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i'm having a really hard time with this i just want you to know i'm i'm sticking my stomach but i'll do it vloggy flips [Laughter] he wants to be the first one somebody already came around with a great big thing full of oh really yeah like a car you know those really little remote cars oh yeah i passed them coming in he's got it on those are all negotiable oh the skateboards yeah okay it's kind of cool power rangers this is her son priced amount okay in fact that one that's got a dollar on it uh-huh that could be for free oh that's nothing yeah okay all right you got five and ten and fifty cents we'll just do 15. that's good okay there you go thank you have a great day thank you sir you have a good one thank come you these go to a wii these are the controllers for the wii system i am i think i'm back in the 18th century hi hey oh you guys three dollars i think all kind of all right thank you very much good morning it's going [Applause] [Applause] do you happen to have the gamecube or anything what is it uh no no okay there's some leftover things from my brother that okay cool [Applause] [Applause] uh yeah i think i owe you 12. awesome thank you sir thank you good luck first so please hi how's it going are you selling the costume drawer by the bag or i'll buy the piece it can make me by the piece but i'd prefer to be by okay um it's okay if i just make a little pile then sure i didn't see where we're at looks like there's plenty more to look at oops so so [Music] all right when you get a second i'm in no hurry though okay um i mean what what are you thinking you want to are you thinking you want on these uh would you do 80. yeah okay i'll do that i'm having a really hard time with this i just want you to know because these are my barbies i understand i saw the gi joe's in there too i'm sticking my stomach but i'll do it here's 80 for you thank you so much there were a couple more boxes in here i didn't know what the price was going to be so i didn't bring them out but okay i'll see what you think on these boxes oh i was i was interested in these two things of costume jewelry oh okay should i just talk to her yeah okay i don't know oh these two okay we didn't get a chance to check any of it how much you want to pay for this stuff uh this is i mean there's some see what i mean i have bags several of them that's actually just hair stuff yeah um [Music] there's more rings one one of them is the see i mean that could be an engagement ring a real ring i don't know because i don't know how to tell [Applause] and then this i think i'm thinking this used to be my what no that kind of maybe a boyfriend come along with that one just in case i mean i would offer like 50 bucks but i mean i like the stuff i got so it wouldn't hurt my feelings you know if you said no either do you think durham 50 bucks but i mean if you don't want to that's fine all right as long as he's okay with it i guess i'll take a shot for 50. thank you so much thank you practice make a couple trips but i appreciate it thank you i mean i can help you carry stuff okay i had to turn to those barbies really quick because i thought if i don't if i don't just go ahead then i'm excited about the gi joes too i never find those big ones thank you so much you're welcome i appreciate you have a great day you too thank you all right guys we made it back to the garage i gotta say that i'm pretty sure i just had what may be the best garage sale weekend in my entire life friday and saturday were both incredible you basically just saw day one in a couple days two or three days from now day two will drop in a video anyway real quick let me show you what i picked up to resell the first sale i grabbed a couple skateboards and a cd i just thought this city looked kind of interesting it's a uh roger waters amused to death it's got a blu-ray and a cd in there it was priced at 50 cents i just kind of bundled it with the rest of this stuff so it was kind of free it's probably worth 10 or 12 bucks and then these two skateboards paid 10 for this one and five for this one the power rangers skateboard is in not very good condition at all like like the decks in pretty bad shape but i just thought the graphics were really cool because it's it's an old power rangers board so it's like even in great shape i don't think this would be worth a lot but i do pretty well selling old skateboards in my antique booth so i'll probably put 15 bucks on it and stick it in there this board however is pretty decent this down here is a really good brand it's pal and peralta um if you can find these from like the 80s they can sell for huge money this one however is a 2013 reissue of this ripper design i think i saw one recently sell on ebay pretty similar to this for like 60 bucks looking on worth point maybe as high as uh 80 or 90. so definitely worth 10 bucks skateboards are pretty easy to sell in my opinion then found some pretty okay video game stuff at this sale these prices were just right i mean this was this was three bucks total and we got mario kart for the wii it was only 50 cents complete disc is in good condition like i said it was 50 cents and that should sell for like 25 to 30 i think and then what makes up the other two dollars are two controllers two num chucks and two of the wii motion plus adapters i've not looked these up for a while but i think that each set like each set here has to be worth at least 15 bucks so i'll double check that and i'll probably put comms up and then this sale was just like a little pop-up yard sale that i saw on the way to the to the last sale that i planned on going to and i stopped and uh found some pretty cool stuff actually these are these are two bags of my little ponies they were three dollars a bag i think these are all from 2002 um i don't think there's anything super rare in any of these bags but i figure lot it up that's gotta be worth at least 25 or 30 bucks and then we got a couple video games uh gamecube games paid three bucks a piece form this is this is gamecube sonic heroes it is also complete with disc in the manual in the case i think this is a 25 or 30 game if i'm not mistaken and then the best game even though it's disc only is mario kart double dash for gamecube i believe this sells disc only for like up to 50 bucks and then the absolute best find of the day possibly it turns out it could be one of my best garage sale finds of all time we'll start down here um i paid 130 for everything i made i made an 80 offer on my first checkout and then a 50 offer on the rest of the jewelry stuff but i thought that was cool too this little quick draw mcgraw just like a little wall hanger thing made by hunco but there's like a bunch of random jewelry in here i thought this bag was interesting because it has a bunch of old pins and brooches and i could see through the bag that a bunch of them were signed and a bag of old watches there was a mickey mouse