I Sold These On Amazon Before I Even Left The Store - Walmart SECRET Clearance EASY MONEY

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what is going on everybody happy wednesday happy hump day we are at walmart about to do some clearance shopping and i happen to stop in the pool section because they have a whole area set up for pools and there's no pools yet and i'm just scanning stuff and i've already found some clearance and i'm super excited to share it with you but we're also going on the great potato hunt of 2021. we're looking for a certain potato i'm not gonna mention who it is but i will explain why we're also going to be looking for love for our little potato friend i'll explain that why here in just a little bit anyways if you guys are enjoying looking for clearance stuff looking for stuff to buy to resell to save on money save on deals all sorts of different stuff hang with me my name is justin the flipping accountant thanks for being here if this is your first time i work full time and in my part time my spare time i like to buy stuff and resell it on amazon and ebay and facebook marketplace so anyways jump right into it and we'll show you guys what i find so just to just to kind of start you guys off i came to this walmart um just to do some late night ra shopping and this whole area is where all the pools would go which makes sense getting close to summer and or getting close to spring so there's going to be a lot of stuff here and i was like okay we got some just different small pool stuff now check this out right here this is an h2o go double slide single slide right here but this is a double slide this is only three dollars and fifty cents now i don't know why this is only three dollars and fifty cents walmart app is three dollars and fifty cents sorry if i'm in the way here sorry well that was an interesting interaction while i was looking at this one pool slide right here grabbing this another guy came up and grabbed all of these twin pack dual cartridges and i asked him i said oh do you sell on amazon or ebay and he's like oh well i don't i don't actually sell these because i just go out and buy stuff he's like and i buy it and drop it off and i go buy some more like oh okay so i guess he's just a runner for somebody so somebody in the area is all about the pools and stuff so well that's fun that's really enough main thing i was coming in here for so we're gonna keep on moving yeah we'll see what else we can find boys and girls here is the main clearance aisle looks like we got a lot of paint some different stuff here i've been seeing these everywhere i'm not gonna grab these looks like they do have some legos don't know the prices i haven't actually started scanning stuff yet i'm just kind of walking in with you guys so i think what i'm going to do is i'm going to take just a little bit of time and just run through this stuff real quick see if there's anything good here is a lot of sports stuff i'm kind of seeing this stuff everywhere i'm not really seeing a lot of value here but anyways i'll take a few minutes and run through and let you guys know if i see anything good a whole bunch of this stuff seeing these everywhere too a whole bunch of health and beauty products hair color roots rooted ritual i mean i feel like this stuff's got to be worth something right it's only a buck 50 piece so those are selling for eight bucks a piece so i mean you could double your money you know like about 50 and a buck 50 investment which is not bad about these guys right here these are 677 so those are not as great plus that has the little red x or red line so you can't send those fba all right i got a whole bunch of nail polish all sorts of different stuff i'm not really big on this right here but i'll say i think nope not gonna mess with that stuff yeah it doesn't seem too bad for a buck these down here pretty cool oh i'm sorry oh that's okay my friend the one out by our house i said if i'm going to walmart not my house but i'm gonna look because she had a whole bunch yup every walmart's different yep now we're talking right here check this out toner thank you ma'am you too the toner is on for 23.68 so i'm gonna grab the exfoliating toner that's basically like 10 bucks profit on each one of the toners here so we'll see how many of the toners we can get yeah one this one's a oh sure sorry no you're good [Music] [Music] so how many do we grab one two three so there's 100 profit right there that's pretty awesome i'm pretty excited about that 100 bucks only took a few minutes we're off to a good start so anyways i'm gonna keep going all right guys just to let you know i did scan a bunch of this stuff down here this is ninjago's 40 bucks that's not worth it this set right here is on clearance for 43.50 normally like 60. so this isn't worth it it's like 53 bucks on amazon and i'll show you guys real quick here yeah 53 bucks on amazon i mean if this was like 15 or 20 i would grab all of these but definitely not at that price point i really didn't see much else here and unfortunately i don't have a lot of time because they do close in about 45 minutes so i'm gonna keep going i'm not gonna really worry about this athletic stuff because i haven't seen anything really worth my time we're gonna look for the toys we gotta grab the potatoes because i think they got them here and then uh try to wrap it up all right we're doing good we're in the kids toys aisle this is the younger toys and i'm gonna go ahead and show you guys what we're looking for we were looking for mrs potato head it looks like her and about five of her friends are just hanging out waiting to come home and here's the thing these are