This Youtuber Is In Danger

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a couple months ago one of the best journalists on the planet who also happens to be a YouTuber got his house firebombed due to his investigations into a large network of corruption in Australia I really do mean those words earnestly journalism is in such a poor spot right now modern journalism has about as much respect as the bronies did during the early 2010s you remember that community of adults that used to jerk off to My Little Pony in fact I would argue that people have more respect for them than a lot of journalists these days and rightfully so it's an industry that thrives off of just feeding [ __ ] into the mouths of everyone that happens to come across their headlines they're either writing meaningless articles and not focusing on anything important writing blatant lies about [ __ ] or just generating their own controversies to farm rage bait clicks from people just to drive traffic to their site I'm sure you're tired of me whining about this one example I'm about to use because I've used it like 20 [ __ ] times now but I just think it's perfect to encapsulate what I'm talking about there is an article Kotaku published proudly where it was all about the author mishearing a lyric in a Super Smash Brothers song and thinking they heard a slur so they wrote a whole article attacking Nintendo for it and demanding an apology and a response like that is just the perfect example for what I'm talking about I'm already getting lost in the sauce talking about this again and ranting the reason I'm even mentioning it is because friendly jordies does real meaningful journalism one of the very few in the field that does he's a political commentator a YouTuber and a comedian and he combines all of these into extremely hard-hitting investigations into corruption in the government and he presents all of the information factually with sources with evidence and delivers it in extremely entertaining ways so it's palatable to anyone even if you're not in Australia it gets you educated and it entertains you it is just the perfect blend of everything you could ever want from a journalist really and for all of his hard work his life gets threatened he is doing all of this at great person personal risk to his own safety his [ __ ] house got firebombed and the list of suspects that it could be is super long he came back recently after a two-month break on YouTube to update everyone on what's going on with that whole situation and he laid out the entire timeline of events for all of the enemies he's made that could have been responsible for this firebomb attack on his house this attempt on his life could have been made by a lot of very powerful people that jordy's has exposed and dropped very important information on over the years and I highly highly recommend watching his entire video going over all of it of course the link is going to be in the description below I'd like to briefly give you a summation of some of the possible suspects here in this little murder mystery who'd done it he compared this whole situation to knives out and he's absolutely right this is a wild web of [ __ ] super villains that are after him potentially he's got like the entire [ __ ] Naruto Akatsuki hunting him down and by far the biggest clown but also the biggest most powerful person in that group is John barolaro the former deputy premier of New South Wales whom has come after jordy's many times and even cites jordy's as the reason he stepped down from his position at the most powerful position in New South Wales because of their YouTube beef and jordy's content insulting him and exposing him John baralaro has some very scary connections that could have been used here that led to this whole situation and friendly geordies does highlight all of these possibilities but of course he's far from the only one Jordi says exposed corruption at every level so the list of enemies is longer than the terms of service to signing up to iTunes but I would like to highlight two others one of them is an extremely powerful gambling company that jordy's has talked about and dropped very important information regarding and another one is an organized crime ring I'm not going to go too in depth on those two yet I highly recommend you watch jordy's video talking about why these are very possible suspects in this firebombing on his residence but I would like to show you a few clips from the video mainly ones that are poking fun at John barlaro going over the history between the two and just kind of pointing and laughing at this absolute goober but it is a very serious situation and somehow jordy's has unbreakable indomitable spirit and will because even though his life has been threatened and keep in mind that firebombing it was twice at first they firebombed his neighbor thinking it was his house but when they realized it wasn't his house they came back and [ __ ] firebombed him again so his life very real danger and he still is making the decision to stay and fight against corruption there is nothing more admirable or Brave like he is exactly what journalists should aspire to be and he still somehow delivers content that is so entertaining and and so good I don't know how he does it without just like chewing on his [ __ ] fingernails in fear every day the absolute goddamn Australian hero and what I now know was a pregnant Titan attack that Abyss was invented to terrify me and it Lewis was intended to kill me I would say it was probably intended to kill you like throwing a fire bomb at the house and actually setting the house on fire is less of