This One's On God // Judah Smith

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we've uh we've done a collection of talks I think this is part six entitled eat the other three sixteen and we've of course base it on what is pretty sure the most famous verse in all the Bible which is John 3:16 it says for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever whoever simply believes in Him receives the free gift of forgiveness shall not perish but have everlasting life it is this verse that frames for us the essence of what we believe in the essence of what Jesus has done for us and so on an effort to further understand what is called the gospel we've looked at other 3:16 s in the Bible that shed more light on what Jesus has done and I am so excited I have been waiting to share with you from the book of Joshua right thousands of years before Jesus was born in Bethlehem there is this perfect beautiful portrait of what he would do when he came to the planet so we're gonna go to Joshua chapter 3 and you know what let's begin our reading in verse 14 if that's okay I know that's not a sixteen but we'll start in verse 14 it says so when the people set out from their tents to pass over the Jordan with the priests bearing the Ark of the Covenant before the people and as soon as those bearing the ark had come as far as the Jordan and the feet of the priests bearing the ark were dipped in the brink of the water now parenthesis the Jordan overflows all its banks throughout the time of harvest and then verse 16 that the water is coming down from above stood and rose up in a heap very far away this interesting language now very not just far away but very far away at Adam let's entertain a town called Adam and that that city is beside Zahra 'then I don't know if that's how you say it and those by the way most preachers just make up pronunciations like this in the Old Testament and and so don't believe everything you hear and those flowing down toward the sea of Arabah the salt sea were listen language now very far away and completely cut off and the people passed over opposite Jericho now the priests 417 now the priests bearing the Ark of the Covenant the Lord stood firmly on dry ground in the midst of the Jordan and all Israel all Israel two and a half million Jews all Israel was passing over excuse me was passing over on dry ground until all the nation finished passing over the Jordan wow what a passage would you join me in prayer Jesus thank you so much for the moments we share together around you and who you are and your story of grace and goodness Lord I pray a special blessing on every person who has decided to come to church on a sunny beautiful Memorial Day weekend Lord these people are serious about learning about you and so I pray that you would speak to us and bless us bless the Mariners help us to keep winning bless all the other sports teams in the city that I will get emails about because I have forgot to add them to the prayer and be oh god be with the Seattle Seahawks in these offseason workouts in Jesus name and everyone said amen I got a stool now this is great you're sitting I'm sitting this is awesome I made a commitment like it was like I was like like a year ago and I told Chelsea outloud my wife of 18 years I'm gonna help more around the house like I'm and I'm like shells don't laugh I'm really serious I'm gonna help more around the house the problem is like I keep telling Chelsea I'm gonna help her on the house I just forget that I'm gonna help around the house okay if there's any minute here who'd like to say Amen that'd be nice but that's cool I get it you'll leave me out here on an island but like I do I just I just keep forgetting and I know that sounds like a joke but actually that's the truth I just live like you know I walk into the house and instead of picking stuff up and putting it away I'm like man that couch looks awesome and I think I hear ESPN on the TV so I just like I'm I'm working on this and if you're a parent and you've been a parent for a while and your me you you you kind of forget how fast your kids are growing up like am I the only one that has like spelled out ice cream in front of like my ten-year-old like he can't spell you know I'm like Chelle should we go to i seee CR EA m and my 14 year olds like dad I can spell ice cream and I'm like my bad I forgot I thought you were 2 again like it just cuz life is going so fast so you don't think your kids notice stuff until last week my nine-year-old daughter this is an absolute true story you cannot make this up she goes to Chelsea her mom my wife she says mom I wish I wasn't a girl and Chelsea goes why would you say that because girls have to do everything around the house and guys do nothing yeah welcome to my life and I'm not proud of that so then Chelsea goes well dad has dad has other gifts and my nine-year-old says like what so that was my week and you think they don't notice I don't know how's your as your confidence taking a hit this week because mine has have you had a rough week have you had a challenging situation maybe it's far more serious than your nine-year-old observing your in activity within the home but has somebody made a comment has there been circumstances outside of your control have you heard something from your boss of you is rumors lingering in the workplace that layoffs are coming is there a challenge right now in your relationship friendship with your spouse or best friend has it been kind of one of those weeks for you it's amazing to me I'm definitely the kind of person that believes like man I'm generally like pretty like secure and pretty stable and steady and then like I don't know I don't get a parking spot at the mall and