This Rescue Is Beyond My Skills... Not For The Faint Of Heart

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whoa hold it it stop that Rock's moving so we got a call for a Land Rover of some sort that is upside down in a ravine almost all the way down in Mexico and we're headed down there to see if we can get it out not going to give you a weather report right now cuz we're traveling but it feels nice inside the truck that's right we'll give you an update on the weather when we get to where the weather matters we're running a skeleton crew on this job just because we only need the recer and a few guys and it's the weekend and nobody wanted to come we wanted to come so it was about an 8 hour drive we have about 3 hours behind us we're south of Vegas oh baby we are bound for Mexico oh baby I was bound to let you go this has been the dve so far of singing how come nobody's singing with me cuz I don't know it I'm the only one that knows that song so we've got a long drive ahead of us and to make it more interesting for me we're going to be going through some of your most asked questions and answering those and hopefully it's going to be worth your time so you don't skip ahead in the video don't do it some really good stuff is coming up now as promised we're going to do a little question and answer here so Walker he's a Texas Ranger asks when are we going to start the Baja corver build and the answer is pretty soon we're not going to bring it in and just do one like like hey this is 6 months of intense building we're going to build it as we can in the second shop it won't be like Main in the front I don't think cuz we've got some other stuff to do we'll just see how it goes but we are going to be starting it very quickly okay Matt LeBlanc writes in how you doing I have a space snow cat that has axle retainers I didn't see you put any axle retainers in did you do that thing yes we did so here's what happens we have several editors we have three main editors one of them for each video that we put out of the week and they are not Fabricators or mechanics or anything like that and as they're going through the footage they might not be understanding what we're doing or how important things are and they cut Parts out if I don't catch that then it doesn't make it in we didn't show you the retainers going in but I assure you they [Applause] did JJ shaft writes in seems like he was in a movie I can't remember the name of it what you really anyway he writes in about the drive shaft and he was curious about do we have enough angle to keep the needle bearings grease so that they we don't get a bad wear pattern and wear the U-joints out because everything's too straight there's not enough angle the answer is there is plenty of angle there's about the perfect amount of angle the transmission and the pinion shaft are at exactly the same angle and they're slightly offset to get about a degree and a half of drive shaft angle thank you JJ shaft that was a good question Joe Dirt writes in he says I know a lot about being abandoned and I have a question about abandoned vehicles the question is why do we even go out and rescue these vehicles that are destroyed there's no scrap value in them I mean that's not going to cover the cost sometimes we travel a really long distance to do this particularly that one in New Mexico we went there how is it worth it for us to do this there's a couple of correct answers here one of them is if you were to drop a glass of milk on your kitchen floor you're not mopping the milk up to rescue and recover the milk you're doing it so that you don't leave you know a mess on the floor a lot of this is just to keep the mess out of the environment that I particularly don't want to mess in so the other thing is a lot of these are happening on public land and the government will impose fines if you leave them out there um the last I heard the forest service around here is a $1,000 fine for leaving a vehicle there and $200 a day after they contact you they give you a couple days to get it out if you don't you get hit with the fine and then a daily acence of $200 a day till you get it out so that's one of the reasons we do that also I know you didn't ask this Joe Dirt but I'm going to answer this CU it goes hand inand with it good for you what are we doing on these really big jobs really far away where we say no one could get to it except for us so this is the best answer I have for that I've been in the towing industry for a long time and I've been in the off-road recovery industry for a long time and they aren't the same Industries so the insurance is calling toe people and saying hey can you go get this off the side of a mountain and they're like uh no we don't have the equipment for that so what happens is these vehicles sit there for a long time this one that we're going to go get right now has been there for 2 months and they just can't find anybody to get it finally our name across came across their table and so they called us and said hey Matt can you and your team recover this and I say yes we can yes we can Adrien monk writes in why don't we fix the banana steering wheel it's off quite a bit and the answer answer is don't care Howard coell writes what is going on with the off-road games are you really putting inexperienced drivers in jeeps and sending them to their certain death