Not As Strong As The Milk // Judah Smith

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John chapter 14 we've been doing a study here in John chapter 14 and I keep meaning to kind of go to another passage but more and more of this passage continues to speak to me and so I'd like to speak from the subject this morning I'm not as strong as the milk I'm not I'll explain I'm not as strong as the milk that's a quote from my eight-year-old little girl and I'll explain in a moment John chapter 14 we'll begin reading in verse 15 again we're jumping in on the last supper maybe you've heard of it Jesus is seated now with his eleven Judas has now left the room preparing his betrayal and Jesus is there sitting having a meal the the most famous meal maybe in human history and it's here that again he is unfolding revealing and sharing with his disciples guys I'm leaving now I'm gonna I'm gonna die I actually came to die to lay down my life on behalf of all who will simply believe and receive the forgiveness for their error they're wrong and their sin the Bible declares the big idea behind this book is God loves us so much that he gave himself for us though he knew no sin he became sin so that you and I might become right with creator God forever and ever without end and so it's here that he's revealing to his eleven faithful disciples guys I'm gonna die now that in turn releases a lot of turmoil and anguish and emotion and frustration and the guys as we kind of lean into our story here they're in the middle of some pretty emotional moments they're probably had looks like this on their face and they're just like jeez what way why why are you Jesus what and so the whole passage here or chapter John chapter 14 starts with this idea don't be troubled and he says don't be troubled because they all are right so they're all kind of have this emotional moment and Jesus says this in verse 15 he says if you love me you will keep my Commandments if you love me you will keep my Commandments we spent some time on this last week and I want to lean into it a little bit more in fact if you jump to verse 21 it's a bit repetitive Jesus says whoever has my Commandments and keeps them he it is who loves me and he who loves me will be loved by my father and I will love him and manifest myself to him Judas not Iscariot says Lord how is it that you will manifest yourself to us and not to the world in other words what do you what are you talking about Jesus says again if anyone loves me he will keep my word and my father will love him and will come to him and make our home with him and the final verse will read whoever does not love me does not keep my words again Jesus repeats I believe it's in four different verses we just read this idea that if you love me you will keep my Commandments much has been made of this passage of course of any passage of Jesus but I want us to understand truly what Jesus is saying here keeping context now Jesus is using these words to encourage his troubled disciples in front of Jesus is a 11 troubled emotionally unwell young men and Jesus in an effort to encourage them in the mystery of the moment the anguish of the moment the pain of the moment he seeks to encourage them by saying if you love me you will keep my Commandments again the message today is I am NOT as strong as the milk will you pray with me Jesus thank you so much for your love and your grace Lord as we as we read your word and we pray that it would not be mere concepts and principles and ideas but we pray that it would reveal you that we would encounter you that we would see you that we would meet with you thank you so much for your grace what I pray a special blessing on our veterans and service men and women who serve this country faithfully bless them lest their family today we thank you so much Lord for what you're doing in our lives we trust you thank you for what you did in Arizona on Thursday night help our team get healthy and healed and prepare for Monday night against the Falcons and Jesus name and everybody said it's a good wind wasn't it are you still thinking about the Huskies me too so okay there's always the Cougars did they win did the Cougars win yes they did I only care about Cougar basketball I'm kidding come on come on I uh I don't know if I'm like a neat freak or a super clean person but like one of my quirks we've talked about this I don't like getting anything on my clothes I really actually can't handle it it's it's really a problem but I weave a pretty clean house when I think about it it stays pretty clean Chelsea's pretty particular I'm pretty particular and and you can kind of see that in sometimes I overreact I know that's a shock to you but sometimes I overreact to my kids and it was about a week ago Gracie our only daughter eight years old she was getting some milk out of the refrigerator and she pulled the big jug of milk I'm not I wasn't paying attention you know such as my parent team kid ain't come on and I think I was watching SportsCenter or First Take or something and she's pulling a jug of milk and then all of a sudden I hear sign go oh dad is gonna be so mad and I'm like what what am I gonna be tell me what imma be mad about all right and I get up and Gracie has spilled milk everywhere I mean I didn't even know it was possible for milk to spray to those lengths right like I mean there's just there's milk in the dining room you know there's milk like in the bathroom there's just milk everywhere and I go then here's this this is quality parenting I walk over to the mess and I'm just scanning everything and I and I look at grace right this is such a logical productive question grace why did you do that what parents were so special so dumb right I'm like why did you do that and she looks up and it was such a great quote and she's holding the empty milk carton and she goes I'm not as strong as the milk and when she said that I was like that's actually very accurate actually