The Original Script for Star Wars The Phantom Menace was much Better!

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it's been 25 years since the Phantom menus was first released but did you know it could have looked very different to what we got before it was known as The Phantom menus episode 1 was simply called the beginning originally Nabu was called utapau but the people of utapau were known as the nabo and the City of theed was also called oxen in this draft instead of two Jedi Knights being sent to settle the dispute it is just Obi-Wan as guon only shows up later in the story Obi-Wan is described as being about 30 years old wears all black similar to Luke in episode 6 and is a Jedi Knight rather than a Padawan for the neim modian they were meant to be CGI and designed to look more like battle droids but this was changed due to cost reasons Cinderella moment it fits their design was then reused for the Geon oceans in episode 2 the namans even spoke their own language with subtitles rather than speaking with a Chinese accent what did you say run hako knows much more about the Jedi than he does in the film he warns gunr that he should probably flee the ship as the Jedi is probably seeking out the leader of this operation dote doine is described as being short and fat and he fears meeting with the Jedi because of the Mind Tricks he might use to confuse him he gets into an argument with DAR cidus resulting Insidious choking doine through the forge he then lifts the ne modian from the ground and says to him you fool my reach is far greater than the Jedi only a Sith Lord can the power of the force over such great distance on ow since guon doesn't appear till later it is Obi-Wan who rescues jarar jarar speaks normal English but is very childlike and emotional singer Michael Jackson wanted to play jarar Binks but the role went to Amed best which definitely was a better choice even if you don't like jger as a character the leader of the gungan boss Nas is known as Governor Nas and he also speaks normally Nas agrees to help Obi-Wan contact the nabo using the gungan com link he pushes a button and then the entire Dome becomes a screen filled with static as the communications have been disrupted throughout the meeting fish slept through the room's organic wall a young gungan is responsible for Gathering them up and throwing them through the membrane again Nas says that a skilled gungan Navigator could navigate his way through the core but no gungan has done that in his lifetime like in the film jger is recruited to navigate the core for obi-1 although he has to use a m trick to convince jger that he will make it through the core safely the M trick wears off fast and jger panics again once they leave the city in the sub for the actual invasion of oxen the dro Army approaches the city undetected when n gunary gives the order they launch a full scale assault cidus reveals that amadala must have an unfortunate accident once the invasion is complete gunray doesn't like this idea as he thinks he will need the queen to keep the masses in line cyas believes the dried Army will be enough to control the people this reflects the method that the Empire later achieves to take control over the Galaxy meanwhile jar and Kobi are attacked by the OPC killer that shoots paralyzing spit balls at the sub Obi-Wan uses the force to keep the gungan relaxed and calm they reach the city just before the federation's Army does a group of Nabu guards escorts Obi-Wan and Jer to the Palace the tension between the gungans and the Nabu is obvious as a guard tells jger he must wait outside inside Kenobi convinces the queen to flee before The Invasion begins a group of Nabu police which is what the security forces are called in this draft are completely wiped out when they try to defend the city the queen Starship is not in a hanger but instead is hidden beneath a large Fountain and rises from the water when needed according to panaka the ship has a cloaking device and a few wion systems the queen tries to prevent Jer from entering her ship until Obi-Wan intervenes but she insists that the gungan be kept in the Droid hold when the ASC droids try to fix the ship they are defended by Nabu guards in the ship's gunports some of these gunports are destroyed by the Droid Fighters just like in the film R2 is the only astronic to survive the battle droid 00 M9 is featured more in the original script and it is him that informs Dar cidus of the Escape he reveals that five ships attempted to break the blockade and four were destroyed cidus suspects the fifth to be the queen ship and he informs the ne modian that he will be dispatching Darth Maul to assist them in finding her originally Darth Maul talked a lot more and looked more frightening but this was changed because George Lucas thought he was too frightening his original appearance was later used for mother Talen and the pawns seen in episode 