He Got Caught Cheating on Stream

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okay this this this is a big one there's no greater shame than getting caught cheating i remember barry lyle's seventh grade history class i was cheating i was copying my friend's homework right before class started because i didn't do mine barry lyle caught me called me up in the front of the class and ripped both mine and my friend's homework and simon in half and sent us to the principal's office i was mortified it was the most embarrassing thing that had ever happened to me but it'd be even worse if it happened live on twitch in front of tens of thousands of people and that's what happened yesterday to a very famous smash caster e also a friend of mine if you don't know him he's one of the biggest ultimate casters you might have seen this clip from him for of course you at home were able to watch these top-level talented individuals do what they do best even when he's business professional he gets a little distracted now he isn't necessarily known for being the the smartest of all casters he does have this pretty funny clip from quite a few years ago uh with another a couple friends of his um okay all right go ahead i'm ready eev sue if you're traveling 80 miles an hour how long will it take you to go 80 miles 40 hours i don't even know how you get to the number 40 hours 80 miles an hour okay that a little crazy a little crazy and look streamers pretend to be dumb sometimes for content i'll admit that that i've seen that happen not for me of course but from other people anyway this is all context on who ee is now let's talk about the show schooled that's miss gif's game show it's like uh the biggest game show he does it gets over a hundred thousand viewers sometimes uh and it's a really good show it's a spoof of are you smarter than a fifth grader but for twitch streamers and i think it really has its own identity and it's a good overall product with one major problem they have been marred by cheating scandals several people have confessed to cheating confess they have admitted they've cheated and in several others definitely cheated but never admitted to it uh and it was such a problem in the first season of the show that the second season that they're on now they added cheating to the game they literally added it to you know be a little tongue-in-cheek and acknowledge the problems of the past didn't stop the cheating from happening though i'll give you a few examples now these are people who allegedly might have cheated but never admitted to it and this is not to bring hate to them i think they're all great creators first one's andrea uh she apparently if you look in the reflection of the glasses is looking at chat which is saying yay or nay depending on what she puts in all right so it's kind of a form of cheating where you can write an answer in chat says yay and then you're like good i did good or they say nay and you're like okay time to change it but but it's you know a little bit of cheating because you're getting feedback from people you aren't supposed to be talking to um now she never admitted to it but but that's what people think this other one is from amaranth uh and and amaranth um i'll just let that clip play out what are the four nitrogenous bases found in dna we had like a song in elementary school and that's what i'm thinking about right now and i can't remember it it went like guac walk guac or something what the hell what kind of school did you go to i think that's an only fan school that song sounds a little bit different from elementary school but she she got the answer she miraculously got the answer never said she cheated no i don't know if she did or not i'm just saying these are clips that people look at and think that they might have cheated on uh and and here's a clip of someone actually admitting they cheated their name is uh mia malcova not sure i think they're an actress go ahead okay so i actually felt really bad all day yesterday because i didn't know that there was past controversy and i didn't know it was something to take super seriously and i definitely cheated the whole way through i had my entire discord like my open discord like just giving me the answers and i just thought it was like funny and silly and wanted to hang around for a little bit but i also thought it was being super obvious so no one would think that i actually wanted to win how are you super obvious i i i couldn't tell now look these are problems the show's dealt with again about a dozen people have cheated whether they admitted it or not uh in just this season alone after the scandal of season one which is crazy to think about and mischief actually made a really good point that a lot of people might cheat on this show even though there's not that much at stake so they don't look dumb and it's maybe even more difficult for women who are [ __ ] chastised in a super sexist environment and and and if you just happen to forget like a simple question for fifth graders it's much more embarrassing if you're a woman than it is of your guy it's just kind of funny if you're a guy which which i thought was a pretty valid point but the finale and this is the one we are really concerned with was between ee and seven other winners amongst uh and and they were all champions throughout season two in playing for 50 000 okay there was there was actually a lot on the line now these were all the people in it