This faction base was at bedrock... Easy Rich Raid..but then

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hello guys how are we doing a welcome back to another episode of fashions today we are using a 10 stacker to get into a base which will give us like roughly around 5 million dollars in value they've got like cows skeletons zombies I believe of responders so we get into this this will be like a clutch like a GG watch because the really strange thing is is that we're currently right here right now and their base is like on Y 7 like where they have their sporters is at the bottom of their base which is a big no-no because you can easily Canon that like we're not even using a proper Tannen we're using a 10 stacker it lets you took 2 minutes to set up but right now what we have to do is they have a decent few walls but that's fine because we're 10 stacking but what we have to do now is we have to tunnel all the way to the walls get through them and let you know reversely know nothing literally everything is at the bottom of that base so if we get in here and get the value today has been a GG just a big GG that's all it's been if we get in but I said this week that I do want to make sure that this episode is all about like this week's episodes are kind of all about raining as much as I can so hopefully I think I'm doing good we had guests they were gotten too addicted base which that was a very very different rate we managed to steal a good bit of value not all of it not I don't even think not even close to I haven't really checked yet but we still managed to get in and then they blocked us up and we still managed to get in again so that was great so anyway today's main episode main objective is to get into this base with a 10 stacker if we can do that GG whatever guys if you enjoyed this episode dodeth will always smash that life would it be greatly appreciated and I guess let's get this episode so - wait do we have to get through all this first oh how awkward do we have enough TNT filled we should do I'm gonna check just make sure how much team to do we have 38 ok yeah we should be fine this is the easy bit this is a tunneling we can't get through this we might as well quit alright guys so just what we're happening we might have a new member joining us this episode so word is in blur the faction apparently he wants to join us no bad reasons no nothing he's just basically like we've been talking we were talking a while ago like a week ago on discord we got to know whichever start talking sounds like I'm about to say we're dating but we're not that's just he's a nice guy and he just asked can he join he just said if you want to sure so that's why he's here so don't get alerted but then again is he trying to incite right now I or Petraeus he might actually like TP all the blur members in right now and destroy I can so like this could be risky but I did have a back-up plan basically I made worry I chose to know I made worry by my a.m. splash healing potion for $1 so that and I told him you're not gonna be trained he said no and I said okay buy it for $1 so now he's not technically able to portray because if he does that would be scamming I don't know if that's gonna work or not but like technically that's a deal so he can't betray you can't TP I know Nathan otherwise it is coming can I make it through here without getting burnt Oh Gigi I'm a pro alright guys so we're at the walls now so now we have to fly through the walls I believe they have a decent amount but like nothing like I don't think have like over things like 30 walls max which move a 10 stacker should be done pretty quick just hopefully don't find this right now so the faction we're raiding is AK cat suit II don't know if I'm saying that right but oh wow they are worth 19 million in spawner value and in total that worth 26 million dollars which is pretty decent they're actually two twelve richest faction and I believe we can get something like 5 million dollars from them we I don't know if we're gonna be getting all the value but if we can get 5 million you know I'm not saying that'll be a GG just hopefully nice to valign all we gotta hope now is that they don't find us and we get into the base that's lychee all we have to hope for ok I believe if we have like two walls left right now or something well Raven said we have two walls left oh no oh there been I'll be kept patching they better be patching unless that was an all shot I'm assuming some old shot why is there not fully working or we are TT I hope they're not patching I don't think they are no they can't be ok so we're having a slight hiccup with the can for some reason it's not stacking I don't know gems here to see what's going on ok that is so weird worried TP into me because like I'm accepted in enemy feels so wrong to accept but I've accepted it and he's back okay that's not stack of sand okay well hopefully if if anyone's able to fix it GM should be able to if not we're doomed oh my god finally the cannon seems to be fixed