own and here's the pond all said and done day 11 think yes the them all seated installed grating around the edges on turn that's about acre and a half I think and it turned out to be probably 16 or 17 feet deep here took all these rocks eight fish habitat that's why everything's all irregular put some stumps down here for the fish don't like say we got everything seedings dropped this morning overflows right here damn I'll track bend the rock is for fish beds around three and a half foot deep and we drove some post over here for a dot I kind of screwed up and thought it was deeper than it was to the poster a little bit long we've just got to be cut off but there it is [Music] [Applause] [Music] and up here in the head section we got the burn pit covered up and filled in backfield and here is a view from the head section now I think I took a before picture with the trees here so at the end of this video I'll put a picture of what it looks like now and a picture of before it's going nice a lot of water will be put in here and take a lot of ring you
Channel: letsdig18
Views: 981,001
Rating: 4.7357106 out of 5
Keywords: excavator, trackhoe, track, hoe, digger, bagger, volvo, dozer, haul, truck, off, orad, bulldozer, pond, lake, dam, overflow, building, construction, leve, water, fish, fishing
Id: JgclCEbiQgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 22 2016
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