a few got eliminated pretty early but uh ms in the show said this i'm going to say this again please do not cheat we are watching all of you like crazy do not be looking around at other monitors we have our intel telling us things and i am serious with that 50 000 on the line binoculars are out do not cheat we will okay that that kind of weird that he puts his hands up right there he didn't call you out he just said generally view the votes we believe in all of you let's make sure that we are doing it the right way you don't wanna win fifty thousand dollars cheating that's the most serious i've ever seen miz that guy's almost always all jokes also looks really good with long hair but that is the preamble okay and it ends up becoming ee versus extra emily another streamer who everyone predicted to win um and then a few weird things happen i'll just let the clips play out you see if you spot anything here's clip number one now he's not facing the monitors because as an anti-cheat they had them look away that way you couldn't have a second or third monitor with answers uh that that was their strat to avoid cheating kind of a crazy strat because you know they've literally figured out how to stop cheating schools do that all the time they do school tests at home when i was in college we had to do the [ __ ] tests with proctors and they would have to see a camera angle from behind and if you looked away they would be able to detect that it was insane [ __ ] it would be impossible to cheat with that software being used but miz decided not to do it because it's hard to get streamers to show up for [ __ ] streamers are lazy as hell and trying to get eight of them in a room on time for a show is hard enough if you're having them install software on top of that the show's going to be running late and there's always going to be uh be people who bail and don't show up um so i get why he didn't do it but the technology definitely existed to prevent this from happening at all anyway if you noticed in that clip ee had a reflection of the phone in his sunglasses okay uh maybe it might have also been a fridge he has a red bull fridge in the background so maybe maybe it was that or or maybe it was it was like his whiteboard i don't know it's kind of hard to tell i i don't really feel like that's conclusive but check this out okay i apparently people think this is him holding a phone all right to me it looks like someone made cardboard look like ocean waves like you see the it has like the tail i don't i don't really see a hand there but but i don't know apparently people see it maybe it's it's [ __ ] kanye's new shoes i i don't know i don't see [ __ ] it doesn't seem conclusive at all to me but this did it for me now what you're looking at is a problem the problem was simple 125 minus 4.5 times 9.9 made it difficult because one pemdas in two decimals are hard now the step one to solving this is doing 9.9 times 4.5 and then subtracting that answer from 125. it's kind of hard to do that i would do 99 times 45 and then throw a decimal in the middle ee wrote down five nine one with a cat sticking out and then six seven six with a couple hyphens and then got 44.5 5 which which which is weird and then did 128 minus 44.55 which isn't even the right starting number but then still got the correct answer which should have been off by three so everyone was immediately kind of confused when this came out and a lot of people in chat were starting to say oh maybe this guy cheated maybe this guy is not playing honest here's the final question the final clip these communist money manifesto but maybe he also wrote no social contract the question was who wrote the social contract and who did you put ee i don't know what the [ __ ] the social contract is karl marx great guess but he immediately throws down john russo oh [ __ ] which turns out to be that is the correct answer e wins right [Music] ee wins 100 and it was totally fair he was turned around no one could say anything ee has won the show now miz said no one could say anything he was a hundred percent fair but i don't think he actually believed that in the moment now this isn't a tough [ __ ] spot if you think someone's cheating but you cannot physically prove it because you are not next to them it's not like you're a teacher and you can walk up and look at the notes they're looking at what do you do it's a weird spot and if you're not right even if you're 95 sure and you're wrong you [ __ ] up majorly but you could tell when ee was celebrating he called his parents just look at ms's face in the top left [Music] i told you i told you i wasn't bullshitting dad helped me with the history for like two weeks straight i [ __ ] told you mom i [ __ ] love you i did that for you okay sweet moment with his family but the rumors immediately started all right the conspiracy theory immediately started reddit went full boston bomber where everyone was trying to pick apart specific details and screenshots and the evidence started to build and build and build and i even reached out to e at that point i was like dude okay what happened i didn't get to watch this because i was streaming what happened i know i'm friends with him i've invited him to a lot of things i've done and he was like ah nothing man i just you know i was just playing and people think i cheated i don't know why like all right send him a heart a few hours pass and he sends me this video uh down the stretch there