Return to the Impossible: I Found New, Compelling Evidence

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a few months ago I found an ancient site that completely blew me away I dubbed it the impossible ancient ruin this is Drone footage of it from my previous video what made this site so compelling wasn't the fact that there was an ancient structure on a cliff you can find those throughout the American southwest but this one in particular carried everything to the extreme I could not figure out a way this site would have been accessible without severe danger to the people who built it and presumably lived in it it was and still is unlike anything else I've seen in the aftermath of this I knew I had to go back was this impossible site one of a kind or were there others like it perhaps even more impossible with this question at the Forefront of my mind I ventured back in this is what I found yep headed back in here again I got to be honest this place has just kind of captured my imagination it's just got a different feel than a lot of places I don't really know how to describe it so anytime I come in here I feel like my heartbeats a little bit faster my senses heighten a bit and uh it's just I don't know it's just an intriguing place so this is really cool guys I saw this big boulder from a ways away and walked over to it because this is sometimes where you'll find rock art the main feature here was this large horse dating rock art is notoriously difficult but a site like this can definitively be dated to after the mid 1500s because that is when the Spanish brought the horse into the Southwest if I had to guess I'd say someone from the Ute or Navajo tribes created this in the last two to three centuries different groups of people have left different marks upon this landscape take a look at this guys here is definitely a rune pretty high up okay so there's the one I spotted from a distance and then as I got closer there's one hidden up in the shadows too there here is the route it's really the only way that's going to go up there kind of follow along that cliff and then there there it is over there a little Pottery scattered around but the main Ru is right over here oh wow look at that you there's cracking these things definitely aren't going to be here forever unfortunately so we do need to Steward them and keep them around as long long as we can um these things are pretty fragile and so it's always best just to look from the outside the white Sandstone roof in here was striking I estimated the dimensions of this ruin to be 6 ft tall 6 ft wide and about 15 ft long given the size at first I assumed it was a dwelling but as I studied it closer I decided it was probably just used for storage [Music] when I first spotted this from the ground it looked intimidating to access but it actually wasn't bad at [Music] all this is a fascinating site no doubt about it but it's not impossible you're not risking your life to build or access it [Music] I pressed on I came down here walked along this ledge and then I believe what I saw on the Drone is right up uh in that shaded spot all right here we are right below looks like get up over in this left region and Traverse over I had thought like yeah that looks pretty sketch but I actually think it's doable so let's try to get up there I'd say given the size you know it's clearly a Grainery just a a storage structure kind of Hidden Away up here and you can imagine when this thing was like fully in use probably would have reached up top here and this would have been full fully plastered and there would have been um like a Sandstone slab over this door here and you know when you think of all that it's like man it would have been almost impossible to spot from the bottom you know what gives it away really is this doorway now Great Lengths were definitely taken to protect the things needed for survival pretty intriguing as I'm standing up here I looked across and there's another ruin over there so let's check out this one last spot and then looks like we'll probably have to climb up that the final sight I'm talking about was something I saw while flying the Drone for the other two areas it was just a short ways further it was mostly destroyed but I stood there for quite a while trying to figure out what it had been my main question was why were there these two little walls [Music] here the only logical Theory I could come up with was that a platform might have stretched across the center crack creating flat space for a larger building on [Music] top I don't think we'll ever know because it's all you know just been eroded out here and washed down to the bottom of the canyon probably I'm going to eat a quick snack and then let's go check out that other spot over [Music] there for so it's fairly narrow ledge the best way I think to Traverse it particularly if you're as tall as me is the uh unceremonious bottom scoot okay as I looked in this doorway I realized there was a ventilation system in here the holes up top as well as in the back would have served to ventilate this room and carry smoke out this space had been someone's home besides the ventilation an interesting feature in here was this indented Square built into the wall as to the purpose it served I don't know I'm sitting up here and just looking out over the canyon bottom and imagining or at least trying to you know what it would be like to wake up in the morning pop your head out of there and just have to scan the whole Canyon for threats to your life and your family's lives no one's going to be able to