This Star Wars Game Could Have Been Perfect

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Star Wars Battlefront II! Released in 2017 Star Wars Battlefront II   was a step up from the first game in the rebooted  series. A story campaign, new maps and guns and of   course the prequel trilogy joining the fun. As the years went on we got some fixes to the   game, the removal of those horrid loot  boxes (Don't talk to me about those)   and some much needed new content. Then they canceled continued support for   the game…. WHY!?!   It was perfect. You finally got it. To  just walk away? We were on the verge of   greatness. We were this close. But now with the HORRENDOUS handling   of the original battlefront games that  were remastered (seriously what happened,   you had one job and you messed it up) I wanted to go back into Star Wars Battlefront II   to see if it’s as fun as I remembered. Anyways…..   My first match I got a hacker…. Not even kidding..   But that's ok because everything  else is here in perfect condition.   You see a hacker? Just leave the game!  It’s that simple!   You have all of these gamemodes. But only 3 of these modes are actually   populated. Co-op   Galactic Assault And Supremacy   Smaller modes like blast and even  ewok hunt, that little gamemode   where its suddenly a horror game… Ya, not that many people playing them.   Blast had two people on a team,  and we kept dying to them…   So I played co-op mode to get warmed up. It’s just you and 3 other real   people with a lobby full of bots. If you don't even want the other 3 players   you have instant action to play. It’s just  you and you alone. Like the good ol’ days   I know people love competitiveness in  games but something about co-op mode   brings me back to the simple days of booting  up the 2005 version of Battlefront and just   playing to my heart's limit. You can play whichever hero you want   without having to worry about other  people hogging them for the entire   game and you get XP and can progress your  upgrades while playing against bots   It's simple, fun and most  importantly not stressful.   But if you want stress… Oh boy do I have a gamemode   for you. Supremacy!   In short it's a non-linear game mode based  on capturing Command Posts and ultimately   bringing down capital ships. What I forgot about was how   long these games took. Because even after you capture   all of the posts and gain enough points to try  and take down their capital ship, if you fail that   last stage which took an additional 15 mins on top  of your already committed 20 mins before, you go   back to the ground and do it all over again. You’re practically playing a ping pong match until   either one team finally wins or the whole team  just say’s f**k it and leaves the game.   I would be lying if I said I  wasn’t having fun though   C’mon it's a huge galactic battle taking place  in Star Wars. Its just like the simulations   If you don't want that tedious ping pong match  the rebellion side doesn't have the capital ship   part.. So once you capture the points it's done.  The only caveat to that point is no one plays on   the rebellion or resistance modes. This gamemode is great, but you can really   only find a match in the prequel  era. Nothing against the prequel   Era but what if I wanted to play on Hoth? I eventually found a game for the rebellion, sorry   if you’re wanting to play as  Kylo or Rey in this, I finally   left my queue in the game after 20 mins. I tried. No one wants to play that.   I was playing the PC version of Star Wars  so it's possible that on console the server   numbers are either better or worse, let  me know if you play on console.   If you just don’t want any of that at all you have  the 3rd mode that's not completely alienated from   the player base, which is Galactic Assault. You don’t get to choose which Era you play on,   it just randomly spits you into a lobby,  hopefully one with the best connection and   you get to play an objective based gamemode. It's 20 v 20 with no additional AI enemies to   defeat alongside the real players  and because of that I found that I   just kept getting killed by players who  just played as a hero the entire time or   players ruling the skies up above in a ship. Listen, I get that I have gotten older and strayed   away from the game for a bit, but man. This game is fun, but if you plan on playing   against actual players and taking the game  seriously, you’re in for a wake up call.   You’re going to have your ass handed  to you over and over in this game.   Since you probably don’t have the upgrades  on any of your specific classes or you’ve   been out of the game too long. You will be at a disadvantage.   Personally I’d just recommend playing Co-op to  upgrade any character you want then jump into   the live action and once your ass has been handed  to you, go back to co-op and ask yourself “why   would I ever leave this safe place at all?” I really wished that the smaller modes actually   had a player base within them. Sure, an  all out warfare fight over the sands of   Geonosis are thrilling but what if  I wanted to play a smaller objective   based mode with no heroes or vehicles? Well, I guess I have to wait 20 mins or   never to find a lobby to itch that scratch. What you don’t have to wait for is liking the   video and subscribing to see more videos! Now this is all good and fun with friends. What   about playing by yourself? While it's safe to say  that most games are always fun with friends, Star   Wars can be enjoyed alone. So if you ever just  played the original games by yourself, I think   you’ll be in safe hands playing this by yourself.  