I FOUND IT! (Little Nightmares II SECRET ENDING)

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i know before you say it before the whole comment section says it yes i do now have to wear glasses playing video games and you know what today i'm probably gonna need them because today we're gonna do what people have been spamming all over my comment section we're gonna be trying to get the secret ending to little nightmares two so if we go into load game nope we don't go here if we go into chapter selection you will see that there are hats and glitching remains to be discovered in every level we covered this in the previous video which was the finale to the regular story i had no idea there was a secret ending until you guys absolutely spammed it so what you need to do is i thought you needed to collect all the hats to complete the secret ending but apparently all you need to do is collect the glitching remains which we have i was gonna say we have a few of we have three a grand total of three there's none in the final level but there's a three to find here so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna play through the entire game i'm gonna cut it up for you guys obviously i'm gonna play through the entire game and wait wait wait wait wait we got new hat new hats let's go i have so many hats as well to discover so hopefully i can try and find some of them on the way anyway but now i'm equipped with my uh my all-seeing eyeglasses we should be able to uh to find these but yeah i'm gonna cut this up so that um i just show you where i find the the glitched children i guess and then hopefully we'll see a secret ending and before we get to the end of this corridor quick hit subscribe you have to subscribe otherwise you know what's gonna happen behind this door leave a like too otherwise it'll get w's worse we look weird we like indiana jones this is so strange wait we always been by ourselves are we by ourselves now i can't remember because i played this ages ago but what i need to do is literally scour the entire level for glitch children because they don't really appear until you're near them so yeah i'm gonna go and look for these guys you've got the easy job of sitting back watching relaxing and i'll show you where the locations are let's see if i can find them three on this level that's kind of wild yeah imagine if it was in here oh that would be the worst glitched child no offense you know what i think i prefer mono with the the bag on his head not gonna lie no offense wow no offense but um yeah i feel like i prefer it oh this steaming bag of bodies i forgot about you but let's not get distracted those are not the glitched bodies that we need i don't actually know what they're called glitch i'm going to call them glitch children but i think they're called glitched remains let's see what happens i need to not get distracted there's 15 to find because i sucked at finding them before so oh why didn't i think of that before i need to be looking for these glitch boys oh oh wait wait wait wait wait i found a passage oh we definitely haven't been down here there's mushrooms and stuff hey there we go yoink oh i wonder what happens when you actually collect the last one oh there's a dude there's toes there's actual toes here look i'm trying to grab them but mono's like yeah i'm i'm not gonna do that for you no i'm definitely not can we do anything with this shovel someone's been buried under this tree i think i've discovered a murder should i report them to the police i feel like i should okay number one well number two technically because we already found one um i think the one that we found was right at the end i'm not sure i have to replay the level but i think we can just climb up here and continue yeah there we go right onwards and upwards that's number two found great good start ah wait a second i think i spotted something is there a passage this way yeah my brain is on today what is that and why are you kicking it is that a rat go get off that guy geez i'm so disrespectful i will collect you absorb you rest in peace little man i'm sorry this happened to you are there are the glitch things always near dead things or is that just in this level um seems a little bit sus oh i forgot about this yay never mind oh there's one right there how did that not activate ah how's this game still making me jump i'm out of here pinecones go yes okay i was obviously wrong you team up with six in here it's all flooding back to me now it just it just seemed like six was there the whole time now though not sure i want to team up with you but i think we're gonna have to unless we find the glitch child beforehand let's have a look over here ah look six was playing with a music box here as well um i don't think i remembered that from before but hello welcome back to normality you turn into a freak later in life i'm sorry i'm sorry to bestow this this information upon you wait wait hold on a second we can go in the bruh how did we not check this there's one in here as well why are you sitting on the pooper huh oh i've gotta absorb his stank and everything absolutely disgusting so can i quit level now because i don't feel like shooting this guy again because he's definitely going to shoot me again so i'm pretty sure we've got all four now because that's three there were four toe i already had one right so exit to main menu yeah if this deletes my progress i'm gonna be so enraged no there we go okay four glitches remains discovered did not discover the other half but for today i want to make sure i get the uh the glitching remains right this one's a big one this is the school five to find that's kind of nuts all right come on six i know you haven't got your um oh you scared me pigeon i know you don't have your raincoat but let's see if we can find any glitches oh all right legit went the wrong way okay i thought this was the way please don't do it don't do it i will save you let's glitch number two for this level there's six