oh my god I'm just get like the littlest thing can just frustrate me and agitate me and that's embarrassing to admit but maybe you're here and it's been a rough week for a small thing maybe you're here it's been a rough week because you lost a loved one maybe you're here it's been a rough week because you just you just kind of keep waking up during the week agitated and you don't even know why I ever had one of those days where you're like I don't know why I'm bothered but something's bothering me and I know I'm on edge I know I'm frustrated I know I'm agitated I think one of the one of the amazing purpose and plans of God in our life is that we are to experience abundant life right John 10:10 I'm sure you've heard of it if not let me quote it I have it memorized it's not a big deal I'm a pastor but the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy but I came Jesus said talking about himself I have come that you may have life and have it abundantly have you had one of those weeks where it's like yeah John 10:10 is not real man my guy that that can't be true because I don't feel like I'm living an abundant life it's been kind of an interesting week for myself personally a lot of phone calls in one case of FaceTime with a friend in the hospital battling dealing with cancer and at the same time talking to a friend who's losing their their mother and and she indeed did pass and though my life in a lot of weeks is is filled with kind of the juxtaposition of people experiencing a newborn baby to people losing the love of their life it's kind of what pastoring brings and and I welcome that but but this has been just one of those weeks one of those challenging weeks and one of those weeks where you look at your friend on FaceTime in the hospital and you go it's not supposed to be like this man I'm sorry and he's asking for scripture and I'm doing the best I can to give him scripture but it's like this is this world is challenging this world is it's difficult and I don't want you to feel if you're here today and you say man I've had a pretty good week that's awesome and God loves you and God has enabled you to have that week so there's no point in feeling sorry for a great week that you've had but I'm also aware that many of us in this room a challenging week in fact maybe you're sitting here near like Jude I wish it was a challenging week it's been a challenging year it's been a challenging era it's been a challenging season where do we find our confidence where do we find our security where do we find our steadiness what is our true north in life that these talks that we've put together these sermons these messages kind of the the felt need that we've been addressing is that we live in such an unstable and unsure world this world by definition is subject to futility the Bible says which is to say it's not secure things happen outside of our control if you're like me every once in a while every blue moon I my mind wanders - what if something happened to my children and you kind of go oh I know that that can't happen it's it's such an unsure world where do we find our confidence where do we find our security and I mean no disrespect by this but anybody can you know be confident and sure when all your Ducks are in a row so to speak when everything is working out when the Sun is out you and your spouse are getting along if you're married your kids are being quiet oh dear God you know like we'll talk an optimal environment here you know it's utopia when the kids are just quiet you know what a concept anybody can have a level of sureness and confidence insecurity but but but have you ever met one of these people who in the midst of total calamity loss pain brokenness they still have a steadiness and a confidence there's a difference between just faking it and being someone whose waters are so deep and roots are so strong and trust in Jesus is so real that they are in fact the same they are oh they're in pain they're experiencing the pain of loss and brokenness and hurt but there is a stillness within them there's a sureness about them there's a focus about them have you ever gone to Comfort a friend like this and in the midst of their pain they end up comforting you I had one of those experiences wait a minute I came over to your house to a comfort you why are you encouraging me it's an extraordinary person to run into and I would like to suggest that I think that's part of God's plan for each and every one of us that we would experience this depth of trust and profound reliance on Jesus that that actually transcends circumstances and situations I believe we find our security and our confidence ultimately and truly and eternally in what Jesus has done not in what we have done not in what we have not done but in what he has finished and completed for you and for me no matter what you're going through I think we're always supposed to be able to say jesus loves me this I know Bible tells me so I'm forgiven I'm loved I have a place in his family and I will be with him for eternity that's transcendent that that that can overcome anything that you're facing in this life I've said this before I'll I'll be the pastor by your side praying for a raise praying for you want a sports car I'll pray with you for a sports car I got no problem with that I don't think God is bothered by your desire for sports car but how many know sometimes a sports car in a race can't even hurt can't even help the hurt and the pain that we face in life it would be almost insulting there people in this room if I said hey you're not doing good I'm gonna buy you a new car it would almost be insulting to say do you think a new car is gonna help what I'm going through there are those