Helldivers 2 - a guide to the shocking power of the arc-12 blitzer

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hello everyone hope everyone's doing great today we are wrapping up my analysis on the arc weapons and Hell divers 2 with The Arc 12 Blitzer which has gotten popular recently after receiving a 50% increase rate of fire last patch first we looked at the Tesla Tower then the ark thrower and today we're going to close out this whole Trinity of Ark lightning Weaponry that is until Arrowhead introduces another Arc based weapon but that will be then and this is now and as for now I will be breaking down the arc Blitzer sharing my thoughts about everything I feel like there is to know about the weapon with the aim of Simply info dumping all the key points to you in the hopes that this information will help you deciding whether or not it'll be worth it to bring it with you in your Dives so before we begin a quick overview of what we'll be covering this video we're going to be starting with one the basics and here we'll be discussing the fundamentals of the Blitzer the bare minimum of what you should know which is thankfully in my opinion not a lot and it's pretty straightforward next we're going to talk about the ark lightning cuz for some reason the ark lightning shop and the Blitzer behaves a bit differently from that of the Ark thrower so we'll be spending some time to cover that as well after that will be our third topic moving on to gameplay and use cases there I will share my thoughts on how effective this gun is in both bot and Bug planets and where did I feel like it shined and where it felt like it had some shortcomings next our fourth topic will be tips tricks and interactions and here I'll share some of the unique things I found out while using the arc Blitzer as well as some of my personal tips to try and maximize your Effectiveness with it and then the last topic here is my overall thoughts I'll just be wrapping up the video with my piece on the Blitzer and how I personally feel about the weapon also a couple of disclaimers everything I'll be saying about the ark lightning from the Blitzer is purely from what I observed I of course will back up my claims and statements with clips of these observations so they aren't just coming straight from out of the blue but I am not confident enough to say that I know exactly how the lighting from it works 100% next I want to give a heads up that there's a lot of flashing lights this video so if you are sensitive to that please be advised as it may negatively affect your viewing experience if that's all fine I'd like to welcome you all on board the force of perseverance a name that I thought was fitting to commemorate the last of Well for now this series of Arc based reviews so looking into your Armory you'll notice that the weapon stat display shows a Blitzer with 250 damage infinite ammo a fair kicker recoil which in my opinion gives even the way this gun fires is pretty much a negligible stat and the most recently updated rate of fire moving from 30 to 45 it mentions here how it doesn't have any special traits but if we were to insert something here I'd say that it should be that the weapon has medium armor penetration and that your shots have an auto targeting feature like any other Arc weapon the targeting aspect of the Blitzer does not distinguish TR from fo so be wary of where you're aiming it still on the basics right here you'll notice that when fire there are five different bolts of lightning each bolt deals 50 damage and if all your bolts connect you'll deal 250 damage to your target dark Blitzer is a pump shotgun and when after every shot you must wait until you can fire again the waiting time is kind of disguised as this charging animation where you pump the weapon and it rotates the cylinder but you don't really need to have the sit through animation or even have the weapon out for it to charge so long as you can just wait for the charge time and then it's ready to be fired again as for how long you have to wait I timed it from the first frame you fired up until the frame you fired again and it comes out to around 1.4 seconds like the arc thrower the Blitzer fires in a cone but the blitzer's cone probably because it's a shot gun is a bit wider The Arc lightning fired from the Blitzer goes as far as 30 m but it seems that the auto locking range for the weapon capts out at about 25 M so you'll still be able to hit targets as far as 30 m but it's not guaranteed you'll get them at that first or even that second shot lastly The Arc heavily staggers the non-he heavy units and stagger is most commonly seen by just stunlocking a unit in place but the shots from the Blitzer not only stuns the enemies but also knocks them back slightly this is great for giving you and your teammates some breathing room as well as to prevent your team from being swarmed now that's it for the basics of the arc bler and we're going to move on to the arc lightning Behavior which I was the most curious about and let's start with the elephant in the room and begin by saying that the weapon does not chain the lightning from one target to another if all five of the lightning bolts shot from the Blitzer would have strike one target they would pretty much end their Journey right there the auto Target for the lightning still seems to direct it towards the enemy Center and it would be absolutely insane if the weapon is able to have each of those bolts trigger an additional train of lightning this also makes sense as to why the arc Blitzer isn't shown here in the circuit expansion ship upgrade where the lightning from the Tesla Tower and the Ark thrower are able to gain one additional chain to another enemy even though the Blitzer fires five bolts it seems to only shoot towards a maximum of three selected targets per shot as to how those targets are chosen the Blitzer usually prioritizes targets that are closest to it when it comes to imagining how the targeting would look like there's multiple