on this one though that's kind of crazy is this level really long is that why and also in the previous one they were spanned pretty evenly throughout the level so i'll check every nook and cranny which is taking a while but um i feel like we'll be able to find them all oh geez please don't be one in here no this is gross i'm out let's go through the tiny crack and onwards you know what i knew there'd be one here you've fallen off your bike your bike is broken i mean it's a tricycle i absorb you you feel no more pain because you no longer exist we're not even in the school yet and we found three so six you good what are you doing come on this way we remember how to play this game let's go right into the school there's three more inside here how on earth do i get in i've completely forgotten ah there we go right creepy school puppets you know the deal i can't actually remember which one i found already here um i i guess we'll find out when we get the achievement to complete them all but we only need to find three more three more new ones so let's take a look shall we oh no i wonder what's going to happen i still haven't found another glitched one yet this is a big level as well six i would i would normally be upset but after what you did to me see you later you deserve everything you get i hope the secret ending changes things oh i see it i see it i didn't realize that when you're close it zaps there's rats in here and that's got a picture of the the pylon in it yo that's kind of crazy so that's number four right now they're not usually close to each other so i can kind of skip this next part but we're making good progress oh no it's this lady again i have to deal with you not please bruh no oh bye i'm in trouble i'm in trouble i'm in trouble i'm in trouble in trouble oh yo what the no that actually never happened to me before yo he's destroying me what i hate this [ __ ] oh no i forgot about the lady i erased you from my mind you free oh she's easily the scariest monster in this game oh the shivers came back just give me my key i checked this whole room already just give me the key oh man actually oh wait this might be one oh there you are why what happened to this person sausages steak and a dead person lovely how nice of you how many is this okay it's not the last one i think there's one more the thing is i don't remember did i come in here i feel like i had this sausage no did i not throw the sausage kind of sauce but i feel like i didn't do that anyway we found another one you literally have to look the gap between the last one i found and this one was massive and i've been checking like every room meticulously because you need to check out like every door like the locker one we found before every um every normal door you haven't been through most of them are locked i remember this bit i hate this bit so much all right let me see if i can find another one i think the final one in this level psychos you're all psychos absolutely crazy insane oh how did i miss that one it was so obvious look i i how did i run past the paper boat there's no way i swear i picked that one up maybe i didn't and there you go that's that complete oh thank goodness for that there's no paper boat hat that would have been kind of cool actually oh that was so long what a long level right we need to go to um four six four three left in that one oh man right possible time oh geez this is actually taking a long time because i have to check everywhere six is back with the raincoat as well beautiful right let's see if we can find these we've got zero on this level which is kind of mad [Music] did anyone else just see that six just he eated and fell off well i want six we need to be careful i don't know how you survived that fall but my goodness i it took me a second to realize what just happened i was like did that happen before apparently not wow oh no no no no no no no we've uh we've messed up again guys um yo how do we keep doing this yo let's fix through i'm so sorry it's been the worst 30 seconds ever for six my goodness there they are hello what happened to your bottle why are you carrying a leg in a minecart that's very strange absorbed gotta catch them all i wonder if these are like six's memory maybe and then we get the secret ending which is to do a six is correct memory because we've collected everything i wonder if that's the case i guess we'll find out soon trying to get the ducky are you gotcha no ducky for you okay that's i think that's two that's not too bad actually this was a fairly easy one to find it was in an obvious kind of location all right on to the next one i can't actually remember how to do this part so actually i've done this i've done this twice already let's do it for a third time oh sneaky is there anything behind here there might be there's like a door open yeah yeah yeah there's a space oh they're so sneaky with these what happened here did you just starve i find it cool how all the little glitches have like a story behind them look at this oh oh i've been possessed accidental possession yo look at the how how long they've been in here is this years months even days would be pretty crazy um what happens if we go down here [Music] do not go down there do i keep my glitch are we good okay we kept the glitch nice right i'm out of here this place sucks i think we've got one more left on this one right every time every time i'm out i can't i can't see glitches here it's not gonna be a good show i promise wait have i i've been here before haven't i i'm pretty sure i've been in here i've been in here was i in this before i played the full game i was it's the i don't know weird buttery toes you don't want wanna you don't wanna touch this let me save you i'm saving all these glitches from them inevitable end there we go sick kids okay we've been in this i don't think i had a glitch in it before or it did and my progress reset let's go okay sweet i'm glad i remember that location i'm glad i checked it again actually so