like an intimidation tactic and more of an attempted murder I would say but I feel like in his position he's got to be very careful with the words he chooses because he's constantly in the crosshairs of every single Authority in Australia because he exposes so much corruption but yeah this is a very much A step above an intimidation tactic an intimidation tactic is if you had like someone come to your house dress as a construction worker but then it was actually a lawyer serving you like a [ __ ] lawsuit that's an intimidation tactic this this is some like Hitman [ __ ] the night that that happened I was supposed to be sleeping here I didn't even have smoke alarms so there's a very good chance that if I was I could have ended up like the content you're watching right there for a while but I wasn't here because exactly I was performing my live show in Melbourne and I forgot my keys while I was down there so that criminals aren't wedded it reminds me of that quote he's two steps ahead and the enemy certainly can't anticipate our future actions so I was sleeping somewhere else that night that's such a beautiful line too that's that's always the cliche on how they beat like in a overpowered villain in an anime or some [ __ ] who can see into the future will have no plan and will wing it unpredictability is our best friend I think yeah uh and it is too big of a jump to go from beating a cameraman in public to fire bombing a house that is a big jump but you're also giving him a lot of credit here with beating a cameraman this cameraman is fending off this overgrown baby with ease like this is pretty sad for John baralaro here he is it's like that uh like an older brother putting their hand on the head of the younger brothers he's throwing punches that are missing and he's holding like a 30 pound camera on his shoulder as John baralaro had this palatial multi-million dollar estate at the Airbnb there's a side hustle to his other gig being the leader of a state this is the dumbest thing you could do right like especially since the other half of the time it's not Airbnb that's where he lives so we thought wouldn't it be good if we feel the video on the history of all the shitty things he's done but film it at that airbn bit this is probably gathered or haven't because you're that dumb I'm filming at your estate and I want you to be the first to know that I [ __ ] in both gear guest houses oh stage we track the video it's coming from inside I don't know if that's true or not but that's such a [ __ ] Flex this guy actually sounds unbelievably stupid like legitimately observably stupid I am believing 100 that his feelings got hurt because friendly jordy's made fun of him and he probably cried like he actually probably did cry and then resigned that's crazy they came on his pillows yeah maybe I I mean again I I wasn't there to watch him have sex and pound cheeks at John barallero's Airbnb or anything I'm just gonna take his word for it and even if he didn't he planted the seed of doubt in his head forever now the guy that makes fun of him also [ __ ] in his beds so either way that's that's a w John was demanding the police conduct a bug sweep of the property something doesn't cost the taxpays and a black lady the property just imagine how stupid and entitled it is to be Deputy Premier and lease one of your primary residences out to anyone I never considered doing this before but say a property developer wants a favor they could very easily get material to Blackmail you hey I want to pop in here real quick once again to drive home the absolute Insanity of this situation John baralaro the most powerful man in New South Wales was listing his actual primary estate as an Airbnb when he wasn't staying there that is levels of stupid that not even Saints Row was able to tickle John barrolaro has the brain of a child still struggling to fit a square into a square hole I don't know what could have even led to him believing that was a decent idea at all like maybe it's 30 40 Years of eating paint chips and boofing asbestos was like I don't know like how he could have thought in his position that listing his actual residency as an Airbnb was smart as jordy's does list there was a lot worse [ __ ] that could have come from this [ __ ] could have been planted in his estate that would have got him in huge legal trouble blackmail it could have been bugged like there was so much that could have happened here because he lists it as a [ __ ] Airbnb honestly John's lucky jordi's was the one to do this because it could have been so much worse he got off easy by the only thing Scandal is happening in his estate was jordy's slamming ham in his bed like he could have found himself in much much much bigger trouble in another video I called barrelaro up and he taped it to us keep a bad allegation surrounding him and extramarital Affairs turns out John's in commit relationships would eventually come under oh no hearing concerning his bosses relationships but that's his story for another day I didn't know this at the time but these videos caused John's office to contact the New South Wales police force just days after their release specifically the counter-terrorism and special tactics command what what what a flex you [ __ ] you grill the man's cheeks so hard that he called in the counter terrorism and special tactics command [ __ ] Jack Bauer had to be put on your case because you bullied this guy's feelings so hard Jesus Christ now and now I think he [ __ ] someone that's not his wife now I mean I know nothing about him or the case but now because he called in [ __ ] CTU the counterterrorism unit now I think