This School Teacher is SCARY! (Little Nightmares II Full Game)

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it's finally out i know we've made three videos on this game already but little nightmares two is finally well actually i'm just allowed to play it for you guys uh it's not officially out for you yet i think it's out on the 12th but i'm allowed to upload this which i'm i'm so excited about so where did we get to last time i'll leave the link to the previous two episodes in the description below because obviously there is going to be spoilers in this so let me hit school and let's see where we left off so full spoilers are about to happen it's actually set us back a little bit i think it's gonna happen now actually yeah here we go so this is just before where we got to things are getting creepy i'm enticed by the mallet i get struck down by a locker and these creepy mannequin children jump me well they jump um they jump six anyway which is not good not good at all how do i how do i lift this off myself and why couldn't i have done it sooner that'll be really handy right now uh this is awkward i might i might take this hold on a second hey buddy i got something to say to you i was something real nice to say to you i didn't think that was going to work uh what were you looking at anyway oh am i going to do it to this kid too what are you even eating ink what are you doing bro what's up [Music] wait excuse me these kids are insane actually insane i wonder what happens if i run backwards i'm kind of running the wrong way right now i just want to see does this make a difference no you would have been able to smack him up anyway i'm gonna i'm just gonna run this way i think i feel like we're going the wrong way but the way this uh let's play is gonna work is we're gonna play it beginning to end oh they're running up there oh i can't even get up there anyway and i'm gonna run the episodes about an hour-ish so we can get through the game uh and i have no restrictions now which is perfect i can play as much as i want as long as i want and upload as much as i want as well so get ready little nine minutes too i know you guys are excited if you are leave a like it'd be great appreciated i don't know if we could hit maybe 80 000 think we could do that i think you can do that um actually let's hit a hundred thousand if i smack this guy in the head oh wait wait wait never mind the bucket did it for me oh i was scared for a sec i'm gonna smash up this instead oh it's a frog oh you weirdo why why are you heating up this frog rest in peace small man rest in peace all right let's just get out of here so the main characters and enemies of this this particular level in an abandoned school is uh mannequins creepy as butts mannequins so we need a key we'll look out for loose floorboards as well because apparently they're going to be um trolling trolling us with traps what you got for me over here small fries oh is that a teacher wait hold up what are we going here i'm looking for clues i guess somewhere we can hide oh who is this oh they're actually teaching wait what oh why do none of you wear shoes why are there shoes everywhere i'm genuinely terrified it's doing yes i am not present i am not correct i don't want to learn algebra please please don't make me do it again i wanna oh imagine being in this school oh absolutely not i'm out of here enjoy your lesson friends get good grades stay in school oh the keys here perfect easy mode that's what i like to see oh look at my head well that's what i get for saying easy mode isn't it let's try that again shall we i'm gonna guess we need to get on there run hey okay we need to be quick cause no it was bad enough that you're a teacher and now you're freaky you like a cheese string what are you doing oh faces oh despicable absolutely despicable what a creature right i need to get through this wall oh there she is she's going she's going full baldy mode she's snapping that ruler um how do we get oh here we go where are we oh we're in there okay we need to be mad careful quick get out get out get out [Music] oh no i'm gonna leave these um series as well this whole series as uncut as possible just to be like a classic let's play star so i hope you enjoy bro her face is so withered [Music] with a skeleton stop doing that but these kids are terrified i actually feel bad for them after i smacked one over the head with a mallet she's coming back this way oh no no we don't need to see your face again it's all blurry but i still know it's a mess you could leave that kid alone please please don't touch him that kid has half a head anyway all right i think we're free let's go [Music] run i'm running forget it i'm going bye he's making noise i'm just gonna she coming oh she better not be coming over here quick quick elevator time elevator time let's just go we don't need to look back i look back of course i instantly look back white idiot oh buddy right oh there's another classroom i think look at these little kitty shoes if these are the teachers shoes down here then we're into we're about to meet some crazy huge oh is that known wait a second oh is he in detention oh i feel so bad uh let's befriend he can't run away so hello how are you kind sir what happens hello your duns hat fell off whoa you're like a chain chomp why are