that's uh one two three four so number four is to be done there's three glitches remaining and that's all of them i think after that i'm pretty sure that's all of them i don't know if the cutscene triggers as soon as you pray as soon as you collect it or not okay i need to check back here all right give me some time let's see if i can find some more of these i haven't found many hats i found zero hats actually how mad is that i feel like the hats are less obvious the glitches are more obvious that's why because you can see little particles when you're near one ah mysterious sewer excuse me i think this is one i think i saw the glitch this one's really early on i'm glad because the the other ones were not good grab ladder jeez oh look at the little rat hello buddy how you doing gerald i think that's your name right yo this is a weird one i wonder if at the end like all the glitches what is happening here he's fishing that's kind of cute i wonder if all their stories like match up zap what you fishing for boy ain't gonna find no fish down there three more wait two more to go let's go we could do this i'm out another sneak event i spotted on the bottom left six you coming or not i thought at first it had a door on it but no is that a crow stuffed in a bottle what is wrong with these kiddos i will save you release you from your glitchy prison okay this is good that's two very early on in the level though i think mind you this level isn't as long as the previous ones i think the teacher one is probably the longest one but let's keep going and seeing if we can find the next one a lot the last one the next one is the last one let's go there's the big eye of sauron up there keep running don't look straight into the light stop stop it you don't need to do this oh geez what am i doing actually isn't there isn't there a room here that we found before let me have a look yes there was one in here wasn't there there was definitely one hidden in it it has to be there's no other reason why there'd be rats i'm pretty sure i remember so there's only one there's only one left and it's after this two next to each other would have been amazing though luckily we've already found it all right let's head up come on six to the finale my friends to destiny oh look this is interesting actually so this is where we opened the door at the beginning and now we know that's actually me that's kind of weird we're like peering into our own memory and then the nightmare comes out wild i still haven't found the glitch yet i feel like i'll be after this part because you do not have time to look for glitches while being chased by my past self oh here we go it's still it's still creeping me out run please oh oh it's so creepy yo you gotta go you gotta go right i'll see you if i find the next glitch oh wait a second i've got pretty good at this now hold on a second hold on a cotton picking second this window is open this has got to be if this is one this is the best one i found so far are we going in let's go oh wait wait wait wait wait wait what are you looking at he's looking at the geisha he is looking at the geisha from the first little nightmares yo this is a throwback i don't know what's gonna happen because this is the last glitch i'm pretty sure there's a picture up here too this is designed to be the last one it has to oh i can't believe i just found this rotten cereal up there but we won't talk about it here we go absorb no more remains pale kids oh but then how do i how do i get the secret ending oh unladylike that's me that is me can i get up here oh dude how do i get the secret ending do i have to go i have to go back i think i'm safe to leave so i got all those achievements i'm glad i got the one where i smashed the geisha that's pretty cool okay four on number one six and number two four number three and four number four do i have to do episode do i just have to do the ending again i'm kind of down because it's not too hard to do so we have to run away from the monster with the big eyes that's fine we have to do the doorways that's fine okay let me do this as this has been a long old slog but it's it's finally coming to an end forgive pun please forgive pun but let's do this you absolute jump i forgot you did that [Music] open wide okay i'm gonna do this and as soon as i was gonna carry it on as normal and as soon as i get something new i'll see you guys all right i'll see you guys there right is this bit the same yeah yeah yeah this bit's the same i'm just have to keep playing each bit of the ending and see if it's different so we need to do two fights i wonder if they're different but we definitely are you going to hurt me i can't remember what happens oh yeah you're going to hurt me right i'm out see ya oh yeah i threw a train in your head please don't be mad it's me it's me it's me don't be scared it's me come here oh the feet the creepy feet dude you scared me you actually scared me what's wrong or the mallet the mallet the mallet i see it big bops okay i need to do this a few times again if anything new happens you'll be the first to know about it i wonder what oh we're so close so close yet so far sorry my bad i'm out see you later all right boss fight number one exactly the same so far we just go backwards and forwards between the doors i have a feeling it's just gonna be different where the catching happens but i guess we'll find out let's do our um our monsters inc recreation and see what changes okay this is the big one this is the big one keep showering okay that did not go as planned i was halfway through my swing a bit rude let me try that again it's always so powerful so powerful okay anything different here oh wait wait wait i need to again i need to do it again i need you again i keep forgetting i did that last time i missed what geez i think i did that last time as well just completely forgot to hear it again i was just kind of waiting for a cutscene that never came right we've got anything near testing again i hope we