he absolutely cheated on his wife he went too hard to prove he didn't now I know now I feel like he's covering something up you see you got it you gotta there's a fine line between like a proper response and an Overkill and when you reach Overkill you're basically already guilty [Laughter] oh no John the defamation lawyers draft up this absolutely detailing all of John's grievances with the videos I made including that I called him a greasy little scrotum he needed that was too far on that one let everyone know that's not true go by and they were pretty quiet seeing insults in writing on a legal document is crazy on behalf of a guy that we Expose and made fun of oh no so we've been served and what they gave us in my honest opinion is another whiny Crocker [ __ ] that was does he actually have to so he's been sued a million [ __ ] times does he actually ever have to even defend himself or does it get thrown out pretty quickly because this man has collected more lawsuits than I have Pokemon cards at this point from the feelings he's hurt yeah he's had to defend a few times okay because like I I I've seen the sheer number of them and it is overwhelming but I also know quite a few of them get thrown out like even in the description of this one one is being thrown out so I was just wondering if you ever even had to actually go defend himself or if they eventually just drop it then on the 4th of June 2021 my producer Christie I was walking back from uni oh I know this one our lawyer Mark that day so he had the document yeah this was a big clip when it came out they're giving away evidence entitled um run away with it yeah what's happening they're they're just fighting him okay [Music] Jesus Christ Christo was arrested by the terror police specifically the fixated person's unit charged with four counts of stalking and intimidation so we're now facing criminal charges and a defamation suit the guy looks like you get well I mean in defense of John barolaro he literally did kind of get cucked by extension because this [ __ ] idiot put his personal residence up as an Airbnb so friendly geordies went and had sex there like his his estate got cucked so of course he's going to be sad forever I'll briefly give a little context here jordy's producer got arrested on completely bogus dog [ __ ] by the goddamn [ __ ] counter-terrorist unit like super soldiers meant to actually go after like terrorists and [ __ ] all over [ __ ] hurt feelings and jordy's and his team exposing corruption it's an absolute affront to God it is just downright wrong and [ __ ] up what happened to jordy's his team and everyone involved here and that clip you saw is only a brief section of that whole arrest which was brutal like they roughed him up for no reason it like all of it is just foul they end up withdrawing the application and paying both Christo and my label costs of over twenty thousand dollars criminal charges still hang over him and my DFO case is still ongoing during this time barolaro also decided to publicly announce these intention to resign from politics basically saying I forced him to resign the defamation case definitely playing a big part of this um God that's so good you can can endure uh what I've enjoyed on online I feel for young men and women young boys and girls that get bullied on social media I feel for them bro you were you were literally the most powerful person in the region and you're crying how do YouTubers making fun of you so much that you're quitting your job that is the weakest softest [ __ ] of all time actual 14 year olds get bullied harder than you do and you know what they do continue on and move forward you're the [ __ ] most powerful politician in the region and you curl up into the little fetal position suckling your thumb because a YouTuber called you a greasy scrotum that is a wild that is [ __ ] wild holy [ __ ] you know what I actually don't even think it's the mean the mean words that Jordy says against him I really think when jordy's [ __ ] at his house because this stupid idiot put his airbn or his actual home up for the Airbnb I think that's what broke him I think that like actually broke his whole soul I think that was just like this big Eureka moment where it's like wow I'm a [ __ ] idiot and he couldn't handle the like the realization like the self-reflection was too much overwhelming so my legal team launches an application that's Galaxy brain opposed Again by barrolara who fights tooth and nail to keep that claim in and keep his special protections that prevent his own words from being examined in court and guess what we lose the judge rules that it would be more unfair to deprive Barrel Arrow of the right to vindicate his reputation to make it impossible blatant corruption so I'm basically stuck Inc that is that that needs to be a highly scrutinized ASAP that is so wild holy [ __ ] imagine still being bound by a 1700s ruling to protect a politician from saying something stupid in Parliament he literally said he can defend himself but not you I know in like December of 2021 I release a video detailing that I had found a national medicine account linked to John Barrow's email address and personal details you know the website that had the slogan that's so good are you sure have an affair it was hacked a few years ago yes that was you interested you couldn't make this up that I I can't wait for the reveal but I just have to once again try him on that with that Ashley Madison hack I don't know how many of you remember that that caused like actual hysteria for maybe like a week like on Facebook like the old gentleman they were breaking down like how could