you writing all these crazy nothings come here yo how did you get me leave me alone i'm just a small bag okay this guy's actually insane i need the pipe i need the pipe to pop this fool no no no no no no yeah that's what i thought i'm running this way i do feel bad for him actually coming in oh oh oh oh oh is he dead just make sure there's another mic yeah another white just to make sure are you good the teacher is uh definitely gonna be upset you have not completed your lines and you've died she's got some crazy liability right now but that ain't my problem i'm out of here i don't really know i can say i don't really know how i ended up in here but i kind of just walked to be honest with you let's take this just in case oh oh it's the duns hat room nice can i get a dunce hat please remember there's hats in here we've already got this one there is there's a dancehall right there how do i get it can i get it from here oh please wait wait let me try and pick up from over here i kind of want it please let me have it this one you're not gonna let me have it please oh man that's i'm saying okay i'll be back for your hat soon uh we can be one with each other one with the detention except one of us will be moving go little man let's go come on mono you got this buddy see there's some metal work going on some pipe work or someone's got a metal ruler well that was subtle oh she's got a neck she got a neck she got a neck she got a neck no bro how are we no don't look in here how are we supposed to defeat someone who's got a neck like that they can literally see anything that's the most horrific thing i've [Applause] hardened toothpaste no nothing to see here now that you've got working eyeballs anyway okay that's terrifying let's just leave let's get out of here is she chopping up why would you need to chop stuff up at a school huh why is that a thing okay i need to get oh i know what i need to do there's a hiding place up there i need to push this quick run oh my goodness please here she comes oh see you through the box her neck extends way too far she's on like floor three right now she'll be able to watch netflix from a whole different room whole different house even i'm out here bro i don't like this place at all bye bye see you in your next class ew why is it always some stank stuff in here [Music] what could be next library oh she's here oh i'm so pleased i'm so happy um go down here oh we should probably find a place to hide this isn't gonna this isn't gonna go well is it right quick oh is that a hat there's a hat right there isn't there a bucket hat thing is can we hide up here um no no why am i falling down why is this happened get back up oh god oh no i've fallen into the abyss how did i even do that i was even possible i'm sorry mono that was my bad right we do have time to to move the ladder i swear i died more times playing little nightmares too then i did it my whole time playing little nightmares one let's move this i want to go out picks i think there might be a hat i just don't know where i can hide i know i can hide in boxes it's a hat please yeah give me bucket hat there it is tin can that's kind of cool oh it makes a lot of noise though not sure i'm a fan of that okay we can't go under there i could just hear her hissing she needs like uh she needs something to clear them sinuses she sounded pretty crazy oh oh that was me yep that was me she's gonna peek because she can peek her head through here the box was kind of okay to hide from crunchy leaves she kind of didn't move let's speed run it let's go oh my god no no she got me she got me bro oh my oh that was horrible that was so horrible i did not enjoy that in the slightest okay this is the scariest character in any any of the games yeah that was me all right let's go please mono i like that right now what now what now what now what now what now i'm just gonna run i'm just going for it oh no please parkour skills on the max we need this are we going on the edge oh she's gonna catch us in midair isn't she you cannot see me you don't know where i am i think she saw me yo please no please oh you got pointy lip she got me oh she give me the heebies heebie-jeebies all over the place okay we need a new plan of action where can we go though i don't actually know i mean go down just have to speed run oh no we got this we're good we're not good we're not good at all oh no wait we're dead oh she got me mid-air are you kidding me how do i do that oh bro she's she's horrific she's actually horrific what if i jump backwards so if i go here knock the books down and then go back again yeah that that definitely will work just chomp him that can't be nice for teeth you know i i didn't see if she had any but having that bucket jammed between her teeth could not be nice holy moly we managed to like avoid her a little bit before i'm not quite sure how we did that though [Music] let's go this way okay okay yeah she looking for me she can't see yes yeah you retract retract around that corner you sicko oh she's there let's go oh mono we got this bro [Music] the guy looks normal like this she's a little bit stiff but apart from that fairly normal not normal at all who am i kidding okay we've made it this school is it's the worst could've ever been to my life knock knock hello are those your children on the wall