3 on Tatooine Obi-Wan disguises himself as a moisture farmer and is accompanied by Ru Padme and jargar at the request of panaka because he is smelling up the ship there are hints of Padme having a crush on Obi-Wan Padme was impressed that he was able to stand up to the queen when Kenobi argued with her about jar jar on utaa as they enter MOS Esa she gives Obi-Wan a long adoring look and watches him with interest and respect making Kenobi very nervous Padme is well trained in self-defense upon entering Moss iass she is grabbed by a creature she hits back causing it to double over in pain this attracts the attention of the local merchants and they clear the way for the group when Anakin meets Padme there is no mention of jargar clumsy Antics in water shop but Anakin does say to Padme that he will marrier someday in this draft Anakin is a lot older and has a lot of wisdom for a boy of his age and repeatedly impr prices ob1 and Padme during the scene where s Bibble sends a distress call panaka insists that the Traders don't have longdistance tracking but Obi-Wan responds with the Republic does in this draft it is obvious that Obi-Wan suspects that the Republic and Trade Federation are somehow connected elsewhere before cyas sends Maul off to Tatooine cyas says to him May the force be with you at Anakin's home the group meet his mother shami whose last name is warka and not Skywalker and in this draft Anakin still builds C3PO but he cannot talk at dinner everyone eats together apart from Anakin who is outside working on the Pod rer Padme takes Anakin something to eat and thanks him for helping them she confesses that she has never met anyone like him Anakin Returns the sentiment and leans over and gives Padme a kiss on the cheek they then watch the sunset together until Obi-Wan arrives and sends Padme inside to help shami set up the sleeping Arrangements here Obi-Wan takes the opportunity to learn more about Anakin they begin discussing the race where Anakin admits that Sabula is the one thing keeping him from Victory on donic day in this draft BNA Eve is a holiday called donic day also in this conversation Anakin reveals that he has already encountered Obi-Wan in his dreams where he learned that the stranger was a Jedi on donic day schi does not watch the race for fear of Anakin's safety she tells him that she lacks the courage to attend the event when Kenobi attempts to place the bet with W for both slaves W says that the mother isn't for sale obiwan agrees that only Anakin will be a part of the BET and the Chance Cube never comes into play there is no two-headed podr announcer instead it is Jabba himself who makes the introductions and commands the race to begin after Anakin wins the race W uses a handheld detection device to locate and remove the slave's transmitter chip from Anakin's neck when leaving MOS Esa Obi-Wan cuts down the Sith probe and explains to Anakin what it is Anakin says that he thought all the Sith Lords had been destroyed to which Obi-Wan says he thought that too The Jewel and Tatooine is very different to the film Ma and Kenobi are showing levitating objects moving extremely fast and vibrating to the point of almost becoming invisible they also leap over one another and incredible display of acrobatics Obi-Wan leaps onto the ship's ramp for the Escape much like guon in the final film [Music] on corusant we finally meet guon Jin who's standing alongside Palpatine and Chancellor vorum on the landing platform the Jedi Council consists of only three Jedi Elders M wendu Yoda and Kad Mundi H one is accompanied by guon Anakin and vorum when he goes to report to them the Jedi Council agrees to test Anakin but Yodo warns will be one that while the boy's existence was foreseen he is too old and his future is blank and dangerous guon takes Anakin to the tower for testing while Obi-Wan stays back with the elders there is no mention of the chosen one prophecy and there is no mention of medoran in this draft the Senate scene occurs directly after the scene on the landing platform and it is a little different to the film jger is present in the Senate box but Queen amadala Palpatine and panaka keep their distance from him in order for Palpatine to bring attention to his box he presses a button on his desk and several lights on a very big board behind vorum light up Palpatine demands that the queen be allowed to address the Senate just like in the film though the Senate proves unable to help the queen deal with the Federation but the queen doesn't call for a vote of no confidence meanwhile Anakin's Jedi tests are not actually shown instead Obi-Wan and guon discuss the tests with him on a landing platform outside Palpatine's apartment Anakin tells him that he did not understand the tests to which guon replies you are not meant to Obi-Wan then says that the council will decide if he should be trained after reviewing the results of the test amadala