Hidden JEWELRY IN MYSTERY BOXES! WHY didn't Doctor want ABANDONED Storage Unit back? See what I FIND

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i gotta get this box up oh [Music] [Applause] what [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] before me [Music] i know that feeling i want to narrow down money today how are we doing today sir robert yeah he said there was a sticker on there it don't matter yeah that way too all kind of different ones no glasses you've been collecting lamps for a long time huh too that's how you ask me i i can't do it i can't do all this too much that's a lot of lamps that's for sure [Music] i took the yeah all small glasses we're not interested my shape yeah he's going to give you some stuff too on the other end of the trunk he'll just give you those things too and this lamp goes too and that's him behind hello everybody how are we doing today robert zaba auctioneer extraordinaire from second sense auctions and once again if you haven't subscribed yet what are you waiting for subscribe so many great videos so many great things you never know where you're going to see we go everywhere from horror houses of millionaires mansions all the way to storage units and we find some unbelievable things and speaking of unbelievable all this stuff right behind me stuff's going to be going on for auction probably in january maybe somewhere in february there's a lot of it but it'll be at www.secondsense.com and we'll ship everywhere in the world this is from the doctor's unit let's see what else we can find i'm so excited so many more boxes let's go right into it mr silent shane heavy fountain see these blocks are getting heavier i'm getting weaker what are you laughing under the chocolate i see that i see it you say i'm getting weaker looks like clothes might be some unmentionable in here yep i think we found the lingerie oh look it's brand new face masks you give this your girlfriend for christmas brand new 38 price tag on there chachi 38 price tag silent shane don't have a girlfriend i don't think you shot silent shane nope nope so any of you single ladies out there all the single ladies all the single ladies magic mike and silent shane they're looking what is this what the what is this it's pretty impressive here i don't know how there it goes i can't undo the whole thing but it looks like it's signed art by japanese artist magic mike's house or japanese chachi oh look at that some kind of cat who knows i mean this thing is huge it just keeps going and going i mean i'm not even half unrolled it yet so i don't know how much more is on there i'm trying to roll my arm's only so long oh we gotta reroll that's probably i guess that's as long as it goes pretty cool this isn't a box of clothes once again you never know where you're gonna find never know what you're gonna see we'll see what else is in this box keep watching let me roll this bag it looks like it's completely full besides the uh japanese artwork they're chinese artwork i think it's all unmentionables and there's some brand new stuff in here though so who knows what's underneath the unmentionables they usually keep their best stuff underneath them [Music] so let's see what we got down here are you excited shane okay got some clothes look at this piece wow looks like some tie-dye hippie fun right there so some of these silk handkerchiefs and cloths like this scarfs can be worth some money right here it's marked right there in the corner that's what you gotta look up man there's more in here oh wow look at this one oh that's probably money right there you see that tiffany and company anything tiffany and company's money is just full different ones oh wow that one looks cool look at this one wow that's awesome upside down lions tigers leopards cougars what else could be in here oh it's empty there's all kind of sweaters like this oh what's that what's that what is that if something's inside this thing now you know how you open this thing i have no clue oh there it goes i think it slides this one i think it's a cigarette holder pretty cool piece what's this let's open something cool in there it's a nice little leather pouch case there's more stuff down here too look at this please arrange room right now do not disturb please obviously these people went to china they probably got all the stuff from china new york museum of art i said some of these can be worth some good money i sold a few before for over a hundred dollars and they're i mean there's just loaded in here once again here look at this that's signed right down there when they got names on you know they're worth money i mean this is this unbelievable loaded full oh what's this i mean these are kind of people you could find diamonds and necklaces and who knows i mean they had money i found stuff from tiffany and company already i mean these little tiny purses bags a lot of times people put jewelry in these kind of things but oh look i'll take one more look in there you gotta look through everything and of course we'll go through it one more time before see what else we can find that's pretty cool physical box style shane say we got more clothes close close close what is this thing i'm not kind of confused put your hands in here oh there's all kinds of stuff in here you know what cashew is it's for ballerina