no lie we were stuck on that wall for ten minutes what is going on today will we even be able to raid Moses I have no idea like is it just gonna end up failing again probably oh no it's still working maybe I shouldn't jinx it it's still it's gonna match II know if I say it's not gonna work it will work this cannon isn't gonna work anymore if I say it's gonna work it's then you know I mean yeah it's working okay right anyway look it's working we're getting into the base we're getting this value apparently there's actually people online but we're just hoping that our afk like really they they probably are they either afk or just not in their base because they haven't heard us and we've been firing so many shots into that base and TT is fairly loud we should really be using silent ent because we have enough of them actually kind of shocked that we're not GG let's go five more walls and we are in one yeah we're there we go okay oh no fire again I think that guy's afk no I don't think he's moved so it'll we'll find out in a second probably oh oh holy Sh lovely stuff alright grab this borders grab the sport as everyone - cows let's go someone help in the mushrooms okay good all right fire one more shot it's dry so you can just go right the way through right through because the skeletons are in this part so if we can get those like GG okay fire another shot telephony phone just he's fired he just has to go under like I think it's gonna hit the floor fire another shot guys that guy's disappeared alright so we're into the base we've got some of the cows but the main thing is actually in this wall and we don't know that guy that rank was in this base he's disappeared so he could have easily mind a smaller sound easily could of fire Sam again oh never mind I think the raids over the guy just mentioned got all this bonus gg yeah I say it's true to be honest just go go pray anyway yeah all right so the spoilers yet they're gone they've been mined but like to be honest a second I sort of donate rank in there as like we're probably not gonna be to get all the value who's literally but it looks at me he was afk in this box here but the skeletons are like roughly around about here but they're definitely mine because if I do such chunk info yeah it says sportive value is absolute zero so yeah they definitely mind all of them not inside this box either then we check this chunk over here chunk info yeah it's all gone but it could be like unknowns right unknown said there could be some stuff in the chests were afraid and so it might be worth it somewhere nowhere but oh well that's raiding and cannons go wrong this one shouldn't have went wrong but it did but that's writing things go wrong a little time for us it's all time alright so that rate is over though I am I think Raven has a boss mob impiety wants to do that where's the guy apparently there's a guy blown up the cannon it's the raids over us we'll see if I can get his head and sell it you know I mean free money you know I mean well yeah no second we should have got the value but oh there is there is cheeky little bugger hello how you doing I should probably shut up that probably helped me a lot oh he's running he's running he's running oh no he's coming coming give me that head of yours gave me that head oh he's gonna burn oh no he's up oh yeah give me your head where is it I want to send it from moolah give me give it cert Oh what only $13,000 I was fully convinced this guy was gonna be mega rich but no B's nah okay well it was still satisfying seeing that lightning smashed down upon his dead body that is very deep of me I must be very salty about this right buddy wait the raid is over done and dusted I think what do we get we got we got two cows add like three mushrooms great rage I guess least we got something out of it even though it was absolutely nothing IPV that head for now see if it goes up in value but I doubt it I say this guy will not be making any money for a little while just because of the fact that he knows one of us probably has it all right home new base let's go back to the base store this stuff here and then we're going to do a boss mob because apparently Raymond has one what do you have oh no wonder so quick he basically had like brought to armor and stuff yet a sharp five though okay let's dump the to Calais Porter's that we got and someone else got the mushroom so there we go so that's over a hundred K basically we rained and value pretty lame go for it hopefully clean and precise nice job lovely stuff I blocked out when you come down oh god I'm already alright so the boss mob has spawned in that went well sometimes a really awkward to get inside the trap and number times they just walk straight in just like that alright Hyperion's right now I'm gonna I'm literally gonna try do my best to get tough damage I don't know if I will but I'll do my best it's so hard I can't feel like I'm not even hitting hit my own allies so obviously Ravens gonna get a skull Raven said that Ike have the second