yeah you know what i did succumb to a little bit of temptation uh i guess my homie knew like you know realize i'm struggling right there especially like emily she's got like at math and uh i did get the answer sent to me i looked over and i saw the uh the prompt and i was like well [ __ ] i think my math was wrong anyway it ended up being wrong so i just wrote down the right answer so he says his friend saw that he was getting it wrong and sent him the correct answer on discord and then he just jotted down the correct answer look he says he just cheated on one problem i don't know maybe he did know jean-jacques rousseau i i'm french i don't know [ __ ] [ __ ] about jean-jacques russo okay i stick to cousteau but that's what he says and and i think the more important takeaway is that he finally owned up to cheating and tweeted out uh congrats to emily she's the real champ now obviously he's not going to be winning the 50 000 uh and emily will be winning the 50 000 it's actually kind of a happy ending for emily not only does she get the 50k i think miz is gonna fly her down and she's gonna be able to hang out with all of otk in austin which is a like a [ __ ] awesome opportunity for any streamer but where does that leave us with ee okay what does that mean with ee all right i want to preface by saying you hello not not the viewer u-e-e because i know you're watching right now because you told me you'd be watching because i told you i was making this this is so bad because you're too funny you're too sharp you're too talented for this to be what people know you as a and this is the same exact thing we talked about with i show speed this is what a hundred thousand people are gonna know you as as the cheater from school okay that's how it works on the internet the pocket that you live in they don't care smashers don't give a [ __ ] the ultimate community doesn't give a [ __ ] but your talents reach beyond that in my mind okay to me i really genuinely think you are much funnier and and wittier than just being a smash commentator and it's a bummer that hundreds of thousands of people will never give you the opportunity to show them that side of you because you'll always be just a cheater it's kind of like alinity millions of people would never give her the chance because she is an animal abuser and you know finally after years in in hanging out with miss kiff it seems like some people finally gave her the chance but it took a long [ __ ] time and it still still sticks by her and the same thing is gonna be happening to you okay the best thing possible is to do what you started to do oh no all right be your bigger person admit your wrongdoings because it's okay it's okay to own it and have [ __ ] up everybody [ __ ] up i've [ __ ] up so many times while streaming in the past i've done stupid [ __ ] uh cancelable [ __ ] doesn't matter as long as you own up and you move on in the platform doesn't remove you from it nothing stops you from being a creator jason r still streams for [ __ ] sake okay you cheated on a game show he's jason goddamn r and i and i just want i want that to be a super clear message to also any other creator who who might think of doing some devious [ __ ] at some point all right um no matter what it is and and i will say two more things one the greatest tweet i've ever seen from a a um an esports team the truth brings no man a fortune a quote from jean jack rousseau uh otk tweeted out that emily is the official winner of school insane quote from jean i guess he knew the french are all knowing okay uh and and in props to emily for being the true winner of school uh and then and then two schools can't end like this it's too good of a show it's it's genuinely a good product and it's the greatest thing i think um ms has done recently and i and i want it to end on a sweeter note because that's what it deserves so i'm i'm i i'm putting in a motion for schooled irl due to school what i'm doing in mogul money end it but end it with a bang in person where nobody can cheat with all the greatest minds the emilies of the games but also maybe the hungry boxes okay the northern lions i'd like to see that effort in there throw in germa he's great and smart me if you happen to have extra spots i don't know i'm not making the rules but it shouldn't end on a cheating scandal and a bad taste in everyone's mouth because it's better than that and then i was also thinking final final note i was on school with ee a few weeks ago yeah i was on school with him and we got to this insane standoff katniss everdeen hunger games where we all kept writing penis as our answer that way they could never eliminate any of us ee ended up winning that show so i had to ask him and i hope this is him taking the right steps and i will say i do believe whatever he told me did he cheat on the penis episode ee said the win was not tarnished fair enough my good sir fair enough all right that's it boys that's the hot juicy sweet sweet cheating scandal have you guys ever cheated i don't care if you let me know in the comments uh but have a good rest of your day see you later see you later goodbye everybody here's a fortnight code for you guys whoa see
Channel: Mogul Mail
Views: 2,023,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ludwig, ahgren, stream, weekly slap, jschlatt, story time, twitch, live
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 26 2022
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