This Plane Will Change Travel Forever Part 2

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are you ready to take a journey into the future of Aviation imagine a world where aircraft can fly faster and further and where Cutting Edge technology is making air travel safer and more comfortable from concept planes to working prototypes these groundbreaking aircraft are the most exciting designs on the horizon and will transform the future of air travel pakta stands for perspective Airborne complex of Transport Aviation and is expected to be one of the most advanced military transport aircraft ever built the ambitious military transport project is being developed by the Russian Aviation company illusion it's designed to be a supersonic aircraft capable of flying at speeds up to 1242 miles per hour and it's estimated that a fleet of paktas would be able to carry 400 T14 Armada heavy tanks it's also designed to be stealthy with a low radius signature and can operate from unpaved or damaged runways providing greater operational flexibility the aircraft will use a new type of engine which will provide improved fuel efficiency in lower emissions the aircraft is still in the early stages of development with the first flight not expected until the mid-2020s while it's still a work in progress it has the potential to be a game changer in military transportation offering unprecedented speed and versatility for moving troops equipment and supplies around the world developed by the uk-based company hav or hybrid air vehicles the airlander 10 is one of the largest aircraft in the world measuring over 295 feet in length this hybrid Airship uses a combination of helium and airplane-like wings to stay afloat it's powered by four diesel engines that drive ducted fans providing forward thrust and allowing the airlander to take off and land like a conventional airplane however once in Flight the aircraft can use its aerodynamic lift to stay aloft with minimal power making it much more fuel efficient than traditional planes the airlander 10 is also flexible and versatile meaning it can carry up to 100 passengers making it a valuable asset for a wide range of applications including cargo transport and military operations this futuristic project is expected to enter service by 2030 offering low carbon emissions and a low noise signature making it the top pick for Industries looking to reduce their environmental impact this aircraft has already undergone successful flight tests and even though the aircraft is not yet in widespread use it has the potential to become a valuable asset in the world of Aviation the EV tall or electric vertical takeoff and Landing aircraft is designed to carry up to four passengers and has a range of up to 62 miles it's intended to be used for intra-urban air Mobility to provide a fast and efficient means of transportation within and between cities as an EBT aircraft the Volo connect is powered by electricity and is capable of taking off and Landing vertically which allows it to operate from a wide variety of locations including rooftops and unpaved grounds volocopter has been working on designing EV tall aircraft since 2011 and has conducted multiple successful test flights of their prototypes the aircraft is currently in the development phase with plans to launch in 2026 however the company's already conducted successful test flights and is working towards achieving certification for commercial operation it's only a matter of time before we see the Volo connect roaming the skies above us the air one is currently still in development and it may be several years before the aircraft is ready for commercial operation and from what we've seen it's one super impressive Next Generation aircraft that'll revolutionize air travel the air one is an Evita developed by air EV Arrow which is designed to be a high-speed long-range aircraft with a cruising speed of up to 249 miles per hour and a range of up to 110 miles it features a hybrid lift and push design with four rotors providing lift and a rear mounted propeller providing forward thrust this aircraft can only transport two people one of them being the pilot with this New Concept airavaro aims to bring Urban Air Mobility to cities worldwide the company is currently working on developing and testing the air one with plans on eventually bringing it to market for commercial operation it may not be the passenger aircraft you'd hoped it would be but this EV tall will ultimately act as an air taxi or a private jet that many will use instead of their car when traveling long distances it's also intended that this aircraft will be fully autonomous however it can also be flown manually if necessary the Flying V is an experimental aircraft concept developed by the delft University of Technology in collaboration with KLM Royal Dutch Airlines it's been named after the distinctive flying wing shape which resembles a V and combines the passenger cargo cargo hold and fuel tanks in the wings according to the designers this unique shape will allow the Flying V to be 20 more fuel efficient than the Airbus a350 which is currently one of the most fuel-efficient aircraft in commercial operation the Flying V aims to carry up to 314 passengers while being powered by two turbofan engines mounted on the rear of the plane which would help to reduce engine noise and emissions the v-shape of the aircraft produces less drag than a standard plane which also keeps the plane's weight down another interesting thing is that this aircraft can also be powered by hydrogen in which case it wouldn't produce any carbon emissions however it would cut the plane's range by about 35 percent KLM is committed to developing a flying prototype by 2023 and even though the aircraft is still in the testing and development phase it has the potential to be a game changer in reducing carbon emissions and making air travel more sustainable in the future Otis Aviation is developing a new hybrid electric vertical takeoff and Landing aircraft designed to be used in Urban Air Mobility applications the company plans to fly a full-scale prototype by 2024 with the aircraft entering service in 2027. so far the company's raised 12.4 million dollars in Investments for creating this unique aircraft the aircraft is designed to be all-electric and highly efficient with low noise and emissions one of their current projects is the Otis Air 2 which is designed for Urban Air Mobility it's an all-electric aircraft with a unique tilt rotor design that allows it to transition between vertical and horizontal flight modes this aircraft can carry up to six passengers with a range of up to 250 miles each of their projects aims to be ideal for connecting major cities to lessen traffic in some of the busiest travel corridors such as Los Angeles to San Francisco it may be a while before we see this aircraft in real life but the future does sound promising and Otis Aviation aren't ready to back down just yet in the future we might even see a few more aircraft from them each special in its own way over the past five decades Embraer is designed developed and certified close to 50 aircraft models delivering over 8 000 aircraft to a hundred countries today Embraer is developing a new aircraft called the EV tall concept also known as Eve the Eve is designed to be a four passenger all-electric aircraft for the range of up to 62 miles and a top speed of up to 155 miles per hour this aircraft features a unique design with eight lift rotors distributed across the wings and tail into additional propulsion rotors it's intended to be a fully autonomous aircraft that can be operated using a mobile app or a fixed control station Embraer is currently conducting flight tests and expects to begin commercial operations with Eve in 2026. the company has further stated that this aircraft would be used as an air taxi cargo delivery and other Urban Air Mobility Services the Unique Look of this Evita makes Eve stand out from the rest and makes it look like a true futuristic aircraft like we've dreamed about in the past developed by the German Aviation company lilium the lilium jet is one of the newest concepts of air travel this EV tall is designed to be used for Regional Air mobility and other short Haul transportation services it also could be the world's first luxury EV tall with leather seats individual entertainment systems and an extremely quiet ride what makes this aircraft so quiet is the all-electric engines which allow the aircraft to gain Speed without the unnecessary noise that many large passenger planes produce this five-seater jet with a Sleek design features 36 electric power ducted fans enabling the aircraft to take off and land vertically and transition to forward flight the plane has a projected range of up to 186 miles on a single charge and a top speed of around 186 miles per hour the company has already completed several successful flight tests of its prototype aircraft and the company is currently working on producing a larger seven-seater version of the lilium jet the first commercial flights for this jet are expected to begin in 2024. the cabin of the aircraft can be customized for individual customers and due to all their luxury features it said the cost will be from 7 to 10 million dollars bye for now [Music]
Channel: Beyond Facts
Views: 84,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beyond facts, future airplanes, why this plane will change travel forever, plane
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2023
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