tier reward for spawning it in so that's great I'll have something to open I'll see if I can get top ten damage at least cuz then I get another thing to open as well it's not the greatest but it still something okay he's literally on ten percent healthy Zinni dead already that was freaking quick and there we go he's dead oh my god Raven dad she ended up doing top damage anyway so GG to him Mikey did second Jason did third and I was somewhere in the mix of that all right dude I appreciate you giving me the executive room Mike I'm everyone got reward cuz there's less than ten of us one day yeah there was only of us yeah so why everybody got something you wish did top damage already GG I couldn't why did I never get like top three damage I think it's cuz one I'm always jumping down last anyway and I just can't never find I'm gonna go to spawn I just yeah that's good because there is actually a cannon on the side here so and it's a scare can so I don't even get in a girl still let's let's get out just in case I don't know why but I always go down here cuz like I think it's because the mystery merchant thing used to be done this way okay so I'll follow you and we will go this direction together no I always go down here the guy used to be down here don't know if he exists anymore because remember you had to go to like the warlock venue I have to right-click the guy didn't you yeah no he doesn't exist anymore he's long gone you know exists no I mean I'll be like I if you want alright go seems you have the best one I really hope you get missed your hybrid mass I'm literally hunting for it am I gonna open first yeah well no come first who do are we gonna do say no wait Joe Mead Albans and like worst here yeah you open fire and see what you get and then we'll right feels like I haven't done a boss modern ages but I think it's like last week and it won all right I'll go with the Titan crystal first that's the worst we g'wan boom I got a profile leggings three necro charms is actually that's alright no it's not and four basic books which are probably going to be terrible quite a blade three Singlish quite a plate three and lumberjack okay no tangle yeah and then I'll go with the Hyperion essence which I am yet to still get duplicate I still have not made a grinding sword yet and because I have got duplicate and I'm sick of like taking over people's swords because I always kind of forget to give them back so I don't like it so hopefully I get duplicate three two one boom oh I see a book I see a book one single book it could be in a Chan Chan I got a tiny helmet I got three ancient charms oh yeah I did just get duplicate I got duplicate actually it's duplicate question what do after like right click the revealer everybody yeah you have to right click and hope you got I got it for bleh notes would I be better like do you know how do these duplicate question question mark books are for more because like I could sorta sell them money but then buy if there is a duplicate like book on it sell it try sell it and see if you can get some good money from it do but because people don't like that I was gonna say if there's a duplicate book 5 on page like 3 mil or something I'd be more than that which I don't think it is you know I can sell this for like 2 min and then just like confirm ok I'm with all this you could still get duplicate 5 but it will get it could be like a 0% work chance and you could do me wrong ok well what's your it's go for it let's go for it I give you the best luck ever come on ok 3 2 1 boom go Oh daddy's a big four that's not bad it's not bad I'm gonna keep that and just try to put on the sword assets 38% chance to work don't hang on hang on hang on oh good night I'm just gonna check can i reroll these someone said once that you can't really if you're level 15 you could reroll it so I think min tricks or Mikey and so like we're able to re-roll it's possible I think because they're not showing this duplicate for isn't too much off duplicate 5 it won't be a god sword but if I put on some soil grind so it random doesn't do well I think a low 15 needs to do it alright fair enough when I blow up for Blaine nice which infamous yeah go for everyone's goal right we're gonna hope that I get the hybrid mask go on go on go on hybrid mask or at least if you get not EXO I have that already it's really cool Debbie believes in me - I believe in you - right thank you right you ready three two boom okay okay I didn't get it okay I got the divine boots perfect two inch on each arms okay for extreme book sixth advanced than a sharp five so pretty bad pretty bad luck that is for what got two in challenge Amazon I'm seeking that you didn't get mystical Jam last time when I got a bad roll at that I at least got a mister than I've still got all these advanced to enchant my books and stuff so I can open these and see what I get have you got that right now yo you can tell the guardian message to realize that I think it's freaking Opie Raven it I forgot at least you were gone