that's all that happened she got a she's like nope not that strong yeah like hey just spill I'm not he's strong as the milk I instantly just kind of smiled it was like great point yeah now clean it up you ever had one of those moments in life you're just not as strong as the milk knowledge troll needs the moment not as strong as the trial not as strong as the season not as strong as the challenge not as strong as the bean fire not as strong as the bankruptcy not as strong as a divorce not as strong as the cancer not as so it's like I don't white when you're like you know all you need is one more person to be like why did you do that and you're like why did I get fired I don't know cuz I'm not as strong as my job I don't know why I got fired and Christians were famous aren't we like we fight find someone who's really broken and hurt he like why did you do that like I don't know what I don't know why I did that I'm I'll tell you why we spill stuff I'll tell you why we fail and we struggle we have challenge because the truth is we are dust the Bible says we have weaknesses we are fragile isn't it funny it just takes just something tragic to happen for us to rediscover again in fact how fragile we are are you feeling that right now you ever ever felt like I just I I'm not strong I'm not as strong as the season I mean I'm not as strong as the moment I'm in I actually can't pull this off that is exactly how the disciples are feeling in this moment they are befuddled they are bewildered they are beside themselves they're like Jesus you're gonna leave we have nothing without you where are you gonna go what's gone they're spilling their guts in front of Jesus like what is going on and Jesus in an effort to encourage them and bring clarity and understanding and wisdom and guidance he says hey hey don't be troubled if you love me keep my Commandments and how is that encouragement like do you ever read portions of Scripture like this and go so Jesus were you trying to encourage the guys by that statement because that's kind of doubles down on the discouragement frankly hey guys don't be troubled just prove that you love me by batting a thousand okay do you feel better now no actually you're leaving us and then your parting words are but for the rest of your life prove to me over and over that you love me by keeping all 600 plus laws now that had to be how these eleven guys heard at least some of what Jesus the same their context of Commandments by the way though Jesus has attempted to teach them right that there's only really two Commandments it's love God with all your heart soul mind strength and love your neighbor as yourself these guys are slow learners if you haven't figured that out they haven't even they can't even remember that Jesus is going to die on the cross so they when commandments is said by Jesus what they hear is probably you mean the 600-plus laws we try to adhere to from the Torah is that what you mean if Jesus says how encouraging is that word guys I'm leaving now if it's debatable but if it's questionable but if you love me who knows if you do but if you love me you will keep all of my Commandments now if I'm sitting at the most famous dinner of all time I'm like oh man that's not that encouraging and and by the way it's not like a one verse statement we read it in four different in fact he says it in four different ways whoever has my Commandments keeps them whoever keeps my word whoever keeps my words right Jesus keeps using the word keep who we need to keep my Commandments so what is Jesus saying here now again this simple takeaway we reference this a bit last week the simple takeaway is Jesus by the word keep what he means is adhere to what he means to is simply obey so you've got to obey all the commandments and so what Jesus is saying here is every day we have to prove to Jesus that we love him by living out all of his Commandments and then we'll say well it's it's it's no longer hundreds of Commandments it's Ten Commandments but the Ten now become two and Jesus writes them on our heart and so now what Jesus is really saying is just that you've got a love God with all your heart soul mind strength and love your neighbor as yourself because those two are so easy right so what Jesus is saying is when your heart is troubled focus as hard as you can on loving God with every ounce of your being and love your neighbor as yourself and that will encourage you okay not really am I the only one when investigating and further investigation in my love for God I kind of find myself lacking love your neighbor right and you want to be the lawyer like well who is my neighbor that's debatable you know I have trouble loving my children I haven't even considered my neighbor I'm trying to love the eight-year-old who spilled milk everywhere what's wrong with you hey Jesus this is not exactly a recipe for encouragement what are you saying in fact in fact if you read this over and over and over you kind of end up in a space like I give up if you love I mean just just I'm gonna read these verses again to you if you love me you will keep my Commandments okay okay whoever has my Commandments and keeps them it is he who loves me and I love him if anyone if anyone loves me he will keep my word whoever does not love me does not keep my word read that to yourself about 20 times every morning okay okay okay here we go so is it do you read that and kind of go man I need to get this thing together and eventually you go Jesus I I think I love you I don't know anymore but I think I love you but I can't do this I give up and I think that's exactly where Jesus wants us that's exactly where he wants his disciples I think he wants one of the guys to raise their hand and go what we can't keep your word I know what I don't we don't even know if we love you anymore I know what are you saying you need a Savior don't you remember this whole conversation is about Jesus going to the cross why is he