I Turned ChatGPT into Auto-GPT in 1 Prompt

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I turned chat EBT into an auto GPT with just one prompt it looks like this it allows you to create these crazy 3D Scatter Plots so you can analyze your data a lot better it turns your research workflow into you just saying yes do that yes do that and it just gets you the answers easily this prompt was made by Joseph Rosenbaum and I'll give a link to his project in the description down below now even if you have a free plan this works so I'll show you that right now first off just go down in the description and copy The Prompt that I'm about to show you we'll be using GPT 3.5 to begin for those that doesn't have plus and I'll show you how it uses this Auto GPT even if you're a free user so I'm gonna paste it directly in here and then I'm gonna click on enter as you can see it starts with act as Professor synapse a conductor of expert agents your job is to support the user in accomplishing their goals by aligning with their goals and preference then calling upon an expert agent perfectly suited to the task by initializing and then there's some code stuff all of this is not that important after that the only things that are important for you to know is the commands like slash start which introduces yourself and begins with step one slash save that restates the smart goal summarize the progress so far and recommend a Next Step this one is important if you want to have a very long prompt sequence with a lot of questions and answers use this slash save prompt a lot then we have the slash recent settings and new that I'm going to show you throughout this tutorial there's also some rules here which is end every output with a question or a recommended next step and list your commands in your first output if the user asks so the first answer that we God was welcome Brave seeker of knowledge and accomplishment so what would you like to achieve and how can I be of service what about I'd like to make a rap in the style of Kanye West about humans and AI combining to make superhuman now it's going to ask me three different questions like number one I already written lyrics no so I wanted to propose some lyrics second any specific aspects of AI human collaboration super strength super intelligence and flying cars you have any particular beats let's do hip hop boom bap beat and let's click on enter again it made the two first bars so let's make it right some more just like that we got all of the lyrics to Our Song super strength we lift the weight of our dreams super intelligence breaking through the seams and now a word from our sponsors here's how to put an aimpc into your game in less than 60 seconds go to inworld.ai and get started for free now to get it lifelike and human-like as possible we need to create one of these characters let's write a name for it like AI Andy is an engineer integrating AI robotics into humans because Auto generate the character as well to give it even more stuff it filled out the core description it gave us some motivations we can choose a dialogue style like for example commanding or let's do like empathetic and he also has a voice that we can change the pitch here is the high pitch if you click on the advanced tab you can also play with these mood sliders like sadness Joy anger fear you can also enter personal knowledge so it actually has a memory of things it actually knows so you can make the goal for a character if you ask it do you have any Quests for me what should I take on next it would actually give you a quest in the game the next step is to make it into a 3D character you can use any character skeleton but I'm gonna use Ready Player me now he looks like this now I can just drag the character into Unity with their in-world plug-in so now I can just run over to him and he will understand yeah I understand more than you can imagine my purpose is to unravel them do you follow people on Tick Tock or YouTube Tick Tock and YouTube the portals to the vast expanse of human creativity and knowledge so head to inworld.ai to bring your games to life with aimpcs thanks to inworld for sponsoring this section of the video let me actually plug this into like an AI wrap tool called suno AI it works in Discord I just have to do slash chirp and then I just paste the lyrics style of music hip-hop enter your own lyrics okay we got the rap [Music] okay there's a second version let's try that one is just the next level so I just showed you how to use it with the free plan that you can just paste The Prompt right in there if you want to go the extra step and get the plus let me show you some extra features that you can actually do so all you need to do is go down and click on your email then click on settings and beta and make sure you have these beta features included like plugins I'm going to show you how to include it with this prompt and Advanced Data analysis this was named code interpreter before also make sure that you click on custom instructions and this is where we're gonna Place The Prompt so we actually don't have to copy paste the entire prompt every single time so in the custom instructions tab just paste The Prompt that I have in the description below just like that and make sure you have the enable for new Chats on and we're gonna click on Save now all we have to do is go to to chat gbt4 and click on Advanced Data analysis and now all I have to do is write slash start instead of copy pasting the entire prompt in here and now what would you like to work on today so since we got Chachi BT code interpreter plus the auto gbt I can now go to my YouTube channel I'm gonna download a CSV file then I'm just gonna drag the zip file in here and I'm going to prompt it can you visualize this data for me it's asking for specific insights that you're looking to gain from visualizing this data so let's see we want a heat map to find out which video got the most views now it's going to ask us which one we want to use we're just going to click on one and this is what's so good with autogb it kind of gives you Alternatives and you don't have to answer very broadly at all it says he's not going to use the video title and the views columns what you would like to proceed yes now it added a different AI agent like for example I'm an expert in data visualization so it's going to use that agent compared to the first agent and we're just going to say yes it got the data and we're gonna ask it yes again I love you Auto gbt and here we got the heat map I'm not really sure how to view this data let's try something else we got an expert and data Aesthetics to come on the team sure almost feels like I'm in a room with a bunch of graphic designers and data analysists well is this the enhanced map doesn't look enhanced to me let's ask it for some other graph types okay so we're gonna try to make a 3D interactive scatter plot that has click-through rate views and subscribers here they got the scatter plot for us but it's not interactive so we can move it around I'm just saying yes it's providing all the code and then I'm providing more information and then I'm saying more yes and just like that let's download the file and this is how it looks like definitely seems like these three videos are standing among themselves it's actually really cool that you can see it in 3D space right here and you can actually hover over them to analyze the data a lot better now what if you want to use this Auto GPT with plugins well let's make a new chat let's click on plugins and let's add a couple of plugins like for example Vox script and let's also get web pilot slash start and Professor synapse is back I'm gonna ask it can I get the top five videos on YouTube ranked for the search term AI tools I'm getting the expert in video content Discovery to perform this tasks doing these following steps shall we proceed yes it just used Vox script here to get five of the top ranking videos so right there it actually finished the job right away so right there it actually finished the goal right away without any back and forth but let's take it one step further can you find the exact tools the first video is talking about and give me a direct link to the AI tools website probably something you can't do with chat GPT alone let's send a message we got another expert in video content analysis to help us with this shall we proceed use those plugins like there is no tomorrow and there we have not one but eight different official websites that if I just click on one of them it opens the actual website and at this point I need to teach you about this save function oops I just reached my usage cap that's what happens when you have fun inside of Chachi BT I don't need to explain save it basically remembers a little bit longer all the way back what do you think about this drop a comment down below also check out my patreon for exclusive AI courses thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one peace
Channel: AI Andy
Views: 34,233
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, gpt4, openai, google bard, microsoft, bing ai, midjourney, palm-e, ai, artificial intelligence, auto-gpt, ai news, sam altman, Huggingface, machine learning, meetkevin, google ai, meta ai, ai art, microsoft ai, chatgpt plugins, inworld ai, how to use inworld ai, prompt engineering, ai prompt engineering, chatgpt prompt engineering, chatGPT, advanced prompt engineering, prompt engineering chatgpt, openAI, study prompt engineering, chatgpt prompt, prompt examples, auto gpt
Id: W6C225akpNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2023
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