they'd be perfect for a tim burton film just saying oh we can't actually go this way i was like i found it we want to go through here is that what we want to do why do we choose the worst parts i'm trying to see if we need anything from the bookshelves but i don't think we do i think we just need to get to this door handle there is a hidey hole hole over there though so i am a little bit nervous that she's gonna burst out of here any second i just want my friend back that's all i want imagine if she's just the other side like i'll be so awkward oh look there's more ashes in this i'm ready for a job oh i was gonna say i'm ready for a jump scare looks familiar i don't really know why okay we need a key sweep we have info let's just yolo let's just go wherever we want and see what happens oh we can distract it with the balls that's good oh who's that i thought these ones we absorbed one of these last time i thought they were six but it looks a bit different has shorter hair could maybe be six in a past life i'm not too sure or just earlier in life someone's done a terrible drawing of a dog try again please awful right how am i gonna get up there look at this innovation right here no you can't be no this is giving me like chamber of secrets vibes as well oh oh wait that's natural child hold on why is the music like this hello how are you oh you're you're dead never mind um forget i asked can i grab any of these things there's like a there's a queen is that a queen or a bishop up there i don't really know my chest that well so i'm gonna need something to help me get that and then i guess do checkmate because she strapped one of her children to do the chess pieces and put a crown on him pretty sick if you ask me is this your husband's no wonder you're angry jeez like a melted treyarch oh we got puzzles boys how do i grab these though how do i get up here oh never mind one is an absolute beast oh can i not okay i can't grab that right so we have king in the middle we need this on the top left so up one across three so this needs to go on this i wonder if we can jump on it afterwards there's definitely a secret door behind there look they're on um they're on wheels how do i get that what else needs to be here we need there's another piece we can grab so there's like a yeah king queen and rook i think rook is missing actually [Music] it's in here oh it's is it this piece hey okay i think i'm gonna need to replace these pieces take the head off the bishop look i'm just gonna i'm just gonna pretend that i know what i'm talking about i'm gonna take my head off this piece use this as a platform your boy's got puzzles worked out in his head for days look at this absolute champion grab this chuck it off ahead this this one goes over here i think please don't i don't want the child to come back to life please please please doesn't need to happen it's not necessary we can just move on with our day and move further into the towards the philosopher's stone if you know what i'm saying hey i would rather like that sword actually any way i can get that nah i just pull this open can i [Music] oh yo how do i open this oh let's go why is the dog peeing oh i hear footsteps do i i'm not too sure doc saved me please save me i'm actually gonna take you with me do you do anything special [Music] you do nothing why why is someone drawing terrible dogs i'm gonna take the duck just in case let's see if we can make it down here this is a long way to go for a horror game so i think she's going to turn up any second now just saying if i throw the duck though i've got invisibly five seconds that's how that works right [Music] here we go yo doc you actually you're bothering me you're gone oh well that sounds pleasant can you guys hear that is this still a school i feel like we've uh traversed places let's go down here we're in like a subway oh wait it's a kitchen never mind is that sausage what is this oh i picked it up that's huge big sausage oh i need to get up there hold up why do i why do i always have to go towards the yelling screaming and maiming of things huh push this this way this game looks incredible by the way i know the first one looks good but i feel like this one looks just even better get this lined up perspective is messing me up a little bit yo it's getting rowdy in there are they having some kind of like post-term party what's whole shaker watch out oh we're gonna get cooked up oh wait oh we just missed him right hush little baby that guy is peeing in the suit what the you definitely drew that dog didn't you you sicko hush little baby don't say a word you've got a ladle to your head oh oh i made people angry ah yo what just happened the pepper pot that i threw just messed me up no that's inexcusable behavior he's just mad that i saw him do what he did you know big eats no one's for anything come at me boy i missed oh man so there's one up top there's one that comes from the side and uh boy in the middle that gets absolutely caked on by this ladle the only thing i've ever killed no no no no no no quite i don't think i've any kill ever killed anyone with a ladle in a video game and now is my chance at least these only take one shot come at me come at me you saw what happened to your friends oh no no no no i should have challenged him should not have challenged him