going to the cross salvation Jesus is trying to unpack salvation not only salvation but the need for salvation how prove it to Judas listen to Judas Judas is like Judas and I don't know when the parenthesis got put in but I got a hunch like Judas read John's account and he's like hey man can you let him know I'm not as scary do me a favor so John's like a parenthesis this is not a scariet he's already out of the picture right so Judas listen Judas he says Lord how is it that you will manifest yourself to us and not to the world how off the page is Judas right now with Jesus he's like ah I'm sorry like what how will you manifest like that's a big word to us and not to the world I mean Judas he's totally Judas this whole thing is about salvation I'm going to the cross for salvation what's Judas concerned with himself he's like so when you say manifest so you still gonna be here are you still gonna leave are you saying you're gonna stay now like Judas is they're not they're not connecting are they this whole thing is about salvation and remember I don't mean insult your intelligence Jesus has not gone to the cross yet he's pointing them to the cross is he not he's saying if you love me you'll keep my Commandments I don't know I think we look we can't keep your Commandments and he says it again and he says it again and he says it again how is this suppose to encourage these men if you love me will you you will keep my Commandments Lord what are you telling us I'm telling you you can't do that right you obviously can't do it but I'm gonna go to the cross and to do for you what you cannot do now the same author John writes another book called first John same guy right inspired by the same spirit of Jesus and notice what John says about the love of God look at first John with me just for a moment first John in chapter 4 first John chapter 4 and verse 19 we love because He first same guy because He first loved us now John in John 14 is writing about the cross before the cross he's quoting Jesus now later he writes first John and he's teaching us understanding about love the only way we can love God is because God first loved us now scripture interpret scripture so when Jesus says if you love me that's supposed to lead us to go I I don't think I can jesus goes I know I loved you first so God's love is always first always always first Jesus is leading these eleven men and now he's leading us in John 14 again to our need for the cross our need to be saved our need for salvation that verse first and foremost if you love me you'll keep my Commandments should lead you not to yourself but should lead you to Jesus when you when you see the word if it's iffy it's that's a capital F isn't it if you love me world like I thought I did I don't know maybe I don't look at my last week maybe I know this is debatable I know but his love is true and his love is sure and his love is eternal and he has demonstrated his love for us for Romans chapter 5 and verse 8 while we were still sinners Jesus died for us if you love me lord I know you love me because you love me I can love you his love is always first look at first John look at verse 10 you go a little bit early in first John chapter 4 verse 10 in this is love not that we loved God but that he loved us that is the most unique way to define love notice John in devices in this is love the first way he defines love is what it's not that's an interesting way to define love he says and this is love not he wants you to be real clear that love is not defined by your love because you didn't love him didn't know the meaning of the word couldn't find love if you got it on google maps you didn't love nothing nobody right while we were still sinners this is love not that we loved God but that God loved us and sent his son to take our place propitiation big word for take our place if you love me they'll keep my Commandments Jesus I we think we do we were really discouraged right now we're really troubled I its things are confusing there's a lot going on you're telling us stuff that we don't I I don't know we just we need help and then he says I'm gonna give you help or the Spirit Jesus is gonna be on the inside of human we talked about that last week this whole passage is set up for for us to read it and go I need help I can't do this and Jesus I know but I can and I will and I am and I'm in you working through you if you love me you will keep my Commandments what a provocative statement in the moment that leads the eleven men in the room and now each and every one of us in the room to the point of I can't I need help and we Jesus goes that's what I do can any of us in here claim that we can keep God's commandments all the time there's not a single person that can stand in any space or room where we will gather today or Wednesday in LA or in Waddell our that can stand and say I can prove to God every day that I love him and how will you do that my performance will be flawless now all of us must read a verse like this and go I can't do it and Jesus goes I know this is what I do now he says if you love me which leads us to explore his love for us and only we can love him is because He loves us and he loves us always so even when where our love is fickle we we can return to his always love his eternal love his fixed love his firm love and I can rediscover uncover right my love again for geez I do love you because you love me and this is amazing and he says you will keep you will key keep my Commandments we'll talk a little bit more about this from last week you will keep that word keep is actually the word picture for the word keep is a warden a warden now modern terms a warden may not be the most accurate picture a warden now today would be over an entire prison in antiquity in ancient time a warden actually was how should I say it was a very prominent position it actually would have been something you would tell a girl on your first date I'm a warden and she