ways you're approaching it as you can see we're going to visualize the Blitzer and The Cone that he uses to Target and autolock on enemies upon firing the Blitzer can Target up to three different enemies and this isn't always as consistent as I found out and even if it were to hit three enemies with five bolts being fired at three enemies being shown here question here is how does the Blitzer distribute those remaining bolts does it shoot an additional bolt between the two closest enemies and if it weren't to strike a third enemy and only target the first two how would the bolt distribution there look like would the closest one get three and the other two more on that point just because enemies are close together and in the cone that doesn't always mean the Blitzer will always shoot multiple targets because it can still as I've seen hit a single Target and direct all five bolts to it and then the final question I have about all these scenarios is do five bolts always shoot out and if so do they always land and if you're just as confused as I am then you and me are pretty much right on the same page what helped me make my deductions on the Octor video was watching gameplay Clips in slow motion and doing it with the Blitzer has given me more questions than answers so we're going to go through these clips together and hopefully someone out there can help me make some conclusions in this first clip you'll see that a shot from the Blitzer fires all five bolts with one going off to the left hitting nothing but four do make contact with the hunter now the hunter that was targeted is not technically the closest thing to the Blitzer but the other Hunter just might be outside of the targeting cone for the Blitzer the main thing to knowe from this clip here is that the bolts can be fired and they can be missed in this next clip two Hunters enter View and an I fire now five bolts fire and four go to the hunter on the left and one goes to the hunter on the right it would make sense that the closer hunter gets more bolts but why is it distributed in a 4 to1 way moving on to this next clip I fire at a scavenger bolts fire and despite it being not only the closest enemy but also the only Enemy Within view only several bolts went into it as you can see here some went towards the scavenger hitting it while other bolts were fired but missed entirely in this next clip two pouncers are right next to each other and one is slightly in front of the other I fire intentionally in between them to try to get the lightting the fork and the closer enemy receives three bolts while the other pouncer receives two thinking about the range the cone the auto lock and the distance this plays out exactly the way I expect the Blitzer 2 now again the reason I do this slow-mo review of the clips is to try and figure out a pattern and all these different scenarios make it hard to find a pattern and none makes it harder than this next one that I'm going to show you and just for fun for this clip we're going to make a game out of it where I'm going to pause it just before I shoot and you're going to try and guess and big brownie points to wherever can unravel this mystery for me so let me set the scene here first so I'm going to pause it right here so it's a Target Rich environment Blitzer is fully charged ready to fire and what I do what do you expect to happen here now who expected that who expected Not only would one random enemy get hit not even the closest one but only one bolt would get fired so I wish I wish I was able to better Define and nail down the behavior of the Blitzer lightning but this is the best that I can do and the fact that it's not absolute is also a bit upsetting because the only thing I can accurately say about the Blitzer lightning is that it can fire up to five bolts of lightning the autolock can Target of the three different enemies and the closest enemy is usually both targeted and receives the most bolts beyond that though the Blitzer lighting is still a mystery to me and if you have anything even an itch of what it may be and what its behavior is like please share your thoughts in the comments but that's it though for the Blitzer Behavior we're going to move on now to the gameplay in use cases despite the breakdown of the blitzer's inconsistency with the lightning I have to say that it's still a good weapon and when I say good I mean good as a primary weapon it's good at clearing small to mediumsized mobs and it's good for crowd control starting with the Bots I found the Blitzer to perform poorer here compared to the bug planets since the bolts still try to Target the enemy Center tall enemies such as Berserkers and Devastators are harder to headshot and take out quickly with most of the enemies being this way you'll rarely find yourself capitalizing on that head shot damage multiplier and you'll be taking multiple shots just to kill a single Devastator heavy Devastators the one with a shield can even block the bolts preventing them from being even stunned if they able to block all five shots and Scout sters are also tougher than usual to take down since the auto Target would also try to go for the reinforced side instead of the rider lastly a lot of the automaton bases are littered with man Sentry turrets and this was a piece of kick for the arc thrower since the lightning could Arc through the turret and into the shooter but since the Blitzer lightning does not Arc the turrets are basically a shield for those Gunners next given your short range you have to take most of your fights in pretty close quarters which is hard since there will be rocket barges and concentrated Fire coming your way most of the time to remedy most of these you should take with you a long range weapon the support weapon with good damage such as an autoc Cannon or a rail gun but then you should also use your Blitzer when Berserkers are near or when those Troopers jump pack really close to you if you want to use your Blitzer constantly and you want to save your