whatsoever that was bad oh my goodness these kids are crazy still very tame compared to the teacher though we gotta admit [Music] oh how do you i snuck up on you the first time hold on boy i'm swinging this later where are you one lady she screamed like nothing i've heard before come on i can do this hey oh can we wear this man's head bruh we actually can i am one of you now yeah that's what you say right yeah oh you're serving up this nosh right here onyx oh oh they're the ones having the party what is wrong with you kids this man's got moves my man needs to be on tick tock as soon as possible look at it let's go with the uh oh no oh wait yo these these guys are a rocket excuse me don't touch me again and what does that need to be called the little nightmares challenge yo that guy's got it going as well one uh glad i'm disguised for this one my friend i'm just gonna throw myself out oh i know what's gonna happen yeah that's what i thought you'd punk trying to squash me with matteo's bye you're freaks i'm out of here you're wasting good food questionable first of all no wonder the teacher's so vexed all the time your your nightmares little nightmares oh don't bump me please i i feel like my head's going to come off at any point oh don't follow me me i thought there's a trap going on here and i don't i don't know what if i want to try it okay puzzle time oh am i gonna have to take this off because i i am not gonna reach that i don't think oh wait i think i figured out wait why not go oh i take this off oh can i get you here oh i can literally slip through okay i thought it was to do with that um little pipe there the little piece of rope apparently not we're good okay we need something to throw that i feel a little bit more comfortable about let's grab something from up here there's a jar but don't know if that's gonna be uh can we just put things down no no no no no good lad good lad i don't want neck lady coming after me again is that brain is a brain in a jar this is some i say in the previous games but mono and six have some serious parkour skills it's very impressive especially for people with such little legs not speaking from experience are we gonna throw a brain at the switch i'm down let's go oh look at this so convenient when's something bad going to happen huh well here we go we're at this point in a game where we have to throw brains oh it jiggles it jiggles so nicely that sounded weird look at it all the sound too oh no no no no no [Music] what are you cooking up frogs in that all right uh well she's stuffing them in there that's disgusting but i need to run i'm gonna guess back middle yeah yeah [Music] she reached under where are we going can she not see either actually i don't feel like she can see it's all about that um silent energy she going through gonna get some more very very tasty treats i'm sure do we follow oh buddy oh buddy we need to run we need to run no shush don't grab me from there i swear your neck's long but your ears aren't that good okay i feel like we need to um climb that which is not gonna be fun i wonder the kids are going crazy when you're feeding them this kind of nonsense are we in the shadows we're one with the tubes just compiling a little organ demonstration fairly normal where you're going to put the heart though you're going to put it in the right place i don't like how close we are oh my god don't reach for this job a little hats do you see that she picked up a little hand yeah you move along lady across there this is not fun i don't like this are these croissants or brains who knows i'm gonna play it patient cause i don't really wanna creep around here again there's a foot in that jar the toes just hanging out casual [Music] oh i made it bro um you just run don't fall over again please let's not have this happen again yo go she's she's coming she's coming just go we escape the teacher let's go yes please don't make me boss fight the teacher i'm very upset my least favorite teacher on the planet oh it's mallet time [Music] the floorboards got me again i keep forgetting about the flipping floorboards i'm so sorry for your loss whoa whoa whoa whoa oh i thought the bucky was gonna swing back and get him never mind so i need to somehow okay we need to get away as quickly as there we go watch the swing back watch the swing back what's up buddy hey how do you do oh no no no no no no do not vibe it's so hard to get that that hammer swinging around if you're in the wrong position it's game over oh oh oh oh oh oh oh swing back swing back from the back let's go yeah i'll i'll destroy you as well any more coming anyone out anyone else want to say hello no i don't think so excuse me fellas is that is that dog got a wig on that's interesting or who else wants some of the smoke huh who wants to taste the the back end of my hammer we have to go down here why oh no they're going to jump me i feel it if only i could do like a swing attack oh there she is oh no swing around swing around no i missed oh the aiming of the mallet is so crucial but i messed it up how is this so difficult the last one took me ages to do come on come on come i'm ready you're getting right in the dome if you don't it's game over oh you're gonna get like the the timing perfect if you don't get the timing perfect it's done you're eaten eaten alive by a