and jger have a more in-depth discussion about the relations between the gungans and the nabo neither know how the rft came about jger tells her that he believes that his people maintain their army to protect themselves from the nabo the queen then decides to return to our home planet we get more scenes of Palpatine and vorum together as he tells the chancellor of the Queen's plans to take back her Planet valorum thinks the queen is very reckless in doing this but Palpatine says that she is merely bold voram decides to force the Senate to take up this issue before it turns into a disaster for Palpatine and his people however it is revealed at the end of the film that Palpatine has become Supreme Chancellor although it is unclear how he was able to assume this position as remember amadala never puts forward a vote of no confidence in vorum in the draft this wouldn't be the first time Palpatine has done something and it's been poorly explained after the queen leaves corusant cidus orders Maul to follow the queen to uow if you cannot destroy the Jedi avoid them I have no doubt now that I am stronger than the Jedi they will be [Music] destroyed just like in the film amadala calls upon jger for help he is reluctant at first because he fears he'll be executed but agrees after Anakin promises to defend the gungan Upon returning to utapao Obi-Wan tells them to come out of light speed between the blockade ships and the planet which both panaka and Rick goly argue is impossible Obi-Wan tells Anakin to close his eyes and use the force to come out of light speed at the exact moment the Starship exits light speed just above the surface of the planet and the amazed Captain flies the ship into uta's atmosphere using the cloud cover and the cloaking device to conceal their Landing no meeting takes place in the gungan sacret place instead the Queen ship heads straight into a lake and arrives at the gungan city the group is confronted by gungan soldiers but they back off when you see the queen and jarg are exiting the ship arm in arm Governor Nas is confident that his Warriors could repel an invasion the queen says that while the Nabu has allies outside the system to call upon for support the gungans have none Nas pauses to think giving jger a chance to convince him to join forces elsewhere cidus actually travels to utapau he meets with n gunr on a hidden Landing platform behind oxen and tells gunr that amadala has returned to her home planet gunr assures him that the Queen's ship has been destroyed in a crash but cidus remains skeptical the heroes plot the battle against the droid army in a gungan war route as in the film while the gungans draw the droid army away from the city panaka will lead the nabo police guards and any Freedom Fighters he can to infiltrate the city by the time the gungans engage the droid army the Jedi and pakus forces are positioned on a rocky outcrop overlooking the battlefield the plan is revealed here requires Obi-Wan and guon to activate a shield generator to protect the gungans from aerial attacks while panaka and his troops capture the palace the heroes meet with a small group of rebels prior to the final battle this meeting takes place in a hidden Rebel headquarters during the scene Padme steps forward and reveals she is the real queen the heroes plan to attack oxen's Central hanger and reclaim their star Fighters during the meeting it is Anakin that suggests that the Freedom Fighters find a way to disable the control system that broadcast commands to the droid army according to Baka this course is unwise and he says that the droid army have a hidden backup system somewhere in Oxen after this meeting Anakin and R2 enter the Droid storage area within the hidden base here they discover several battle droids that have been disabled by the rebels and R2 removes a chip from the droid's severed head they use this chip to locate the main Droid controls which are hidden in a command spacecraft parked on a nearby platform Anakin and R2 slip away from the rebel base and they find the spacecraft well defended by battle droids they are able to sneak into the hanger when R2 fires a flare from his head into fuel tanks which explode causing a distraction Anakin finds the hanger full of nabo star Fighters as well as a row of Trade Federation ships that look similar to the Millennium Falcon aru continues to launch flares into the hanger which Ricochet and disrupt the guards when the battle droids come looking for the culprit aru falls into a junk keep and pretends to be out of service Anakin is entered into a computer room inside the Trade Federation Starship Chip he pulls a panel from one of the consoles and begins replacing the computer chips however the Trade Federation will only resort to this backup system if the main controller aboard one of the blockade ships is somehow destroyed After exiting the ship Anakin and R2 are cornered by battle droids