I Finally Played Against Linus. He's so good...

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today we are doing a brover pro the goal very simply is to find out who the better gamer is but you might be wondering how do we do that and the answer is simple we are going to play a best of nine AKA first of five games and we have 10 total games to choose from they're split across three sections a neutral category which either of us have a chance of winning the games there are Battleship pong rock paper scissors and Tetris and then we have games that Advantage us so you have three games we're going to get into in a little bit and then I have three games that I should be a little better at the first win five games of these total is our champion and then they get to tweet on the losers account make sense I'm down all right so for our first game tradition okay we always start with Battleship okay all right you placing your ships um yeah okay I'm going to do something [ __ ] crazy check out what I'm [ __ ] doing right now I'm a [ __ ] I'm a [ __ ] psychopath oh yeah that's clever that is [ __ ] clever right there I would like to go e what's the final number available I'd like to go E10 okay yes you know what I I like that EO let's go E2 are you sure yep that's a hit lucky lucky guess but lonus did you know there is a very well studied Theory with Battleship yeah that the first person to hit loses no oh okay people who shoot are often scared to get shot at the same location pause yeah we forgot to play with the correct rules you were allowed to shoot again cuz you hit oh um D2 swing and a miss all right there's a theory yeah okay E2 just take your hip but there's a second part to the theory yes D2 yeah no I mean obviously I wasn't going to guess from the same come on really you know what I really like H1 that's a Miss okay E3 E3 is a hit M E4 E4 is a hit and sunk I sunk your Destroyer My Submarine he just learned the names of the ships actually earlier this afternoon I know them all now c4 oh C4 always blows up in your face Miss okay feel big when you talk to me like that um I mean yeah you know it's good for a game with so little strategy I feel like I'm thinking an awful lot let's go D9 has no [ __ ] clue that is a Miss let's go D9 why you keep doing this stuff you hit me I knew it I knew it I knew it lonus and you know what the thing is you're against putting ships on the edge d8 d8 that's a Miss [ __ ] sorry brother let's go with G2 no I'm going to pick a different one all right you hit let's go with picking up the yellow I3 no okay that's a hit oh okay good um I'm going to do F6 that's a Miss that's a miss you missed idiot C9 C9 is a hit lovely C8 per chance C8 is a Miss dastardly B2 B2 is a hit B4 B4 is a hit B5 is a hit not a sink not a sink E9 E9 is a hit F9 that's a Miss F9 is a Miss have yeah F9 is a Miss but I didn't syn I didn't I hit C9 D9 E9 and that's not a snc that's not a SN you [ __ ] up somewhere no you [ __ ] up royally yes you did yes you did I didn't you must have I didn't B6 uh B6 is hitting Sun I sunk your carrier yes that carries the ships no it carries planes almost [ __ ] that up such a [ __ ] ID E8 uh e E8 is a Miss what do you have I don't know man I uh how does that make sense I don't know man you E8 is a Miss I don't know what to tell you wait what how does this make and I didn't sink is he lying to me look at me is he lying he's not lying to me doesn't make sense uh okay so I sunk two ships your submarine and your carrier and I hit three on the right in a row but I didn't think anything right but I shot F9 and I missed and I shot B9 and I missed you didn't shoot B9 rewind the tapes B9 yeah that's a hit okay so that's a syn that's a sink I've sunk your battleship Battleship yes lonus Linus lonus you are in trouble I2 I2 is a hit he hates the edges so much it's so obvious H2 H2 is hitting oh that's huge for me yeah that's pretty big hold up I think I know where you went wait look at me for a second I'm not looking at you look at me I8 I8 is a hit okay now hold on a second your strategy is so rudimentary here lonus I thought this was a neutral game you have a strategy you set up ships with equal spacing away and almost equal flipping and and horizontal you know perpendicularity if you will it I I I I can see the board and check this out check this out just to prove it yeah this ship is going horizontally not touching the edge it's I9 uh that's a hit it's i7 that's a Miss oh you have one turn to make magic happen good luck all right well let's start with E3 that is a hit yeah uh let's go with E4 that is a SN you have sunk my submarine all right see you later submarine G4 that