Take Up Your Bed // Judah Smith

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we are gonna go to Luke chapter 5 Luke chapter 5 I'm gonna turn in my Bible if you don't have a Bible with you no worries at all we're gonna put it up on the screen for your viewing enjoyment and then the band will come back and we're gonna sing some songs that we believe are true about our great big awesome wonderful God and I love you I love the fall I just or autumn I like autumn autumn is a better term than fall nobody wants to fall but um in this a great time of year I know it's a lot of rain and stuff but the leaves are turning it's just I don't know it's just like kind of romantic get the fire going and it leads to other things okay Luke chapter 5 now I'm gonna get you guys going this morning here we go I am pumped Luke chapter 5 we're gonna begin reading a story in verse 17 it says one of those days as Jesus was teaching Pharisees and teachers of the law were sitting there who had come from every village of Galilee Judea and from Jerusalem and the power of the Lord was with him to heal and behold some men were bringing on a bed a man who was paralyzed and they were seeking to bring him and lay him before Jesus and finding no way to bring him in because of the crowd the house was so packed they they went up on the roof and and and peeled back the tiles and let him down through the tiles right into the middle of the meeting right in front of Jesus when Jesus saw their faith he said to the man man your sins are forgiven you and the scribes and Pharisees begin to question or grumble who is this who speaks blasphemies who can forgive sins but God alone when Jesus perceived their thoughts he answered and said why do you question in your hearts which is easier to say your sins are forgiven you or rise and walk now you may know but that you may know that the Son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins he says to the man who was paralyzed I say to you listen to these words rise pick up your bed or take your mat with you take your bed with you and go home and immediately oh I love that term and immediately it's amazing how God can work in your life he can do things immediately I just want to say for the record I think God can do something in your life today right now immediately God can work miracles in your life and immediately he rose up before they picked up what he had been lying on and now he's gonna start to carry what was carrying him picked up what he had been lying on went home glorifying God look at this next verse and amazement seized them all and they glorified God and they were filled with awe saying we have seen extraordinary things today what an amazing story and I'm really drawn to the words that Jesus chose to use how many know Jesus doesn't use filler language he doesn't use filler words every word is divine every word chosen by God he says to the paralyzed man take your bed with you pick up your bed and go home now we see this as well in John chapter 5 John chapter 5 of the story we recently spent some time investigating and studying and learning from but it's in John chapter 5 I'll paraphrase four time jesus walks up on an unusual scene it is a collection a multitude the Bible says of sick people blind lame deaf paralyzed and they're gathered around this extraordinary pool and this pool is at different times stirred by an angel and when the pool is stirred by an angel whoever gets to the pool first gets their miracle they're no longer blind they're no longer paralyzed they're no longer death they are miraculously healed but only the person who gets there first I truly believe it's a picture of what life is apart from God life is to get ahead in life we are all sitting around with our brokenness our lameness our challenges and our difficulties and it seems like the only people that can get ahead in life are those who are first those who are the fastest those who are the most connected those who have the resources the education the exposure and it's kind of what life is if you get enough money if you get enough education if you get enough connections if you get enough resources you can get ahead in life Jesus walks into this dog-eat-dog setting he approaches a man we're not giving his name but we know he's been there for 38 years 8 plus 3 is 11 11 in scripture is the number of chaos this man's life is chaos his life is chaotic chaos all around him seems to be no purpose day after day after day he can't catch a break Jesus says to the man not hello what's your name my name is Jesus I'm your local Messiah he doesn't say that he says do you want to be made well right to the point the man looks up at the perfect stranger who's asking him if he wants to be healed and he begins to explain to him his plight his circumstances situation he says well yes I in other words I do but you understand I've been close sometimes there's been some days over the course of 38 years I've been right there when the pool is stirred right there almost to catch a break almost to get ahead almost to get my miracle but there always is somebody faster there's always somebody stronger there's always somebody more connected that gets in front of me and gets their miracle in other words I don't have any friends I don't have any connections nobody will help me out I'm not connected like he is I'm not connected like she is he's explaining what many of us experience in this thing called life Jesus standing before him he does not know it's Jesus is the author of heaven and earth he can change everything Jesus looks at the man and says what he says to the other paralyzed man in the house he says rise get up take your bed with you and walk and it says in John chapter 5 verse 9 at once immediately at once the man stands up and is completely whole completely healthy and he goes taking his bed with him in fact at the very next verse some religious teachers scholars religious traditionalists and in and really thugs when it comes to the keeping to the law they stop the unparallel they stop the miracle man who's got new legs and new calf muscles and new thighs and joints and ligaments and they say hey how dare you take up your bed and walk multiple times in this particular passage in John chapter 5 we see the phrase take up your bed now we've spent several Sundays for those that haven't been there no worries at all let me kind of give you a little filler and we've spent several Sundays investigating throughout scripture the teachings of Jesus that tell us if you want to find your life you have to let it go and we've investigated over and over different portions and passages of Scripture that tell us what we should let go of we've talked about letting go of control the perceived control we letting go of having to understand at all letting go of this this perceived security and safety and trusting Jesus with this great big adventure called life today I'd like to speak to the other side of the coin I'd like to share with you four things you should always take with you four things you should never let go of four things you should never forget four things you should always remember and rehearse Jesus said twice to two men he worked a miracle he says your home but I want you to take your bed with you so the title of my message is take up your bed is that shocking that took a long time to pray on that one to kind of figure out what would be a great title take up your bed let's pray Jesus thank you for the moments that we share speak to us now help us to see you and experience you see your love your grace and your goodness we love you so much help our team well we thank you our churches now in Seattle and LA but it is against our church policy to cheer for LA teams we only cheer for Seattle teams which are your teams we thank you for the Seattle Seahawks help them beat the Los Angeles Chargers by more