that's correct side machine oh i'm on a gosh now trying to find some treasure old purses like this it's just pens who makes them once again i gotta check inside maybe we'll find something inside this is green leather i like it there's a picture frames or something in here there we go got some movies 1968 it says purse i'm just hoping one of these persons would get something in there nothing nothing nothing nothing i don't see there's anything else we'll move on on another ballet slipper in there for the other one more of these pancakes a christmas stocking that's emptying story of my life i usually get cold to heat the house with oh what's that it's just a picture no glass in it i got excited for a minute i saw the military hat this box you just did mm-hmm oh man what is going on here turtle turtle i see this weird case right there look at the case or whatever but we'll find out oh my gosh that one look at that turtle oh this thing's loaded if you like turtles i have an auction for you coming up is everything in here a turtle come on it works for a second what's wrong with these windows come on i know he's just really slow it only moves you wind it up and only goes like you wait like an hour goes this far i'm joking i'm joking oh my gosh no way that's what i think it is i think it is take a look at this i've seen you before it's like a jewelry box or a trinket box all carved out of wood a little turtle grandma's oh my gosh wood carved turtle there's all kinds of wrap down there i gotta get this box up what oh i didn't expect that in the box did you we got wood turtles we got like pewter turtles here another turtle and look at this i know these are money i've had these before it's like a magnifier for your desk ski turtles so i'm going to assume this whole thing this is full of turtles oh my gosh let's take a look see if i'm right this is heavy what kind of turtles that shane uh sea turtle probably it's a tortoise [Music] you always get education for free at second what is this what is this it's huge so you had a cool looking turtle or what man this whole box is just loaded loaded with turtles and i thought i found the jewelry box it was a turtle box turtle box i found a turtle box let's take one more look down here let's try one more piece oh my gosh this thing's so heavy oh look at that it is cast metal turtle i mean this thing is all right 10 15 pounds or so that's unbelievable so this whole thing just keep going i just pull turtles out i feel like a magician you know i'm gonna pull one more i just keep saying one more but something in here it's like fishing this one's too big turtle's too big all right look at this holy concrete turtle i was trying to figure out why it was so heavy this is why so in my profession you never know where you're gonna find never know where you're gonna see sometimes you catch turtles sometimes you find gold treasures i just can't wait i'm so excited to keep going through these boxes there's so many more to go through keep watching wait do you see what we find next let's find another box what is this whoa these cowgirl boots right here sometimes people do hide stuff in boots so you always got to take a look in the boots see something's in there seeds or something this is interesting decorative little kleenex box put your kleenexes in there there's all this stuff that's just wrapped up feels like some kind of this glass vase rise this stuff could be sterling silver [Music] i don't think so it's very ornate nice decorative candy tray there's brass in here copper all kind of glass all the stuff wrapped up these are little glass cups if you look oh salt and pepper shaker mid-accenture and who knows all kinds of stuff in here [Music] this is heavy whatever this is it might be a stack of plates i think it is look at that stack of plates right there grab another box this wow see some interesting stuff down here but let's start right here thing shoe holder oh cool look at this thing the bumblebee authentic plastic assembly kit you think it's in there oh it's not a little stamp set oh that's all exciting for the bumblebee model so that's some vintage goodness right there right shane before me oh i got green glass look at these plastic dudes in there can we find other ones of these two and this is like a brand new still got the paper in there whole little wallet what else is going to be in here wow you know what this is no this is actually it's inside there you say a grasshopper this is like a japanese chinese and stuff they'll have grass over this is a grasshopper cage oh look at this look at this well it works the music box jewelry rocks but no jewelry it's a pair of shorts i see this thing right here it's starting to crack right here this is like paper mache or something these are really old really old but man it's gotta be worth some money that's what i love about this one you just don't know what you're gonna find every box is an adventure every box is different it's a brand new purse nothing inside this spelling goals looks like it was some kind of game here junior natural history anniversary 1961 15 cents old papers always worth money people love that kind of stuff they'll frame it hang it up come visit my ranch what is this what is that oh we're grabbing them in mountains and valleys but this is wow wow wow look at this the adventures