is a hit you have sunk my other submarine he it's a destroyer anyway um I have two submarines okay helps with Naval Combat um have two so I2 that's a Miss bummer good sir can I go I 10 and that's it that's a game pleasure GG this is my board so the one that you didn't start on two the one that I didn't start was was tricky yeah yeah tricky cuz you did catch on that I had a two thing going yeah but you didn't Venture North and I put one on Three yeah all right yeah no I'm telling you this is like if AI were to develop a battleship opening it' be this where would you like to take us okay right loser picks that's right so I should probably get a W under my belt here I would recommend that why don't we go with be saer okay so what should we go with folks we could do fitbeat I mean you're fit right yeah all right let's do fitbeat Expert Plus okay sure yeah whatever play it then we get see him try this [ __ ] wait okay he missed one okay why when is he even [ __ ] hitting them I can't hear the song so it's actually so much more intense entertaining from my point view watching someone play Beat saer no music okay no no meeme he's actually doing tricks on it it's really jittery oh okay my turn all right right good luck imagine I get it done okay are you ready here we go get your mind blown and your world [Music] rocked I was trying what the [ __ ] was that [ __ ] give me a few more attempts I probably get there but you just to make the competition even I'll I'll give it to you this time sure give it to this time all right well done well done you you you know what you look good out there thank you so that means technically you want a point yes which means it's my turn to pick a game all right so you going to go straight for uh smash actually I'm going to play Mario Cart okay bro unironically pick Mario and Yoshi I I don't know the meta for this game at all that's crazy bro the only Mario Karts that I've played I played a little bit of N64 and then I played a bunch of Mario Kart DS that's it and you just picked like the most basic two characters rules of buio Kart you are not allowed to drink while driving you must decide come to a stop then drink uh yeah what are the controls you know what lonus let's play like this you don't have to even drink for health H for [Music] health so much it hurts so much it's the worst P ever had of my life oh my my God this is what a second me feels like okay I think I'm going to lose this pretty bad yeah it's going to be [ __ ] horrible yeah can't give me a second beer oh my goodness there's bumps all over the map and everything I don't even know what's going on there's meatballs there's giant meatballs what you what do you a child like Whimsy where are you seeing meatballs I i' I've seen meatballs going down the mountain bro that's a boulder well yeah it's a meatball Boulder It's Made Of Meatballs what is this lore you're putting in so how hard are you going to like stunt on me here I'm going to go for a second beer you're going to go for a second beer sir a second beer is just hit the towers you remember 911 yeah where were you I was in my bedroom that's a suspicious Alibi are you sure you were in your bedroom I very sure I was in my bedroom I'm worried what line is did on 911 how old were you I'm 37 no on 911 2001 23 years ago 14 14 oh I don't trust him I thought you were going to drink a second beer I okay oh so you're just going to stop right at the Finish Line I and then you're going to chug it yeah it seems like kind of a hack to just chug the whole thing see I thought I was being you know kind of abusing the rules and stuff but then it turned out you were going to do exactly the same thing I mean you got to give him credit guy's a gamer although I would like to point out that I had a higher overall volume of liquid the first time Dam give me a thr beer oh my God imagine you are not even [Music] damn GG it's a win for me which means it is once again your MTH pck I mean if we don't do drunken fight simulator after you've had two beer I think we're not really doing it right it is fitting it is fitting we're going to jump right into it raw okay a best of five am I the guy on the [ __ ] ground right now yeah is that you moving I'm not sure look you asked me for games that would be fun for the stream how do you move I don't I don't think it's supposed to be quite this bad what is this [ __ ] game now I can't turn around my guy will not turn around I I really think it might be broken if you're in front of me right now I'd [ __ ] kick your teeth in I'd kick your [ __ ] teeth in dude we're doing practice together we look like we're in a [ __ ] martial arts class for 50-year-old