only five bucks a piece i don't know if you guys heard but there's a little thing going on with mr potato head they're changing the packaging around or maybe they're not gonna make mr potato head or maybe they will i don't see any mr potato heads here so somebody already got them but they did not realize or respect how important mrs potato head is so i'm going to show you guys right here okay so we're going to scan mrs potato head so on amazon mrs potato head is going for 18.48 which is pretty good ten dollar gross minus five bucks so we're looking at about a five dollar profit that's pretty good that's pretty good on a five dollar item the rank is phenomenal 510 in toys that means as soon as i list these ladies these ladies are going home with somebody else tonight they're gonna be very happy and i'm gonna make five bucks a piece but we're not gonna do that we're gonna do something a little different and i'm gonna explain why there's also a listing from mr potato head and i have an army of lonely mr potato heads at home they're looking for a nice young lady nice young spud to head on home with now the thing is the mr potato heads are going for more than that the mr potato heads are going for about 25 to 30 bucks so after fees and stuff you're talking like 10 15 ish profit on the mr potato head so those are valuable too but what we're gonna do instead is we're gonna list them as a pair of mr and mrs potato head i'm gonna show you guys the listing on amazon and i'm gonna explain why this is important okay so here's the listing from mr and mrs potato head now both of them together are selling for 73 bucks 73 bucks so 10 fees 62 gross proceeds you're gonna have 10 bucks plus tax into the pair so you're down to about 50 bucks then you're going to spend just say on the safe side say you're going to spend like 10 bucks on shipping i'm selling i'm getting shipping for about eight to ten so i'll just say ten bucks on shipping okay so brings this down to forty dollars profit on the two so selling these in pairs i'm gonna make way more money i'm gonna make 20 bucks per unit as opposed to making five to ten dollars per unit so i'm actually going to double my profit by selling them in pairs so this shows you that love conquers all they're willing to you know they want to go home together people want these in pairs it doesn't make any sense because people could buy these individually save money but instead they're buying them in a pair out of convenience sake instead people are buying them out of convenience in pairs so you know we got to give the customer what they want so i'm going to go ahead and grab these mrs potato heads and take them home for those nice young gentlemen waiting at home for them we're gonna do a quick once around the store and then we're gonna get out of here now real quick here's the other thing about this listing of mr mrs potato head these are fast sellers okay so right now the lowest f or the lowest merchant fulfilled is 70.49 there's some people at 73 74 78 so what i'm going to do is i'm going to list some below the lowest person so i'm going to let's say it's 70 48. i have 42 minutes i thought i had less time i have 42 minutes to get out of the store let's see if we can sell all six of these ladies with the gentlemen at home see if we can sell all six of these before i leave the store all right so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go to my listing do this with one hand go back to my listing here's the price i've got it set up so i've got my sku walmart cost 10.90 because that's two of them your price so what we're gonna do is i have mine set with a six dollar cost so if i set it at sixty four dollars plus six that'll be seventy so i'm gonna set these at sixty four dollars for the pair and then in inventory we're gonna grab six of them i already have a bunch at home i have a bunch of mr potato heads at home so what i'm gonna do is i just listed six of them for sale now it's gonna take a minute for this listing to go live but what we're gonna do is hopefully by the end of by the time we get out of the store these are all gonna be sold okay so it is currently 10 19. let me know what you guys think down below is are these going to sell in the next 40 minutes i'll let you guys know all right we'll see all right now you guys know me i can't go into a walmart and not check out the lego section so far it is like stock to the brim but it is all like their newer sets they're i'm not gonna find a lot of clearance here unfortunately i've already scanned these up here the only one i found so far is this lego duplo duplo's selling for 12 but like a 16 set so there's a little bit of a discount there unfortunately a lot of these other sets that i've seen on clearance at other stores are not on clearance here go ahead and check this one down here and nothing anyways not looking too promising in the lego aisle like i said i don't have a lot of time so i'm gonna keep scanning i'll let you guys know if i find anything good i went up and down the lego aisle i did not find any real legos worth picking up the only set i found on clarence was like the one lego duplo i'm not gonna pick it up it's not worth it but i am getting to the end of their toy section and look who we have hanging out down here little miss potato head and the rest of her twin friends back here so i do think more of these ladies are gonna join the party you're gonna come back to the house hang out with mr spud he's going to be pretty excited about that and we're going to look around just a little bit more and see if we can't find anything else but i'm pretty stoked about this this has already turned out to be a good haul