This weapon ACTUALLY DOMINATES now JAR-5 Domintor weapon review : Helldivers 2

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hello do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ no [Music] way the jar five Dominator is one of the weapons that has been released early into the game with it being the last primary weapon you can get in the first premium war bond and with the recent release of the patch it has received some love it now has an increased damage of 300 instead of 200 and it has increased stagger which in my opinion is the biggest buff for this weapon now if you have used this weapon before you would know that the handling on this weapon is abysmal and the Damage output is just not enough to compensate for it but now I would go as far to say that this weapon is s tier well against the automatons at least we did some hell operations with this weapon and with its increased stagger in damage dealing with our favorite automatons the Devastators they just seem easier The Shield wiing Bots get staggered if you happen to shoot them in a general area where they're not shielded so you can spam them down and with increased damage it kind of destroys the head fast enough for them to react against the Striders it destroys their vehicle with a few shots if you hit them in their hip area you know that that Mum armor penetration does come in handy with the bur cers they seem to get gunned down fast too now for the other Bots it still functions the same as a standard shotgun but in many cases it's the Devastators and the Striders that are the main problem anyway and oh gunships are in the game now by the way so have fun with that there's a gunship now against the terminats it's really strong but it's struggles in the ammo Department Hive guards brood commanders and even stalkers they don't pose a problem but the way bug missions go you know how they spam the chaff units the Dominator lacks the ammo handling to clean them up the easy the same way goes for the shers with its heavy handling it can become a pain shooting them down one by one the way you see it if you can come up with a build that can cover its weaknesses it can become an sere weapon against his faction too since the mediums are easy pickings for the Chargers and bile Titans you know how it is primaries don't really do much against them so just stick to your anti- heavy assets [ __ ] I missed now I don't know about you guys but me I excited to make some new builds with this weapon since I really wanted to use it before it just felt so lackluster because of the cons outweighing the pros now I feel like you know yes it feels heavy to use but it does back a punch so I'll take the trade any day the only issue I have with it is probably the ammo economy but then again too much of a good thing for something is bad anyway we don't want everyone to be using the same weapon do we so go ahead and give this gun a go I really think you'll have a good time have any of you used this weapon yet you know after the Patch and if you did please let us know what builds you use with cuz me personally I'm really Keen to try out some new strategy combinations after this patch because of the new adjustments I will try to do more of the other weapons but for now let's do the Dominator well I think I already said what I wanted to say so go back to spreading Freedom hell diver
Channel: Flikie
Views: 3,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Helldivers 2, Flikie, Dominator, Best weapon, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 tips, helldivers 2 weapon, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 builds, helldivers 2 warbond, helldivers 2 update, helldivers 2 news, gaming, guides, review, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers 2 pc, helldivers 2 news update, helldivers 2 guide, helldivers 2 new update, helldivers 2 new weapons, helldivers 2 new, Jar-5 Dominator
Id: jjdIjOM5pD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 54sec (234 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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