retirees I'm coming you know what no no I got a plan are you ass kicking me what is it were you kicking me with your ass is that your big plan look I came up with a plan you don't have to like the plan but you got to respect the plan good luck catching me how the [ __ ] did you do that come at me bro Bo boom boom let's go [ __ ] that was a good kick I'll give you that it was a good kick lonus I'm coming back to the cage dude I I I'm losing no fence man I'm losing no [ __ ] fence out here dude dude there's no way there's no [ __ ] way I spent that much time trying to get to you and then you jumped over the fence again you're pissing me off oh man okay so can I can I be a stack with you yeah keep it a stack I have 300 hours in this game no I'm I'm kidding I would be sad for you if I mine is the worst [ __ ] game I've ever played in my [ __ ] life I promise you it is the worst i' would rather play Nintendo dmca simulator than [Laughter] this let's go it doesn't have an animation that's it that's the end the end of the game is I just lie dead on the floor why did you recommend this game f oh man I never played teken eight in my damn life you know what I'm going Nina n Willam Nina vers Panda yeah okay I think we know what would happen in the real world I would beat you as the panda yeah probably going somewhere going some you have a gun yeah yeah why am I so sexual wow that is that is some furry [ __ ] right there okay so it's a best of five I need figure I need to figure out the controls uh I okay I I mean well that's good now what was that a heat smash apparently what you what are you doing on the ground there P I'm I'm I am checking my controls here realize you're lying down on the ground I don't even know how to jump were you baiting me for a rage were you baiting oh you blocked it I know by accident honestly how do you grab I don't know all right someone help me with the controls I don't know how to jump d-pad up it's not doing it it worked for me you have to hold it what you got to hold it I'm telling you that's stupid people don't jump in this game apparently you're dumb all right well that's fine wait time oh buzzer beater what I beat you in the last [ __ ] second I think it's pretty clear what's happening in this one [ __ ] Jesus [ __ ] Christ oh [ __ ] I put you in a little [ __ ] ball what is this bye-bye bye-bye now am I dead no but you're about to be not uhoh how' you figure out how to do it I was spamming buttons how the [ __ ] did you figure that out oh I I had the controller settings up oh sorry oh that was cheesy wow no I'll take some hits I'll take some hits hit me you five seconds hit me I can't hit me all right GG lus it's not your game I'm going to say that no definitely not hey let's go back to taking two days that's fine that means I get to pick the game so right now the score is 3 to2 in my favor and you want to go towerful yeah let's go towerful okay let's do it what do you think what do you think I look the most like Assassin Prince that's the nicest thing you ever said to me in my life oh my God these controls though all right oh this is man this is going to mess with me wo wo wo that was L2 L R2 R2 R2 okay all right all right I'm I'm getting this I'm getting this these controls being different is I mean just think of it like an Xbox controller are they're the same as Xbox no it's not yeah why would R2 be Pa it is silly where'd you go yeah you got me he jumped on my head that kills you oh yeah having my jump button be fire and my fire button be jumped is actually a really big problem jump on your [Music] head no reverse let's go you're a little rat you're a little rat I feel like I play Cool in a way oh wait hold up I actually meant to do that that was rough I did a drop through left shot while falling dude yeah that was awesome you did good so those are drill arrows look if I'm not going to use my knowledge of the game to win kind of like you did and then I'm not really playing BR versus right I hear you look at his posture he's like dude shut up shut up I don't even give a [ __ ] I don't even give a [ __ ] I tried to dodge again oh my God this is how I win a bro vers bro I get into his [ __ ] head I set him up with the worst setup of all time that hesi was crazy check out the hesi though in the replay look at this I held it that hesy was crazy so this is my last life if I lose uh a little bit okay I got to play smart okay I'm not going to lie you're in a little bit touble here oh not bad not bad not bad Mr hug sorry look I have to I I have to try to win the ones I how how do your arrows [ __ ] do that I mean yours do too you just have to like have a line of sight to me I