sneak up on you having to climb that tough little section there then Traverse along this ledge if you're curious about a comparison you know between um the difficulty to access this site and the one from my previous video it's honestly it's not even in the same like Universe like this thing let's say this was a let's say this was a one right accessing that would be a 10 and I'm not exaggerating I've had time to think about that statement and I stand by it reaching the site was significantly harder than the first I found this day but there was nothing Impossible about about [Music] it of course it's still unfathomable for us to imagine living in a house perched on a Ledge [Music] my search hadn't turned up anything particularly unusual yet but the day wasn't [Music] over I'm starting to run into Pottery pieces it's so easy just to be like well another piece of pottery and keep moving and almost feel like dehumanize these people you know this was somebody's life that was that was important to somebody I just try to slow myself down sometimes and you know just appreciate it remember it you know human hands made this oh that's cool that's some different style than what we've seen so far today I came to a small side Canyon seeing a faint game or Cattle Trail I took it wow look at that Balanced Rock right there it's got to be 40t tall [Music] in [Music] there's a really promising looking Al Cove up there let's go take a closer look so the huge Al Cove it's even bigger than I first thought is up here I don't know if you guys can hear it but there's there's water flowing down there I can't see it yet but I hear it there it is huh it's a bit of a climb from the bottom there but look at this just topped out wow this is this is a huge Al Cove and it looks like there's a lot in here so let's let's start checking it out so the first thing I actually noticed in here is there's a bunch of these like little holes um some of them are actually bigger but just a bunch of places where looks like it's been dug in and so my guess is that looters have come in here at some point in time and have gone Ham on this place it's a shame but unfortunately it's nothing new there's probably at least a dozen around here you know it's one of the I guess you'd call it challenges or sad realities of the fact that we have literally millions of Acres of public land and and uh I mean how are you going to patrol millions of Acres like it's you know you can't the downside is not everybody respects these places or the fact that others want to enjoy them as well wherever there's Freedom people always abuse it as well if you've ever wondered why I don't disclose more details as to where I am in my travels here's your answer sadly people have looted the archaeological resources in the American southwest for decades even though it's highly illegal enforcing the laws is very [Music] difficult when people take everything they find pot shirts arrowheads corn cobs and so on it doesn't take long for a place to be sucked clean it becomes a shell of what it once [Music] was what I found here took the wind out of my sails and yet it's still worth noting what a special place this was undoubtedly this massive Al Cove with a spring right below it has sheltered human life for thousands of years these t-shaped doors are classic ancestral paoan architecture usually explained as showing influence from the culture at chako [Music] Canyon The ancestral puebloans were here and almost certainly many generations and cultures before them [Music] the stories this place could tell [Music] I hurried on perhaps wanting to escape the sad reality and knowing the day was waning this trip had all the Hallmarks of a solid day of exploring I found fascinating pieces of the past I saw bizarre rock formations I had paused numerous times reflecting on the Ancients and my own life in the modern world I had breathed the fresh air and taken in the views and been grateful for them I pushed myself physically and mentally not allowing fear to control my life but if I'm being honest I felt some disappointment I had come because of the impossible ruin to see for myself were there other mindboggling sights in here I continue to spot signs of the past but nothing unusual reluctantly I decided it was time to turn around and head back with about half a battery left I I decided I might as well drain the whole thing and fly the Drone along a cliff band I hadn't studied closely and of course that's when I spotted it I was glued to the screen and knowing I literally only had minutes of flight left I got what footage I could [Music] good you might wonder what's so different about this well scale is hard to tell these Cliff bands are about 200 ft [Music] tall consider where this ruin is with that in mind also the size of the structure it's big probably 15 ft tall and Incredibly unique I've never seen anything like it what purpose did it serve I flew the Drone back and ran over to the bottom of this Cliff I didn't bring any gear so I have no footage but to sum up my reaction wow this Cliff face up front was loose crumbly and steep climbing it looked treacherous how about these Ledges I scrambled over here continuing around this ledge was incredibly dangerous I backed off I gave up after that knowing I would have to return [Music]
Channel: Desert Drifter
Views: 829,633
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BmjMsY2y22s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 26sec (1286 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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