watching this one that caught my eye i think and then a bunch of unsearched stuff i kind of made the gamble on this figure and i would just kind of search through it see if there's any any gold or silver or anything i've not done that yet and then worst case you know just kind of lot it up as some sort of vintage jewelry lot and that stuff sells just fine i've not really gone through all this stuff yet because to be honest with you it's probably the least exciting part of this buy there's definitely potential there i just haven't had time to go through it yet now the best part of the find was this old barbie stuff up until now my experience with buying barbie is to basically find like one from the 90s in a box at a yard sale for a couple bucks and it's worth like 20 or 30 bucks i've never put much thought into barbie stuff i've never done much research into it so this was all new to me fast forward the last couple days i have kind of crash coursed myself into vintage barbies to try to learn as much as i could as quickly as i could to see if i could potentially see like what kind of value we have here and holy cow now i definitely think i'm a vintage barbie fan all this stuff is from the 1960s this this case here the world of barbie doll trunk from 1968 open it up and there's lots of uh doll doll parts and dolls and now i do realize this probably looks a little creepy but it is what it is so we got to go through it but we have a couple uh james bond dolls from the ideal corp i think basically little sean connery dolls so these have no accessories they're not in great shape they're probably worth 15 bucks a piece or something there's a talking ken from 1968 there's some wigs down in here some shoes these are the accessory pouches that go inside these little compartments and then a bunch of different bodies all from the 60s i don't know exactly what they all are yet some of them are in better shape than others there's a bunch of heads in here this looks like a talking barbie body from 1967 it looks like there's some more clothes and shoes and then some shoes and boots and stuff down in there uh some more heads and there's more heads there's a can head some more bodies just kind of showing you what their faces look like in case anyone recognizes them offhand but but i'm still doing my research on them anyway these bodies obviously can sell for money on their own i think i have a couple lots planned out which i'll get to more here in a minute but let's go ahead and move on this suitcase here 1965 barbie and francie suitcase looking on ebay i could not find the actual suitcase there's there's other parts of the luggage set but the suitcase i couldn't find so i looked on worth point and it looks like this does not come up very often and it has sold by itself in the past for up to like 120 bucks just for the suitcase so that's pretty awesome but inside it's just full of hundreds of pieces of clothes and accessories like hundreds of them and one thing i've learned a lot of the money for old barbie stuff is in the clothes so this is exactly what you want to see i've started doing some separating this is a bag of obviously tagged stuff barbie skipper midge francie all that stuff i've not gone through all of it yet but there's some accessories that i've pulled out some shoes and hangers looks like there's another head in there just different things and then here's a couple of gi joe uniforms that i pulled out like a jumpsuit a couple jackets some pants down in here tons and tons more dresses and clothes and there has to be hundreds of pieces in here it's pretty it's pretty crazy then inside this tote there's actually some more barbie stuff in here as well as a couple gi joes from 1964 and there are some little issues here and there but from what i can tell they're not in bad condition so we have these two figures all these clothes and then i think this is a sleeping bag from gi joe so that'll all go with it i'll probably lots this whole gi joe lot up i'd be surprised if i couldn't get at least 150 bucks just for this law right here that's kind of what i'm thinking so we'll see there down inside there was a 1973 migo planet of the apes you know that's got to be worth at least 30 bucks on its own i would think this is a very good barbie a julia doll from i believe it says 1966. she was a nurse it was based on a sitcom i believe i have her nurse's jacket i have her hat and i have at least one shoe that i found so far and i've seen it just with no clothes at all sell recently for 80 or 90 bucks so i think we have at least 100 bucks just in the julia doll midge dolls there's another midge with the wig and then all these things that i haven't identified yet just uh showing what their faces look like in case anyone recognizes them but i will keep researching there's some more clothes down in there too we got that one that one uh there's another probably midge wig this is a pretty incredible lot all these dolls plus the dolls in here plus the dolls right there all these clothes all these accessories these cases now any sort of value guess that i would put on this would be just a total guess i mean there's no way to really know until you actually sell it i did however see a recent sold comp it was an auction it was it was this world of barbie case and it was kind of full of clothes and had like two dolls in there plus a couple heads and it sold for 945 recently and i have like way more than what was in that lot part of me just wants to take out the gi joes take out the plane of the apes take out the james bond stuff sell the julia separately make a few hundred bucks that way and then put everything else on on a big lot for like 1 500 uh including the cases and everything let me know what you would do if you have experience with this sort of thing let me know how you would split it up how you would price it tell me if i'm crazy but i really think there's probably over a thousand dollars here based on other stuff i saw i don't know i could be wrong we'll see all right guys that's all i got for you this time as always i want to thank you so much for watching the video but until next time stay safe stay healthy love you bye when they hear that cha-ching and they all look at me i guess they'll know i'm buying this crap
Channel: Froggy Flips
Views: 172,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WHEN PEOPLE ALMOST PUKE AT GARAGE SALES, garage sale, yard sale, garage sales, yard sales, garage sale ride along, yard sale ride along, garage sale haul, yard sale haul, garage sale ebay, yard sale ebay, garage sale flipping, yard sale flipping, garage sale video, yard sale video, garage sale gopro, yard sale gopro, garage sale with me, yard sale with me, garage sale pov, yard sale pov, american pickers, froggy flips, froggyflips, ebay video, ebay haul, haul video, ebay
Id: jH8QX4WirME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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