and the answer is yes yes we are no that's not the answer okay here's how the games are going to be unfolding we still have the record poles those are going to be down on the beach we've got sleds down there different sizes for different sizes of record it is open to anybody who wants the put a recer in up until we get a certain cap we can't have a th000 record down there so if anybody has an off-road record and they want to enter in they just go to the website and they enter their recer in and then we write down their name and they're in there that event is going to be hosted and sponsored by yank and ropes and it's going to be pretty awesome it's going to be a little bit of an exhibition of of the recers pulling through the sand cuz that's all we have we're at Sand Hollow and then it's going to be like a record show we'll open the gates and let you all go down there and get pictures and shake hands and look at these Wreckers up close and and talk to the drivers and Builders I think it's going to be awesome the main event of the off-road games is you're going to have an off-road YouTuber um let's just say hypothetically Rory Rory's going to be bringing one of his buggies one of his rigs down there and then he has a partner that's a do is he's going they're going to reach out and form a team and Rory is going to teach off-roading to Laura and then he's going to spot her and guide her up through the trail there's going to be little challenges along the way where they stop and they have to work together on some challenge so not only will you get to see Rory interacting with Laura who is learning how to off-road in an iconic place in an iconic buggy you'll get to meet and greet after the event at the V show come by the booth check out the gear talk to the contestants it's going to be really awesome we took your advice on who you wanted to see at the games and we also took into account what kind of personalities they were and if they're somebody who's going to be responsible and treat this event with the care that it needs to be treated with and that is the fact that this is potentially dangerous and we wanted to put level-headed people in there that could learn and listen to their spotters it's going to be incredible I think it's going to be a lot of fun we definitely don't want to get anybody hurt or injured that doesn't make any sense this is a growth opportunity for everybody involved Spectators or competitors even though we haven't planned for it I'm sure there's going to be some impromptu challenges um between the different competitors for whatever bragging rights so I think that's going to be a lot of fun man we've got Murphy diesel bringing a recer we've got Heavy D bringing a wrecker the recer poles is just going to be a really unique and interesting off-roading event I can't wait man I'm just really excited to see all this stuff we got a little bit of sad news Fab brats looked at the event and decided it was not a good fit for them and decided to opt out so we're a little bit bummed they're not going to be there but we look forward to seeing them in the future all right we've been driving for about 7 hours and dead ahead and all the way out here to the left you can see the Glamis sandunes or the Imperial sandunes there's a couple different names for them I've always called it Glamis it has been a long time since I've been down here look at that I've never seen so much sand in my life this is insane all right we have made it to El Centro we're going to be spending the night here tomorrow we go west into the mountains and try to get this uh Rover out of there but first dinner we went all the way to Mexico to eat Panda Express but that wasn't the plan we were going to get some good tacos but for some reason the restaurant was closed so Panda it was now we got to get a good night's sleep cuz tomorrow is the big recovery the next morning good morning I got a really good night's rest I think the rest of the crew did too I feeling pretty good it was a good good night's sleep I was up till one playing snowrunner but I can't I can't stop recovering we've got about a 40 m drive before we get to the vehicle we've already had our continental breakfast M where is stop at the gas station going to grab snacks cuz I know we're going to be [Music] hungry so we were in downtown El Centro and I was like we' got to get some fuel and Colby said jump on a freeway and we'll hit a truck stop and I said that's a good idea there are no truck stops on this road so Colby has found us a tiny little gas station 22 Mi ahead that may or may not have diesel I really really hope it has diesel that mountain is in Mexico that's the United States and eventually Canada so if you remember way back in the beginning of this video we didn't give you a weather report because that was way up in Utah or somewhere but now we're here at the recovery Colin let's have a weather report it's cloudy it's Misty it's about 52° feels [Music] [Applause] amazing I see the gas station it's dead [Music] [Applause] [Music] ahead all right we are about to pay $7 a gallon for some biodiesel B20 that's a weird place to stop I know it will let me go past $139 and 84 fluids no snacks today because he says it's supposed to be a short day so we're gambling right now that's just got a pepperoni [Music] stick all right we have tires on dirt right now