this have happened the internet is a secure place to my life is ruined I can't believe it like absolutely having this nuclear meltdown because all of their [ __ ] was now exposed it was amazing it was [ __ ] amazing Ashley Madison was a place where married men went for cheating on their wife or something that was the whole shtick that was the whole basis of the site [ __ ] because Wayne cameraman went to film him one night regarding the Scandal this happened I wonder if that was the woman who met on Ashley Madison or if it was his wife there's really no telling oh this is the cameraman it was please the cameraman wins this John took the most damage it John was the one that hit the blast zone here cameraman's got 30 pounds of [ __ ] iron on him and he is still just manhandling Jon with one arm couldn't work for a while so we're now using our legal fund to pay for illegal action against John barrolara on behalf of the camera let's go that's so good days ago John's charges were dropped on the grounds of mental health how how is that an excuse wait what does that work in Australia so let's say let's say assault battery whatever like you show like you show evidence like hey this is really taking a toll on my mental health like I'm really stressed about this and then be like oh my God we're so [ __ ] sorry holy [ __ ] okay we'll drop the case please take all the time you need to recover from the you know the mental burden of this whole ordeal oh my god wow is that just like something you can actually do like obviously assault charges are going to be mentally draining even to well especially to the super sensitive goofball barolaro but is that a real defense like my mental health is suffering from this please drop it they'll be like oh yes well now that you've said that it's like in Pirates of the Caribbean with parlay if you shout parlay they just have to stop everything no not a thing he's just super corrupt okay thank God I'm happy to hear that well I mean I'm not happy to hear about the corruption but I'm glad to hear this is like a real tactic you can employ executive director of large Sydney property development company coronation property Co in August last year we released an investigation into this developer which detailed never before published links between them and one of the most violent crime organizations in all of Australian history the alamedean crime family who are in no way suspects of the fire Bobby no not them I'm sure they all have very credible Alibis that's terrifying but Adidas they're about four percent enough for clubs New South Wales to bring a private prosecution against Troy and I so now I've made even more enemies the gambling Lobby and anyone that would use them to launder money at clubs New South Wales rejected him by the way these came out on the same day John was saying in court that he was too mentally ill to face his assault charges but well enough to run clubs New South Wales one of the most scrutinized jobs in the country right now well the thing is like assault charges are a scary thing that's like a mentor ewe like that's yucky like that's oh that doesn't make me feel good but being in charge of a massive gambling company that's a that's a yippee kind of feeling like that's two very different sides of like the mental Spectrum here so I can totally understand I'm not wanting to go to court to face the assault charges that is very stressful this this is pleasure this is fun so I get it I I get it John desire to have me thrown in jail the seventh richest man in Australia threatening to sue me numerous other property developers are dodgy Bears I have a longer enemies list than Richard Nixon so despite having my suspicions I'm still not completely sure as to who done it but enough of leasing enemies it's now time for my friends list first of all sorry to my neighbors and landlord and future apology to whoever finds my corpse it's going to be messy I'm not going down without a fight that's like actually [ __ ] terrifying like that's he's making light of it but the enemies that he has listed here are actually [ __ ] horrifying like I can't believe he's still staying in Australia honestly I really can't so for those that don't remember the situation I'll I'll quickly let you know his house got firebombed but it was actually the second attempt so they initially firebombed his [ __ ] neighbors thinking it was his house and then when they realized it wasn't his house that they [ __ ] firebombed they came back to try and finish the job and like you mentioned the house didn't even have smoke alarms so like he literally probably would have just died if he was actually home at the time because it was it would have been when he was asleep and the enemies He's listed here in their connections are very serious I don't know how he's he's sitting here and being like okay about it and lucid what what a man's man the problem as well as people who hear real journalism but don't like the message and reject it see like I don't really subscribe to that belief because if you look at some of like the real journalists that do great work like jordy's they are very well received by actual people not politicians and not the elite like that's how you know it's the sign of like good journalism I never really see pushback when you were when you're met with like a real journalist
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 6,084,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HeYXn1-SMYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 7sec (1447 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2023
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