than two touchdowns protect qb1 infuse our offensive line with energy and give our defensive axe swiftness quickness accuracy and interception power in Jesus name and all God's people said if your team is not the Seattle Seahawks a list of several churches in the area are gonna come up on the screen you said everyone's welcome those are with conditions tomorrow will be November 5th 2018 and it was 19 years ago November 5th 1999 I married this young lady right over here the love of my life cheers to that [Applause] 19 years we've been married we discovered now wonder if anyone can beat this we discovered a couple in the 830 Service who've been married 57 years is there anyone present here right now the 10:30 service in Kirkland who's been married more than 57 years and if you lie we won't even know the difference except you are in church anyone here been married more than 57 years isn't it amazing the winner is 57 years we are gonna be giving that lady a million dollars a million hugs 57 years soap meanwhile back to reality Chelsea and I are still working on 19 okay it's only been 19 years tomorrow we're gonna celebrate with a board meeting for church Baba it's gonna be great and then we'll get on an airplane so yeah it's gonna be a real romantic day for us for our 19th anniversary but every day is an anniversary with you baby start start doing that oh man I love everything about my wife I really do absolutely everything with a few exceptions cows cows like hates Satan and hates clutter like same clutter and Satan like I think she believes you know hell is cluttered right so she just despises clutter furthermore that leads to this value and and one of her values is not to be commemorative to be nostalgic she doesn't really memorialize anything she'll sees like onward and better the best is yet to come right and so that's kind of Chelsea's personality that leads me to this last week this last week our 14 year old comes home giant and he gets a ribbon for running in in in track right then he goes and he pulls out a yellow ribbon I didn't know this did you know this yellow is the color for fourth place like I knew blue is first red his second was green his third is that white is third okay yellow who knew yellow is fourth place so he pulls out a yellow ribbon and he goes mom do you want to keep this I'll just throw it away it's my fourth place ribbon Chelsea goes we're eating tacos she's like yeah hey I want it you like take it you're like what am i doing okay so I like put it in my pocket in my mind I'm like you know someday maybe his his wife will wallet or something you know but like you know I get this from my dad my dad many of you remember dad he was the most commemorative person on the face of the planet I think if we had a lot like if the board of elders had allowed him he would have like built statues of every church member and like commemorated you and like the the we met this couple they came in 97 they came in 94 like dad is the most it was the most commemorative person ever for instance I once got a hole-in-one in golf it's not a big deal it's not about me it's about the Lord but I got a horn one and of course dad was probably somewhere praying and reading his Bible and so I called my said dad you won't believe it today on hole number seven I got a hold one oh my son I prayed for this this is true story I prayed for this so my dad would pray about anything okay you're like Jude I think it's kind of funny and cute how you pray for the Seahawks it's not cute to me bro it's real okay so just calm down there buddy so I grew up you pray about everything and you pray against your opponents the Los Angeles chargers but it's like I prayed for this unbeknownst to me he calls the golf club and he says I need to buy one of your signs they said mr. Smith we don't sell the big custom engraved large marble signs that identify each hole he goes you understand my son got a hole-in-one today I need to buy that sign mr. Smith again we don't sell these large marble signs over a process of time my dad convinced the golf club to actually sell him the marble sign that says hole number seven par three fast forward Christmas Day this thing weighs as much as a human he wraps it under a tree it's just classic dad everyone opens their gifts he's like he always wanted to be the last now I have one more gift I have one more gift oh my god what is it he he lifts up this massive piece of marble he's wrapped it he was gifted in many things not wrapping okay and he lists it over and goes son he puts it on you know I'm married I'm like 25 oh my god dad thank you he's a Coppola god you're not gonna believe it I open it up and it's true I'm like dad did you steal the sign from the hole it's like now they sold it to me I'm like how much did that cost right now my daddy's like yo you'll never forget you'll now you'll never forget your hole-in-one son you can hang this in your house first of all there is no hanger that can hang a hundred and seventy-five pounds of marble right almost like thanks dad so fast-forward years later and my wife was many gifts just not commemorating things we're cleaning out the garage which is typically every afternoon in our home and she goes babe are we really do you really need this and I go are you are you serious right now do we really need this I'll see it's a kind of gets in the way you can't hang it anywhere I go how dare you my father who is with the Lord Bob that for me that is my hole-in-one like standing between her and my marble it gets worse she goes oh whatever and I'm like not whatever I am the head of this home it's good I didn't say that he give me I want to live so so then she goes all right well can we at least throw away these dirty cups I'm like I'm sorry you say dirty cops she's like yeah can I get rid of these cups and I'm like these are the cups that my late father and I drank lemonade out of at a very important golf tournament we followed Tiger Woods around in 2008 no we're not getting rid of these cups she's like well at least let me wash them I'm like you washed in all the memories are washed out she's like you're gross and I said you're gross Chelsea just likes to declutter everything I'm like babe that's one of our children you can't give them away you know I'm like this is too much which leads me to ask the question like what are these two guys do with their old mats we know for a fact that first they took them with them but like after they carried him back to relatives places I mean obviously the family must have been shocked when they showed up with two working legs and a healthy body they're like ah they're like you got time let me explain right let's sit down let's have a meal but what did they do did they is there mat somewhere in their garage like my big piece of marble where did they where did they keep their mat they throw it away I doubt it I doubt it let's just use our imagination for a moment with that that mat represents the greatest miracle of their life a miracle that will be memorialized in ancient divine scripture forever look if I'm one of the guys I'm finding the best framer in town and I'm putting this behind Plexiglas with perfect lighting right and I'm hanging it on my wall so whoever comes over asks so I can tell them the story what did they do with these mats well we're not entirely sure except what we do know is that Jesus gave them specific direct instructions to pick the mat up and take it with them what were these mats like how old were these mats how smelly were these mats how ragged were these mats they were not art they were old dirty smelly mats but for some reason Jesus says you got a new body you got new legs but I want you to take your old mat with you on your way to your new life what used to carry you you're going to now carry take up your bed I want to give you four things today that you should