would go whoa okay yeah but what do you do I'm a warden and the girl would be like mommy you know like a warden would be a prized position in a prison where you would guard the treasure that treasure could be treasure taken from a war it could be a prisoner of war it could be a captured king it could be a capture prominent person but you were the most trusted you were the warden you were the most trusted and you were to guard what was the most valuable person or thing in all the prison so to be a warden was a reputable role in position when Jesus says I want you to keep my Commandments he says you are my prized pupil and I want you to guard what's most valuable and you know what's the most valuable not your love not your love it's not very valuable at all it can't save you can't set you free can't get you much in this life but I want you to guard what is most about you said I want you to guard my Commandments now that's interesting is he saying I want you to guard I want you to watch I want you to keep the law is he saying the law like the law is what's the most valuable is it the law that saved us is it the law that set us free is the law that forgives us of our air are wrong and our sin no in fact the law stands to declare that you have failed time and time again so the word Commandments here has to be put back in context if you rewind in John chapter 14 Jesus actually gives them a new commandment and what's that new commandment he says here's a new commandment i give you john 13 verse 34 that you love one another just as I have loved you you're all sort of love one another by this we will all know that you are my disciples so he says the commandment what's the commandments now it's love God love your neighbor he wants his followers to be defined by love so when you see the word Commandments Jesus wants you to associate it with love and that love starts with whose love God's love so when your naked eye sees if you love me keep my Commandments you're going to be led to think and focus on your flesh but that is not at all what Jesus is pointing us to he's pointing us to our need for a savior and salvation he's pointing us to his love and he's saying like a warden I want you to guard not the law I want you to guard my love which has fulfilled the law and written the law in your hearts and now empowered you to live a life that you otherwise would not be capable of living I want you to guard this chemistry look at verse 21 of John chapter 14 just gotta see it visually look at this whoever has my Commandments there's the word keep and keeps them it is he who loves me he loves me will be loved of my father and I will love him how many loves and how many keeps how many loves and how many keeps why is it that when we read a verse like this we want to focus on keep and not where the overwhelming evidences this verse is keeps keeps is surrounded by what love the point is love-love super seats keeps keeps exists to watch and guard love where's the value love what's the treasure love it's not that you did it perfect it's not that you loved him it's not that you kept the law it's that he did for you what you could not do for yourself and now like a warden who's happy to have a position you are thrilled to keep your eyes and your focus on what his love for you his love that's that's the message here that Jesus is pointing us to I'll take it a step further any time we gather as church home we are committed to leave our gatherings thinking more about Jesus than ourselves you will always know the message of Jesus has been preached when you don't leave focused on yourself but you leave focused on Jesus it's always been about Jesus all the Bible points to Jesus in Jesus was the fullness of the Godhead in bodily form so if any of these things lead us to our flesh there is no power in it there's no power in it you read this verse and go okay I got to keep I got to keep I got to keep I got to keep I got to keep oh you got a watch Jesus you got a fight to remember its first and foremost about his love now that's a fight worth fighting that's called the fight of faith and then it should fight though what's it called the good fight as if there's a bad fight the bad fight is fighting in your own flesh which will you gotta fight for is to trust his love for you remains forever and I got a fight to trust in His love and fight not to trust in my love or my performance or my efforts or my deeds if you love me you will keep my Commandments I can't love you I know but I love you so now you can love me and like a warden you guard the treasure which is my love now I'm just just for fun just for fun just for fun let me read verse 21 to you with a love centric way let me just read this to you whoever has my key what are his Commandments they're defined by what again love love God love your neighbor let's just have fun whoever has my love and keeps that them as Commandments okay whoever has my love and watches my love he it is who loves me and he who loves me will be loved by my father and I will love him and manifest myself to him where are you two again whoever has my love where did you get it I just received it whoever that he said I'll write my law on your heart you'll have a want to and a love too and whoever has my love and watches my love he it is who loves me and he loves me will be loved by my father and I will love him and I will show up in his life Jesus is pointing us to that my point is today we're not changing in Aaron Scripture but I'm making the point that Jesus is always pointing us to his love and to his son now from that posture and from that position we are now empowered to live a life of obedience but there is no power in obedience in and of itself the power to obey is not within you the power to walk according to God's ways comes from God himself and his endless love for you and towards you no can I share one more little secret with you if you want to be encouraged I hope you're