This Guy is a Joke

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have you ever stopped to think how embarrassing it is being born the first thing a human being does when it's bird is cry and crying is cringe so we literally enter this world as a little cringe specimen and it's up to us to spend the rest of our lives trying to transcend the first cringe and be something more but what happens when you spend your entire lives as nothing but a clown someone who just embarrasses themselves at every step of their Journey well then you end up like Billy Mitchell I'm just describing Billy Mitchell Billy Mitchell is the self-proclaimed video game player of the century he was the former world record holder for Donkey Kong and he has spent the better part of the last four or five years just ruining his own reputation by frivolously suing everyone that even so much as makes fun of him or makes a light joke about him and the reason for this lashing out is because it was revealed through tons and tons and tons of evidence that Billy Mitchell most likely cheated for his records is most likely a fraud allegedly so since that doomsday Billy's just been an insufferable [ __ ] who sues everyone who makes a joke about it or talks about it and he tries to scare people with massive lawsuits it's just a big piece of [ __ ] so he's already sued a YouTuber whom I'm a big fan of his name's Carl I'm sure a lot of you have watched his content before he's suing Carl and it's a very expensive lawsuit so far it's been like a hundred and eighty thousand dollars according to Carl but he wasn't done there just two weeks ago Billy Mitchell came back out of the Shadows to sue Carl again even though the previous lawsuit is still ongoing he is suing Carl or he is suing Carl again but this time for an even more outrageous reason that I'm not gonna spoil right now I'll let Carl go ahead and give you the surprise because what a special treat it is this is one of the most baffling reasons for a lawsuit I think I've probably ever heard in general now as I understand it the second lawsuit hasn't been fully filed yet right now it is still in the letter of intent stage where they are intending to sue Carl and have sent him the documents to indicate such but it looks like it is going to be sent in the coming days in response to this Carl made another video going over just how silly it all is but also how expensive everything is and he set up a GoFundMe because he's right now getting dual hand jobs here from Billy Mitchell with the double lawsuit coming in so he does have a GoFundMe which I'm going to link below please feel free to support him if you'd like to help Carl against an absolutely ruthless villain here I think Billy Mitchell is unhinged in this kind of behavior is completely unacceptable and complete [ __ ] [ __ ] and hopefully it results in Billy Mitchell himself getting counter sued good news is he currently is in another lawsuit with a company called Twin Galaxies and it's looking like he will most likely lose that so there's some good news there and I have full confidence that Carl will also be able to beat Billy Mitchell because Billy has a history of these awful [ __ ] lawsuits that just don't work because they're so [ __ ] dumb now I'd like to share some of Carl's video with you and go into even more detail on Billy Mitchell so I want to talk about this I don't know how many of you saw this did I so Carl is again being sued by Billy Mitchell Billy Mitchell as I'll bring you up to speed on the lore uh disgraced best gamer of all time what did he call himself the gamer of the century can't quite recall Donkey Kong world record holder outed as a fraud in denial for the rest of his life allegedly a fraud otherwise I'm going to get sued for saying that and he just goes on like a legal Rampage to try and scare people into silence so he throws his meat around to get people on edge so they don't talk about him or they remove anything that's you know hyper critical of them Carl has once again found himself in the crosshairs of old Billy Mitchell here so he's now posted this video talking about it and this one is a little scarier than the last one Billy Mitchell's got the fangs out so he's coming out locked and loaded and it's just a really [ __ ] sad situation that Billy Mitchell continues to do this he's what they call a Serial sewer He Just Smiles all kinds of these frivolous lawsuits knowing full well they won't make it to court but is still expensive on the people he files them against most of the time it's a [ __ ] disgrace and he's absolutely [ __ ] at games as many of you know last year I was officially sued by Billy Mitchell in September of 2021 Mitchell filed a 450 000 lawsuit against me over my video titled the biggest con man in video game history great video too into that video yeah so if you're not familiar with Billy Mitchell but you've seen the Regular Show Billy Mitchell was so upset that they used his image and here I'll bring it up actually I don't even know why I'm gonna try and paint it with words when I can just look it up they used this as like an antagonist when it was about like a high score episode Billy Mitchell got pissed he got so [ __ ] mad and this is honestly the best Billy Mitchell's ever looked I actually think Regular Show did him a great service usually he's dressed like he's running for student-class president but here they made him look it made him look cool I can't remember if he sued them though oh no he did he did and lost which sounds par for the course in the life of Billy Mitchell judge declares Mitchell is not a Giant floating head cool ruling though I do understand why Billy might be a little upset because they portrayed him as like this ferociously unhinged Maniac which he is so that's just a big