look what I found your look look I'm gonna show you come with me cuz you want okay follow me follow me I'm gonna show you this follow me this is insane right I wonder if it's actually more stop there haven't checked coming cuz I still don't do them still reading the comments and stuff I don't wanna show it but I don't want to okay but I'm not gonna just let you know I don't think I'm keeping it by the way I mean I'm gonna get rid of it all right give it outs okay like a drop part because I just feel kind of bad so over here remember we exposed the hacker location uh-huh right over here I wonder if it's still here and stuff okay no there's nothing here right I found this Oh what is it I found that you found that I found that we have some prop foreign like some leggings and stuff and some what and some parts which are gone now there was a dude like a few spots and some fat that but like I was like looking around I was like okay obviously hackers aren't storing down there but like whoever lost this must have been a hacker hundred percent because you know the mean must have been because no over in legit person would store something that day yeah and Mikey came up we were really good I am like thing he said that most of the hackers who join a server don't actually know how the server works they just come to join so maybe he didn't realize how valuable this actually was yeah that was like that's the soul true random thing exact well he probably knew what it done because when you touch it put it online you know I mean it gives you speed 3 but he probably didn't realize how rare was he poor he was like oh it's like you can get those any time you know I mean it's something like that I don't know yeah but anyway yeah GG okay so you got em do you have any did you get any over tehre woods no I got my two in China champs the only good book I go corrupt or a five which i think is max to put on a sort s so I mean I've still got two inch on each arm so I might go open these if you want to come with yeah I've got freaking three necrotic so I might as well open it but yeah I wanted to show it out forgot to tell you and I'm actually happy that I got duplicate for now that's actually not too bad duplicate fools really good like it still does a lot it's just not absolutely maximum and heads you can get yeah sure it's not bad at all you still did very well right why are you going for wait how many times did you get I got two out of it so I've just opened one and I have got nothing yet while it rose oh oh okay I'll take a mystical charm out of it oh that's okay see that's why I like that's what I like about getting charms and the boss mugs because they can like you be like oh I got something bad but you can reverse it open that bad boy you're like literally right now right now yeah allegedly go for it because you could get in over boss mob you get horde some nerd like this you can literally get hyper is you can get Hades you can get such fly which would be ready yeah go for it go for it go for it right boom boom boom I'm opening all three at once I see it can be unlucky but mystical charms are usually pretty decent like you know I mean you can't be very good you can get a lot gone okay no never bite I rolled over a legendary creeper bundle in divine boots and I call general K and a faction vault upgrade okay well the fact involve grade is pretty bad for us cuz right fully upgraded book someone will probably buy off you so just aah it right I'm gonna open up my terrible necrotic charms it's just roll right go for it I'm just this she not even watching it roll one thing you left one enchanted so I'm just gonna open that and hope that I get all right bonus I guess I'm gonna be happy I got nothing really from that fillers loot bags that's like oh I got one offs fly yeah that's kind of signal oh I got ancient charms as well then you realize okay is my Emmet we gonna fill up though doesn't filter enable just in case because people I think are dropping stuff around us know well I'm gonna open the age of chance it's not like I'm gonna miss anything like I got away a fair point fair point and there we go boom boom boom I'm getting to play notes okay I was decent oh and then I got twenty one thousand and three thousand from it so there we go now okay that was kind of lucky but the fact that you've got a mystical charm made it go a bit longer so that's kind of you know that's very well that's no I'm actually quite happy for that we should try to do more bust balls more often I Anitra still a good fun I swear the only boss mob I've killed this map has been Hyperion I don't think I've even touched I never do haters but they hate the homies homies is good you know Hades drops one of the most insane enchantment books going or is it it literally is an enchantment put book that purges people speed away so if someone has a horse mask or someone that oh it will let you to stop Union tracks like that will soar P and I think it can go on an axe or a sword something like that and also Hades drops