This R21 Violin Guy Needs to be Stopped

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- Wow wee wow wow wow wee wow! - Hello! Welcome back to another episode of TwoSet... Oh boy, oh boy, do we have a juicy one for you today. So we came across this... like a violin Instagram/TikToker? He's someone that's been... playing the violin in some very questionable and lamentable ways. So shall we go ahead and just watch some of it? Yeah, let's dive straight into it, guys. Bam! All right! So here's the first video. WHOA!! Whoa...! Was that the thumbnail? I need like some... like, holy water to like, rinse my eyes out. Okay, first of all, you're not supposed to be on the piano. - Yeah! - Like, come on, like... Pianists get mad even when I just put like a... laptop on the piano. - They're like, "Don't put ANYTHING on the piano." - Yeah. And if you're like, touching it or you're about to, they're like, "NO!!" - Or like, if you lean on the piano a bit. - Yeah. That was such an intense start. Wait, I wanna watch his violin playing, but I'm just gonna cover that. - Yeah, can we, can we... - That, yeah. I don't really wanna see that. - She is in the way! Move out of the way! - She's in the way! I wanna focus on the violin playing. Okay, bro... Look at his fingerings. It's all off! I think the syncing is really off. He was holding a long note, like "duh-" And his left hand is like, "drrrdrrrrrdrr!" Like I get it, like, a lot of people with these things, - they pre-recorded first audio track as the backing track. - Yeah. And then they do like, the music video. But bro, at least sync- It's like lip syncing. If you're gonna sing a music video, - at least sing the words when the music's playing the words. - Get it together. There's a dancer on the piano, so... you're not supposed to look at the violin apparently. - Brett: Man, that's like- - Tsk. - You think that can distract me from your bad syncing? - Yeah...! - Hell nah! - No. I'm only looking at the violin. - Not enough! - Yeah. All right, next one. Bro. - Isn't that like a fire hazard? - Yeah. - Having a freaking flamethrower inside a house. - With a violin. And a violin next to it, bro! I'm very confused right now. I feel like this is a whole different world. WHOA! WHOAAAAA!! NOOO!!! This guy's trying to start a war or something, right? He is trying to start a war with us. Dude, he just cooked that violin! Some kid could've learnt the violin with that, and he just burnt it. - Maybe Paganini back in the day did that ****, I don't know. - Yeah, I don't know. But I don't know if Paganini would burn his violin though. No, he wouldn't. - Stradivari would come knocking on his door like, - Yeah. "Excuse me, sir." Yeah. Even if it was a viola... I know we make the joke: Viola is firewood. But like... - Bro, it's just a joke. - Oh, I wouldn't- - Don't f***ing burn it. - Yeah. Don't take it there. We will never burn a viola. Do not do that. Whoa! Bro! Stop, stop, stop, stop! The music is playing C♯. Why— on the G string? Why is he bowing on the A and E string, playing F♯ on 1st posit- Oh my god. Bro, I can't... I can't tell if this is animal abuse... or violin abuse.... - or like, abusing our eyes. - Eye... - Yeah, eye abuse. - Eye abuse. Bro! The way he's smiling while doing this blatant wrong syncing is like he's so okay with blatantly not looking real. Yeah! Yeah! - He's not even trying to make it look real. Yeah. - Dude, he's like sacrilegious to the max. Because I can tell at least with this bowing like... he's probably not a great player, but at least he can play. So why don't you just play the notes in the music? Why are you doing this completely unrelated fingerings and bowings? It's like, imagine you're lip syncing to... I don't know, like... ♪ Practice when you need ♪ - Yeah... - And then you're just going like... ♪ Practice in the morning, practice every day! ♪ Oh! Bro... WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!! Bro, that's the same reaction as when we saw... - Cardi B's... - What was it? WAP? Yeah. What is that statue?! - You had the same reaction! - Yeah! Dude, I don't know where to look at. How many followers does this guy have? - 1 million!!! - 1 million followers! - Wow... - Do we even have 1 million followers on Instagram? We don't, guys. Brett: Oh my god! Eddy: Bro, I know how to get followers now. Guys, I understand now. This is how we get Instagram followers. Dude, he is clearly not even playing! He doesn't care. Bro, do you wanna show them what he's playing? He's on the G string, so this is what he's playing. So bad! And dude, that's so dangerous! Bro, I would never do that. Imagine he dropped his violin. Imagine he fell out. Eddy: Dude, 100,000 views! Guys, I think we officially need to like, declare war. Yeah. We need to hit a million followers on Instagram. We need to show that the violin needs to be respected. Dude, there's 1 million followers for him. That's 1 million disrespect to the violin. So guys, we need 1 million respect on our Instagram! Go follow our Instagram! Can I just say too, like... The way he was playing Spring is so wrong. Yeah. You know, I almost thought it was like a MIDI file. - Yeah... that's what I thought! - Maybe it was a MIDI! - Maybe. - It sounded like- It almost was like... - I can't even do it. It's like... - Yeah. - Yeah, it's meant to be off the string. - Like... Yeah. It's meant to come off the string. - It needs to sound nice and light. - Not... "Wah-ah-wah-wah-wah-ah-wah..." - What an insult to Vivaldi. - All right. Pfft! Are you trying to copy me with glasses? Yeah, I was like, "Why is he wearing glasses?" Yeah, why is he wearing glasses? Bro! So many things wrong with this. - Can I just say, like... - Yeah... ****. I'm getting triggered, like... First of all... I don't think the first one is a classical musician fantasy. No, that's not my fantasy. I don't think I've met any classical musician that would fantasise that. I mean, maybe like 1%, I don't... - Yeah, sorry if we offended the 1%. - I'm not judging. I think for most classical musicians, that is probably not a fantasy. Second of all... you're not playing classical music right now. You're playing some pop songs. So that's not even classical. Third of all... I'd much rather [have] that reality. - That reality is my fantasy. - The reality is so much better! When you're practicing, you need to be by