support weapon for something just for the Heavies then I would recommend taking maybe an EMS mortar and stun grenades which will be helpful in disabling troops and allowing you to get closer to them as for a backpack slot I feel the most most useful to you in the tomaton planets would be the shield generator which will help you move more and getting closer to bot as well as preventing the aim punch from redirecting your shot entirely in some off Direction when it comes to enemies assuming each shot fires five bolts and all bolts hit the intended enemy it will take one shot for the Troopers about 6 to8 for the Devastators and around four to five for the Berserkers when it comes to the Heavies you can't kill hulks up front using the Blitzer you have to shoot them at their weak spot behind and even then it takes almost 10 shots to destroy them this way so I highly recommend against it you are also able to technically destroy tanks and even Cannon turds with it but it takes way too long that it is far beyond the realm of practical so I recommend not doing that with the Blitzer as well as for the bugs you definitely see a whole new light about the Blitzer when it comes to the bot planets only the bot Troopers are able to call for a bot drop but in the termined planets almost any bug can initiate a breach call and being able to stagger them through a call and prevent them from calling one is very helpful and very useful you're also able to deal with pretty much the entire list of bug enemies minus the Chargers and the bow Titans you you can kill the charger but not from the front the same way as you can with The Arc thrower you can shoot in behind and you can trigger the bleed out and maybe six or seven shots and for the B TI you can destroy their bile sacks underneath to prevent it spit attacks but you're never really going to kill one straight up doing it this way for buck planets I like to run the jump pack allowing me to maneuver my way around a lot easier and to maximize my movement in between shots if you're not a jump pack fan the guard dog Rover is also a great choice able to assist you in keeping enemies at Bay and allowing you and your team to more efficiently deal with a hord of bug surrounding you guys since it's not not meant for taking out Heavies I like to take support weapons to deal with them such as eats and also take ordinance such as the orbital rail cannons for the batt Titans when it comes to enemies you can One-Shot any of the small bugs including no hunters and streakers you can three shot nursing and B Spurs you can three shot Hive guards and two shot brot commanders you can even consistently kill a stalker in about three shots and there's not a lot of complaints about the Blitzer when it comes to DET terminates and with the increased rate of fire you can definitely fry a lot of bugs a quick thing I want to bring up while we're still on the gameplay section of the video is that the idea of running and gunning in which you fire the Blitzer and then use the downtime of the charge to kind of reposition yourself is very important it's very important so that you don't stand still while aiming in front of a rocket Devastator or while B spearers are priming their Peak volley the reason why the running gun method works so well with the Blitzer compared to other weapons even if there are Shotguns is because it autolock featur the weapon where your Precision is not really necessary to hit a Target so you can constantly hit fire and move in between charges with this running gun play style you're able to Output damage quickly and still maintain a very comfortable amount of distance between you and your enemy especially with a knock back built into the Blitzer now moving on from gameplay we're going to talk about some tips tricks and interactions starting with interactions your lightning from the Blitzer will Target hell pods and sentries alike it won't damage them or have any effect on them same with the ballistic shield The Arc thrower and the test Tower will be able to destroy the shield but the Blitzer is not able to Output damage fast enough to destroy the ballistic shield it is able to trigger mines damage the AR god dog and send it into that repair State and also destroy the Patriot Exo Suit one interesting thing I noticed about the Blitzer is that the liting can grow through the shield generator relay you can see here that the arc thrower cannot Pierce from outside but the Blitzer lightning is able to make its way through when it comes to the Blitzer charge as I mentioned before the timing the charge doesn't need any manual action from you the whole quote unquote reload animation is just a visual you can holster your Blitzer take out your secondary and fire and then switch back to it and it will already be fully charge ready for another shot when it comes to maximizing your downtime you can weave in a melee hit you can take a moment to scan your surroundings or even quickly call in a strategy such as a resupply there is no way that I found to lower or cheat the charge time except for quickly swapping a drop Blitzer with another Blitzer it seems that when the Blitzer is dropped and picked up you can bypass any charge time even if the weapon was just recently fired and then dropped when it comes to firing the weapon even if you are running and gunning you will still suffer a movement penalty when you actually fire the Blitzer because of this it would be best to fire the weapon while performing another action such as ascending or descending with a jumpack falling off of a short ledge or before or after a mantle although diving is a good way to also set distance while actively shooting the Blitzer a single rock kind of protruding off of the ground is enough to send you to a ragd doll state so something that is a bit of a better option is to crouch slide and Crouch sliding is when you enter a Crouch from a sprinting State and doing this while shooting the Blitzer it still allows you to move in a controlled way keeping