always take with you on your journey it may not even make sense sometimes but you should always take these with you Jesus came into your life for those of you that accept the forgiveness of Jesus the free gift of forgiveness of Jesus that has transformed your life giving you a new life as sure as those men were unparalleled ease as' spiritually in our soul we've been transformed there's something you should always never forget always take with you carry with you on your journey and the first is forgiveness always take with you forgiveness you say what you two have how do you get that from this passage what do you mean why does the mat represent forgiveness well remember first story we read frankly is a wonky story but you the word wonky lately I just love it I just think it's a great word totally under utilized so let's use wonky ones last time you heard somebody say it's a wonky story about Jesus but it is socially walking Judah enough with the wonky sorry it makes you feel wonky but the guys work hard they open up a roof they lower him down and can I ask you why did they do that cuz they believe Jesus can heal their friend physically his his asked his need his point the focus the idea its kind of there he can't move he's paralyzed he's lowered in the middle of this revival meeting in this home talk about church home and everyone's like whoa like will he heal his paralysis in Jesus an answer to the overt obvious need that everyone in the room can see he says you're forgiven talk about a buzzkill I think everybody's like ah that's nice that you gave him an ethereal invisible miracle but teacher I think what he's looking for is you're healed she says you're forgiven everyone's like ah and then subscribes of Pharisee say how dare you say he's forgiveness as well I'll prove to you that I can do the greatest miracle of all by doing a secondary miracle that's not nearly as important but I'll do it so you know I can do the greatest miracle I will heal this man's body so that you know I can forgive him of his sins one of the reasons we don't take forgiveness with us wherever we go the greatest miracle of all the greatest miracle of all the greatest miracle of all the greatest miracle of all which is forgiveness we forget forgiveness we let forgiveness fade into the background we don't make forgiveness the focus is because we're still way on Jesus to meet our physical tangible need and we're saying gee yeah yeah yeah you forgave me that's cool I need a job Jay Oh be Jesus Jesus says you're forgiven we're like that's great I need a job and it's amazing if we will take forgiveness wherever we go it'll put things like a job in perspective now I'm gonna be real honest with you and very straight God wants you to have a job and I'll be the first person to stand with you in prayer for a new job but Jesus doing something physical like that in your life is not nearly as miraculous and supernatural as the forgiveness of your sins you are forgiven forever 1st John chapter 1 says if you confess your sins he is faithful and just to forgive you of your sins and cleanse you from all unrighteousness 1st John chapter 1 that is not a teaching that leads us to bleed that we've got to confess every wrong thing we've done how many know we don't even remember all the things we did in the 80s some of you weren't alive in the 80s but no it means if you'll confess I've done err I've committed err I've committed wrong I've hurt myself I've heard others I have sinned and I need a Savior you'll be forgiven doesn't mean that every day you wake up but God forgive me for this forgive me for this but give me for this forgive me for this forgive me for this no it means that you confess every day I need a Savior I thank you Lord I'm saved I thank you that you rescued me and you forgave me the Bible says who cleanse you from all unrighteousness you will be forgiven of all of your sins your past sins your present sins and your future sins you are forgiven and whom the Sun sets free or whom the Sun forgives is forgiven indeed forgiven completely God has separated you from your air you're wrong in your sin as far as the East is from the West when God looks at you he sees righteousness he doesn't see your sin for the Bible says in 2nd Corinthians 5:21 he who knew no sin became and so the you and I can become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus oh I might need a job I might need a new car I might need a pay raise I might need a healing in my body but the greatest miracle of all is that I am righteous righteous so people passed away in our church dear friends of ours lost loved ones these last couple of weeks in our church and in talking to the loved ones that are still here what we didn't talk about is their physical body their job their career what we did talk about is forgiveness because at the end of days what matters the most is that they receive the free gift of forgiveness and they're in the arms of God for eternity well if forgiveness if you'll take it with you wherever you go may that mat be a reminder that you are right with God Romans 8:1 says there is therefore now no shame no guilt no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus for those who accept the free gift of forgiveness that only Jesus offers you don't earn it deserve it warrant it you simply accept it like a gift and the Bible says there is therefore now a lot of believers are ok with telling everybody that God forgave them for what they did in 2002 but I find that very few Christians can accept the fact that God forgave you for what you did at 2:02 a.m. this morning everybody wants to say all God forgave me for what I did back in the early 2000s I'm telling you God forgave you for what you did 22 minutes ago you are forgiven there is therefore now no condemnation the only power to overcome our nature which wants to serve ourselves and hurt ourselves and hurt others and live for ourselves is not to focus on ourselves but is to be reminded of the forgiveness that only comes to the finished work of Jesus and by focusing on his gift and his love and His grace I am transformed day by day oh please don't ever let go of forgiveness let the message of forgiveness you know what's amazing about forgiveness when the forgiveness of Jesus that you have freely received as central in your life you become a forgiver you freely you have received forgiveness now freely give forgiveness he forgiving people are forgiving people forgiving people are forgivers are you running these people they're like hey I don't you know I said so oh come on you didn't mean it relax come on let's get a latte how about pumpkin spice they're big hearted open-handed people why well Jesus forgave me they don't lock people up in a Cell of unforgiveness in their soul and heart talking about you better earn my forgiveness you better deserve you better crawl on your hands and knees and beg me to forgive you know if God through Christ Jesus forgave me how I will also forgive those who hurt me and offend me I dream about a church full of forgivers not come on here all good I know you didn't mean it was really dumb but hurt my feelings but I forgave you how are you forgiven come on you're released love you I've been released I've been forgiven you're forgiven I wonder if there's people right now you need to forgive the only impetus that will enable you to do that is when you realize how forgiving you are in Jesus Oh amazing wouldn't it be awesome to live every day just having forgiven everybody just free as a bird and birds seem pretty free to me just just forgiving people some some people are getting sent free right now today you're like you know matter of fact I can't forgive that person that's right you can I thought I couldn't I thought it was too deep I thought it was too hard I thought it was too evil I thought I was too wicked I thought I was hurt too