old get [ __ ] Billy unlucky I actually haven't read the quotes from the ruling the television character does not match the plaintiff in appearance GBF character in the show appears as a non-human creature a Giant floating head with no body from outer space while plaintiff is a human being and when GBF loses his title the character literally explodes unlike plaintiff one could argue Billy Mitchell also explodes but it's far more embarrassing his explosions just usually end up with shittily written lawsuits and as well as just verbal tantrums and salt Billy Macho's compulsive need to threaten and sue people that talk about him has reached all-time highs and you will know to try to silence me but before that my legal defense has cost 180 thousand dollars Yes you heard correctly 180 000 that's why it's so disgraceful when someone takes this absolute garbage route there's a lot of people that have done this online you guys might remember bit boy crypto tried something similar against atozy where a tozi called him out on some of the [ __ ] he was talking about in bit boy crypto threatened this big lawsuit you know defamation I can't sleep I can't eat because he called me a dirt bag that kind of [ __ ] it is always such a financial burden to fight that [ __ ] even though it doesn't win the case the whole point is to bleed you of money it's it's so [ __ ] up does it not cost Billy Mitchell money to file these I don't know I'm not well versed enough to know for sure a lot of times the frivolous lawsuits in order to file them it's not super expensive or anything you can do it relatively cheap at least compared to fighting it because once you file it the onus is really on the person you're going after to defend themselves against you so that's where a lot of the money comes from so yes it does cost something for them to do it but it doesn't cost nearly as much for them to file it as it does to fight it because you see Billy Mitchell isn't satisfied just suing me once oh no he is going to sue me double dipping I released a video called disgraced gamer Billy Mitchell accused of extortion where I factually and objectively reported on accusations made against Mitchell by the current Donkey Kong world record holder Robbie Lakeman if that's where you made a mistake Carl I gotta tell you when it comes to Billy Mitchell there's no such things as facts only feelings and you poke the Sleeping Bear Billy was content with just one frivolous lawsuit but now he's he's going in Full Throttle as in my humble opinion he has absolutely no case and this is just an attempt to scare me but it still gets even worse yeah it's an expensive scare tactic though and I have to say I love the nuts on Carl so usually in these things they make a request take down the video or else a lot of times because of how expensive this is and how scary the big numbers are people fold take it down hope that's the end of it Carl sticks to his guns and I always appreciate that I always think that's great just say okay you want to dance mama's putting on the dancing shoes then let's hit the tango and then duke it out from there because going forward while it's cheaper to file it than it is to fight it it is still going to cost Billy Mitchell money should this continue he's going to lose money as well and it's not like he's like super wealthy he does have a decent chunk of change to his name from what I understand but it's not like he's made out of money he can't fight this thing forever in May of this year I released a video called I cheated in a spade run and I need to come clean which was a parody video where I jokingly made fun of myself for submitting a few cheated scores to a Gaming magazine over 20 years ago when I was a kid anyone who's watched that video might be wondering what this has to do with Billy Mitchell it was brought up in the lawsuit about him nor did I even talk about him while it is true that I didn't mention or talk about building Mitchell I did show this clip you're familiar with Billy Mitchell world news Champion he could probably do it so I gotta find a way to harness his power and I think I found a way that's right we're gonna cheat this is a meme that was made back in 2020 which has over four million views and millions of views on Twitter that's right in the entire video I literally did not mention Billy Mitchell he should sue angry video games I simply randomly threw in this meme of someone else talking as a joke and Billy Mitchell wants to sue me for this I didn't remember this Peter Dinklage plays a Billy Mitchell stand-in who is always bested Adam Sandler's character when they were kids it's revealed the reason he was so good was because he cheated [ __ ] hype I'm assuming Billy Mitchell tried a lawsuit there he must have consented to that then maybe that was too big of an opportunity for him to get upset about they had the creator of Pac-Man get eaten by Pac-Man in the movie that's a little different though Billy Mitchell is always adamant that he's never cheated it's all legit he is what does he call himself is it the gamer of the century like he calls himself a [ __ ] gamer of the century or something oh video game player of the century not even Jesus gamer of the century would have been better why video game player you just call yourself a gamer and you get one word for the price of Three Billy Mitchell is guilty of fraudulently Hood wanking so as to obtain unfair Advantage when competing in video games yeah that is what the meme is uh thing I don't know how you really chew for the meme though especially when Carl didn't even make the meme he should go after the meme maker in fact did you just go after anyone that says anything about him on Twitter or Reddit like just really put your tentacles all the way out there section 10A of