moments aren't there in life where the only thing that'll get you through the only thing that truly helps is not somebody saying sorry not somebody say well well hey brother well you know it's it's sunny outside the only thing that'll get you through is Jesus loves me I'm forgiven I'm his and what I'm going through right now is not gonna last forever and someday I'ma be home and someday I'ma be in his arms and someday he's gonna wipe away all the tears and someday in in the meantime I can get through this day because I know who I am I know who's I am and I know that he loves me I'm forgiven righteous that's okay okay okay I can I can make it through another day that's what we've been speaking to and that's what we've been leaning into and it brings us to Joshua and one of the reasons I love the book of Joshua obviously there's so much that that that pictures of Jesus and what he's doing even Joshua himself is a portrait of Jesus as they deliver but but really the whole book of Joshua is about God saying I keep my promises I just keep my promises and like I just had this thought the other day that God is so incredible I'm reading the book of Joshua and and if you've ever read it there's these moments where God like I'm doing this because I said this to - for instance Abraham kind of the big idea and Joshua is that God made this promise to this guy named Abraham approximately 500 years before Joshua lived 500 years and and God making a promise to a human it's very hard for us to understand because we're humans so we think God's promises are a big deal but I want you to imagine for a moment the smallest of commitment and promise you've ever made in a a whimsical moment it doesn't even compare to God making a promise to you I'll give you an example years ago one of my boys were smaller they would say dad will you beat will you make a hoop we want we want to shoot in the hoop and so at you know I think I'm like 64 can't remember but um you know at my height that makes sense but I'm conveniently sitting down I was listed to six for high school though on the basketball team and I think that's what counts so you know dad's you're out there mom's you know you make the hoop and you know over a few minutes like you know the basketball hoop gets tired you know and I don't know Chelsea's talking to me and I'm like it also may your dad dad you said you'd make the hoop and I'd be like all right man I did for five minutes it's a lot all right all right let's do it again and over process a few minutes I'd be talking or ESPN or whatever I'd kind of drop the hoop dad dad dad dad you said you would you it you would make a hoop now you think to yourself it's not a big deal like Judah don't beat yourself up about you know dropping the hoop every once in a while you know it's just it's a simple little is it a promise is it a commitment you made to your kids yeah kinda but it's no big deal I'm gonna tell you something about God it is to him I know this may sound silly but when you ask God to make a hoop and he commits to it he's going to be like this forever I mean and you're gonna be like hear me I got it I it was years ago I just asked you to be a hoop no I said yes I mean you can do the hoop thing anymore I told you I would I'm true to my promise but this is the God we worship he is so serious about his promises and that's why I'm saying when God makes a promise to you you can count on it and if this story tells us anything God always delivers on his promise no matter how small it is over and over I see God like this in the Bible and I'm like what are you doing it was the smallest but I said I would but I said I would and so if you're here today and you're wondering is God gonna keep his promise I'm looking at his body of work I'm looking at his history and I can guarantee you can't guarantee a lot in this life but I can guarantee God will be like this for you he's true to his promise now I think we all got to be honest for a second though about God keeping his promises his timetable is a little different somebody's like is he gonna say that or we just gonna move on we're just gonna gloss over the fact that it was a promise god made 500 years before he fulfilled it so God has a little different schedule than you and me right he's the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob that's a really like like like like fancy way of God saying like I'm the god of generations and one day is like a thousand years a thousand years like one day and so like I see things generationally I see things like historically so God can make a promise to you let's let's be clear about this and and and and you might pass away but God will fulfill it in another generation or generation after that but he is always true to his promise always true to his promise which is which by the way is kind of crazy when you start to consider asking God for stuff because you be careful now you might be asking God for stuff and he might have given you a promise that he'll do it and your great grandkids might get a delivery your great grandkids might get a package from God and they're like how did this happen I made a promise to your great-grandfather and now you get the promise I said this before in in the point is not my life but my grandfather Elwood pastored a church in Tacoma where hundreds of people were and some things unfolded that weren't exactly the healthiest and that church kind of evaporated it does not lost on me that I'm standing here today probably up under some of the answered prayers of Grandpa Elwood and things he asked from God but I didn't even ask for but he asked for and God's like imma imma fulfill that one but it'll be it'll be a few years so so it's kind of cool sometimes