bad I couldn't no no if you keep focusing on yourself you'll be incapable of forgiving you won't be able to muster up the courage and the strength but if you focus on Jesus and what he did he hung on the cross as he was suffocating in his own blood for six hours and he he uttered the words Father forgive them they don't know what they're doing oh if Jesus could hang on the middle cross us and forgive me in the midst of his pain in his agony I can forgive those who have hurt me I can forgive those who have done harm against me let us be a forgiving Church because forgiveness has been given to us freely and that awesome I feel good already it not even kickoff and I feel good what's the what's the second thing we should always take with us the second thing we should always take with us is is the Wonder the wonder of Jesus the Wonder of Jesus I got to imagine that when these guys saw these mats whether they hung them on their wall or put them in their garage they had to have days they saw him again I highly doubt they threw him away because every time they looked at that mat they were reminded of that wonderful moment because remember these paralyzed men were not just unparallel they were completely made whole think about how miraculous this is it's as Jesus says rise take up your bed and walk and immediately at once immediately at once immediately at once at once immediately these men are on their feet this is called a picture of salvation at once immediately you're forgiven you're reconciled with God you're made righteous you are completely his you're ushered into his family from the kingdom of artisan to the kingdom of light and you are his and you are beloved than you are proven you are accepted and you are pleasing in you at once immediately whoa can you remember was it 1962 when Jesus found you was in 1988 do you remember the joy of your salvation do you remember the wonder of it all when somebody ran into you in a cafe and said do you know God loves you do you know there is a God and he's not mad at you and he's not he's not removed himself from you he is near to you he is with you he died for you he's involved with your life and he has an incredible plan for your future and you sat there and your heart burned within you and for the first time you realized there is a God and he's big and he's wonderful and I want him in my life and there was a wonder wasn't there there was a wonder may we never lose the AH may we never lose the one to remember what it says about the man who was lowered through the tiles it says it says immediately immediately he was on his feet and and and everybody sucked air and amazement look at this in other words seized them all and they walked around saying we this is crazy whoa what is that it's Wonder its first love it's the joy of your salvation always take that with you on your journey Oh God you are wonderful you are full of wonder there is no God like our God one day in your house is better than a thousand else would rather be a doorkeeper in your house I love you I love you are extraordinary and wonderful you know there are people that this moment is happening to you right now in this gathering it's actually happy you're experiencing the amazement of the saving forgiving power of Jesus while I'm talking right now you're experiencing the wonder your heart's beginning to burn your soul is beginning to open to the reality there's a God who loves you so much that he gave himself on your behalf he took upon himself the punishment for your err you're wrong in your sin so you could accept his place you could trade places and you could be made a right with your Creator in heaven and on earth and all of a sudden it's like whoa it's it's happening I know and it's wonderful take that wonder take that amazement with you wherever you go I'm reminded of Mary crisscross applesauce and Luke chapter 10 in front of Jesus remember Martha's in the kitchen trying to be a good servant Mary's in the living room crisscross applesauce just being a good listener she's basking in the wonder of Jesus in her home and that's where our life with Jesus begins it does not begin in the kitchen it begins in the living room seated before him listening to his love for us always take the wonder of Jesus with you even while you're serving him and passionately doing all these great things for him you remember it all starts with wonder and amazement god you're here you're with me you love me thank you God which leads me to the third thing you should always take with you take up your bed and walk take up your bed and go home you should always take with you your story your story talk about living and wonder oftentimes you can be reminded of the wonder and the amazement and the miraculous power of God when you recount and rehearse your story again when's the last time you told somebody your story when's the last time you listen to somebody else's story may we be a community where we are constantly boring one another with telling our story again because your story is an aspect of his story which adds to his beauty and his essence and his character and again it reverberates throughout our souls and our spirits as we take time one with another to tell each other how God has changed my life can we have some fun like I just imagined one of these Matt guys you know mr. Matt we've got two Matt's - Matt guys former Matt guys used to be on mats now they're not I imagine one guys framed it like I said because that's what I would do he frames it in his home you can imagine over the course of several years maybe the one guy's about 38 40 years old around my age and now his whole life was on a mat now his whole life is on his legs and he's healthy and strong and he gets a condo and he frames the old Matt that used to define his existence and one by one he invites new friends over and he would tell him the story I imagined 20 years in all of his friends are sick of his story but here comes a new friend to dinner and he can't wait mr. Matt and the new friends sitting there looking around in the house bill can I ask you what's up with the old rug you framed all the friends at the table ah no not that and mr. Matt bill ever his name is because I haven't told you because no and the friends go please bill the cliffnotes version the abbreviated one not the long one not the long story well it all started in a pool called Bethesda have you heard of it no Oh years ago he goes into his whole story he just keeps telling it and his friends are there everyone's digging into the hummus like oh no not again the stories those guys must have told I can imagine one of them has kids later in life and his kids have kids and now he's a grandpa he's got the kids sitting around and they're like grandpa can tell us a story before we go to bed have I told you the one of when I was on a mat grandpa that's the only one you tell us grandpa please grandpa give us another one no I'm gonna tell it to you again no grandpa listen closely it was amazing they lowered me through a roof grandpa we know imagine the stories they told wouldn't you wouldn't you I didn't know it was him he was like a stranger he asked me if I wanted to be made well I remember being frustrated cuz I didn't know was him how did you how did you not know well he didn't tell me his name really but I knew there was something different about him can you imagine those dinner parties can you imagine you'd be one of the old friends going all this story again and then he'd get you again and you'd lean in for the hundredth time and you'd listen to the same old story because it never gets old this story this story about how Jesus transforms people saves people heals people forgives people the truth is I need to hear your story you need to hear my story I need to hear myself tell you my story when I tell you my story wonder begins to bubble up again when I tell