the defamation including at the time of your I'm actually shocked Billy Mitchell hasn't come after me yet not only have I made fun of this man extensively for years now talked about him on the podcast quite a bit I keep up with Billy Mitchell and the enjoyable tragedy that is his public reputation and how he just wipes his ass with it constantly I'm I'm super finger on the pulse when it comes to Billy Mitchell I am shocked he hasn't tried I he I suppose he's welcome to if he wants I would absolutely fight that [ __ ] tooth and nail I would have I'd request that it Be Live streamed as well so that way there's [ __ ] content flowing from it I think it'd be great Billy Mitchell strikes me is the type of guy that would represent himself in court too even though none of his lawsuits have ever made it that far because they're such dog [ __ ] I feel like if they did he would represent himself it would be just a Content Factory her my Lord Billy Mitchell is a jerk he has become a parody of himself true laughing if not for the fact that this is a real letter written by a real lawyer that my lawyers really had to respond to so not only does he want to sue me over a meme that someone else made but he wants to sue me over a meme that someone else made that's true and what's ironic is huge hundreds of comments underneath the YouTube video of this clip of people making fun of Billy joking saying that he's going to sue them for posting it and then he actually yeah how can you as Billy Mitchell they even quoted the YouTube comments in the lawsuit so how can you as Billy Mitchell see these comments Lim laughing at you knowing you're gonna sue him and then still do it you make yourself an even bigger joke it is actually just impressive Billy Mitchell is like a human snowball like just tumbling down a mountain getting bigger and bigger and bigger as more and more failures compound and then eventually just having this comedic explosion at the bottom that everyone points and laughs at what an it what a remarkable Legacy so I have set up a go find me to help with my fight against Billy Mitchell and any help would be immensely appreciated um Cisco fund me is set to cover the rest of my existing lawsuit plus the new lawsuit that Billy Mitchell says he will be filing plus having to deal with all of the other [ __ ] threats that come my way this is in Australian dollars so it's not as large as it seems but it's still a very significant amount of money there is light at the end of the tunnel though in Australian Court generally the loser has to pay a lot of the legal fees of the winning party how's the GoFundMe going I hope it's going well I haven't checked yeah hey that's a good day one right there I'll be donating to it I I really think when Carl wins I I don't see a world where Billy somehow squeaks out a dub here I think win Carl wins Carl needs to counter Sue and I will do whatever it takes to make that possible I want to put Billy Mitchell against the ropes I want Carl and Billy to Duke it out in court and I just want to be there with the popcorn to spectate because you you can counter sue for frivolous lawsuits knowingly filing bogus lawsuits isn't necessarily allowed you can come back against that for sure so I really think once this is all settled the dust settles I think a counter suit is the right play the next 12 months will not be good for Billy Mitchell he has his trial against when galaxies coming up and in my opinion oh yeah opinion of anyone who knows the details of Mitchell's cheating he has absolutely no chance of winning I completely [ __ ] forgot Billy Mitchell is actually being sued right now so in the middle of him getting sued he is still sending out lawsuits this man is Unstoppable I forgot to enjoy galaxies is suing him but as soon as he loses one of these lawsuits which is inevitable he will be absolutely destroyed and everything will come crumbling down so this has been an update to what I've been dealing with so one thing Carl says that I think is a little wrong is everything coming from everything crumbling down for Billy Mitchell that makes it sound like Billy Mitchell has like a prospering career he doesn't Billy Mitchell is like the definition of washed up has been everything will come crumbling down should all of these lawsuits not go in his favor which I highly doubt they will but it's not like he's in a good spot right now in general people talk about him as the butt of jokes he's not necessarily a celebrity he's not looked at in as a video game Icon or Champion or anything he doesn't have like a big Empire he's just a big [ __ ] who has ruined his own legacy and refuses to accept any level of responsibility no one gives a [ __ ] about Billy Mitchell aside from laughing at him for every frivolous lawsuit you might get sued I'm not saying anything defamatory I'm just saying the truth of where he's at right now he may or may not have cheated there's a lot of evidence to suggest he did but it's all a legend of course I'm just talking about him being a joke of a person that's not defamatory I find you sad that's not defamatory watching you makes me laugh and feel sadness again if you have the mains I would appreciate any help so please consider donating to my GoFundMe or consider sharing this video thank you so much for watching you Legends I hope you were having a fantastic day and I will see you in the next video love you Carl I have full faith Carl slam dunks this yeah please support Carl if if anyone wants to see Billy Mitchell lose even more help Carl win the case
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 6,470,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: e_VL-a3NJiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 22 2022
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