when you're talking to God to be like what I'm gonna ask so big that you have to deliver this a few generations down line like God is true to his promise he's so amazing so amazing now one of the ass Effects of this story that is very very important for us to understand here in the book of Joshua is that this this whole wandering and traveling of the people of Israel is really a portrait in a picture of humanity to go back just for a moment to say God made he talks to one guy named Abram he later changed his name to Abraham but in this in this commitment in this promise he says I'm gonna make you great in fact I'm gonna create a nation and they're all gonna come from your body they're gonna come from your lineage in line now remember the story Abraham's like I don't even have a kid and we are mad old like we are so old Sarah is not gonna be able to have babies and and God was like yeah man like when I say stuff like I'm gonna go ahead and do it so they there's a delay welcome to following Jesus there's a slight delay in the plans or according to Abraham and Sarah so they take matters in their own hands Abraham has a baby from another woman and that creates complication as you can imagine and so then they have Isaac Isaac and Isaac it's the beginning the small beginnings of God fulfilling his promise fast forward some argue over 600 years but we'll Ballpark it at 500 years and now Abraham has become two and a half million people Abraham has now become asurim Abraham is two and a half million Jews walking around but listen God still has an aspect of the promise he hasn't fulfilled and the aspect is they don't have their own property yet they don't have their own land and God promised to Abraham but they would have their own land they'd have their own property and they're still wandering around two and a half million Wanderers there's this guy Moses he does a great job of leadership I'm sure you've heard of him he's now dead by the way it wasn't that long ago that Moses has finally put pen to paper and he's recorded for us for instance the book of Genesis these two and a half million Jews have just received if you will the writings of Moses so you can imagine the buzz right it always had been passed down verbally but no one ever put pen to paper so that's kind of the space we're in right now two and a half million wandering Jew's they've received the writings of Moses they're learning about Adam they're learning about Eve they're learning about the garden it's kind of like wow this is such a cool story this is amazing and now a new leader has stepped up his name is Joshua by the time we read here Joshua was probably approximately 80 years old he's young and ready to roll I was expecting a little amens in here come on we're getting better with age and and God comes to Joshua and he goes it's time Josh was like I want to give you the property I promised it's like okay when are we gonna do it he says right now just tell everybody get ready tomorrow I'm gonna work I'm gonna tomorrow Lord yeah tomorrow now there's little parenthesis we read a few minutes ago did you catch it at this time the Jordan overflows its banks that's the way the writer would like to tell you this was a really bad time this is not a good time but nothing you want to understand God a little bit more he he he's been waiting a long time to fulfill this promise and it like five hundred years and the one day he chooses is the day where the Jordan River is out of control and his plan is the property I want to give the two and a half million Jews is right on the other side of the Jordan so Joshua tell everybody to get ready because we're gonna cross over now some of you heard the story so many times it kind of becomes elevator music you're like Jordan crossover Promised Land got it we can kind of check out check the ESPN app there at during service cuz I know this one when Joshua had to deliver to two and a half million Jews they were gonna go over the Jordan River I just want you to imagine for just a slight second how many of those amazing beautiful Jewish people were like I do not like the new guy it's not my god I miss Moses a good thing Moses is dead or they would have definitely put him back into leadership 100 percent got it to be like mo I got take you cuz there's gonna be this minute where everybody's gonna watch you back Joshua is like this is the day God told me by the way if you're in a wonky season of your life and you feel like things are overflowing and overwhelming I'm just giving you a little hint about God it's right about that time God will work a miracle in your life I mean it's just his track record he kind of gets a kick out of the impossible I believe one of the reasons the banks are overflowing is God just wants his people to know and his people today to know I specialize in the impossible I wait five hundred years and I choose the day that the banks are overflowing so I'm telling you man and this isn't just good sermonizing and preaching I understand preachers are famous for preaching this stuff because it sounds great buddy I'm telling you this is ink on paper this is how God works in the the worst season of your life here comes a miracle now there's another thing at play here that I think we got to consider and that is that it wasn't that long ago God did a water miracle to remember he did the Red Sea thing remember so now remember in that miracle God just did water walls water walls right and that you can see the the whales swimming at least that's what the Prince of Egypt says okay so and God doesn't do water walls this time why oh no because he's God by the way if if you're looking for the same approach to your miracle I'm telling you God God will mix