mannequin which is ironically quite dead all right come on in slide down there i didn't see you slide down you glitched i didn't expect you to jump that soon son i hear footsteps where my next combat who wants to enter the arena come on in oh it's you i'll give you a little sneaky swipe around the edge are you one boy ain't even funny ain't even funny that would you say as well get out of my face i think there's a this is a trap right oh it's not a trap [Music] oh that bathroom is so trapped yeah yeah yeah yeah you ain't getting me that easy i don't think so maybe don't hit that please no more small children especially are there what are you what are you doing oh oh no wait uh six this is embarrassing i'm sorry this happened to you why you are they've embarrassed six he's shaking his butt he's twerking he's definitely spent too much time on takes talk let me smash that butt wait let me smash that head in let me smash that button that sounds so weird um how do we get you down i don't feel like we should um we should smash this but i'm going to try sorry oh it's fine at least you didn't fall in the toilet my friend are you okay this is my bad i'm sorry i'm real sorry i didn't mean this to happen to you yay l is awake [Music] when do you get the jacket i kind of want to know the back story on the jacket i can't believe they've embarrassed you by hanging you above a stinky like you rhino let's hold hands come on it's cute this way follow me we're going up here [Music] help me i am not strong enough so so far we have escaped a farmer with a shotgun pretty into oh yeah this seems safe great yeah we're gonna fall oh we're good okay we've escaped the farm with a shotgun and we've escaped manic children that eats real gross sausages and a scary neck lady wannabe giraffe um this looks interesting let's play let me play you a ditty oh got an achievement that's my ditty for you sir oh wait i need to do this let's lift this up shall we see what happens i'm not strong enough to lift the window but i can do this oh i feel like i'm doing this wrong actually yep we both could have died uh [Music] why did we need to do that quick quick quick quick oh okay don't it's fine why are you jumping oh we need to jump on it we're doing it the wrong time [Music] yes i mean no that was a terrible idea youtube come on guys sort out are we still in a school we need a key all right eat me up please i'm out of here let's go what was that but why you why are you digging out a frog with a key that's weird there is a pipe down there so i'm i think i'm gonna have to fight teamwork is insane slowly does it slowly does it smash yeah right gg six gg's i will take that key please help me out if this is stuck then we're done for but we're good i just want to get out of this school man this is this is terrifying right he use the key oh we're still here right more detention writing and lots of to-do lists will you will you be quite know what you're doing why are you walking over to him that's not a good idea bro please please don't do anything six i've got this what are you doing no no no i missed i missed oh he's just like straight up pop their skull okay uh wasn't the best plan for me actually i um never mind it could have gone horribly wrong i tried to smack six over there that could have gone so bad but why is there a mallet here if i don't need to use it someone is playing a magical ditty who is it oh this score is massive bro going up at least it's not a basement but it's nice [Music] um we need to get up there but there's a box in the way can you eat me up please sir [Music] six the heat machine let's go all oh wait it's stopped [Music] come on quick if it's who i think it is you'll be in trouble with those sounds buddy be as quick as you can i think maybe we need to make sound when the playing is happening not when the playing stops see they kind of stopped for just a little second i feel like we might got punished for [Music] that oh there she is oh wait this looks looks like we might be able to drop that thing [Music] right six you need to be careful as anything right now because if you break any concentration on this lady you would be in big trouble just stay there it'd be fine oh no there's a trap okay never mind there's no trap we just why is music getting worse [Music] we're doing what you're doing lady [Music] yeah see i got this figured out this looks like it can move i don't know why this is a thing [Music] but let's see what happens oh we need to go over the top i thought we're going to drop this one ahead that would be ideal oh how are we going to get back actually i didn't even think of that [Music] all right let's lower this into position [Music] yeah i need to move this what why [Music] uh [Music] oh it's so squeaky the music gets like louder the more risky you are i think come on stop playing write down those beautiful tones there we go and we move it makes everything sound so loud [Music] right let's wait again you should be able to type something real quick type right you know nicely done nicely done climb them books absolute masterpiece i will buy your album when it comes out have you reached the top of the billboard charts [Music] we need to stop when she stops got six that was pretty risky buddy hey absolute master class oh okay never mind i'm out no no no no no i'm