we're not very far it's up around here somewhere I like these gravel roads a lot more than what we got cuz this is sand yeah so sm all right we are headed straight to the southern border here and I looked over here and I saw a horse or as they say in the South Cav there's Trav por Amigo all right well we can see the border right there we got the wreer unloaded and we are going to be heading up there on the mountain somewhere see if we can get this we have security right there they're going to be looking after our stuff while we're gone we got Colin on the [Music] [Applause] back [Music] [Applause] wow I didn't know we signed up for this kind of Wheeling yeah I'm nervous how far I am away from help and I just got this text that says welcome to Mexico talking about my international plan so we haven't crossed the border but we're in the buffer zone according to those [Music] signs well Kobe says he spotted it but I'm too busy driving this thing to see it I've spotted it just on the opposite Hillside I got it on the [Music] Drone [Music] [Applause] this looks pretty hairy man I've got to get turned around too coming don't turn yet beautiful can't keep coming keep cover up we C that up I don't want to go any further my wheel is just turning how am I looking looking good oh my goodness I'm going to need a little bit of a break spare tire is gone and all of it is gone so we were hoping the spare tire was still here cuz then at least we could roll it off the mountain BBY I don't know how we're going to get this off the mountain without tires yeah I'm starting to think I need to go on Facebook and look for Land Rover tires wow look at this somebody stole this rod from here to here oh yeah and I don't get why someone needed one slider they tried to take these Systems off maybe all right we don't have much of a plan but we've got a little bit of one so we are looking for Wheels man it's a bummer somebody stole these the customer assured me that all the wheels were here he checked but the wheels are gone so we're looking on Facebook Marketplace for some Wheels we found some in San Diego now we're trying to figure out how we're going to get the wheels here and once we get the wheels here how are we going to get the wheels up here because I don't want to drive the wrecker down there and back up because of there there's one spot right there that I only want to drive I want to drive through it one more time I like the recer where it is we're going to flip this over on its Wheels little joke I like to make going to flip it onto its wheels and then pull it right up this Little Shoot right here right over the underwear blue steel in the trailer is right down there all right so we're hoing it off this mountain we found some wheels and tires over in San Diego San Diego so I think me and Colby are going to go take blue steel and go pick those up my dad's going to stay here and figure out what he wants to do do some productive stuffff yeah I'm going to get all rigged up and everything I'm walking down with them help them get the trailer unhook safe about what I did wrong I got 3 hours look at this Trail look how far down I was I'm going to dig this lower right here or do you think we can scooch this rock off is that what you're going to do I don't think you can scooch that off but gravity's on my side there's no way you're moving that okay we're off the mountain let me give you a little story I put the keys in my coat pocket put the coat in the wrecker walk down here didn't have him to start the truck so then I had to run back up there and get them so now we're back I'm out of breath I'm tired I'm hungry so I reached out to someone on Facebook that's got some wheels that we can modify and fit the truck we're going to San Diego which is an hour that way Colby and Colin have headed off to get some wheels for this thing some other tools we need I have been doing some troll repair cuz this is H that is scary on the way up here the recer tire went clear out there and it's just not good so I'm going to try to get this down here as low as possible and build this up I've been throwing it here so I've just kind of been stomping it in like this trying to get it a little bit compacted it's actually compacting really nice cuz it's just got a lot of findes and bigger stuff this is a narrow narrow road I'm just going to keep backing away at this and hopefully it will make enough of a difference that we won't die on the way down they got three hours they got nothing to do we have made it to San dieago not San Diego San dieago we've come to San Diego on what I believe would be a super rare day we're getting flash flood advisories it's raining outside it's starting to look like Texas over here yeah we're 3 minutes out oh we're 3 minutes away to pick up tires sweet all right I'm going to take a break from digging here look at that that looks it looks better not a lot better but it does look better so Colby and Colin are headed into San Diego they found some wheels on Facebook Marketplace that we can make work but the problem is is they get them back here down by the trailer and then there's this incredible like 20 25 30° walk straight up the mountain up to where I'm at we don't want to drive the recer down I only want to drive past this rock one more time so I called my buddy Colt I said hey buddy I told him the problem and he