Helldivers 2 - LAS-16 Sickle Guide - Tips and Tricks

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greetings H diver and welcome to the video today I will be going over the sickle which is one of my favorite Primary Weapons to use especially against bots the sickle is unlocked from The Cutting Edge war bond so you do need to purchase that war bond to get it or do what I did and just play the game a [ __ ] ton and collect super credits for Missions the CLE is a rapid fire energy weapon that does relatively little damage but can fire for a while before overheating and has basically no recoil there is a small windup from when you pull the trigger to when you actually start shooting it's noticeable but not bad though you will regularly just miss killing the bot that's calling for a bot drop the following statement supplyed to all energy weapons not just the sickle as you shoot it will build up heat after not shooting for a few seconds it will cool down this means that if you're careful and never overheat your gun you effectively have infinite ammo however if you continue firing it will overheat and you will need to put in a new heat sink of which you have a very limited amount of continuously overheating your weapon will quickly cause you to run out of heat sinks at least if you do overheat the reload is quick environmental conditions influence the heat build up so if you're on a hot planet it will overheat faster if you're on a cold Planet it will overheat slower crazy I know back to the sickle specifically having the ability to shoot for so long and having such little recoil makes it a dream when mowing down towards Bots able to effortlessly aim in the general direction of their heads and watching them drop the low recoil also makes it easy to land multiple head shot on Devastators if you're in a pinch and need to hose down to Devastator face with lasers you can even do that at range the low recoil aided by the sickle's very nice scope makes long-range engagements a breeze there is a bit of spread but it isn't too bad of course the sickle also performs well against bugs owing to its large not magazine size though the low damage will make killing something like a brood command or a chore I personally don't use it against bugs often though I wouldn't blame you if you do against chaff the sickle is one of if not the best weapon having discipline and not overheating all the time is Key the sickle is not ideal for prolonged intense engagements and if you find yourself in one I'd recommend switching to your sidearm and allow your sickle to cool before you overheat it since you have such few heat sinks I'd also recommend choosing your support weapon carefully something to help you take out the tougher enemies such as Berserkers spewers sprw commanders Etc the CLE really does suffer against the high Health targets and anything with armor but no weapon can be perfect personal recommendations for support weapons are the antimaterial rifle and autoc Cannon also very important to know as of recording I would hesitate to bring the sickle on any planet with large amounts of foliage currently the sickle and I believe some other laser weapons are bugged to where the lasers will be stopped by foliage this is not intended and is a known bug not all foliage will stop them but when it does happen it can be annoying hopefully if you're watching this in the future this has been fixed and hopefully the CLE is still relevant thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed the video I've been working on something big much bigger than this and my previous videos it's coming along nicely but it will take some time I appreciate all the support honestly I didn't expect this much so quickly so truly thank you happy diving [Music]
Channel: EmeraldNep
Views: 8,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GOj4h_AsHrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 44sec (224 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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