out get away from me i said i'd buy your album chill okay this is the first time a scuffed up head i'm out yikes how is your neck this long what how how is that a thing you get uh try and navigate back through that yeah give that a go oh that's the scariest character we've met so far i hate it i hate it so much it gives me it makes my skin cool can i get help please thank you i come this way i got you let's go find you a jacket maybe the law behind the jacket is about to occur are we out the school oh we made it um i feel like we're going the wrong way but let's discover anyway no looks like we're good be careful this looks real slippery all right oh yeah this looks safe this looks real safe looks cool but not very safe i don't know what our end goal is but we keep getting ourselves into situations and then our end goal is to get out of that situation [Music] like we hold hands again please i'm nervous yeah there we go come on let's go that's a lot of rain uh it looks like yeah we just got here how do we get across can we pull it i see what's going on here tv up here up here doesn't work sweet so we can get up top maybe let's have a look going to live for a reason right no stop doing that how we can't move it past that plank that's the problem there must be a way to go on that little roof bit he automatically jumps in the dumpster what are you doing six i can't huh this can i hmm maybe i'm overthinking it definitely nowhere to run this way oh there's a rock in the way let me move this no rock must be moved uh yeah i'm i'm stuck excuse me sir can you help me we're kind of stuck here we don't know what to do you got any hints and tips no you're useless i was thinking maybe if six could follow us in here come in come in oh wait i figured out we have to do that that's clever dude what the whole physics of the lid i just didn't even think about that's kind of cool do we go this way oh we do yo come on six let's go bro that's a big jump oh you got it easy mode come on please find that jacket right now is that a hat not gonna be handy in the rain but we got it never mind it's not hot at all do you want this like i said it's not going to help let's take it it seems a bit weird that it was here in the first place oh we can't take it through sorry little paper see you later there it is it's the magic mac go take it this is all yours i've got myself a bucket so you can have this there's a gnome in the background too look [Music] hey so this is before so wait we're not in the first game so what happens to us what's gonna happen all right boost me up i want to see where we're going next oh you look fantastic i'm kind of jealous actually i mean like a full gray outfit we've made it too it's oh is this going to be the mannequins this might end up being the mannequins i'm not a little little sneaky oh never mind we're still going i was gonna say now you're to stay nice and dry i just want to see what's going to happen next i want to see which place we end up in if i can figure out the puzzles of course boost boost boost you want to give me a little boost no oh yeah yeah let me try this i've got big yeets yeah ow okay just holding on to the uh on the fence like please please open i have to stand on so many garbage bins as well it's kind of upsetting he says wearing a piece of trash on his head right where you sending us next game i need to know preferably someone with a normal length neck that would be great oh outside this looks like it might be a hospital yay abandoned hospital so pleased oh this might be another school actually wait oh no we've done it schooled hold up never mind this is the school this is cool i'm not gonna spoil it i'm not gonna spoil it i need to i'm gonna go main menu real quick i just want to see what this chapter is called um load game it's awesome i knew it it's awesome oh no oh it's gonna be stressful guys thank you so much for watching the um obviously first episode this is technically the third one um i hope you enjoyed it if you did leave a like to be greatly appreciated subscribe if you're brand new i'm gonna try and get these out as quickly as possible i don't know how long the game is the first game was like five hours so it's pretty short i know it's longer than that because they said so but um yeah i hope you enjoyed i'm i'm loving this so far it's not too hard it's it's tricky though but doable and the school was pretty creepy what could be creepier a hospital we might have played a little bit of this already because as you can see on the left this is the demo that we played i think the first ever demo took place in the hospital so this could be where all the mannequins and stuff are so there might be a little bit of repeat here but that's okay we know how to do it we'll speed through it but thanks so much for watching i appreciate you all for being here thank you for joining in the little nightmares adventure and i'll see in the next one all right you
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 3,540,260
Rating: 4.9622431 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, gaming, video games, little nightmares, little nightmares II
Id: clFhMtYVmLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 43sec (3103 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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