gave me the phone number one of his friends that lives in the area Mark I called Mark I'm like hey I'm in a tight spot and Mark said he would come help so he's on his way here with another guy they're bringing a Samurai and what they're going to do is haul the tires up here for us and then probably stick around and make sure to call 911 if we go over the cliff or something but I'm going to just keep working cuz I got nothing better to do and every little bit I do makes it a little bit better so we just showed up met up with Max we got some Wheels here for the vehicle we're recovering we're going to load these up and get back to my dad okay let's go next stop Harbor Freight all right I've got a bunch more of this Doug right here down there it's down 3 or 4 in every little bit helps I just talked to Colin and they're picking the wheels up right now and I talked to Mark he just sent me a text said that he's about an hour out so they're going to get here pretty close the same time but I've got another hour's worth of digging here before I'm done oh man this job we are not prepared to do this job we're here at Harbor Freight we're going to grab the stuff really fast like this we got all the stuff we needed we're headed back right now all right that's good enough it is a huge improvement over what was there I feel pretty good about it I got the low side compacted really good smash some rocks down in it it feels really solid and if it gives way it'll just be back the way it was before the good thing is is the upper side I've kind of dug a ditch so that tire is hung up inside a ditch even though it's higher that'll kind of help keep it on there this rock right here I have to drive over because there's not enough room between that rock and this rock but that's not really a problem I'm expecting Mark to be here in about 15 minutes and I'm expecting Colin and Colby back in about 30 minutes maybe 45 minutes probably an hour they were going to stop and grab lunch for everybody we still got to get that out of the Ravine there I don't know sometimes I get myself in over my head and this one's a doozy so while I'm waiting for them to get here I'm going to start rigging up I've got to figure this out I've got to put some of the lines uphill and grab some of these rocks up here hopefully there's some big enough to hold that way I can just pull sideways and without pulling the wrecker over yeah I just going to figure it out I'm looking down there and it looks like help has arrived guess what we don't have to walk up with these tires we got a samurai here camera was off we got these all strapped down they're good for at least one mile we can move that whatever we got to move come on in Colby the weather is nice in here oh I guess don't dump us out the [Music] back we just lost a wheel off of the roof so hopefully one don't fall on me yeah I think we'll run that strap like that yeah I think so onward all right looks like they got the tires and they got cby and Colin they had to stop there and tie him back on again but they are on the [Music] [Music] Move what's this my lunch yep that's lunch Uber doesn't deliver up here so the tip will be very expensive that's how you do it they got me Del Taco my favorite yeah yes it's going to work sweet call that good enough see what talk about okay I see the one okay I got my leg under it's at an angle right there so I'm not my side up or yeah now rotate let's see here this is wild okay I'm not proud of what I just did but I am pleased okay ready to flip this thing yep yeah we're going to flip it with some difficulty go for it [Music] [Applause] nice that worked perfect look at that it's up on its feet now we just got to get it up there okay you got the keys in there they're in there neutal safety switch stuff there it is okay and now maybe it'll roll what about the steering it's not locked do feel locked good I think we've got it in the neutral if the parking Brake's not set that's good it's got an electric parking brake and I don't know I don't know how those work I should probably look into that I got your Victory pie oh nice sorry it's cheesy Victory pie oh [Music] man those Wheels rolling I don't think they are huh I don't think they are no they aren't oh man you going to crawl under that thing right here's a discovery Google something yeah all's good for all that stuff what do you got it says remove the small rectangular plastic cover situated just behind the parking brake left okay you got brakes calling I can't tell there's too much stuff in the way there it is got it okay you ready tires are rolling I think what's that this one moved a little bit more than it did before it might be off now it was supposed to just pop that's rolling there it isoo that's the one that's missing the suspension part okay I need to pull forward so yeah I'm wondering what we do to keep this here I can't just drive cuz see that other cable we can try throwing some rocks under it and see if it'll stay there there's that big one right in front of the passenger rear or you or you can put it in park here try Park too Colin can you jump in there and put it in Park oh K's in there he's our Land Rover expert totally I'm glad you guys showed up so we dou well that's what we're here for we got to buy these guys a couple lunches and a couple dinners back it off okay here we go now park doesn't work