I AM SHOCKED!! (Little Nightmares II Full Game ENDING)

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today is a very happy and also sad day because i think we're gonna finish little nightmares which i'm really excited about but i'm also sad that the game is over so soon i'm just guessing by the way i actually have no idea i just feel like we get into the climax of the story if you haven't seen any of the previous little nightmares two videos that i've done then definitely check out the playlist uh and the first video in the description below uh but if you have then leave a like on this video if you're excited for the final potentially final part and um if you're if you're new around here too or you've been watching this whole series unsubscribed what you've been doing hit that subscribe button just below right i said a load game so we're at transmission which we did see last time and it's from where the the big long slenderman style guy is i think he kind of resembles like large corporations and then all the zombie kind of characters that are attracted to the tv and just addicted to the tv those are all um like normal people so it's like the one percent and the 99 if that even makes sense but um let's continue so i was actually legitimately stuck here because there's my head there that's that's actually a little bit weird [Music] so i'm stuck between these portals for some reason i don't think there's any way we can go here weird clock maybe could potentially help us out here absolutely not if only i had six to be able to boost me up here well i've forgotten where six is still kidnapped question mark potentially oh yeah definitely kidnapped my goodness i have a flashlight i am legitimately stuck on this let me run through a few times and see what happens because i spent it's actually like oh look it's like absorbing me in wait a second i just wait [Music] it doesn't play this every time i don't think so anyway i don't think it plays this tune every time you see it's gone no it does matter what i do i come out the other side so i was legitimately stuck on this last time i don't know if there's anything i can pick up or maybe throw through i i'm defo stuck i've got no hat on either where did my hat go oh we can't wear hats oh dude i was pressing this thinking it was the hat it definitely ain't the hats what's going on i missed out on so many hats too like if this is genuinely the end of the game i missed out on pretty much 50 of the hats which is kind of crazy i don't know whether i have to wait in this room maybe there's something to do with this oh wait i can climb this thing what am i climbing i can jump off why would i need to climb that though i can't climb up here there's nothing to grab here this is the only thing that i can grab i can't pull it off the wall yeah there ain't much i can do with this except jump backwards yo i'm i'm i'm confused to say the least oh it plays this side if you go this way i can't remember how we got in here we were carrying the car we went over like the harry potter oh never mind we have come backwards uh oh there's so many doors one of them is making more of a noise it's this one i'm kind of intrigued to see what happens if we go in a different one uh let's go in this one first oh for goodness sake no that's not where i was supposed to go at all all right let's head back this way so not that one i think we're following the the tune let's go in this one yeah yeah yeah this is different we've got teapots above what's this it's kind of colorful i don't think we can grab it i'm still looking out for those hats just in case it's kind of strange it's all toys and stuff oh man yeah it's definitely giving me hogwarts vibes you know the staircases that like change direction it looks like that let's see what's through door number 600 more doors or it's like harry potter combined with monsters inc okay so there's purple through here but obviously oh we can go through wait oh oh weird i think we want to go through this one though right go here oh don't do this to me oh wait we go through this i think we still have to follow the sounds yeah it goes through here then through here you hear how it's getting louder yeah that's definitely it so no matter where you are you have to follow the sounds that makes way more sense i've said it so many times as well this game is absolutely stunning it's so nice to look at it's crazy let's go through here then we'll go [Music] not through any of these can we jump this no we definitely cannot jump oh god i keep oh i'm sorry sorry mono my bad definitely my bad can i push this over oh i can i actually can't i didn't think i was going to be able to do that it's this one and then we come back over because none of these doors have the nursery tune left here we go there hey i've got this down i'm ready to meet you big man i'm ready to take you down kick you in your ankles that's steal your shoes [Music] i wonder why it's all [Music] kids toys and stuff oh it's a music box yo all the five nights at freddy's rejects are here this one's floating what the [Music] a6 you feel it okay yeah you're right what's happening here um okay let's go to what did you do to my friend you made him all long do i have to try and get the music box off them so i don't think that