you my story I'm reminded of what matters most I'm reminded why I exist I'm reminded there are still yet people who do not know the free gift of forgiveness that only Jesus offers my life comes into perspective my challenges begin to be minimized and diminished and put in their proper place as I'm reminded again thanks be to God who saved me and healed me and delivered me I was on my back I was on a mat I was blind but now I can see I was dead but now I can hear I was lame but now I can walk Wow Wow always take your story with you what I love about stories is it's hard to argue with the story people can argue with your philosophy and with your theology but it's hard to say in 1988 you didn't meet Jesus and Nashville come on but I did well I don't think you did okay but it's my story you weren't there in 88 you were born in 91 it's it's your story oh let us tell our story wherever we go and maybe be those people that bore each other with our story I remember five years old I remember my story five years old my heart started to burn I knew I wanted to give my life to Jesus the preacher said if you're if you're cheating right now on your spouse if you're living in adultery I want you to come to the altar I said mom I got to go to the altar she said not today I said mama I got to give my life to Jesus it was Portland Oregon it was purple carpet church called Bible temple so mom said all right she walked down the aisle talking about it's not me it's him it's not me it's him and I get it's a true story and I gave my life to Jesus fast forward I'm 11 years old and Boise Idaho my dad's preaching on destiny and vision and purpose and I heard the closest thing to the audible voice of God God said you're gonna be a preacher to your generation my dad and I got on our knees and we prayed and we cry fast forward 16 years old I'm playing basketball this is quite high school I have this open vision about different things that do with my life a lot of which I'm doing now that's my story what's your story what's your story we need to share our story hey what is that sir Karen I Oh I haven't told you well you got that old mat around oh so I haven't told you who I used to be oh so I haven't told you where I've come from you know I like to be an instigator in this regard - I'm like tell him tell him tell him who you used to be really mean tell him tell him who used to be but he used to hurt people tell him tell him caught up to its Goods crazies crazies crazy you wouldn't have in his front you be scared tell him tell them let's encourage each other to tell mark story and it builds our faith that it reminds us again that Jesus can save anybody always take your story with you in and in and last but not least the fourth thing we should always take with us on this journey Jesus take up your bed take the bed with you I think it also is a picture always take the mission with you brothers and sisters God cares about your career God cares about the fertilizer you just put on your lawn God cares about the you know the the Capri Suns you got to take the soccer practice this week for your kids soccer team God cares about the fact that you ran out of toothpaste this week and you had to post mates it God cares about the smallest of details but let us not forget we are not as much in a career as we are on a mission we are on a mission you said you know what is the mission well I tell you the heart of the mission it's found in the most famous verse in all the Bible you know the one Tim Tebow wrote that's the joke John 3:16 here it is here's the heart of the mission here's why our life is not defined by the toys the real estate the clothes and the things we collect because the heart of God is this he so loves the world so he goes to these extreme measures of giving of himself dying in our place why because God so didn't just love you so loves the world that word world means broken sinful system and the people in it which is to say what is the mission the heart of the mission is this God loves very very bad people very very much that's what the most famous verse in the Bible proves to us so you know how do you know that because you're looking at one I know from personal experience God loves very very bad people not just a little he loves them very very much he desires that all men should be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth see when you're a father you don't have the luxury of percentages I don't look at my three babies and go I pray that two out of the three will know God and have a fulfilling life you would be insulted by that you'd write me an email I hope and yet oftentimes we look at church and we look at communities and go well at least we got a good amount of people from kirkland in church but see for God all seven to eight billion on the planet today those are all his children and that's why as a father he has no desire that any should perish without relationship with him it leads us to Luke fifteen where Jesus is criticized for the friends he makes you've heard me talk about this I believe it's the heartbeat of the church not just our church I think it should be the heartbeat of the church around the world it says in Luke chapter 15 verses 1 & 2 now the tax collectors please hear me the tax collectors and sinners were all getting close to Jesus they wanted to listen to what he had to say I think to myself oh God can we have a church where people who are far from God and religion and theology will draw closer because they want to hear what we have to say because our love is so evident because we're so different they started the bad people got close to a good god they just wanted to hear what he had to say and the religious teachers they said this man accepts bad people and he eats with them one translation says he treats bad people like old friends and I wonder if you and I could endeavor to be a part of a community where when they do criticize us they criticize us for the same thing they criticized Jesus for that they criticize us that our hearts are so open and our doors are so wide that we welcome bad people like us and we treat them like old friends people couldn't understand why God in the flesh would make friends like this so he told us a parable that has three parts the first is about a sheep or ninety nine to a hundred sheep ten coins and two sons and I look at that passage and it frames for me why God has put you and I on a mission I'll tell you why the reason Jesus had the friends he has is because he sees human beings like sheep coins and children see every human being is prone to wander just like sheep but every man woman boy and girl alive bears the image of God just like a coin and every man woman boy and girl live is his son or his daughter God desires that all would be saved but he knows that were dust he knows that we wander but we bear his image and we are his children and so for those of us that have received the free gift of forgiveness we are invited into not just a career not just a nice income and savings and retirement but we're called to follow in his footsteps and engage relationally and socially the same way he did because we understand every day that people are Wanderers but we bear the of our creator and we are still all his children so he says follow me follow me and of course in the Great Commission the operative word in Matthew chapter 28 will read it in a little bit is this word go-go-go and that's the word I struggle with the most at times because the commission is not stay it's gone I want to stay Jesus I want you to go across the room and talk to your coworker I want you to go across the street and talk to your tune to your two new neighbors I want you to go move to a new neighborhood in the city and I want you to be a listener and someone who cares for people in the neighbor I do a different state in the country and you're gonna take