are oh no it's this one i forgot it's this one this is where this is pretty much the end of the game no we run past the bulbas eye i can't even remember the route i'm gonna have to make sure that i do this pretty flawlessly and then we get to the bridge you know the bridge this is it this is it this is the final bit if nothing changes here i haven't done it right and i'm gonna be really upset this is the big decision what is going to happen the slow-mo run it's giving me chills again the chills are coming please say i've done it correctly i don't want to collect all the hats come on pick me up pick me up pick me up that's the only thing that can happen pick me up please yeah i still don't like you um [Music] maybe the end cut scene changes i still i still hate what she's done to me i hate it the way they walk off as well so yeah i'm just gonna casually walk away even though the ground is crumbling beneath me man it still stings there must be a different ending so i've definitely done it correctly so this is the same is it did i walk before i feel like oh yeah the chair the chair comes up god please be a throne instead that'd be perfect give me that throne that's what i've worked for my entire life i'm gonna run a little bit like this is much longer run than before here we go i run past can i just leave it can we just go go wait no no no okay eyeballs wait there's another chair oh does it just like repeat that's that's kind of cool actually that's really creepy but also very very cool yeah yeah it just keeps repeating oh that's wild right let me um let me hit this chair real quick there's nothing different so far i don't know i don't know what's gonna happen come on all that work it has to be different don't just sit there and take it mono oh super saiyan or something super saiyan super saiyan super saiyan this is different yet am i playing i'm not playing okay i can only move the camera around again okay this is the same i don't understand is this is the same what changes if that's the same [Music] i'm still just chilling in the chair minding my own business for a very long time i feel like they're like extra whimsical images around the screen again mad or not well not not too odd i'm like teenager i'm i thought that it was going to change the the handholding at the end i thought maybe she'd uh help us out bring us up to the door but it's not gonna happen i think this is still the same yo come on show me something good show me something spicy it's a lot of work to get that's me we knew this [Music] was my mouth i didn't see the mouth before maybe it's my glasses maybe i just missed out all this stuff this whole time maybe he just glitches out of there [Music] and there's still gonna be the heebie-jeebies it makes me feel funny take the hat off maybe take the house throw it at me go on use it as a a crazy weapon doors closing it's happened before and the cycle the infinite cycle continues did it end wait is this is this different is this different [Music] this is this is different yes it worked i was severely thought i'd messed up yo this is the other side through the door through the through the tv i can't do anything i can only wiggle yo you got a dark side what's that sock is this like bobby no it's gone [Music] you hungry is that what this is that was the secret ending are you freaking kidding me 10 seconds i don't know whether to be disappointed or interested so does that mean there's gonna be a little knife as three is that what that means is that is that the tease i think that might be what it is actually wait i'm just looking it up i was too focused on the sock it wasn't the sock you needed to be looking at it was the it was the location from the first game did we just loop again that's another loop so this is a prequel this is a prequel right because then glitchy glitchy six and normal six go to the more which is the the first location in the first game oh man it's just because it's been so long that i've played the first one that i didn't recognize the location yeah there you go that is little nightmares too fully complete story-wise obviously i didn't get the hats but that was a lot of work for uh for a good old 15 seconds i've been here for like three plus hours collecting glitches but if you didn't collect the glitches and completed the game then through mono then i guess the evil side of six wouldn't have come out in the first game that's my theory anyway obviously it's kind of up to interpretation so um six betrays mono causing mono to become the thin man the evil dude which is a loop in itself in the second game but as mono if you collect all the glitches you actually kind of betray six because six then becomes evil in the first game my mind hurts i think that's it i'm out i reckon i'm hoping there's a little knight s3 but with that ending that kind of loops both the games together so i'm unsure whether that will happen but um that's pretty much it for me a little more nightmares too i don't think i'll go back through and collect the hats because i literally found zero there must be different ways to get each hat rather than just finding them like the glitches but overall at least i hope uh i helped you to find all the glitches at least if you want to find the the few that i actually found in the let's play you'll have to watch the original let's play um thank you so much for watching i hope you enjoyed it if you did leave a like to be great appreciate it subscribe if your brand spanking new for more gameplays and i will see you all in the next one thank you so much for the support in the series it's been epic and i'll see you next [Music] time [Music] you
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 1,481,175
Rating: 4.9772429 out of 5
Keywords: Dantdm, Dan TDM, Little nightmares II, gaming, funny
Id: 3uyTb0HtZTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 2sec (1862 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 01 2021
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