This Plane Will Change Travel Forever

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gone are the days of cramped seats and long layovers these futuristic planes are not only mind-blowing in design but they're also set to change the way we travel the East Voltaire Is Not A New Concept however since the aircraft still hasn't hit the skies it is a concept that we can't wait to see in real life it's an all-electric airliner powered by two Next Generation lithium air batteries that power the two superconducting electric motors allowing the aircraft to push through the air another feature that will make this happen is the aircraft's advanced carbon fiber composite airframe along with the aerodynamics and the extremely low weight of the plane it's designed to be eco-friendly with zero emissions and lower operating costs than traditional aircraft it is incredibly sleek and stylish with a futuristic look that's sure to turn heads although it doesn't look like today's commercial airliners its appearance is about more than just getting attention the fuselage is designed to minimize aerodynamic drag while maximizing interior space the right spirit is a fully electric jet developed by Wright electric that could take off in 2026 the aircraft is said to accommodate up to 100 passengers and is essentially an electric powered version of the Bae 146 Regional Jet due to Wright's megawatt class propulsion system this aircraft will serve one hour flights and use four engines that will allow a quiet and comfortable flight they have concentrated on short range flights using electric aircraft to further lower carbon emissions for years ride electric has been focusing on developing the right Spirit by designing it to service some of the busiest cities in the world it will be able to fly to and from some of the major cities in the world while reducing the carbon footprint and focusing on creating a low emission all-electric and quiet flight for everyone on board the city Airbus is an all-electric vertical takeoff and Landing air aircraft that is an exciting new development in Urban Air Mobility offering a solution to the increasing congestion problem in cities around the world Airbus is the largest Aerospace company and currently the world's largest plane maker currently they're working on multiple new Concepts but the city Airbus is among some of the most Innovative ones although Airbus has previously focused on developing huge commercial planes this time around they've created a small EV tall that seats only four passengers it is an autonomous piloted electric vehicle with eight pitch rotors that are powered by eight specially designed units that will give this aircraft the power to reach the crew speed of 75 miles per hour today this concept evitol has 15 minutes of flight time and is designed to fly short-range distances preferably within the city another unconventional concept by Airbus is the bird of prey aircraft which is a concept plane that draws inspiration from the natural world it's designed to mimic the shape and flight pattern of a bird of prey with a unique wing and tail structure that's unlike anything seen in modern Aviation it features a blended winged body design that reduces drag and improves fuel efficiency making it a more sustainable and eco-friendly option for air travel this Innovative aircraft has been designed by a team of Airbus engineers and is intended to spark new ideas and Innovations in the aviation World although it's not intended to represent an actual aircraft and is more of a theoretical design based on realistic ideas it still makes us wonder what the future could look like if such an aircraft was ever created this concept is a striking example of how biomimicry can Inspire new ideas and Solutions in engineering and design it's a bold and exciting vision for the future that we'd all want to see one day and maybe we will as we say that Airbus has been working tirelessly on creating Innovations in the aircraft industry and the zeroe is yet another concept that aims to create the world's first hydrogen-powered commercial aircraft by 2035. so far Airbus has been exploring a few configurations on the Zero e concept or three to be more exact each is a hybrid hydrogen aircraft that aims to bring zero emission aircraft to the skies in the coming decade these concepts are not just a vision for the future Airbus is actively working on developing the technology and infrastructure needed to make these planes a reality the zero e initiative is part of airbus's commitment to sustainability and to meet the challenges of climate change and it represents a major step forward in the development of emissions-free Aviation all three configurations can seat anywhere from 100 to 200 passengers Airbus is confident that they'll receive a mature technology Readiness level for a hydrogen combustion propulsion system by 2025 making these Concepts a reality at last stepping away from the commercial aircraft Concepts we have the surefly vital which is just as exciting as the previously mentioned aircraft with a unique octocopter Design This VTOL can take off and land vertically making it ideal for use in urban and Suburban areas it's powered with a hybrid electric propulsion system that provides a range of up to 70 miles and a top speed of 70 miles per hour it has two seats and a payload capacity of 400 pounds making it perfect for short trips and commuting one of its key features is its emphasis on safety it's equipped with four independent Motors and propellers a backup battery system and a parachute that can be deployed in an emergency with its Cutting Edge technology and a huge focus on safety the surefly is poised to be a game changer in personal Transportation it has the potential to completely revolutionize the way we travel offering a more efficient sustainable and exciting alternative to traditional cars and planes the atr-72 aircraft nicknamed Lightning McQueen is the largest plane to be flown using hydrogen power it can seat 40 passengers and Universal hydrogen aims to operate commercial flights within the next three years this New Concept aircraft features a hydrogen fuel cell system that will generate electricity to power the electric motor providing a sustainable and zero emissions alternative to traditional fossil fuel-powered aircraft This Plane will be able to fly up to 500 miles on a single charge making it a sustainable option for short haul flights the plan is to have this aircraft enter service in 2025 with plans to initially operate in the UK and Europe This Innovative aircraft can potentially transform the aviation industry offering an option unlike anything else so far the plane has conducted a few flight tests that have all been successful and they aim to prepare it for operational service what makes this Airbus helicopter copter stand out from the rest is its ability to be optionally operated by a pilot this means that the helicopter can be operated autonomously and has begun autonomous flight trials it can be remotely controlled from a ground control station and operate using a pre-programmed fly plan all of this makes this helicopter a true star in the aviation industry it's also equipped with a range of sensors and systems including Electro Optical and infrared cameras radar and AIS receivers which allow it to perform various tasks such as Maritime surveillance search and rescue operations and anti-piracy missions the BSR 700 is extremely versatile and flexible and can adapt to any platform for a wide range of assignments the goal is to have this helicopter enter service in the coming years since it will make it a valuable asset for navies and maritime operations providing enhanced situational awareness and surveillance capabilities the wincopter 198 is another other unmanned aircraft that pushes flight and delivery capabilities Beyond conventional limits the main use of this UAV is for the delivery of medical supplies vaccines and other essential Goods in remote and hard to reach areas it is a hybrid drone with VTOL capabilities allowing it to take off and land vertically in small spaces without needing a Runway additionally it can operate in various weather conditions including rain wind and extreme temperatures ensuring that critical supplies can be delivered even in challenging environments this drone may be the future of cargo flights where such aircraft won't need a pilot to operate it which would save a lot of time and effort while also delivering the goods anywhere in the world one of the most exciting concepts of air travel may not be a plane but it has the potential to change the way we travel in the future Rolls-Royce developed a new turbo generator technology that will provide aircraft with enhanced range the this technology involves the use of an electrical generator that is powered by the aircraft's engine providing a source of electricity for the plane's systems and equipment by using the energy normally wasted as heat the turbo generator can generate electricity and reduce the fuel needed to power the plane systems Rolls-Royce is currently still developing this technology for use in a range of aircraft and once completed it will provide a more efficient sustainable and reliable power source for aircraft bye for now [Music]
Channel: Beyond Facts
Views: 56,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beyond facts, future plan, why this plane will change travel forever, tech, technology, plane, airplane, aviation, airplanes, aircraft, planes, facts
Id: isjkHpOeGTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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