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that sauce is down on nope sauce is coming back happy dog happy life i got orders over there uh it's been a kind of a long day we're doing trash picking at night so it should salsa is being very vocal but uh it's been a pretty long day been banging out orders all day or at least listings and the last hour so after listing them on ebay i made a couple sales so uh it seems to be that time of year where everyone's doing their spring cleaning hopefully that's no different for trash picking today as we're going out a little bit chilly tonight but we're still going to make do and try to find some treasure we'll include one clip from earlier to this week when i used to combine the two days and uh let's make it a fun one try find some treasure what do you say let's do it well if it isn't our best friends can't have one without the other [Music] chair what a combination this is probably top five heaviest grilles i've ever moved so probably the loudest grill they move that any removed pretty sure the whole neighborhood knows i'm out here right now so if there's ever a time someone's going to yell at you maybe right now it seems like no one cares all right this is probably one of the biggest pet peeves i have this person easily could have parked right there and got out and done whatever they had to do but instead they parked right there in the middle of the road could have parked right there but now they parked right there just that a little bit sign says take that guy looks kinda cool what's that up there it might be a television okay i just walk it i think i should just walk it learn to drive up that's gonna drive up there but i'll walk it that's what it looks like yeah nope can't do anything with that loose fire hydrant wonder if that means something different i feel like i was at a yard sale here it's going to be a lot of fun to tangle rope with got the old board juggler a lot of scrappers would probably not take this [Music] oh it's all jacked up just ends up being just like that but you came in you can't can't fold it up so if you have like a pickup truck i mean that's three quarters of your truck there all right i'm gonna try to pick up as much metal as i can because right now i'm in a bind i don't have enough metal to make a trip and i really don't want to um because obviously you saw that grill but that was from another day so i already took that in um i don't want to go to scrapyard with like 100 pounds i really don't want to take this stuff out i'm just leaving my driveway for the next two days or next day this ups truck just been following me this whole time no idea what this contraption was at one point it's got numbers on it but i have no clue no idea maybe uh maybe uh the thing that goes in your car to hold your seat and you can move the seat back and forth the rails i you got me the high school is down that way i just saw a cat run oh there's the cat cat just chill on the front porch trash can no clue why people will be at the high school unless they are uh doing like high school sports right now because it's six o'clock at night um i was just actually looking back on my high school we have a mattress over there and they even realized they cancelled all spring sports as well for this year so this whole year's just been so different at least i know for the school year so just kind of weird to like see like spring sports happening around here but now where i went to school just so crazy how the world's so much different this year um where are we going we are going straight i think i'll go straight and then i'll take a right bumps have not changed i can tell you that this is the first time i've ever seen this without the glass top or the glass top just sitting right next to it like i have no idea where that glass top went for this in fact i don't even know if it was a glass time about 100 100 time they are glass steps she's gone wherever she is i like their driveway it's a nice driveway so what i was saying about uh trying to get the van unpacked or packed or whatever it was the heck are these [Music] why did it have these handles on them they're kind of weird they're kind of like i mean they're kind of cool but i flipped them over and they just they really throw me for a loop likewise i have a handle at the bottom too so whatever the purpose of these is it might be kind of conflicting why is it so windy the whole thing don't think they want this back so just stay there see what's this all about oh what's that one thing oh no it's its own thing looks like a pool cover these plastic chairs might have been a flea market thing but i'm gonna pass them just because they're color faded generally speaking when they get color faded they usually means because it means because they're outside but they generally get brittle and i've sat down in one and all of a sudden you don't have a chair you're sitting on the floor uh yes another day in the books sun is going down it just amazes me it's currently about 7 7 15. we still have some daylight it just makes me because like in the middle of the winter at this time right now i'm literally in bed like my life does not exist during the winter i just go to bed at like 6 30 7 o'clock and now wide awake out here doing some work so kind of crazy how times change but uh yeah i guess i guess we got some metal here still don't really know what to say about these uh whatever you like to call them they're just such an odd shape too for whatever kind of handle you'd use for this i mean people can be like oh you can use that for a flower thing i mean you know how much dirt you would need to put a flower in here use a whole bag of dirt just for uh for one flower or one uh whatever you want to call but i grabbed all this big christmas fake holiday stuff uh obviously you know i can sell this at one guy at the flea market who buys this this reef right here says twelve dollars fun fact of the day oh wow we got a bunch in here there's twelve dollars for this one reef wow there's gotta be four or five in here oh it's garland 15 feet of garlic i don't know anyway uh fun fact today my mom actually the uh not this week last week told me uh if i ever come across a christmas stuff can i save her and she was talking exactly about that kind of stuff and uh she was obviously she was gonna go out and buy some she asked me if they're still at thrift stores and okay still pick up holiday decor and thrift stores now in april and i was like mom look there's going to be a time where i want to just find a bin in the trash or i can buy an entire room at auction for five dollars so i'm not going to a thrift store and spending five dollars for that because i know that's exactly what they charge at their stores or you can go to uh dollar general and spend twelve dollar you can spend twelve dollars for uh that one reef so kind of crazy how expensive this stuff is but when you can come across in the trash or at flea markets or an auction it always definitely uh it definitely helps you can save a little bit of money that way so overall another fun day of treasure hunting hopefully you guys enjoyed yet another fun episode as always always a blast to go out there and find some things thrown away in the trash you guys enjoyed the video hit the like button subscribe down below for more treasure hunts until next time have a great day keep living a dream peace [Music] you
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 28,559
Rating: 4.9407406 out of 5
Keywords: Trash Picking, garbage picking, Trash Day, Found in trash, found in garbage, scrap metal, scrapping, junking, garbage truck, garbage man, garbage men, garbage pick up, found gold, found money, found in trash, bulk garbage pick up, texas picker, trash picking rich neighborhood, scrap pallet man, garbage picking ghetto, garbage collection, found by garbage man, dumpster diving, dumpster dive, speedy diver, dumpster dive ulta, dumpster dive gamestop
Id: VfHnnczO6UM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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