look at the wrinkly arm no dude what have you done can i have god hit me i dare you we used to be friends we used to be friends such good friends right how are we going to distract maybe the floating bear i choose you come here i'm here floating there i want you oh oh wait what was the goal with this oh look at that stinky foot oh your arm is like your arm's horrific dude what happens okay we got a mallet i don't like this this is [Music] this is weird the size of the hand do i want to smash this thing yolo ye oh my bad my bad my bad it didn't mean to upset you oh what oh oh i'm panicking i'm sorry no i didn't mean it we used to be friends i told you we used to be friends oh my god you thought the ultimate betrayal did you see your foot oh oh buddy i need to run quicker let's go i'm out oh my goodness no please don't please don't grab me sliding i missed yeah yeah yeah why is this house like [Music] i don't even know what to call it like infected it's gonna oh my goodness i'm gonna hide under here the arm is just horrific absolutely horrific what happened uh oh i was just about to go look at the toes ah you have no joints oh i'm dead i think don't forget did she have one leg or two i didn't quite see where have you gone well there's an axe over there wait let's go get the axe guys i'm i'm terrified dude okay so there's been some scary monsters in this game but when the the monster used to be your friend it makes it just a little bit more um terrifying you know that's didn't expect you to be here it must remember me because i've got the voice ready [Music] okay okay i will not call it you again i'm sorry wow okay can we talk about the foot again the foot is all kinds of twisted [Music] oh look at this foot i'm gonna grab it [Music] never grab the foot sorry i did it for you too okay so we need to hold this shout run through this way i thought we went too early quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick okay yes i did let's go why the music box am i trying to hold on to my childhood my innocence is that what it is it's a very symbolic game quite powerful for a game that has like no words you know i think i saw my axe over here i might just grab that just in case i was a cool looking character by the way very anime he's gonna chop this down for fun never mind not as fun as i thought it was gonna be hello again right so where's this door gonna take me definitely got the monsters in the vibes a champion i'm an axe wielding champion oh it's getting lighter just like i said that it got darker things are getting a little bit unstable i'm not sure how i feel about it let's see if there's some more axe swinging action this way i'll take a crossbow or something as well that'd be pretty dope gravity's getting a little bit less as well does that even make sense i'm not sure smack him oh oh no axe is the other side wait okay he thinks i'm gonna have to move the axe first it's really quick [Music] oh my goodness you're really quick i'm really slow apparently whoa this is kind of crazy this feels like a crazy boss fight man i love it i think maybe up here is best yo why can't you get up there yikes yikes uh yeah here i can't get it up there though can i there we i was gonna say i go get it up over the things you can't throw it but i just had to cool them as i was holding the axe oh here we go here we go here we go oh they're weak hawaii whoa dude i'm liking an intestine or something we've been in any testing before in this game i feel like we have i feel like i'm getting smaller as well i'm sorry i gotta do this to that you the life out of me i did not expect that i thought this is gonna be a simple swipe when we're done okay maybe not let me try shouting instead six six i love you please stop that definitely works okay that should be long enough send you back to the intestine back to the colon with you okay do it now oh you inside the music box maybe oh wait wait wait wait smack finishing blow yes slash no are you alive please be like yeah you're moving let's go why would you do that to me six huh i know you were possessed but come on it's me maybe you didn't recognize me without a hat on maybe that's it we did it we still have the issue of the very tall man uh oh you're running that way i was running the wrong way oh there's an eyeball what what is this whole thing at all dude oh where have i gone i'm full dead i got crushed by the bulbous eyes six seems to know where to go you got the intel i'm gonna follow but this house is insane why is it so crazy did i make you mad or something this way and it was back i think in the back of the corridor yeah there we go i did not see that coming oh i got flattened that's the quickest death we've had so far wow physically deleted out of the house excuse me what just happened game what was that what was that that could not just happen like that so i pinged straight up into the ceiling hey this is hard enough i don't need no glitches that was wild i don't actually know how to do this oh my god oh my god let's go yes do not squish me oh get up holy ah get out please oh no get up get up get up get up get up get up get up get up get up get up get up get up i'm stressed no don't you dare oh no no no you have to catch me please look it's shiny and blue let's go i could have made