this job and I want you to live on the go then I've called you two and I want you to remember that it's bigger than you I want you to remember the mission freely I have received forgiveness now freely I've got to tell my story and give it away the word go means something to me personally I hope you take this in the right heart and spirit but Jesus did not die and rise again seated at the right hand of the Father on high so we could attend a sermon talk on Sundays he died and rose again so that our hearts would burn with a passion for what his heart burns for and that's people and so that the go that lingers over all of our lives for those who profess Jesus as our Messiah there lingers over your life a big green go will you and I go you say would you die don't think we're all supposed to go to the ends of the earth that's right it could be go across the room but that go is just as important as anybody else's go will we be a church that goes god loves this city God loves Los Angeles but he loves all the other cities in all the other countries and all the other continents and today I'd like to make an announcement that we are going to give it a go we are going to take a risk we're going to take a step I'm about to announce to you something that is brand new that we literally are launching as we speak today and you are the first that I'm telling I promise you that is an exciting opportunity technology has changed the world as we know it I'm not saying that technology has been a completely good thing there has been some drawbacks and some significant ones but I also believe that certain things are redeemable in culture and God can take what the enemy means for evil and he can work it together for good and I think we have an extraordinary great and effective open door before us not too dissimilar to what Paul had in Ephesus God has given us opportunity in culture centers of the world like Seattle and Los Angeles and now to the ends of the earth where we can tell the story of Jesus where it's needed most and I believe we can use technology and I believe it is our opportunity to go to go like we have never gone before and so we've been the process of the last several months in fact it's been almost exactly a year in the works we have been working on a technology platform it could be called an app but I don't want to limit it to that it's much more than an application it is a new way to church it is a new way to connect with people a few years ago I approached our board of elders and I said I believe we're supposed to change our name we were the city church we were a city set on a hill that cannot be hidden the heart of my father was to build a church a city couldn't ignore I believe it is high I believe it is our time to build a church the world can't ignore and I believe that we're supposed to open our hearts bigger open our doors bigger open our homes bigger I said I think we need to taint change our name to church home the reason for that first of all was that's what God put in my heart and he showed me Luke chapter 15 there was a celebration in three different homes the Sheep came home celebration in the home the coin was found celebration in the home the son was found celebration in the home the church was supposed to be this celebration of lost and found lost and found the home church was to function like a home but I also believe I know how it was gonna work but I believe that the day would come we could have we could we could do Church in people's homes Church home and I want to say something and I'm not here to scare you but I'm here to tell you the truth the Bible tells us the story tells us that persecution will come and it has come and it has come too many of our brothers and sisters in different parts of the world in some cases in this part of the world but you should note that historically when the church is persecuted we grow all the more we're at our best when there is resistance and persecution and the day may very well come we're gathering in big beautiful air-conditioned buildings like this is not always convenient and easy and accessible but if we can prepare now for the future and I want to say this when it comes to our buildings and facilities we do not have enough parking spaces or cease to fill our buildings a hundred times over and contain even a fraction of the people that live in Seattle Washington alone we can't fill our buildings enough to reach the beautiful people of this city and Los Angeles and beyond and I believe that God can use technology that we can take the message of Jesus and put it into people's palms into their homes into their hands and they can experience real community and real relationship I believe we were beginning to build an application that will lead people to tactile relationship I believe that oftentimes it's easy to slip into a building and slip out but I believe we can build a technology where it's gonna be so accessible and so easy for people to reach out to become a part of a group to meet in a cafe to meet in a home to get the teachings of Scripture and to begin to grow in their relationship with Jesus exponentially I believe for this I believe it's time for the church not just to think in tens of thousands of hundreds of thousands there is currently a church in this country that's over a hundred thousand I met with Pastor Brian Houston yesterday Hillsong Church has well over a hundred thousand in actual Sunday attendance I believe the church has to start thinking in millions it has to start thinking in millions and I believe that God's going to raise up churches of millions around the world we may not be able to house them in buildings but it might even be more effective and more efficient to house them in cafes to house them in public parks to house them in homes all over the globe translating the message of Jesus in different languages that's my passion that's our vision we're gonna take the go seriously and have a whole lot of fun living it out so I want to present to you something we have been working on it is a work in progress this is officially a soft launch but this is an effort by our board our team our staff our leadership to say we believe the go is real it's time for us to take a big step and a risk so can I introduce you to church home global which you've probably seen the decals at all of our different buildings here's church on global here's the welcome video to this new platform hey welcome to church oh we're so glad you're here no matter where you are right now in the entire world [Music] we really believe that the world's changed technology has changed everything it's an opportunity for you to have Church in your hand Church in your home we want to meet you where you are our passion is to experience real genuine relationships every single day there's fresh content for you and even beyond that there are groups and prayer so come explore and take a few minutes just to see what this church home experience can be for you [Music] come on [Applause] recently people have asked when are you gonna start a church in Nashville wouldn't get to start a church in Texas winning a star Church in Florida winning a star Church in Boston and my answer to that is we just did we just did this is going to be church all over this country and eventually we're working diligently to translate it into other languages where we can have church thriving church community all over the world I believe according to the book of Ephesians God gives gifts to the body according to the pastor prophet evangelist teacher apostle and I believe God has gifted this house to teach and preach the story of Jesus and to equip people to follow Jesus and live the life of Jesus all over the world and so we believe that this is our moment this is our opportunity and I'll be here for the next 23 years teaching on this application and then you won't