well that's an obstacle oh my goodness is the wheels chocked no nothing is chocked okay I'm just going to pull it in a little bit cuz it's still hooked on this rock relax this now so driver out here I'm going to go out with it put it in front of the tree here okay I don't want that to get like get a run where it can pop [Applause] me okay locked that lych again I need that wheel turned hard to the right [Music] okay I don't understand what's pulling so hard like it's moving the truck we're going to have to snatch block this all right we're going to double our pulling power here and it's going to be exactly double 100% exactly double that's what we're going to do I'm just depending a lot on that rock and I know it [Music] yeah let me pull for a second see what [Music] [Applause] [Music] happens you're going to have to go more forward with the recer yeah I know can you talk the wheels yeah we're going to I'll move pull forward once again all right we've got to get the wrecker moved forward a little bit which is kind of a tedious process because for some reason that right winch won't winch out and we haven't fixed it yet so try relaxing it okay we're going to relax it okay I need to pull [Applause] forward you're ready we get those Wheels this is hard yes this is heavy you see how it's just making this truck just work yeah it's 7,000 lb of British muscle so now we're going to connect this snatch block up to the front arm AR so that we can just get the front end to come up around I've got to get this further down this winch is killing us it won't spool out you got a good spot there yeah okay man everything here just wants to poke and stick you go just a little more whoa whoa whoa whoa right there okay lock that wi hey that's tight okay what do we got to do here we've got to hook up a different winch another winch we only got one snatch Block in this truck one yeah you want to use that snatch block or something different and just run straight straight to that one straight to that one yeah so let's snatch this working one off from that and then we can use it to pull this on throw me one of them super shackles right there on the back the long one pull me down to where there's one Loop they'll be enough slack in this to get okay let me have all the slack okay that seems to be pretty strong it looks strong all right we're going to pull this one tight and then we're going to abandon that other one so this is what's going to happen and I'm going to need some eyes I'm going to creep forward I can run all the wenches from the inside this one's freewheeling it just happens to be there doesn't need to be there it'll just Freewheel I'm going to creep forward and I'm going to have to let some of that winch out so it doesn't get into my tire and this should I shouldn't have to run this back winch as I go forward it should pull the nose of this up and between this back winch and this winch and that side winch we might get it on the road did anybody see any reason why this is going to kill anybody and we should stop yeah pulling it up let that side one out now out a little more out a little more okay it's coming [Music] up whoa hold it it stop that Rock's moving the Rocks moving okay woo I felt that oh we are so close what an ordeal we needed a more bear here what was that going to do sit right here it would be nice to have a winch right here I felt when that rock slipped the whole truck took you're pretty close to just being able to pull that thing up it's just that leverage that matters yeah could you go to like one of these Rock like that one it's worse angle like this needs to be over there we just we just don't have it I have a winch extension why don't we just a bigger rock well we want it to go up that way though really right well it's fine this way if it's strong enough but what I'm worried about is what's going to happen when we relax this we're going to go out right now let's see how this goes [Music] oh I'm glad I'm not sitting in that right now okay let's go to a better Rock and we'll add that winch extension wow this is amazing yeah this is wa this is way harder than we were thinking this is a big rock to move this is treacherous yeah let's go around underneath here okay so let's go all right unless you go like that okay oh wow you like it it's moving how's that okay I'm going to roll forward your face we're going to have to pull the top over somehow I might to go around it's right around this eight pillar right here I got a claw hammer is okay [Music] Colin that seems like that's about good right there yeah okay time to creep [Music] down want that Matt hold up hold hold up let me move this rock so it doesn't want to Pivot the driver's side I feel I can taste it we're right here I can taste it get out way there we [Applause] go it's up crashed into the Wreckers boom but it's done we got it is it secure enough it's in a good spot with this rock kind of stopping it all these smokes all right let's see if it'll sit there now a lot it's got sure feels like it's got brakes I've got to get away from this before I can hook up to it I guess stand on it and I'm going to move forward a [Music] foot let's see let me see that strap okay it's going to get it not very spicy spicy let off the brake okay so I'm going to just pull down behind the Suzuki we're just going to go really slow and if you don't like the