that jump by myself just saying can you please lift me up i get it this is a touching moment but please lift me up with that bicep let's go hey don't drop me [Music] so [Music] to oh yo what i have been gassing you up the whole let's play no now i'm in a stomach what the hey when i see you i'm taking that jacket back that jacket's mine punk i don't believe it i know what you're going to say as well oh they just slipped just slipped no it looked me dead in the eyes and full-on lion kings me you know what i'm talking about don't believe it ew this is gross that chair oh oh so no why try to jump in his eyes come at me well this is weird i'm gonna sit right here yeah let me just i am king of stomach [Music] i can't do anything there's many eyes and i can't do anything what do you want are you gonna eat me where did your big man go where did where's the big where's the big guy am i just accepting defeat no way oh it was all a dream are we good i think mono wants to carry on guys [Music] that's a broken heart right there if i have ever seen one no no are we we little guy we're looking pretty lanky pretty tall i can't move [Music] if we're the tall guy that's gonna be wild we're getting pretty flipping tall [Music] i can only move the camera i can't move anything else i'm on edge okay there we go are we just in prison maybe it's like a what's in eternal darkness i'm not sure how we're eating or anything but oh okay we might be pretty old now what's this oh nothing never mind isn't this freaky you've got the tick tocking in the background time is moving [Music] we're the guy we're the guy we're in so it was six the hero all along we were playing as evil man all along okay i thought we were in a prison but we're not the door's wide open is this the corridor yo is this the corridor it's the car i never [Music] and that's literally like an infinite loop that could play as an infinite loop in the game yeah we missed so many hats on a different note [Music] oh lee butts we were the evil i mean were we evil who knows i guess so six escaped where did six go come on give me some after story let's go oh my wow wow isn't it crazy how powerful a game can be with no words and like the music carries this game like crazy and just the visuals and stuff as well but it gives you the feeling through the music so the music is incredibly important to this but wow i did not expect that this whole series i was like this is a beautiful friendship no wonder six didn't do much he was gonna betray us this whole time i don't believe it [Music] that was great it was slightly longer than the first one i think at least similar obviously i could have done some more exploring because i missed out on pretty much every single ha i think i found two two hats man i'm gonna wait around to the end of the credits and see if there's anything post story little nightmares three please please what do you think guys that's an ending leave your um theories because obviously because there's no words it's all up to your interpretation uh leave your comments of what you think happened here in the comment section i'm pretty sure yeah we've just been playing mono's life this whole time and six just ends up being the hero that drops us and then it could go in an infinite loop because you literally start the game where you end the game which is kind of wild this game is awesome though oh they've got dogs in the credits this one called zelda ninja heiser caesar great names right let's see what's at the end of the credits if anything i'm hoping there's at least a little snippet please please oh there's nothing extra no way oh this is kind of cool oh dude look has collected one out of two glitching remains has collected glitch we missed so much we didn't get any of the glitches here wow and then there's nothing on channel five i like this uh selection screen this is very cool so there's a hat here we missed here we missed two hats here we missed we didn't get anything in the hospital we did bad oh guys i'm still kind of tripping about that ending wow um there you go little nightmares too i was gonna say fully complete but the story fully complete i'm still blown away this is yeah this is one of my favorite games i've played recently i absolutely loved it i'm glad that we can we can sit down and play a game from beginning to end thank you so much for watching and supporting the series as much as you did again if you could leave a like if you enjoyed the video and series that would be awesome subscribe if you're brand new because i got pick another game to play now and i kind of don't know which one but um it'd be fun to read through all the theories that you've got in the comment section down below i think i've got mine which i wish i mentioned already i just can't believe that we were dropped like that i literally said don't drop me and the hand opened wild but um guys thank you so much for watching i appreciate you all and i'll see you soon you
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 2,452,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dantdm, Dan TDM, Little nightmares II
Id: ixZmOEcUeB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 27sec (1647 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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