it up you'll be like Laura let's do the water walls again he's like I'm I'm over that I'm gonna do something else this time and he does something completely different in this water crossing miracle why that's that's God we're getting little hints at who he is and how he likes to roll and so if you're like god I want you to do like you do yeah but I'm gonna do it a little different this time in your life I think sometimes we miss miracles because they got to look like the 80s or the 90s and gods like I'm the same yesterday today and forever but when I do the impossible I oftentimes do it differently that's that's what I do so he says the Joshua he says I'm gonna take on when you take the Box when we take the Ark and I want the priests to go into the surging swelling overflowing river first that was the worst day to be a pastor the worst right these poor priests like man I signed up to read the Torah man like I signed up to like be around Moses and how I got it I got it I'm gonna die I mean Joshua doesn't know he's like I don't think so man but I appreciate that so so remember the ark the ark Ark of the Covenant which is a sign of God's promises the Ark is made of wood but covered in gold the Ark is clearly a type of Jesus for the wood represents his humanity the gold representing his divinity Jesus is fully God fully man so the ark really only finds its significance in Jesus so the point here is very clear Jesus will go first and of course the Bible later will tell us he's the firstfruits of many he will suffer for us he will defeat he'll go to hell first and he will defeat death hell and the grave he will be a firstfruits which also tells me something about your journey in this life if you are Jesus follower it guarantees he's always before you he's always before you so there is nowhere you will go that he hasn't already been and so though you walk through the valley of the shadow of death you will fear no evil for your Shepherd your rabbi your Messiah your teacher is walking right before you and by the way though he can change everything he still empathizes with what your going through we proved that in the book in the book of Lazarus we prove that in the story of Lazarus because Lazarus his ghost dear friend and his older sisters remember he gets there late Lazarus is dead jesus knows in a matter of minutes he will raise Lazarus from death and yet he still sits down and cries with Mary and Martha because that's how God works now if you're like me we've run into a few Christians who in the midst of your pain will tell you a hey God's good just have some faith I want you to know Jesus doesn't work like that Jesus doesn't sit down with you and say hey you don't think I can fix this why don't you stop crying and have some faith it's that Jesus sits down and cries with you how great is this God he cries with you and then he says now Lazarus get on up now if I was married Martha why were we crying and I think Jesus will say because that emotion is still real and the pain is still real even though I'm going to change it even though I'm the answer to it no he always goes before Jesus is always first he's always first what can give me confidence insecurity in this unstable world that Jesus is always first and then it says when the priests stick there as soon as those Bernard had come as far as the Jordan and the feet of the priest bearing the ark word in the brief like I think it's clear here the scripture wants to know it was it was like it was like tippy-toe and you hey you know that's how those priests were caring that Ark they're like all right all right all right I'm going just relax I'm doing it are we good we good all right it says the Jordan flows the banks through the time hearts at the next verse and it says the waters coming down from above stood and rose up in a heap approximately twenty miles away at where at Adam at Adam that's not that's not like that that's not accident that Adam these people are reading a letter that Moses wrote and they're finding out for the first time least visibly tangibly they've maybe heard of verbally that the first guy who ever lived was Adam it's like it and now they won't know this immediately but they're gonna hear later as they walked we probably took 20 plus days for two and a half million people it took a long long time to cross over this was a long process but at some point they're gonna hear look I love God they're gonna hear that in case you didn't know God shows exactly twenty miles upriver to cut off the flood that could destroy you he cut it off at Adam I mean you know what's good like God is so crazy he made fish in the sea for himself that you and I will never see like God is just I love God for that like gods like nobody ever gonna see him but I am like God does little stuff just cuz he can and he wants to and it pleases him and in this case the message is loud and clear and we've got to pick it up that when Jesus gets involved in your life there is a stoppage it is completely cut off the flood of shame and guilt and temptation and all these things that have overwhelmed your life he cuts it off all the way back to the first man who got us in this mess in the first place and now we are a new man now I'm a new creation and that's the story of the scripture that's the whole story of the book it points us to the fulfillment of the ark fully God fully man his name is Jesus and he steps in the middle of our flood of wickedness and sin and selfishness and shame and he cuts it off let me this it says this is very far away completely cut off god is good all he had to say was far away all that says cut off but very far away completely cut off you ever heard preachers back in the day say as far as the