think it'd be a little more fun if I were to beat you at geoguesser Canada cuz you're famously Canadian am I famously Canadian I mean I am Canadian I mean you say buddy and you talk about Vancouver hey how's it going there buddy that's what I'm saying so you see this right now this is Canada sorry this is not Canada this could be anywhere in the world this is somewhere okay what you need to do simply based off your knowledge you would have to figure out where you are so where would you think this is just a gut shot uh I would say this is rural United States somewhere so you just click where you think it is and then you get a score based off the distance from the actual location so it's actually Michigan okay not a bad guess you got half the total score you could get all right so are you scared by how close I was 750 6 mil that's how far we live from each other in the real world and I don't go to your house on weekends for dinner the only other piece of info I'll give you is um Good Luck okay sure all right see you later oh man I'm down to 30 seconds I got no idea I'm in the most generic ass suburb of all time oh man okay screw it we're in um let's say London Ontario see if I can even find that oh crap where okay we're in Thunder Bay good enough well we are not off to a good start that is like 30 mil from where I live okay well this one's this one's a little bit too easy really New Brunswick all right all right I can pull this together I can pull this together okay what do we got what do we got here oh oh heck yeah Pro nest whatever okay I know that we're around here somewhere okay you know what close enough who whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay well one of these where's where the hell is Lindsay okay screw it I'm just going to go here and hope for the best all right nailed it 62 miles that first one man that was rough this just looks like rural butt [ __ ] could be anywhere I mean that they don't even have concrete on the road 342 mil all right I got 10,300 points my biggest problem was the the first one I was way off and embarrassingly the spot was like 50 mi from home you move a lot faster than me this is definitely feeling East Coast suburbs I'm going to go Quebec I'm going to go just outside of Ottawa all right what was your score I forget doesn't really matter burn Burnham Thor in Miss missa Miss Saga burn Burnham Thorp in Miss Sagwa Miss Saga sounds like a North name Miss Saga it's pronounced Miss Saga but yeah pretty good oh mailed it 4,900 points okay I'm in trouble now that's juicy that is a juicy that's a that's a wor so back guess I should have moved a lot faster call me crazy I'm going to go back to Calgary oh 705 area code that's Calgary nice no you got signs here you got this you got this got see means Canada Chris Cur Curtis a progressive Conservative candidate for Dartmouth South I'm a little stressed out I actually don't think I'm Canadian recycling hey thanks okay that's a good guess that's a good guess I'll take that Nova Scotia Nova Scotia I need to [ __ ] this oh I could win chill chill chill I didn't realize how few points you get for being really far away chill chill chill it does it say Manitoba it looks like it says Manitoba it does say Manitoba so let's go to Manitoba which is really [ __ ] big the 9 South and the 4 East to Selkirk setk right there oh he's got this he's got this there and there's the four wait what was lus to score 10,324 so if my number is higher than that I win I think you got it I think you got it all right GG that's crazy that's crazy easy GG oh my God I can't believe I screwed up that first one oh my god dude the Vancouver mess up well okay lonus because of that the score is now 4-3 it's not over you seemed ejected like you lost I get to pick the next game all right you know what let's go with the game of my generation Hong I was afraid you'd say that oh no okay I got 12 bricks it's not bad I'm breaked up watching you some [ __ ] high octane gaming what was that it glitches through the corners they didn't design them [Music] well that was a great round that was a great round you're so close to getting through the back [Music] layer No 102 oh boy boy I'm in trouble boys I'm in trouble boys he's got control he's got control of the brick Crusher dot he's got he's got dot control okay all right fine that's fine I'm in trouble I'm lean It In fairness to him the controls are really laggy if you guys can see it through the camera it means it's that much worse in real life some of you are Philistines but a lot of you were able to see it through the camera Philistine means you believe in Jesus [Music] no dude I almost got that you can't