We gave the Cave Monkey a gun (Modded BTD 6)

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usually when you think about the cave monkey you think about the map frozen over and you free the gay monkey by hitting the area with a bunch of explosive rounds like a border and then okay monkey comes out and helps fight for you but today we're going to be using the cave monkey on any map because we've made cave monkey a separate Tower and one of the paths gives it a gun you actually get some amazing things with it so let's go ahead and just like slap down arcade monkey okay so the cave monkey has three unique upgradable paths right so you can get a bigger club and basically it just upgrades like the already existing strategy for the cave monkey he just gets a club and it just becomes an explosion the middle path he actually starts to create trap so he actually digs a hole and creates a trap that the balloons Falls in and then he can trap him that way which is actually super powerful so I'm gonna go ahead and get the faster Club yeah he uh he's letting some balloons by homie all right well I got splinters now so he just like splinters the balloons which is really strong look at him go you know what man you should be voicing the cave monkey that thank you you know that that deserves an Academy Award bro all right I nominate 2D for the Academy dude I watched tar Tarzan last night and that was a great movie like the live action I'm just kidding wait wait is there live action I actually don't even know I was just I was just assuming there was because Disney is just milking all of their past ideas the cave monkeys throwing rocks now and he's also head banging he's like [Music] let's go I need to get better accuracy so I can see camo balloon smell what does he do to be able to see camo balloons like does he put on glasses or like what's what gives him the camo detection um any other questions yeah um if he could only Booga ooga booga boo would he ooga booga boo and how many oh God got a like button create a Koh tuber okay money I woke up today saber I want you to send me money okay I will as soon as I get Marketplace I want you to send me money [Music] listen to this saber places money making traps on the pack so how does he like make money like tell me how those traps actually like make him money okay so this is what happens he takes them and then he goes back to the cave monkey stock market and he invests in his portfolio of balloons so that way he can really expand his 401k oh he has a 401 game yeah the K stands for Club oh oh it's a 401 Club so it's it's just a new club he's just buying new people yeah yeah yeah it's just a huge club that he has okay I'm actually making some big ooga boo guys dude yo let's go bro let's go I'm so happy for you oh my goodness Moab trap cost 277 thousand dollars wait what oh my gosh why does it look like it's made out of cardboard it's a hole dude oh it's a hole oh oh yeah it's a hole dude do not do not see that come on I know I was imagining it as if it was above ground so you know I just imagined it what is that noise yeah it's the Trap saber come on hey you've never heard a balloon falling into a trap that was dug by K Punky balloons are already floating above the ground how do they fall down into a trap it's this is where the cave monkey comes into play okay he uses the elevation okay and by that I mean he puts in a special actual gas that makes the helium and the balloons actually sink instead of float and so that's how they fall into it wow and he has like the technology to harvest this type of gas in order to do that he yeah he just farts into the hole oh that kind of Interest okay okay yeah dude what do you think all right I think I think he's he's just bugling and oogang all over the place bro that's right okay I'm gonna get a sharper Rock now so now he's got like a shirt okay yeah wait hang on so he's like a gun on one of his pads right yeah I want to get the Rocks yeah I gain a bag of rocks and now throws four rocks at a time dude bag of rocks bro what are you talking about bro why are you talking about my intelligence like that yeah that's always very rude oh my gosh I love just making big dude he's made 11 dude he's made more money than your crosstalk dude I'm telling you dude the cave monkeys where it's at oh god dude oh my gosh dude that's all you need okay and then I'm gonna get I'm gonna get the heavy thumb upgrade poke Club big Club heavy thump and then stunning thud and then I guess faster Club there we go nice dude the big bang bro he's gonna be able to slap that club so hard that it creates an explosions on a gigantic scale dude this guy is crazy bro that this is why they this is why he was had to be forced to be locked away okay you think it was the balloons that froze him away it was the other monkeys yeah they let his power go untapped he would turn on them yeah wait yeah yeah I think I'm pretty sure I can put this guy right in the middle I think it looks like that works perfectly bro oh and then we get an alchemist as well all right wow this guy's rage is crazy dog yeah because he's throwing rocks now uh I I don't really know how that I mean yeah there absolutely there you go I have a little bit of money and I can get some upgrades oh you treat me so well come on dude we got to get the biggest hookah like we gotta ooga the Buca oh dude oh my gosh I don't know I don't know I don't know how it's gonna go I don't know dude I don't know if we can even do that all right there we go dude