East is from the West so he has removed and separated my sins from me that's real he very far away when God sees you if you've put your faith in the Savior in Jesus he has no thoughts of your sins at all they're so far away and I'm not just talking about the sins you are it I'll talk about the sins you about to do God doesn't even but listen listen God doesn't completely cut off stuff and let it leak grace doesn't leak the gospel doesn't leak you are not not most of your sins are forgiven most of the duck okay only the stuff god only works you know in back in time so there's no chance that God has forgiven you for your sins in 2024 you don't have to deal with those yourself no listen to the language it mirrors that of Jesus on the cross who says it is finished I've cut it off by the way you got a right your brain has to go there you see the swelling surging over whelming River which during this time could could be as wide as 20 miles it's just this is a powerful River it's not a creek this is a river it's got a it's got to be a picture of how it feels sometimes subject to sin and temptation and selfishness and guilt and shame have you ever felt like you're just taken away by the current like I just can't I can't do it anymore I'm boy I've grown up as a as a pastor's kid you know you just you're doing your best you feel like your whole life sometimes is fighting the current right of your friends and culture and stuff when you're like and there were times as a young man it's like man I just can't I can't do this anymore it feels like my whole life is counterculture against the current I think growing up and learning more about Jesus and growing in knowledge of His grace and his goodness I realized its it those exact moments where you feel like the current is going to take you that you have to remember it has been completely cut off in relationship to your life but I but I still feel the effects of it and the draw of it that's right it'll lied to you it'll lie to you but where you get your confidence your steadiness and your security is to remember not what you've done haven't done about to do did last summer what it what he's done and the power to transcend and cross over sin shame guilt all these things is only in the one who goes in first Jesus and so our focus is not a river our focus is not ourselves our focus is not a promised land I'm telling you our focus as a person and when you put your focus see there was a moment in history where God spoke to the two and a half million Jews he said keep your eyes on the ark because you've not been this way before I'd like to remind you today wherever you are in your journey you keep your eyes on Jesus fully God fully man you've not been this way before but all you do is you keep your eyes on Jesus and I'm telling you you will walk over what has destroyed other people's lives what I love about this story too is the strong distinction that on this side of the Jordan the two and a half million Jews lived this way on the other side of the Jordan they're going to live a completely different way because that's what Jesus does he changes your whole existence he defines a new way to be human a new way to actually be alive see on this side of the Jordan what what define the journey for the Jews wandering anxiety fear that was their whole life and God's trying to paint a picture for us and when the art goes in the flood it opens up and they cross over and on the other side what defines their existence home that's secure they get property there gonna be a few more miracles in the story but ultimately the message to us is this is what Jesus does our life is no longer defined by random wanderings and meanderings our life is no longer God does that author confusion so my life is no longer defined by confusion sidenote my life is no longer defined by me having to take care of me and lead me and understand me and be the captain of the ship no now I get to step back he leads the way and I discover security and confidence and assurance okay and if you're like me man I had some moments lately where I'm like god this is on you man this one's on you in fact it's all on you I'm back here drafting off you it's on you this is it this what she wants to do that's blaming you for this one because you're the captain of the ship and now I've gone from wandering and worrying and fear and insecurity and lack of confidence and belonging I've crossed over and now I'm at a place of promise I'm his I'm loved I got my own space I you you can hate me you can not like me you can but but jesus loves me he chose me and he brought me he brought me through they brought me through interesting that the that God wants us to know that the ground was dry which by the way that might be the craziest miracle in the whole story the worst part about this would have been mud mom I mean it hey lose they lose children they'd lose grown adults in that mud but God wants you to know it was completely cut off very far away and the ground was dry your sin is done look what it says in first John 4:17 it says in this scripture just Bulow's me away this is love perfected with us so that we may have confidence for the Day of Judgment because as he is so also are we in this world no I stand on dry ground my righteousness is secure yeah yesterday Chelse and I were praying it's not a big deal we you know we're very spiritual we pray and stuff but um I love pastors yesterday I was reading all the Gospels you know you're like man but we were praying and Chelsea said something so profound she doesn't know that I'm quoting her prayer today but she said I know she wasn't doing it for me she was just talking to God and she says you know Jesus with everything that's going