of kitty cop pictures and texts by james montgomery flag story time ladies and gentlemen boys and girls just trying to find a date in here so crazy it's gotta be a date somewhere let's go all the way to the front maybe i missed it just my luck no date and everything you can find at dayton sometimes i'll have to look up this book oh right there 1912 1912. so this book could be worth some money maybe it's not worth a lot it's just it's very interesting the towel is old there's more books in here the scrapbook so we got just looks like writing paperwork here's some pictures dragonflies probably not worth a lot right there december 1959 tooth decay anyone needs a copy of a tooth decay report or four stories absolutely another little model or something let's see if it's in there oh what is it oh look at that that one's in there brand new never put together man just crazy the things you find it says so real they almost sing so real they almost sing magic what do you think about that you almost can hear it you have to close your eyes there's some butterfly coloring stuff i don't think it's in there this is full of all this old paper look at these are for 45 albums these are all the covers for them those are worth money we have a bunch of 45s too more scrapbooks down here you guys don't know what you're going to find pencil phone books these are some old folks right here so what an interesting box gotta go through at least another one keep watching see what else we can find let's grab at least one more box see what else we can find oh no another heavy box i'm gonna have you start lifting the boxes shane what do you think i already lifted them once oh look at that look at that right on top oh yeah you don't want to see this on there let's look at these books miss bansters algebra not just algebra another book in algebra french i got you your whole schooling right here shane boom you know french and algebra we got here readings in world history some good stuff shane and a sweater there you go and that's how it goes like that like a hat kind of oh how we looking what is that some kind of box down here oh man there's all kinds of stuff in there there's all kind of stuff on that in there what's in this box oh look at that all kind of jewelry tons of earrings in there we got rings right there sterling silver turquoise that looks like sterling silver this one looks like sterling so oh there's a couple right there wow like these earrings here they could be gold you just don't know these little turtle earrings those are cute pieces like this this could be sterling right here you got some native american artist got rings here's another ring right here look at this grasshopper charm put in the cage of the other thing all kind of earrings in here they said we got gold against silver who knows i mean we definitely have silver some of this stuff could be gold crazy crazy oh my gosh oh my gosh it keeps going wow wow wow look at this that could be ivory right there i'm not sure could be bone or something i'm not sure that could be ivory though the three monkeys oh wow wow wow wow looks like it's got some water damage in here but look jewelry can always be clean ladies and gentlemen it's unbelievable look at this right there another silver ring looks like some of these could be gold look at this one i think they call this a pill ring oh it's a little b the b bracelet or a fly i'm not sure unbelievable stuff in here peacock sterling silver says right there in the back the road runner i could tell you that's silver right there we're finding jewelry oh my gosh this whole thing's full down here we've got bird pins like this it's musty though look at the turtles turtle pin turtle pin turtle pin oh that's just where you put that okay snail pin who doesn't want a snail pin man this is crazy look at all this jewelry in here it's just loaded there's watches in here old pins patch see if there's anything down here oh yeah look at that look at that look at that bracelet right there look at these little fish these are earrings look at they actually articulate bracelets in here unbelievable this thing's loaded there's more jeweler box we got this box right here i just can't wait to see what else we got but you know what i think we're out of time for this video so we're out of time you're gonna have to check in tomorrow see what else is in here if not you get to see what else in so if not if you haven't subscribed subscribe once again you can actually bid on the stuff www.secondsons.com we appreciate every single one of you out there watching and don't forget have a great day thank you
Channel: 2nd Cents, Inc Cleveland Auction House
Views: 5,459
Rating: 4.9914713 out of 5
Keywords: Robert Zjaba Auctioneer Extraordinaire from 2nd Cents Auctions, Abandoned Storage Units lockers unboxing video great finds hidden treasures, Owner hid jewelry boxes in unit, Gold sterling silver antique vintage costume jewelry, Part 7, 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s, vintage woman women clothing silk scarf scarves, Tiffany and company Tiffany & Co, High end millionaire unit, Lamp hoarder vintage antiques brass
Id: Q2r7ZC18Ko8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 52sec (1972 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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