these guys are kind of hey monkey's kind of crazy not gonna lie dude yeah yeah he's he's pretty strong you should put like your cave monkey over on the right like the right middle boom baby nice yeah let's go boom baby oh yeah you're ready to go middle path is probably the best for that too the faster Club all right now I'm making so much money yeah now you're making big money bro because we're gonna need to upgrade these guys all the way we gotta go Max yeah we're gonna need like six hundred thousand dollars at least because we need to get both up we need to get all T5 so is there a paragon no no Paragons but I mean it's the price of a paragon and then on top of that we need to get some Perma Brews Moab trap is so expensive bro that doesn't even make any sense dog when you see what it can do saber you'll realize it's not expensive if okay okay hey I'll take it it's overpowered busted busted all right all right hey that's all those busted that's all that that caveman stock market action coming back and it's it's return on investment dude return on invest that's right yeah this guy's got it I'm just gonna save up okay Central now all right take my money oh thank you yeah now we're good yeah this guy's this guy's just throwing rocks yeah he makes so much money and I can't wait for Moab trap but we're gonna probably end up getting that last one I want to get we need to get him the rock rifle that's what that's like the main thing here there we go all right I want Rock rifle send me money saver all right here you go my guy all right I'm getting Rock rifle okay he now has a rock rifle dude that rifle relax bro that rifle dude dude what if we you should put your explosion guy like I'm done and that way I think we can like stun lock them oh good call good call because I think we'll just be able to like whack a whack-a-mole all right I'm gonna get a village down nice nice yeah I don't want to get here can you send me just like a bunch of money uh yeah I got you all right can you send me like a little bit more uh yeah here you go thank you thank you all right I think I can get perm up here now so I got Perma Brew which also affects your guy not all of them but most of them let's go I mean I got the big bang wait let's see what the big bang does boom nice he just created this huge explosion now let's go oh you got Moab trap I got it I got it nice very nice okay can you send me more money now because I want to also get a MOAB trap yes sir and then let's see what the game pot really can do get it dog trap all right basically we win now all right my last drop is busted dude no AB crap is so busted I'm gonna show you how busted Moab trap is all right let's go up against azomg all right let's see how it looks I don't even think the trap's gonna work bro because we stop it before it even gets there dude can't even get to it okay so basically we need to go further we need to go way further bro let's push this thing to it's a limits all right saber then how about this the b-a-d oh it's coming it's coming in it just it just literally disappears it literally just eats all of them round 140 fortified bad dude yeah all right let's do it fortified bad okay let's see how this guy works and round 140. dude wait what's going on with my guy in the middle you see that wait what's half dude he's going around and around oh my gosh there's so many Towers right now it's okay my truck is also there ready yeah dude your trap set saber the Trap is set oh my gosh dude no oh we're killing it bro we're actually killing it dude that was round one four I mean they got a little far they got a little far that time but but they have to go all the way around dude yeah my cave monkey has 1.5 million cars I want this cape monkey to be at a difference the engineer monkeys XXL trap that that doesn't that doesn't take a bad right that doesn't get a BD no it doesn't this is actually stronger than that so I guess that's good but at the same time like I don't know it's still kind of lighting I I still think it's maybe a little overpressed dude it literally can absorb a fortified bad okay no no the fact that I can do a four to five B18 is actually crazy you're right you're right look at how much money it's already it's already made me sixty thousand dollars dude my my monkey in the middle is like literally trying to keep up with those balloons and it just can't like it literally can't keep up it's so funny yeah he just goes like whipping those shots this is the spot dude they can't even get by all right another 10 Rounds and then my trap is still there is so ready I just give him so many I wasn't ready oh no we broke it wait what do you think you broke it what happened oh oh it's big broken the money's showing and everything dude cavemonkey just goes crazy you just like clubs boom yo yo yo on a scale from Hugo to buga what do you think you guys is later peace
Channel: Tewbre
Views: 78,663
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tewtiy, favremysabre, sabre, gaming, games, game, showcase, challenge, modded, mods, mod, gameplay, vanilla, playthrough, comedy, video, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, no cursing, no swearing, video games, let's play, lets play, cursed mods, bloons, bloons tower defence, bloons tower defence 6, btd 6, we gave the cave monkey a gun, modded btd 6, btd 6 modded tower, btd 6 cave monkey, btd 6 cave monkey mod
Id: vZdOteEx2SI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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