on in the world it seems weird that I'm asking you for this stuff for more but I just you told me to ask big so I'm just coming and she goes I know we don't deserve any of this but I don't think that's the point you just want to bless us and so I'm just gonna I'm gonna ask big and I was like that is my girl that's right this ain't about what you deserve or what you don't don't spend another day feeling guilty as if that'll do you any bit of good no no I'm on dry ground yeah well that ground gets a little muddy once you start doing you know and you don't follow no the ground didn't get dry by the Jews wishing it to get dry the ground got dry because Jesus made it dry Jesus worked a miracle and so has your sins and your condemnation and your guilt and your performance-based emotions no I'm on dry ground ha ha whoa this world is crazy but I'm on what is the ground that you stand on it is to finish work of Jesus that he who knew no sin became same sin so that I might become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus that's my dry ground it's my dry ground and if you forgot that you crossed over please hear me Christian if you forgot that you crossed over let this be your weekly reminder you've been crossed over you've been crossed over God already crossed you over know that here's nothing back there on that side of the Jordan for you you've been crossed over this is a new light we're not going back let's stop for a second remember how dumb it was back there all the wanderings and wonders we thought we were so smart we were dumb but we crossed over but now the knowledge of His grace and His goodness and His mercy and gifted righteousness oh it's a whole new world I'm not going back no he he he crossed me over I love I promise I'm done but you got to see this with is it Psalms 114 I just this is I got a kick out of this verse look at this this is written about this story what ails you Oh see that you flee Oh Jordan that you turn back I love I love the attitude in this verse because what was the writer saying he's saying what happened to you ready to see you look scared what happened to you Jordan you get scared and turn back I love this because it speaks to the confidence it's were supposed to have towards sin and shame and guilt and death of death where is your sting and why are you running Jordan right see what's up are you scared no no sin death temptation are no match for our Creator God our champion our King Jesus what ails you Oh see why did you turn back Jordan because I had to it's finished it's complete he is king of kings and Lord of lords and he has control over the elements and every aspect of your life and you are by definition for given one moment of faith who soever whenever wherever whoever simply receives Jesus is forgiven forever you have dry ground his promises are sure and that you can bank on and hang your hat on that gives me security that gives me confidence and that ultimately is what I got to give my babies as they grow up I can't give them I can't I can't guarantee anything other than that I love you and let me tell you about Jesus but sometimes the adults need to remember to then now I am Who I am by the grace of God and the steps of a righteous man are ordered of the Lord that word ordered means established their firm and in your next step God's already there and he's laying it out so that you don't slip and that you are secure there's some people the next step in your mind is very unsure and unclear I text a pastor friend yesterday I said I know less today than I've ever known before and I'm gonna say something that I've been saying to our church but something about Abraham's journey know that verse where it says and he started out not knowing where he was going but he was with God and I'm telling you the faith journey that's ahead of church home this is not a public announcement I don't have anything in my mind I'm not saying that we're going to Brazil I do love Brazil though I'm down with going Brazil but that if this is happening in your life it's because we're connected as a community there are a lot of people in this room I'm aware you are taking a step and you're not exactly sure where you're going but that's part of God's plan for your life that you are to keep your eyes on Jesus you've not been this way before and something's happening to this church something's happening to me something's happening to you God is asking us to launch out into the deep and you what we've not done before for their remains I want you to think about it for a second I promise I'm done there remains billions that do not know the love of Jesus and the forgiveness of Jesus so no we can't sit with truth in our lap and not carry it to the world so we're gonna step out and we're gonna keep stepping out all right was your life changed watching our youtube channel we super hope so was your life changed promise so if you want more content from our YouTube channel what do you do Jesus God and then what else recent messages right here and if there's a boy out there any boys anywhere we're not interested in you for 40 years 40 years okay love you
Channel: Churchome
Views: 32,757
Rating: 4.9366198 out of 5
Keywords: Churchome, Judah, Judah smith, church, message, anxiety, depression, how to, elevation, Steven, Hillsong, oceans, sermon, the city church, church home, Chelsea smith, bobby Houston, td jakes, pastor, pastor preaching, carl lentz, Jesus, conference, guest speaker, sermon jam, worship, Justin Bieber, la Hillsong, Selena, preaching, Judah message, performance
Id: FaQTtkjRY64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 2sec (2822 seconds)
Published: Tue May 29 2018
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