see me anymore because I will go to Palm Springs but until then we hearts like Judah that's not the mission there's a lot of hurting people in the desert okay but this is us saying we're gonna have church you got loved ones friends family members I wish church home was in your city it is now in fact it's closer than that it's in the palm of your hand and let me just explain the six aspects of this this application this platform this new way to church I think will be incredibly invigorating let me say this on the outset there's hundreds let me just say this there's hours and hours and hours and hours and hours of content and and I hope I can explain this to number one is the daily spark every single day there will be a brand new spark there'll be a brand new video it can be of Chelsea and I it can be of a verse of scripture in different translations with music they'll be sermon jams they'll be preaching in words and music something to give you a spark in your day Chael Sonnen i will be speaking to that or a leadership teachers different people from community will be kind of creating a spark everyday brand new spark every single day for the rest of your life we've been shooting a lot of these by the way and then there'll be places for conversation during the spark you can talk to people you can meet people you can engage with people I think you're gonna really enjoy the daily spark just kind of getting your day going some people are like I don't really know how to do devotions don't know how to connect with God the daily spark will help you to get your mind set on Jesus and kind of a big awesome idea for the day and I think we'll kind of set your day in motion you know it'll come on your phone every single morning the next aspect of the application is probably the foundation of the church other than Jesus himself it's when the believers talk to Jesus and this might be the most considerable aspect of this platform it's an area where we can pray we can pray for each other we can encourage each other it looks like this I'm pretty excited about it you can post a prayer here's Carla who works on our team my dear friend let's say you put two thumbs on those prayer emojis and for 10 seconds it goes around by the way you'll feel a little heart pulse and your thumbs while you pray a lot of people say I don't know how to pray you know what just repeat the prayer requests for 10 seconds and that counts is talking to God in Jesus name soon as you're done pressing that for 10 seconds it is sent to that person directly and they're notified that you just prayed for them you can post anonymous prayers but you'll still be notified from anyone in the community who's prayed for you instantly I believe in for billions and millions and millions and millions of prayers to be prayed for each other all over the world and it may be the single most important thing we're going to do together it's it's pretty awesome there it is and the next part of the app is connect this is what is going to make this more than a podcast and more than just a content center this is a place that will lead to tactile relationship this application and Technology will only be as successful as it leads you to true community we believe the church is a community it's not a lecture hall it's not an event center it's a community where we build lifelong relationship and we walk together in this life I need you you need me we need real authentic relationship in the connection area of the application you can start a group or find a group there's a she group there's all kinds of groups it says 23 I think it's like a hundred and seventy something groups already on the application during the beta phase we've had our staff and different volunteers involved there's hundreds you have young adults you have married you have pre married you have single you have young people you have children you have tennis you have golf you have pickleball remember pickleball I love pickleball started in Bainbridge Island anyways all kinds of groups here it is anyone can start a group anyone can join a group and you say what if a group is weird you can report the weird group on the application and we can remove people it's true stories so hey by the way there was a day we never would have got in a stranger's car now we call it eber and it's like the best thing ever so anyone can start a group at church home wherever you are in the world you can start a group you can invite people to come to the group and we're gonna trust that the Holy Spirit's gonna help us in that regard but I'm believing for thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of groups all over the world meeting together around the love of Jesus and the grace of Jesus so jump on when you get a chance the next aspect of the application is grow it's in this section that you will see past sermon series there's also classes available we've already shot them they've already produced for you there's a section I talked about baptism there's salvation talking about Jesus what it means what it looks like if you have a friend somewhere in the world who's like hey man I don't really understand Jesus don't really understand Church you can literally send them one of these videos they can kind of get a snapshot of what it's all about there's the different classes there's that guy and then there's or it's still just that guy so it's not just me talking the whole time there's Mark banty teaching a class and many others and by the way there's interaction in that class you can start a conversation around that class with people we're believing for people to grow again there's hours and hours and hours of content good doctrine theology teaching about Jesus anchored in Jesus focused on Jesus that I believe will build your life next aspect of the application is uplift I'm so excited about this we're going to open up our heart to the world we are going to put the boots on ground we are gonna go where it is bleak where it is difficult where it is painful we're gonna prayerfully consider where there is crisis where there is chaos where there's a natural disaster we are gonna pray about physically me actually flying to let's say God forbid Louisiana has a hurricane that we would actually go with cameras to Louisiana find three different key churches maybe they've lost their building we're gonna stand there with those pastors on the app and we're gonna ask people to donate in real time I'm believing that we will be able to raise millions of dollars and I'm just gonna say it because I'm 40 and in in in it's half of my life's already gone but I'm just gonna say it I believe we're gonna raise billions of dollars that can change whole cities and maybe dramatically impact countries I believe it I'll believe it I also believe in these live uplift events as we're all we're gonna be all over the world if you would allow me you know the generosity of me being gone a few times on a Sunday or a Wednesday to go to a different country to go to a different City you'll see me live on the app and we're just again we're gonna go where the pain is where the problem is I believe that is where Jesus is and we're gonna stand there with hurting people and we're gonna make a difference we're gonna resource these spaces and places to see them restored and see lives put back together and hearts healed and I'm really really excited about these uplift events that we're gonna have so stay tuned we've already by the way during the beta phase we raise money for Indonesia and the catastrophe that happened there over forty three thousand dollars has already been raised for Indonesian Pastor Dan Peterson is on the ground in Indonesia homes are being rebuilt churches are being rebuilt already making a difference through this thank you so so much and lastly we're gonna have live gatherings oftentimes people have asked when are we