What People THROW AWAY Amazes Me Every Day! Trash Picking Ep. 413

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all right look who it is the wonderful salsa back again at another video she's excited uh spring is here we've been outside i can't tell you how many times today whenever it's warm out it feels like we go outside every hour nonetheless it's also trash picking days so let's make another fun adventure i've been going out a bunch i went out this morning trash picking uh to another town didn't even find one thing so i didn't make a video um i went thrifting yesterday and didn't find one thing so i didn't make a video then so we kind of caught up again on videos with a couple days off um so yeah uh today is actually a day i combined the two days in trash picking so i'll include those clips first and let's make it a fun adventure find some treasure out in the trash let's see what people thrown out today let's do i it it was uh i was last year hope there's a cat over there there's last year i found a marlin right there it's like a plastic plastic marlin a big one that was like an instant seller also and it was broken so this is actually kind of interesting this is all i want to uh wow there's a lot of dishes i went to estate sale here in january and seems like every week they still throw stuff out i'm not taking any of that kindly there was a lot more out here um they had a photo on facebook that was posted two hours ago it said free stuff plates are so difficult to sell that's why they're still here um but there is a lot more stuff out here in the photo as opposed to what i'm seeing as you can see a lot of stuff is stuff that didn't uh mom someone else didn't want pick up and also stuff that didn't sell at their estate sale welcome back to an episode of taco stacks in the struggle bus we attacked a dryer probably from the mid-1980s it's gotta be from the 80s better 90s dryers usually aren't as heavy as washers that you don't have to usually deal with a bunch of water leaking everywhere it's gotta fly back so is this even gonna fit i don't know oh we can try i always try let's give it a look now it's not cheese it's too tall how many of these guys i don't wanna be able to get all of them seriously [Music] oh it's not going to win me thinking to the point where not anymore is gonna fit it's a weird it's a weird concept to think that but is that ups truck from last week oh yeah that's it as much as i want to take that last one it's not going to fit there's no one take all of them but one it just won't fit because it's gotta make that corner he's barely made it a little bit of a walk why is it so windy why is it so windy decided i don't wanna park the middle of the road this one's like oh geez so i say i'll come back for those stuffed animals but where's this see what's thing here we'll take both of them make a i'm going to go ahead and say they're probably doing holy ants right answer no from that gonna say they're probably doing spring cleaning these look like had more valuable stuffed animals seen some horses in there man that metal gate offense really knocked the wind out of me i see there's some horses and stuff so who knows that's 100 all right so so as much as i want to grab those other blue uh posts that are still in the trash can the guy has literally like three garbage bags on top of them i really don't want to make a mess and take it out the whole bag just like burst everywhere so sometimes you just gotta leave that okay so hopefully those stuffed animals aren't too bad take a right over here this guy's just getting home from work so we're finding a ton of metal it's kind of cool camper always thought those campers were cool i always thought the campers that went over the back of pickup trucks were really cool i don't know why i feel like you need to uh need to travel on that but unfortunately almost every truck like that is pretty old don't know how i don't know how reliable it'll be now in 2021 but sometimes the older stuff's a little bit better one lassie thought someone was yelling at me i was like what are you yelling at me for can always count on a chairs one more street to go just made it back i hear someone weed whacking yeah it's a weed whacker i don't think that's a chainsaw but i hear someone weed whacking which is kind of unfortunate because that means weed whacking season's almost here speaking of weed whacking people have mentioned about my wood that i put here that board needs to be replaced um all of them have to be replaced and somebody suggested why do i get rocks put in like i guess big boulder rocks or small rocks whichever ones um cutting around rocks just like it just sucks uh with a lawnmower and then also weed whacking around rocks so i have them on my driveway and i constantly tell myself i either want to build them back up to where they're at i know it's getting really off topic um you see all these rocks have kind of fallen down and the driveways over here these rocks have pushed over with rain and wind and everything over the years they kind of pushed they either have to be all stacked back up or i have to just get rid of them because as you see the weeds grow in between them and i just mow over there and then i don't weed whack this because i'm too lazy and then it just gets really ugly looking so either going to try to get rid of those rocks or try to re-fix that but i'm definitely not putting rocks over there because the whole weed whacking around rocks thing sucks what doesn't suck is a treasury found wow look at all that wonderful merchandise um so yeah maybe over time this kind of flattened now i don't think so yeah it's like it's also rubbing up there as you can see this one's already poked out this much because whenever you put this chain link on top of each other i'm surprised i even got this much in here um they generally get tangled in with the other chain links so it's kind of like you push against it like fencing and then you have to unwind everything it's kind of like cables they just and i'm surprised they didn't get tangled up but as you see they are too long to fit completely sideways and they're too long to fit up and down so i had to kind of put them at an angle is what it is i left one i don't think i'd be able to get that last one in there maybe i would that'd be pretty close whenever i had them stacked in there it didn't look like it was possible uh but got some other things here i don't know we got some glassware here i don't you got a dead uh oh that's a lanyard fly and then on the other side looks like either a cave cricket which are not really cool nice piece of brass here it's kind of neat they like bejeweled it in a way lassie i actually don't even know what is the name of that kind of dog like what is the dog like everyone sees that dog and they're like oh that's a lassie dog oh it's a lassie dog oh it's a lassie dog they don't actually know the name of that breed it's kinda like i don't even know what the breed is somebody's gonna leave a comment i know someone's gonna leave a comment and tell me what the breed is but everyone just calls it a lassie dog good old lassie and then i uh picked up a bunch of stuff up here we have lots and lots of scrap metal um and i picked up all these stuffed animals because um all those stuffed animals the very unfortunate thing about stuffed animals is although prices are everything else changed for some reason at garage sales and flea markets it seems like over the last 20 years the price of stuffed animals has not changed so to sell that stuff today for a quarter each really doesn't make a lot of sense considering how much the cost of gas is now as opposed to 25 30 years ago the cost of gas the cost of a spot to rent they cost the vehicle maintenance whatever everything has kind of gone up in terms of like flea market stuff but stuffed animals have stayed the same price so to sell stuff for a quarter at a flea market really doesn't make sense however i hope to find a couple of really good ones and grab the other bag that had a bunch of horses in it because i don't know if they are what i think they call like briar horses um i think that's a brand briar why is it i know it's an ice cream but it might also be a brand um so yeah we'll see what what happens with that another fun day sun's going down treasures are still going up hopefully you guys enjoyed the video if you guys enjoyed the video hit the like button subscribe down below for more treasure hunts just like this and i'll catch you guys next time for our next adventure till next time have a great day keep living a dream [Music] peace [Music] you
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 38,271
Rating: 4.933672 out of 5
Keywords: Trash Picking, Garbage Picking, Trash Day, Found in trash, found in garbage, scrap metal, scrapping, junking, junk metal, salvage, found in trash, dumpster diving, dumpster dive, speedy diver, dumpster dive gamestop, dumpster diving haul, trash picking find, trash picking haul, scrap pallet man, texan picker, taco stacks trash, best trash picking finds, best garbage picking finds, scrapper, found money, found drugs, found gold, gold mining, bitcoin mining
Id: E8ut5AGI2NA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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