Smallest Mini eVTOL in the World

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these cutting-edge flying machines have revolutionized the way we think about transportation and their compact size makes them ideal for navigating Urban landscapes in this video we will look at some of the smallest EB talls in the world in 2018 lift aircraft designed something that changed everything one of the most Innovative and out of this world ebitolls in the world is the SkyDrive this revolutionary aircraft was developed by a Japanese company called SkyDrive Incorporated and the evitol is designed to be compact efficient and safe while having the potential to completely change the way we think about Transportation it's sleek and futuristic design makes it stand out from other aircraft in its class it is powered by electric motors although the space inside is limited it makes up for this with the vertical takeoff and Landing capabilities and the top speed of around 60 miles per hour which gives it a range of up to 30 minutes making it ideal for short trips one of the most impressive features of SkyDrive is the safety feature it's equipped with multiple redundant systems including a backup battery and monitor to ensure it can safely land in an emergency developed by a california-based company Jetson Arrow the Jetson One features a unique rotary Wing design that allows it to take off and land vertically as well as fly horizontally like a traditional airplane the Jetson one is compact measuring 13 feet long and six feet wide which is small enough to fit in a standard parking space it is an all-electric aircraft that can fly autonomously or be piloted manually with a top speed of up to 180 miles per hour the Jetson one can cover long distances in a short time the company claims that the Jetson one is the first affordable EV tall on the market it's also easy to operate making it available for anyone to fly the hover scorpion is essentially a single passenger hover bike it's a hybrid of a motorcycle and a quadcopter creating a unique and exciting mode of transportation it's powered by four electric motors and features a lightweight carbon fiber frame making it incredibly agile and maneuverable it's designed to carry only one Rider and can reach a maximum speed of around 60 miles per hour like most of the EV tiles available on the market now the Scorpion also has the ability to vertically take off and land and since it's designed as a motorcycle it can fit in extremely small spaces additionally it has an autopilot mode that can be activated in case the rider needs to take a break or focus on other tasks if you've ever wondered what it's like to be on a flying spaceship in the form of a disc well Ziva has created one so you can stop wondering the unique design of this disc shape evitol is one of the most impressive ones we've seen Ziva has focused on a one-of-a-kind device that will act as an aircraft while getting the advantages of an evitol it's an aircraft that combines a helicopter's VTOL capabilities with an airplane's speed and efficiency it's powered by electric motors and is equipped with a battery that provides up to 200 miles on a single charge inside the aircraft there's space for one person which can take the Zeba zero on multiple short-range trips this evitol sits almost vertically on its tail and the pilot enters so that their chest rests against the floor which is quite different from anything else we've seen so far this Innovative one-person hoverbike was developed by Dragonair Aviation and is essentially a hybrid of a motorcycle and a quadcopter creating a unique and exciting mode of transportation flying this thing is much more unusual than what most of us are used to to fly this hoverbike you have to stand on it and control your movements with the extended controls it's a lightweight compact new invention that's made of carbon fiber with four pairs of coaxial Motors turning 40-inch propellers as of now this EV tall is still in its prototype stage but as it has already undergone a few tests the company behind it hopes that eventually they'll get to finish it and get it on the market for other people to enjoy it with an exterior that resembles a helicopter the vertia is an evitol developed by amsil Arrow which is set to be able to transport two passengers while using electric propulsion technology to reach its destination it's also designed to be quiet and emission free making it suitable for use in urban environments for now the vertia requires a pilot to fly it but in the future the company aims to make it autonomous allowing it to be flown without a pilot and the passengers to relax on their flight today the vertia is still in development and has not yet entered in the commercial service amsil arrow is working on obtaining certification for the aircraft from the aviation authorities to eventually offer it as a transportation service this aircraft could be flown as an air taxi which is said to be the future of air travel but we still have a long way to go before we see this the extraismo flying motorcycle is anything but ordinary it combines the features of a motorcycle and an aircraft while also being Compact and efficient with the ability to take off and land like a helicopter this hybrid evitol is still only a concept but the designers behind it have already said that it would be powered by electric motors and would be able to reach high speeds and altitudes although we can't be certain how high or how fast it would go as of now it would require a pilot to fly but the company has also included Advanced avionics and autopilot systems to ensure safe and efficient operation currently there are no plans for mass production or commercial availability of this evitol however it is an exciting glimpse into the potential future of personal Transportation developed and manufactured by the Chinese company ihong this variant of a two-seater electric EV tall is an autonomous vehicle capable of carrying passengers without a pilot on board it features 16 electric motors and rotors allowing it to take off and land vertically and fly horizontally the maximum flight time of this EV tall is around 21 minutes with a top speed of 81 miles per hour inside there is space for only two passengers but given that there's no pilot on board two people can comfortably sit inside as they travel to their short distance location in addition the eh216 is designed to be an environmentally friendly and efficient mode of transportation producing zero emissions and being sufficiently quieter than traditional helicopters ehong has conducted extensive testing and demonstration flights of the eh-216 in China and has also received certification for commercial use this means that the eh216 could be seen flying around shortly a lot of Aeronautics was founded in 2016 team and has since released a few evitols such as the airspeeder MK1 MK2 and MK3 the airspeeder's design has changed slightly with each new version but the MK4 will be the design used for its production of EV tall racing aircraft the MK4 is designed to carry up to four passengers and a pilot with a maximum range of over 100 miles and a top speed of around 200 miles per hour the aircraft features four tilting rotors that allow an efficient Cruise flight so far the company has conducted flying tests on the MK4 and plans to bring the aircraft to commercial service by 2024. if it enters commercial service it'll be the first flying racing evitol as the company describes it there's still a year left before we'll get to see it but seeing the company's determination makes us hopeful that the MK4 will indeed be flying around in a year speaking of unique and weird looking ways of flying it doesn't get any weirder than the hexa evitol it may look like something that came from the future but believe us this exists this aircraft was created by Lyft aircraft and it is a six rotor aircraft designed to carry a single passenger on short flights for recreational purposes you don't need prior flight experience to fly this evitol and the controls are similar to those found in a drone it's powered by Lithium-ion batteries and has a flight time of around 10 to 15 minutes the company has been conducting tests of its hexa EB tall since 2008 and has already started offering flights to the public in certain locations the company's vision is to make personal flight accessible and affordable to everyone and plans to expand its operations to more locations bye for now foreign
Channel: Beyond Facts
Views: 62,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beyond facts, smallest mini aircraft in the world, mini aircraft, helicopter, airplane, electric, top 10, evtol, evtol aircraft, aviation, vtol, mini evtol
Id: hjvVURSpthQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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