yourself. - That is the classical musician fantasy. - Yeah. Just undisrupted practice time. It's a luxury. - You guys don't realise. - Yeah! Get it right! There's 1 million disrespect out there! I don't want violin lessons anymore. You know in Australia, if you want to register as a teacher, you need to get something called a blue card. - Yeah. - Basically, just to make sure that you're not a registered sex offender. So you don't do s*** like this to your students. You don't practice lying on a bed like that as well. - Yeah, it's really bad. - It's just... It's really bad for your back and posture. - Yeah. - It's not good. Your bow needs space to bow down. I just don't get why is there a need for this... this... boingy-boingy thing? It's so unnecessary! So confused. Can you imagine a future just like... every uni professor is like... "Oh yes!" "Do those G major scales!" "Ah... It's a bit sharp!" "Your left hand is too tense!" It's like, "Bro..." - Eddy: 1.4 million! - Brett: Whoa...! Brett: 1.4 million disrespect! Guys, our TikTok's on like what? - 400,000 followers? - Yeah. Guys, if you really care about violin, - go subscribe to us. - Please help us hit at least 1.4 million followers. - On TikTok. - Thank you very much. And also Instagram, please. Oh my god. Bro... It's clear like, there's one formula to all of this: shock. Like, shock humour, but it's not even that funny. Yeah, it's just... To me, it's like, shock shock. Look, his profile photo has a violin. - Yeah. - So you think that his main thing is about the violin. But the one thing that is not right is his violin playing. Poor monkey! - Bro, they even dubbed the monkey's open strings. - Yeah. *sings the melody* Yeah, I heard that, I heard that! The monkey wasn't playing those strings when it came out. Everything is dubbed. That's the thing. - I feel like, people fake anything for views. - They fake anything! You know what you can't fake? Practice. Practice and hard work pays off. Yes. ...for yourself. We can meet in real life, and I'll sound the same. Yeah, ha ha ha, yeah. - Unlike this abomination. - Dude... - You know- Yeah. - Look, this guy can actually kind of play. But you know what's really sad about this though? Look how many likes this got compared to his others. He had one video where he wanted to open up. He's like the super villain. - And then he had that one moment - Yeah. when he wanted to become good. - And everyone's like... - And then- - "Boo...!" - This TikTok audience just doesn't appreciate it. TikTok's like, "No, wE dOn'T wAnT tHaT!" - I mean, some people appreciate it. - Yeah. See, this is nice. It's just genuine people making music. I can kind of almost understand why he's going the other way. Yeah... But no! You can still change. I believe in you, @iamthmpsn. Join the good side. If you ever want to join the good side, we're here for you to help you make the transition. Oh, we'll have a 40-day detox programme. We'll start from scales. Yeah, ha ha ha ha! Uh, intonation, uh... We'll get you a metronome. No twerking distractions around you. - Just a nice little practice room. - Yes. Come on, @iamthmpsn, you can do it! - Yeah, you can do it! - You know who you are! You are the THMPSN! Yeah! So all right, we just found this article here. You know that meme from Thanos? It's like... - "You have succeeded, but at what cost?" - Yeah, at what cost, yeah. Everything! No, you're just furthering that. - You're just furthering that narrative. - Yeah. Like, no, a lot of people don't think that. There's a lot of... ...aircon... in the concert hall. Wait! What? Where is this coming from, bro? Do you not realise... so many non-white people appreciate classical music? Do you know how many Asians play the violin, bro? Dude... "...and compelling visual images." It's more like he has sold out - by using strippers and nudity to get views. - Yeah. - It has nothing to do with violin. - He didn't disrupt classical music. - No, no. - In fact, he doesn't even "play" classical music. I don't think any of his viewers care about classical music. - There was no classical- - classical music! Dude, this writer doesn't even understand what classical music is. The writer sees violin equals classical music. It doesn't! - It doesn't. - There's jazz violin, there's folk violin. Classical music doesn't mean vio- This article triggers me more than- Arrghhh! "He's not just to score eyeballs." Questionable. So one video... - Oh, from... Ha ha ha...! - He will donate to women's charity. By the way, TikTok and Instagram doesn't pay revenues. - Yeah. - So he's probably paying zero dollars. Even if he was donating to women's charity, I don't know if... objectifying and sexualising a woman to the max and then saying I donate $10 counts as helping the cause. Yeah, I don't know how the charity will feel as well. That's like saying... "I'm gonna profit off like child sweatshop labour," "make money, and then donate 5% to child sweatshop labour." It's like, "Bro." Yeah, okay. I think some things need to stay in the box. I mean... Boxes are invented for a reason, right? - Like, if you're moving a house, you need a box... - You need a box. - keep the things in. - Don't come out of the box. - If you destroy the box, everything falls out and breaks. - Cause more problems. I really wish this guy took his own advice, - and like thought outside of the box with this article. - Yeah. Because this is the most predictable boring article. It's just like, "Oh, find some influencer that did something different..." Yeah, and then trying to reframe it as like... "Outside of the box!" Just 'cause something is thought outside the box doesn't automatically make it good. If you're a kid watching this, - Just practice. - ...just practice. Practice will get you further. Because you're developing character, integrity, and real skills. Yeah, and hard work. Yup. - Really focused work. - Yeah. - Don't be distracted. - Yes. So... As always... Give us 1 million followers! Bro, I need to like... wash my eyes after this.
Channel: TwoSetViolin
Views: 677,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twoset violin, violin, viola, cello, music, classical music, opera, education, learn, orchestra, piano, singing, public, funny, jazz, guitar, bass
Id: bJ7iDKt-3gU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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