anyways we are going to grab a few more of these potato ladies to take home and i'll keep looking around let you guys know what else we find and we've got some good news we've got our first sale of mr and mrs potato head pending this uh it is 10 34 so we've already sold one set and we've already grabbed a few more so this is gonna be a really nice haul they're already starting to sell and i'm gonna have to ship these out tomorrow which is great easy flips you know 10 bucks into 40 profit i'm totally happy with that so we're gonna have to grab some boxes i don't know if they're all gonna sell before i walk out the store but i've already sold one and it's gonna cover pretty much all of this so i'm pretty excited about that anyways i'm gonna look a little bit more through the automotive stuff grab some boxes so i can ship out these potato heads tomorrow we'll see what else we can find looks like the automotive section has been pretty well cleaned out which is okay because not everything is a winner you know this is why we uh this is why we look in different sections you know if i hadn't found these potato heads it wouldn't have been a super profitable trip we're doing good i'm grateful for that gonna keep looking a little bit more and catch up with you guys on a few there is some seat cushion seat covers that are on clearance a lot of these are kind of mixed up and mixed around some of the boxes are beat up i found some profitable ones at other stores previously like not too long ago and i don't see the ones that i found here so honestly i'm not going to spend too much time digging through these i did see that we've got some car detailing products on clearance this is not actually that one that one's already gone unfortunately ceramic detailer nope that's that one so you have to be real careful when you're looking at this stuff um i'll show you guys so we've got some speed clay where did it go speed clay is right here 735 normally 22.97 and on amazon it's going for 16.49 18 bucks fba so i mean if i wanted to grab that after fees and stuff and make like four or five bucks but it's a little beat up so i'm probably not gonna do that there's one back there so you know not not a ton going on in this area but you know it never hurts to look uh it's always worth it to to kind of check and just to give you guys an update we already have our second sale of potato heads so now we have two sets of two that are gonna get out of here so not quite all of them sold we're still doing pretty good still gonna look around the store a little bit more because i think i listed six and i've already sold two so gonna keep on looking keep on listing see what else we can do keep it up with these potato head profits so anyways check in with you guys in just a little bit here looking at the rv stuff we've got some clearance stuff over here that might be worth it these are 365 and on amazon they're selling for 21. so almost 10 bucks profit on each one of those let's see what else we got this right here these guys are two bucks so yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna scan through this stuff real quick see if we can find anything good and gals here's some more stuff that's on clearance i actually don't know a whole lot about this bell tire stuff bell is just the name of the brand but a lot of this stuff is like four bucks normally 20. i actually don't have time to check all this stuff because it is 10 51 and they're getting ready to kick me out so let's see where we're at so we've got one one two three four five and one more and then we will be sold out so we're doing pretty good we're almost out of here just got a few more minutes so i'm gonna quick finish with my speed run we gotta check out because these potato heads are already sold so i suppose i should probably pay for them so anyways i'm almost done we'll do a recap real quick just in a minute okay bye all right 10 57 looks like we got close but i sold five out of the six lots of potato heads that i i listed uh about 40 minutes ago so that's pretty good i'm pretty happy with that we actually got a few more mrs potato heads to join our lovely mr potato heads at home some of these ladies are gonna get shipped out with their partners pretty excited about that we had a good speed run got a hundred dollars in the toners the um the toners that were on clearance and then we've got all the profit from the mr and mrs potato heads that we're gonna put together so i think we did really good hope you guys enjoyed this you know i did all this in like 40 some minutes so overall i think it went pretty good thank you guys for watching i hope you guys enjoyed this if you enjoyed it make sure you smash that like button leave me a comment down below let me know what you thought of the potato head speedrun don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already it really helps me and the channel out a bunch i appreciate your support thank you guys for watching we'll catch you on the next one [Music]
Channel: The Flipping Accountant
Views: 9,788
Rating: 4.9333334 out of 5
Keywords: walmart clearance, clearance deals, walmart hidden clearance, how to find walmart clearance items, how to find walmart deals, walmart clearance haul, walmart clearance shopping, walmart clearance app, walmart clearance electronics, walmart deals this week, walmart deals today, clearance, hidden clearance, hidden clearance at walmart, walmart clearance this week, the flipping accountant, amazon fba, super unsexy, couponer, deals, walmart haul, walmart deals, ebay, lego clearance
Id: M6qsPgRIeJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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