freaking be like little snickering noises cuz it made me think about it okay I'll be quiet I'll be quiet shut the [ __ ] up shut up lius no lius stop [Music] it [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [Music] can I say two things yeah first off it wasn't laggy it's really laggy it's not laggy look it's super laggy it's it's instant watch watch this finger flick again and it starts moving that is really bad blood might be right look you can't argue with me about input leg what can I argue with you about I mean lots of things you could argue with me about uh vasectomies he doesn't respect me I don't think he can come all right lonus yes you beat me in breakout I did it's four to four it's four to four we have two options you lost the last game so you get to pick right yep and we have two options okay we can either play a game known as Tetris or we can settle this like men okay best of five RPS winner tweets on the losers account would I want to even tweet on his account the hard are wow that's a low blow didn't think you were here winner of this RPS wins the BR bro is considered the better game but it doesn't make sense why cuz it's not even a I mean is it not a game I mean it's the ultimate game it's the game of the mind there's zero technical input involved there's no lag you know what honestly I'm happy to have made it this far because unlike some people I don't play video games for a living who's he talking about Rock Paper Scissors Shoot Rock Paper Scissors Shoot you're a crazy [ __ ] Rock Paper Scissors Shoot really you're just going to rock the whole thing all right that's fine that's fine that's good I got to switch Rock Paper Scissors Shoot Rock Paper Scissors Shoot holy [ __ ] Rock Paper Scissors Shoot wow scissors what is your [ __ ] Dark Twisted mind thinking about I don't know man Rock Paper Scissors Shoot that's brutal you're in my [ __ ] head right now man not though chill out Rock Paper Scissors Shoot you're sick [ __ ] who goes Rock there I no I don't know how to I don't play this game stop beating me and saying you don't play the game this is a game for my kids look at me look at me dude oh that's weird you can't make that face what face that's e it's really gross why you say he was my sexy face can I ask one question I I really don't think that's part of the game do you shower in the morning or not I'm a night time shower let's go okay Rock Paper Scissors Shoot do you sometimes shower in the day uh very occasionally it's [ __ ] obvious I actually bath more than I shower though so I guess I can that's why is your heart not racing fast I'm no I'm stressed I I want to win I like winning okay chill Rock Paper Scissors Shoot GG [ __ ] L is no I lost to a [ __ ] Boomer I I really was not I was not expecting this because as I said already I'm not really a gamer do you know how [ __ ] sad it is to lose you and then have a speech be told about how you don't even play video games you're you were you you played a good game of rock paper scissors I don't don't you can't beat me and then say that you know how many [ __ ] months I'm going to hear how I lost to a boomer well you get a tweet on my account you get a tweet you something in mind Hey Von do you want to pick something you guys don't have to decide right now you can wait if you want and forget about it it's not a big deal if you guys want to skip it too honestly I was drunk throughout this whole really count okay she just wants to work okay you know what I'm going to let chat decide then they're all just going to say hard R you're asking my chat what to say just going to say hard art wow this is actually pretty good I must be uncircumcised the way that Jesus that's that's the kind of probably tweet anyway dude I know I wouldn't what do you think I am a sick F he just read out a tweet that said I must be uncircumcised the way this cheese piling up and then he said you would tweet that anyway which is like one of the most insulting things yeah loving this new vasectomy dick cheese is a problem of my past yeah we got to we got to have fun okay this this is fun it's not fun to win unless you like really rub it in LT is that is that what you want to be attached to lonus thank you so much for being on my stream I pray it's the last time H that was fun yeah yeah no it was definitely uh an experience [Music]
Channel: Ludwig
Views: 1,443,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ludwig, ludwigahgren, ahgren, gaming, chat, stream, decides, lud
Id: AgAy9swyTWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 8sec (1688 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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