It is just an arcade shooter afterall.   And if you never played the 2005 version. Again,  it's an arcade shooter. If that game is like $5   you really can’t go wrong here. So if the game is the exact same way it   has been since DICE and EA left  it in April 29th of 2020   And I’m talking about the exact same way  they left it. Hero balances the maps,   gamemodes and so on. Why play it now?   Because it's fun. I feel like mods always save older games.   If you can’t mod them, they usually just  rot away, until one individual with the   development capability of an entire AAA  Studio decides to make something out of   the remnants of an axed titled. Talking about you clonetrooper163   This one guy has been trying to  make everyone's dreams come true   by bringing battlefront 3 back to life. Since EA and DICE left Battlefront II alone   it's up to the playerbase to make the new  cosmetics, but thankfully they’re free!   Ya you want new characters in the game.  Boom there you go. Asaj Ventress & Kit   Fisto in Battlefront II. Want some new loading screens?   Boom there you go, happy? While all of the mods here for Battlefront   are primarily cosmetic, literally placing a skin  on top of an already established character and   with the addition of some gameplay modifiers  like new abilities or changing classes entirely   I’m just happy to see that the player base can  get some joy out of something that could have   easily happened if battlefront 2 continued its  support. All with the low price of nothing.   Also these mods are on PC, not  console. Sorry console.   After playing hours of the game to gain footage  for this video I'm really sad that we haven’t had   more support for this game when it's clear  that there is still a player base here,   even more so after the recent mess up, It's Easy money, I dont understand. Make   something remotely working and slap STAR  WARS on the box people will buy it.   Hell, I bought this game on release! After the whole loot box fiasco went away   and they finally re-learned how to make a  game fun we never got any new updates.   Battlefront II is still gorgeous, plays  decently well and oozes everything you’d   want from an arcade star wars shooter,  let alone just an arcade shooter.   Put this game in the hands of  someone who doesn’t really know   Star Wars well and they’ll get the idea. With the progression of this game forever stuck   on double xp earnings and no real reason to  grind out anything since you can casually   play the game and earn all the upgrades normally  I'd say that Battlefront II is probably the most   casual game you can play today. As long as you’re  not playing Supremacy in the Prequel era.   My goodness that's just an actual war. And those Hero players that only play this game   non stop and never turn the game off. Seriously, if you run into these guys   just turn the game off. I’m saving your sanity.   I guess the only real thing you can still do  in this game, if you’re a real die hard fan,   is to complete everything available  to you in the challenges.   This goes over absolutely  everything in the game.   Including the story mode, which if you  forgot, yes this game has a story and   it’s alright. It is canon to the timeline and  I mean, if you have time sure play it I won’t   stop you. I enjoyed what I played. What's really sad to see with Battlefront now   is that while yes you can find lobbies to  play a game or two, it can sometimes take   longer periods of time compared to other  days. You have Modded server browsers like   Kyber to utilize but even then sometimes you  just can't find a game. Which is just sad to   see for this game. Especially since all I ever  hear is that people want Battlefront 3   While Battlefront may never get revived or even  finally get the beloved number 3 slapped onto   its front cover officially, I have to admit  that Battlefront II still has an open seat   available in my monthly driver of games. It just has one of those vibes that allows   me to open it up, play a couple  of games and put it down.   Lately with all of the multiplayer games forcing  battlepasses and season content, making all of   its playerbases have increasingly large sizes of  FOMO generated across their screens and minds,   Battlefront II is a reminder that games  don’t need any of that to be fun.   To be fair, it did take a  while to allow that to happen.   GET THOSE LOOT BOXES AWAY FROM ME! So for now I’d have to say that if you’re feeling   nostalgic for a good laid back arcade shooter play  Battlefront again. Who knows how long it will be   until the servers get shut down. Seriously. Play against the bots, I won't judge you.   Hell it’s all I usually play anyways And if you want to watch the rest of my videos,   I won't stop you doing that either. OKAY BYE!
Channel: MrSaviorHD
Views: 80,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MrSaviorHD, MrSavior, star wars, battlefront 2, star wars battlefront 2, star wars classic collection, is star wars battlefront 2 worth playing?, This Star Wars Game Could Have Been Perfect, This Star Wars Could Was Almost Perfect, star wars battlefront 2 in 2024, is star wars battlefront 2 fun?
Id: SdxVLjpdGqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 48sec (528 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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