gonna stream our services live well today the day has finally come we're gonna have live services where you can interact during the service you can literally talk by the way there's a lobby every Live service you can go to the lobby the lobbies before the service begins there'll be a max of 50 people in each respective Lobby you can click on someone on the lobby and talk to them if somebody's weird you can report them relax then again if you're single and you like to talk to someone you can talk to them in the lobby this is real folks this is real so you can always hang out in the lobby and then while the preaching is going on I don't know if you caught that but our fearless leader Colby actually mentioned bacon during Elijah's sermon let's pray for pastor Kolb but that's Elijah preaching in LA those are emojis one of them is supposed to look like me that's an but the point is you can literally send emojis you can say Amen you can say come on you can talk with people during the live preaching and during the sermons later you can start a conversation those sermons will be posted and archived on there for your for your empowerment and strength this is happening we're doing this in Jesus name we're gonna be a church for the world and God's gonna help us in the process let's go so you literally this is the time where the pastor actually encourages you to get out your phone I know you've been looking at NFC scores anyway so let's just all relax but on the App Store Google Play Android whatever it might be you can download the app today you can download it right now start engaging here's the deal we're doing a soft launch so we won't take this officially we won't announce it quote-unquote to the world until around January issue because what we'd like to do is get your interaction and feedback find the bugs find things that don't work don't resonate find things that do so we can be prepared to be really efficient and effective when we start letting the world know that this is a church available for for everyone this is exciting we're not shutting down our buildings and facilities just to be clear you are more than welcome to still come Judah are you saying that I don't have to attend the church building to be a part of the church that is exactly what I'm saying what kind of pastor says stay home in your PJs and have church well because I'm believing that this platform will lead you not only to a real relationship with Jesus but again real relationship with people in community and that's our passion that there will be a small church with a lot of people all over the world this is it's a new day it's a new era and I could not be more excited can I read to you in conclusion Matthew chapter 28 verses 18 19 and 20 as the music plays softly thank you Kylie I raised Kai Lisa Matthew 28:18 220 Jesus undeterred went right ahead and gave his charge God authorized and commanded me to commission you go out go out and train everyone you meet far and near in this way of life marking them by baptism can I just say I got a vision that people will be baptized in lakes and rivers and hot tubs and bathtubs and oceans and pools all over the world I'm gonna tell the story of Jesus we're gonna baptize them the threefold name Father Son and Holy Spirit then we're gonna instruct them in the practice of all I've commanded you we're gonna instruct them in the practice we're gonna instruct them in the lifestyle we're gonna instruct them in the practice not just the attendance not just the consuming of content we're gonna instruct them in the practice in the lifestyle we're gonna follow in the footsteps of Jesus and the promise is this church home as risky as this may feel as unsettling and crazy and wild as this may feel our promise is this Jesus says church on I will be with you as you do this day after day right up to the end of the age jesus said he will return one day I believe in the second coming I also believe the second coming the Bible says Jesus will return for a massive strong victorious beautiful church he calls his bride that in the end of the age there will be far more people in the family of God than are not there will be billions upon billions who call on the name of the Lord Jesus and are saved who receive his free forgiveness and what an honor and what a privilege that we get to play our small part in that our small part in the billions I believe will be Millions and that's what we're gonna do we're just gonna believe for it I'm opening up my big mouth to tell you what I believe you and I can believe for what an awesome day to be alive what an awesome opportunity we have in front of us may we all accept the go of God okay God here we go I want to pray for you it's not lost on me there are people here who today in this moment would like to experience the wonder of salvation so I'm going to ask just for a moment if you close your eyes because this decision to receive the forgiveness of Jesus starts between you and God first and foremost let me pray for you if you're hearing you say Jude I'd like to become a follower of Jesus I'd like to receive the forgiveness that only Jesus offers I'm gonna ask you on the count of three to lift up your hand and put it right back down you know who you are I ask you to respond by the lifting of your hand because I believe when you respond on the outside to what's happening on the inside it just makes it more real to you you know who you are God loves you so much one I love you too I really believe you'll never be the same three if not you would you shoot your hand up all over the auditorium say I believe and I receive I believe and I receive thank you for those hands Jesus thank you for these hands and thank you for these hearts and souls that are forgiven forever freely we love you Jesus we thank you right now in this moment is the greatest miracle of all unfolding before us it is the miracle of forgiveness and we thank you for your forgiveness today and what I pray again for our church this is not my church this is your church you are the chief you are the King you are the pastor you are the leader you are Messiah you are our champion you are hero you are our Lord and so we pray our Father who art in heaven hallowed be your name your kingdom come and your will be done in this church your will be done in our homes you will be done in our children you will be done in our communities and our neighborhoods and our relationships and our friendships and our workplaces and our jobs and our schools your will be done and may the story of your love and forgiveness flow through the streets like a river may you use this church to tell your story around the world we love you Jesus again we pray not our will but your will be done in Jesus name in Jesus name if you're physically able and willing would you stand with us and let's join the band now let's sing out our praise to God come on church home so do you love our YouTube channel does it remind you of The Fresh Prince of Bel Air I knew it right ok maybe not totally but if you love it you could subscribe right here and we can just keep hanging out and we're gonna have new content like every week so subscribe right here if you love it press it click it now subscribe I miss you we won't hang out more
Channel: Churchome
Views: 44,139
Rating: 4.8411055 out of 5
Keywords: Churchome, Judah, Judah smith, church, message, anxiety, depression, how to, elevation, Steven, Hillsong, oceans, sermon, the city church, church home, Chelsea smith, bobby Houston, td jakes, pastor, pastor preaching, carl lentz, Jesus, conference, guest speaker, sermon jam, worship, Justin Bieber, la Hillsong, Selena, preaching, Judah message, performance
Id: wuFB4fXQzFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 41sec (4241 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 09 2018
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