as the droids escort Anakin to a holding area an explosion distracts the battle droids Anakin then leaps onto the back of the nearest Droid knocking him into the next droid ultimately a domino effect the explosion was caused by the Freedom Fighters Obi-Wan is in this group and he is immediately angry at Anakin over his choice to sneak off Obi-Wan and guon rush to raise the planetary deflector Shield they encounter about 50 battle droids and several transports Kenobi asks the droids to lay down their weapons but the droids respond by opening fire on them in the crossfire the Jedi are able to reflect some of the laser fire into a nearby attack vehicle and it explodes Obi-Wan raises the deflector shield and breathes a sigh of relief I hope we are in time but just then an evil figure emerges and says in time to meet your own destruction the Sith ignites his lightsaber which only has one blade in this draft and a fierce battle begins jger who's been promoted to General is an intentional hero during the battle he leads his troops with courage and displays quick thinking at one point Binks finds himself face to face with a destroyer Droid jger reaches for his pistol but the weapon is knocked from his hands before he can fire it jger then throws mud at the droid's single eye and he makes his Escape back in the city Padme invites Anakin and R2 to join her in a two person starf fighter Anakin serves as the pilot while Padme is the Gunner when Rick goly spots Anakin's starf fighter he does not know that is piloted by Anakin instead he calls the ship Rogue two and orders Anakin to form up when he questions the Pilot's identity Anakin tells rck that he is just someone trying to help Anakin and Padme spot a heavily armed Battleship and believe it to be the command ship as the deflector Shield fluctuates she fires several missiles which destroy the control tower and cause the chain reaction that obliterates the command ship with the primary Command Ship disabled gunary immediately orders his followers to activate the backup Droid Command Ship moments after he gives the order panaka and his troops surround the vice Roy and because Anakin has previously replaced all the battle droid commands the droids begin running in circles bumping into walls and falling over meanwhile The Duel that takes place in the shield generator complex is nearly identical as in the film however there are no laser Gates which become vital late in the duel in the film version guon confronts Darth Maul alone when Obi-Wan is pushed off the bridge as Kenobi hurries to rejoin the fight Maul quickly wears down guon who slips and his cut down battle droids attempt to enter into the facility and Aid mall but Kenobi uses the force to slam the door shut crushing several droids in the process throughout the battle the two Warriors use the force to hurl objects at one another eventually the battle droids do make their way into the facility distracted by the droids Obi-Wan is nearly killed by mul you're finished Jedi and this is the beginning of the end for all Jedi when Maul attempts to cut obi-1 in half the Jedi leaps right into the midst of the battle droids as Maul wads through the droids cutting them down in this quest to kill Kenobi the Jedi uses the force to harl droids at Maul finally they stand face to face your style of fighting is old but I understand it now you learn fast you don't bother to learn I do not have two before mul can act Kenobi lashes out and cuts the Sith Warrior in half he studies his Fallen enemy and says learn not live not my master always says at gon's funeral Padme expresses her sympathies to Yoda but he says a Jedi he was one with the force is he now after the funeral Anakin is told he is to become a Jedi at window's command Anakin kneels and each Jedi comes forward to touch the boy's forehead when he stands there there are tears in Anakin's eyes the Victory Parade gunr and run hako are forced to watch it in Chains Padme doesn't hand over a globe of peace to Governor Nas but it's clear that the Nabu and the gungans have settled their differences so as you can see the story is largely the same but in my opinion there are a lot of aspects of the original script that should have been kept in for the movie that would have fix a lot of the criticisms that this movie had I will leave some links in the description so you can go check out what was in the original draft as I didn't include everything in this video otherwise it would have been very long let me know down in the comments what you thought of the original script and let me know if you're going to see The Phantom Menace when it returns in theaters I won't keep you any longer have an awesome day and I will see you all again soon
Channel: Gatsby
Views: 107,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: v-eXZyQaz-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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