YouTuber Towers Are OVERPOWERED!

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today is the ultimate YouTuber Showdown we're adding four YouTubers into Bloons Tower Defense and seeing how far they can get by working together we've got Tootie max level idot Mr Beast and Mr who's the boss we're gonna be using these four towers together to see how far we can get I haven't actually seen the max level idot Tower and it looks amazing and it also has a paragon upgrade for 1.8 million dollars where should I put me I guess I'll put me in this corner right here so there's 2D there's the 2D Tower who else we oh we can get Mr Beast down there we go you know Tony and Mr Beast look a little bit different not gonna lie they look just a little bit strange all right mo money more money oh I totally forgot that my character I need I need to hook a jackpot up to my character or else did not actually do anything oh we got subscribers too thanks Mr Beast for bringing in all these subscribers there we go man wait maybe we want all of them to be like can connected together because I think they all give each other like boost right so maybe it is actually best to put all of the YouTubers together and Delight with one cluster but it might be cool to have each of them in their own corner just to see like how crazy they all can get we got Mr Beast we got Tootie we got Let's see we got the Mr who's the boss Tower I feel like we got to get every single one of them down and then we can slowly go about getting upgrades for all of them and then we have max level idot which is we need 750 dollars that's not too shabby apparently he throws his hat wait that's actually amazing so we need three of these towers anyways to get a paragon so I'm just gonna put the first one right here oh it does like you just there's a little hat I love that so it's those balloons oh that's me I love I was I was like who's talking that's me my character's talking that's so funny let's get another one we can put this guy down right there that's gonna be our Paragon level character we just got a full YouTuber Army here just trying whoa Max level's actually not bad at all Mr Beast throws his uh he throws money either like magic and then Mr who's the boss just throws exploding phones they expl he throws exploding banana phones to be precise do I have cross path on if I don't have oh my gosh you know how expensive this is all gonna be I don't think I have crossed path on I'm pretty sure that I don't which means that I'm gonna need so many banana farms in order to make the like millions and millions of dollars or you know we gotta get mo money from Mr Beast there we go when does Mr B start making money is it feastable bars nearby monkeys or 1 million subscribers I feel like Mr B should just make you tons of money I guess Mr Beast really good at spending all the money Mr B's just like randomly will take a million dollars out of your bank and then just like you get a YouTube video out of it oh I gotta play this my tower just put down like a banana Farm over here so I'm just like I got a free banana Farm that's helping me out here nice I'll take a little bit of extra money I'll take a little bit of extra money all day long I'm really interested so far we're actually gonna get with all of these towers together I think we're gonna get ridiculously far like literally up to the thousands of rounds because I know my character is kind of nutty and I know Mr who's the boss is really nutty I don't know how max level idot does though that is something I'm very curious about to see let's see what max level idot has so longer hat strong arm more IQ let's get the strong arm upgrade Max attacks faster and then longer hat Max hat can pop more balloons spiky hat does two more damage all right let's get the spiky hat and then stronger our Max attacks faster okay now he's throwing out like a that's so funny he's throwing out that huge shout out to Cam's Tower pack for the awesome max level I dot mod this is actually so hype rocket minions and then butterfly kicks Max butterfly clicks causes him to attack faster I'm gonna buy even mo money so Mr Beast can hit camo balloon so far the YouTuber I feel so bad Mr who's the boss is getting no action she's just chilling down here right I'm so close I just need two more Morgan places that's all I need max level iodon has the most pops right now actually he's got his hat his spiky hat does all the work we're about to go up against the mob I think we're gonna just absolutely annihilate the Moab oh yeah like the mo I've got demolished from Mr Beast feasible bars a launch the balloons able to hit 10 balloons at a time dealing high damage and slowing balloon tips can hit all balloon types I don't think I need that just yet because once I get all of these upgraded essential markets I definitely I'm gonna need way more money Mr Beast is a million dollars I'm just gonna level up automatically how much is Mr who's the boss is like 200 000 and then of course maximum idot is like a million dollars so these are all going to be very expensive I need like three million dollars that's so expensive wait can I put down my time Master we'll just have him chill right here we still have no problems right now oh but we can't hit camo balloons I'm gonna put a radar scanner right there I'm gonna upgrade Mr who's the boss Tech enhanced cloth there we go now now we're cruising so let's see butterfly clicks I think that's gonna be nice Mafia Max gets out from the mafia to pop balloons and earns some cash nice whoa he actually just got really strong how much cash 370 level 100 mafia boss what okay we definitely want to get that that's definitely what we need we can get feastable bars he's got his yellow iconic hoodie now with his feastable bars I want to get the level 1000 boss that seems amazing let's go ahead level up and get the level 1000 Moss all right he was a level one crook but now he's leveling up to a level 1000 boss what okay he just became so powerful this is just one of the t5s and does that 40 000 oh it's four thousand I thought it gave us forty thousand dollars for a second and I was about to like flip out I think we should probably Focus still on getting just more banana Farms as lame as that is oh wait 2D level 20 no he's not but he's starting to make these like a weird I I have this I don't even know what this upgrade is I