as a sword that can have axe in Chapman to some mana or the opposite one of the two something is saying so Hades is really on the raid but I teach ops a load of decent stuff but there we go alright I'm ready if you're ready I am are we just gonna go extreme and then just jump off one just jump up yeah yeah let's just go to the whoop extreme and then just jump oh that's where you want to go okay yeah yeah just so we're right okay so we've got a few minutes to kill so what you just go home down people yeah this is good let's no let's not hunt like naked people like or anything like any more fishing no let's just go for people in anyone who's like trying to kill people I guess I have a feeling that the whole Ryan Ryan tried out in a guy in an unknown horse mask thing is he in it's just one guy we're about right by the little island thing in the middle he's killing the fisherman we have to help is it is it Oh scary okay it's a guy no no no no no no get obvious okay send TP we need help okay okay we're on the other direction it's fine just run the opposite direction oh my god wait member I think I don't know I don't know cuz if it's addicted like you know they will wreck us like it's sky crew sky cruising addicted I started a guide invisible that the skeleton or smash that's usually add tour and he's like a god up here V okay I'm going back to Layton I'll fight we'll fight for okay I think these guys are friendly oh they're friendly they're friendly alright okay for how long no until they probably get more people thanks really for now exactly oh no we got drip here we got European he gots it that it was that guy sorry I thought it was torn this guy I thought was like one like Tori I think is Tori si he's a god at Hubie honestly absolutely Rex I see I thought it was message me chill question mark so I said sure smiley I'm sure with a Murphy's chiller but don't kill a fisherman yeah it's gotta keep his peaceful right anyway well I want to kill hordes yeah we need a hole when's the next talk orders in 10 minutes 10 minutes we have 10 minutes to kill but thing is we're both fighting over horde kills okay I'm gonna kill this guy just keeps hitting if it keeps eight minutes most annoying thing ever uh the lit guy the litter saga is that an enemy Ryan huh Oh Brian yeah yeah sorry guy I think it's addicted sir yeah I'm getting out of it by just one as well though I may want blood and he's after me saying GG on the split he is the holy nugget on him there's like 30 of us on this one guy I don't know okay alright TPA factions Raven I'm gonna know where he's gone I lost them okay well I'm stupid you anyway okay if we died we just do it as layers like I don't really care of a dive like rod feed and he said might kill some time oh he's in this massive pile over here no has he just Gary yep no it's Porsche I can't see yes something and they're focused on me sure it away that's why I hate this they just go straight on me oh yeah hang on we're actually outnumber litzer yeah we are is that they they only have we don't have to we've like knowing okay all right fair enough that God says that God says are amazing oh look it's just he was the holy not good is he it's not working knowing water strangely enough his poison is so annoying I don't know what it is but like it keeps triggering it must be like some weird accent chomp thing affliction our allies correct yes okay right yeah okay we are an omen for a second won't be for long no if they all come to God no I'm just remembering to keep myself alive yeah that's what I'm trying to do is off because last time this happened I quick dropped yeah yeah I honestly heat they do they're really good at pap they don't deserve to get like this like if I think it's flower - name of our allies here if anything is more flattering to them that they're actually like we had need this many people to kill them because like they're good like you know I mean it's not much we can do better very good yeah very good I've got one of mommy like they're just on me I wish I'd the street boys I really want to get my skills in horse mask out but it's not really mine should I get out really yours I mean you can use it anyway right you're partnering it surely you should yeah but if I died of it and I ruined it you would die with it like honestly I would promise this late in the game I do have a point for ball so I might survive should I get it out they're dipping their dipping so it's only should I get out I guess it would be good for escaping okay I've got on me oh this guy's attacked me I was chasing them and they told me no like a lies was spamming go don't do don't go don't go okay so we might just want to say by the lake I've got the skeleton horse out I need you love those so but I'm probably gonna lose it just like you know I don't want to keep it though so if I die of it like that's not good but no but surely I shouldn't do this cuz I'm gonna get addicted to it do you what I mean yeah I'm gonna be like oh I need this like all the time now I'm using