your momentum and if you have to dive to dodge something you still have that option the only wor of caution about Crouch sliding is that you need to have staminal to do it otherwise you're just going to be standing there going to a Crouch really slow more on firing the Blitzer certain terrain can block your shots such as bushes and trees and the Blitzer will lock on the things on the floor such as dead bodies and this was not a problem with The Arc door since the lightning can chain from from the corpse another enemy but with the Blitzer if it hits the dead body it's just ends there and it's wasted so try and aim above your enemy to better your odds of the lightning Auto targeting to your intended target I don't have many tips for the termined since finding them is pretty straightforward but for the tomaton I have a couple things to share one would be to implement jiggle peaking which is when you're holding ground with the Blitzer you want to use the cover in between shots only peeking out to fire when you have a shot that is fully charged so you don't expose yourself while you're going through that charge time I would also like to mention that beyond the EMS mortar and stun grenades smokes are also good to use since you can will help you and your team for disengaging but also help you when you want to engage closer to your enemies getting close is very useful for fighting enemies with the Blitzer including the Scout Striders and a neat tip for dealing with Scout Striders is to get below them and fire a shot at the undercarriage which the Blitzer can penetrate you can even dive and shoot it from below at times killing in one shot when it comes to your teammates of course the Blitzer like any other Arc weapon can hurt your teammates and unless they're getting the full dosage of lightning bolts they should be fine I've seen three bolts hit a teammate and it sent their health to 10% but they were able to just walk that off another thing about damaging teammates is that when it hits them and then if they survive it sends them to a short ragd doll state which I found very interesting for armor choices there's a lot to choose from light armor gives you the speed and stamina recovery for your crowd slides and run and Gun play style armor that capitalizes on utilities such as more grenades for stuns and Stems since you will more than likely always be in the thick of things are also good choices the only thing I'd advise against is heavy armor because you need to be at least somewhat mobile and if you were to take heavy armor just you wanted to take heavy armor I would advise against the one that reduces Crouch or prone recoil because that doesn't really matter to something like the Blitzer in terms of where you fit with your team because of the limited range of the Blitzer and the potential for friendly fire you should be more often than not at the front leading the way if you and a teammate are beside another and need to address the terminal Azure getting swarmed your teammate should be the one to do it as you are the one with a weapon that has crowd control and heavy stagger and you can attack multiple things at once also like I said before the weapon cannot Arc the lightning but you may get more than three kills with one shot because of the fact that the lightning can still go through a unit basically piercing through it and hitting another unit and in this clip I fired the Blitzer at a group of scavengers you see here that three are targeted and you can see here with this little blue visual that the bolts have made contact but then you see that right after that two other scavengers behind them were also hit multi- kills of this type are possible but very rare and it's just another thing to add to the list of Blitzer Oddities lastly it's not an arc weapon without the misfire and as a reminder the misfire is when you basically shoot your Arc weapon and nothing happens it makes a sound it goes through that charge animation but nothing happens I do have to say though that I feel that I experiened the misfire less often with the Blitzer compared to the arc thrower big caveat about the AR thrower is that it's really poor at close range but with the Blitzer I was able to deal with anything that Jumped close to me nonetheless the misfire is still an annoying part of the weapon and I won't go so much into it because the devs have already acknowledged it to be in is shoot and they working on it so so who knows hopefully by the next patch it won't be here anymore and looking through my notes here that's pretty much it though I spent my whole weekend labbing the Blitzer and I would be appreciative if anyone is able to help me in kind of breaking down the behavior of the arc lighting for it overall the weapon feels great The increased rate of fire makes a possible to stun lock enemies into a coma and it's really fun to use a run and gun weapon in general in terms of whether or not it performs great I say it's great against bugs and fair against automatons keep in mind that it is a primary weapon with infinite ammo so it should for balance sakes have its list of pros and cons it's a great mob clearing weapon and I'm glad a lot of you were mentioning it to me in my arth video so I could check it out I think the weapon's at a great state right now and because of the recent buff a lot of people are now checking it out and seeing that it's Bor than just a novelty weapon I'm very curious to see what you all think about the arc Blitzer as well as what your experience with the weapon has been so once again thanks for checking out the video and have a nice day you have maintained our way of life
Channel: Wallbouncing
Views: 16,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Helldivers 2, Helldivers, Helldivers 2 Arc-12 Blitzer, Helldivers 2 Review, Helldivers 2 Gameplay, Helldivers 2 Arc Lightning, Helldivers 2 Tips, helldivers 2 tips and tricks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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