have no idea how this relates to me but there's like these weird like robot things they just show up out of nowhere they're like hey yeah oh my gosh my character's going crazy on him he's creating so many explosions and just all kinds of chaos we're almost at Round 80 and we still haven't even needed to upgrade anything that's crazy that's Bonkers like that was around 80. our max level idot's like crushing it right now they're doing so good I don't think we're gonna need any more banana Farms so it's time for us to start getting more upgrades who is lagging us so badly I have no idea oh no I need to put on another banana farmer I'm lagging us all right I gotta unlink myself in the tech box let's go ahead let's get the max level mafia boss and now let's level up Mr who's the boss so surging energy otherworldly enhancements golden Flames look he's got the spinning banana phones he's good to go now wait if he's got the spinning banana phones I'm actually I want to sell them oh no no no no no we got ddts we got ddts all right I got golden flames and now can I use my abilities okay there we go and now take that Apple 378 000 that's so expensive wait Mr Beast we can get the hidden chocolate so we got hidden chocolate which boosts all nearby Towers one million subscribers I want to level up this guy too so with this we want more IQ even more IQ btd7 Max gets Early Access to Balloon Tower Defense seven that's you what is this he's like it's like a tank that gets like thrown on top of them why is like Churchill's tank right doing here Hank Max works with Hank to make the balloons weaker and then wait Mr Max idot is 800 000 okay well I can't afford that I love that my tower slows all the balloons like look how slow balloons get when they get next to him what's Mr Beast doing we need to get a million subscribers how do we not have a million subscribers yet wait we have 10 million subscribers on this oh 100 million subscribers that's what we're working towards strong arm stronger our rocket minions maximum and Rocket minions fight the balloons Rocket Power Max gets the power of the Hydra rocket pods and then sticky Army maximum sticky moves to destroy Moab class balloons and I guess we'll just get longer hat and spiky hat so now oh yeah he's just summoning look at that ninja monkey we got a whole Army of people being summoned now we only have five hundred thousand dollars so we need to get we need to get some more money but I mean we're around 115 and these YouTubers are crushing it look at this right I just skipped like 20 rounds and we're cruising uh oh are we okay here yeah I think we're fine all right let's save up and it's time for Mr Beast to get to 100 million subscribers Mr Beast 100 million subscribers all right Mr Beast is crushing it now so now we need to get Mr Max idot we're at Round 100 and what 60 now we're lied in the whole game look at how many ddds there are that's insane wait who doesn't I only have 192 000 pops this the the mafia boss the mafia boss has all the pops okay we can get Mr Max Idol which is eight hundred thousand dollars the Jungle skog the true monkeys Lord and Savior okay I gotta get rid of these banana Farms there's too many banana farms and I think we have all the upgrades that we need anyways right no we need 1.8 million okay we're we're getting closer we're making so much money it's crazy all right let's just sell all these we don't need banana Farms oh I have my Marketplace is over here too but I think that was the main source of the lag all right let's get the D jungle skog the true monkeys Lord and Savior all right we're gonna create the Paragon now level 30 Paragon nice can I have it Target wait oh my gosh he's so glitchy all right can I just here wait wait first blocked okay lock I'm just gonna have them locked over there wait he's got an ability what does the ability do there's so many things being spawned what happens if I push this button I have no idea what's happening look at the it's like just look at how janky this looks what's happening wait something's pushing back the bads oh my gosh there's so many bad look at this look at how many mad Rockets there is okay I want to just see something what if we just I I'm just jumping into this okay what I'm just going to round a thousand this is around a thousand by the way we gotta use I don't know what this ability does but it's kind of crazy wait I'm gonna get I feel bit Mr boost about his 61 million pops okay I want Mr who's the boss to be up here in the front I want him to be right right here because he's I think he's gonna see more and he becomes uh oh did I break my game oh he's like popping everything there's just like a huge like swarm of balloons and he had to just pop them all real fast all right take that Apple he's got over a billion pots now all right mister who's the boss that's kind of clutching now oh and he's in the range of Mr Beast Mr who's the boss trying to find the hidden chocolate with the Mr Beast upgrade let's go wait I need to put my hero down because now I can put me down over here and I can just level myself up to Max that was so much noise and then I'm also boosting Mr who's the boss so Mr who's the boss is just going crazy on the balloons wait what happened okay round round three thousand we're at around 3 000. the YouTubers are too powerful no one can stand a chance he's had two bill it's so hard to see but he's at two billion pops right now what Mr Mr beast is just chilling over there oh now he's yoinking some some chocolate bars at him let's go Mr Booze we still don't even see any balloons coming out what if I just go to like around 5000. this is ridiculous we're around 5 000 and balloons are just getting demolished what am I looking at round 10 000. yeah we're okay we finally lost a red round ten thousand guys thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed hit that like button I'll see you guys tomorrow for some more awesome content peace
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 101,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BTD 6, Bloons TD 6, Mod, Mrbeast, Mrwhosetheboss, Tewtiy, YouTubers, Hack, Custom tower, Youtuber challenge, Youtuber mod, Youtuber bloons, Bloonstuber, Bloons, BTD 6 mrbeast, BTD 6 mrwhosetheboss
Id: KkT9sCbSBU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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