way it's going just scream and someone will hear you and get my attention good okay how you feeling pretty good it's comfortable it's a luxury SUV so Mark here came highly recommended from uh Colt bleeping Colt I called him for help and he's like I can't help you but I know a guy who can so we're going to have Mark kind of life insurance do you have I think it's pretty good all right well we're we're insured up pretty good too so somebody going to get a check what the plan is is I'm going to drop you before the Rock I'm going to drive through and then we're going to winch you through yeah it's not going to be too bad like you don't need to like totally ride your brakes or anything we just just let it do what it's going to do but kind of you'll know you'll know if you want control you can you got it a little bit of it okay it's feeling really well from my perspective okay hold your [Music] brakes all right okay I need a spotter I want both front and rear tires right down the center of this print and it's going to scoop around that rock pretty fast I'm the spotter I have responsibility now you put a seat Bel on sure I am you're seeing it here first guys harness is going on start turning Down's my front wheel your front wheel is about to kiss this rock it's right where I want it it turned down just a Teensy bit okay yeah you're touching the rock you're about to go around it okay rear steer straight okay turn sharp okay rear ster down just a Teensy bit right right there okay keep coming okay rear steer up okay woo let's winch him through now look I want you to see where your tire tracks are okay I know I saw I worked on this thing all day actually see a whole bunch stuff right here look it's off the edge I know all right we're ready to go yeah you're going to you want to go passenger for sure your rear wheel is steering driver so you got to kind of crab walk it little bit faster again right about there that's good hard driver hard driver the right amount of driver okay straighten it out just a little bit [Applause] okay stop I'm going to just pick this up [Applause] now [Applause] okay okay we're about to pull forward nice and slow slow and [Music] easy [Music] back driver a little [Music] bit I don't know which way is the way out of here think you're making good [Music] decisions beautiful on the bricks I'm I'm going to hook on to the front and drag it on behind so I'm I'm just swapping ends right [Music] now y stay to me little bit all right big Shout shout out to Mark Brody and Kai for coming out and saving our bacon we were up there just scratching our heads didn't know what to do and then local area experts that's the best thing you can have in an off-road recovery when you are outside of your normal area and we didn't plan ahead but Colt hooked us up could have done it without him thank you guys so much problem that that was a good course good time once it started going right Colt's not even a local expert but he knew the guys he knew yeah everybody was at hammers well like last week and so I'm like who's still at hammers who's going to help me and it was uh and and Colt wasn't there but these guys were let's get these guys shirts oh we're going to we're going to have to we're going to have to ship it down so I'll get i'll get your shirt sizes we'll send y'all some be some Swag Bags they deserve it we're going to go feed this kid because he's hangry and he's starting to become a little bit obnoxious about it and and then uh I guess we're going to have to find some place to sleep that's the next steps those are good steps steps in the right direction all right we spent the night in El Centro and now we are heading El Norte back home we've got to figure out where we're dropping this off we do not have confirmation on that yet from the insurance but I'm sure we'll get it pretty soon Colin is plum tuckered he's just out so that job was quite an experience I've never had an experience like that at all Colby back me up yeah that was probably the craziest record job I've seen of a fullsize rig I wasn't in New Mexico though yeah for all the reasons yeah like it wasn't just the job there was so much other stuff going on Facebook Marketplace getting wheels going into San Diego hanging out with border patrol agents and off-roaders and then the help we got from Mark and his crew that was like that was we'd have been there 2 days yeah we couldn't have got it done without them well nothing but seven hours of driving ahead of me and I really appreciate you hanging out with us on this one thanks for watching I know a lot of you know this but pretty sure a lot of you don't know this this is the skeleton of a cactus it's pretty neat they're uh decorative people like to take these and get some really good ones and put them in their yard that's what they look like when they're alive and this is what's left of them when they're dead that's pretty hard wood like that's you would think it's a cactus and it wouldn't have that much structure but they're pretty you know that was a boring fact that you'll find interesting
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 1,870,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DuC0agOa1t8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 36sec (2916 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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