it oh those digna memory here we go are we not meant to be killing them yeah I would be killing them alright what if they are they have a trap and assuming yeah that's why they're just running all right I see yeah yeah cuz you trying to hit me with not back no get in that direction where it thing about is gone yeah I think so anyway alright hang on this is just killing time so that's good five minutes now we only have a few minutes left yeah yeah they definitely definitely definitely a trap yeah definitely cuz looking away just punching okay alright I'm gonna even be not interested wait unknowns in the war zone with no armor oh that's unknown for everybody I'm gonna go back to shop and repair gear clearly yeah I'm just saying without ruses they just run into a trap which I don't blame them to like you don't mean are outnumbered at the moment so yeah they're really outnumbered oh actually okay I might be able to level up the masks if I need to get 10 kills and they'll be fully decked out so then someone can have a horse 5 thing yeah but I don't want to keep it man I really don't I I'm giving it away cuz I feel bad to ever got it I don't want to keep a hacker's like I'd rather get like some way legit you know what kind of way like get it killed for it not steal off a hacker I don't know oh let's go let's go no does like a level those it's more important yeah you go you go you go oh my god I didn't mean to do that sorry I'm running them around no it's okay because I can level them up like so technically that would be amazing I'm just running these two around so just tell me one okay I'm running out of pots I've got some I can't drop you some I can throw one if you want no no no just like you keep running away yep perfect boom and boom oh my god they won't die okay come on come on let's when are you gonna die oh my god they're taking more pots than usual okay I'm good can I move my hands boom there we go one more oh sweet okay lovely stuff is I feel odd my god so horse five oh I really want to keep it now but I can't no I mean no the power it's like Frodo's ring right now that I have on I can't keep it okay I'm getting Albert okay and there should be more there should be more oh my god Thank You Raven because I just realized actually wait I should kill him because I have this we should make it even more valuable then I guess they'll be finished off which that was a that was a lot of em that was a lot of them to spawn up there because it's only 25 that spawn in the whole thing it was about what six up third five six yeah actually I can actually confirm there was six six of them that's insane Thank You Raven appreciate so you need to get five kills is it yeah I need five okay well you'll get that done in no time what level are you nine so why yeah well I've been stuck on level 9 for a little while now right I'm getting out of a die getting decent no I got prot two and stuff which is actually kind of wins which kind of sucks I got 250 souls basically the best thing I got but that well not unless like you got some Albert horse five I want to keep it so but not not keeping them not keeping it no no okay basically the longer I wear it the more I want it do that kind of way it doesn't feel really good is it love yes p3 in our constant was it is it speed three constant so horse mass gives you speed to constant yep and skeleton horse massive speed for right I'm not sure I think Cameron Bure I think on dead horse mask gives you like speed three and it also does something else I think when you're close to death I'm not entirely sure all right home layer milk right I'm gonna back to the base but there we go guys I've actually managed to level up this undead horse mask I'm gonna figure out what to do and this weekend not probably drop it somewhere I'm not gonna keep it the more I wear the more I want it um it's kind of like it really is like Lord of the Rings right now the more I wear like it just makes me more evil and one more it has a strange power over me hey this head go up in price nope it went down in price but every guy's I am going to end off this episode here thank you very much watching I will see you guys in the next one where maybe I will figure out what to do this bad boy whoever gets it I feel a level-two out for you so am there you go but I still need to read the comments cuz I've been waiting for him to build up an opportunity to read the comments and find out what to do with this thing I wanna know what you guys want to do so no guys I will see you guys in the next one [Music]
Channel: RyanNotBrian
Views: 90,212
Rating: 4.8576689 out of 5
Keywords: mine minecraft, craft minecraft, mine craft, minecraft video, kid friendly, minecraft youtuber, minecraft modded, mcpe, minecraft, survival, minecraft lets play, creepersedge, minecraft server, minecraft raiding
Id: ccvenGcEZWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 51sec (1671 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 13 2018
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