starting to get encouraged this is why Jesus says don't be troubled if you love me you'll keep my Commandments you start to dig in you go high steps starting to kind of feel good I admit I can't do it I admit I'm weak I admit I'm fickle and Jesus cuz I know I'm not I'm faithful I'm true I'm eternal I got you I love you and my Commandments I'm gonna put in your heart and write an awesome LARC okay actually Monday starting to sound good I think I can do this so Jesus says like a Warden guard the treasure guard the treasure I've given you a prized part in my family guard what's most valuable and I'll show you this is honestly this this is so life-giving to me here's a little secret here's a little key to know how you can guard and watch his love for you more than your fickle love for him and for others here's how you do it second Corinthians 4:7 we mentioned this last week it says we have this treasure in earthen vessels so we have been given the spirit of Jesus we have been given this message of his unconditional love right what's the message for God so loved the world God so we have this treasure we have the person of Jesus we have his message of grace and goodness it's on the inside of us in earthen vessels Paul writes in earthen vessels the word earthen means clay it means fragile it means fragmented it means broken it means dust he says look at this paradoxical life we live we carry the most valuable person in the universe in jars of clay remember that banned jars of clay we remember them in jars of clay that's interesting listen to this old statement from an ancient rabbi he says this about this verse just as wine cannot keep well in silver or gold but only in the lowliest of vessels earthen ones so words of Torah first five books of the Bible do not keep well and one who considers himself to be the same as silver or gold vessels but only in one who considers himself the same as the lowliest of vessels earthen ones wait a sec okay what okay what what are we talking about we're talking about your weakness now I think one of the greatest challenges that's going to face us in our entire life and journey with Jesus on earth is self-sufficiency which is a form of pride but this idea the reason we stopped watching the throne stop watching the love stop watching Jesus is we start to believe that the way this clay is put together it's pretty good to be honest I'd like to have a go at that burke's I think I could pull it off if you love me keep my Commandments you know what I'm about to let you know right on I think I can I think I could pull this off today and all of a sudden we stop guarding what's truly valuable and what's eternal and we start living according to our own efforts because we forget that we are wood in clay and we start to believe that we are silver and gold and that's why in 2nd Corinthians chapter 12 Paul says I talked to God about this a lot I told him I'm tired of being clay and wood and I want to be silver and gold and I said there's this weakness in my life I want to stop being weak I want to be the total package I want to be all put together and what does Jesus say to Paul he says no no I put my I put my treasure in earthen vessels and he says my grace is sufficient for you and then Paul makes this radical statement that if you will digest this and absorb this it will serve you for the rest of your days with Jesus he says in 2nd Corinthians chapter 14 I forget which verse it is but he says when I am weak then I am strong when I am weak all the sudden John chapter 14 is starting to get real encouraging you know why I'm a good warden cuz I'm weak first of all I'm happy to have a role right I'm happy to have breath in my body can I get a witness how did we lose sight can we can we can we go can we be a little old-fashioned today like I'm just happy Jesus woke me up this morning like don't make me go back to church I grew up in right just I mean you know sister so-and-so would get up and just testify I'm just glad I woke up in my right mind this morning praise God everybody you're like whatever happened to that like I need I need a bonus from the Lord you know what your bonus is your next breath right lay I'm just happy to be alive praise the Lord Jesus everybody everybody would clap and say well she's got a point right like I'm glad to be a warden right cuz I don't deserve this position I certainly don't deserve to have this treasure Jesus says no I'm not gonna take this weakness from you Paul it makes you a good warden for the more the more you recognize how weak you are the more you're gonna recognize how strong I am in you and my power is made perfect in your weakness think of the culture in which we live in we complement each other for being genuine what does that tell you about our culture winslet is if somebody ever company like me hey you're so authentic hey that was a great coffee I just gonna say like thank you for being so um down-to-earth hey I don't have to say this man but you're really you're humble and these things are like groundbreaking so-and-so is down no no yeah I love them that's like this thing now that's like a thing that's like a moral attribute right it's like it's like so noteworthy now and notable oh my word I met a human and they're just like me and they're owning that so that's how far we've come we are so convinced we are silver like silver and gold we're so convinced no I'll tell you what the future of church home is the future our future together is if you could almost see it like a metaphor this platform is it's all same playing field we're all in this together our future of church home the past is more well you know so and so they're great in this but no no no we're all the same we're all God's children that's our future that's where God's taking the community that's where God's taking our church oh there will be leadership but leadership is the first to serve we're all in this together who are we but you wouldn't believe he's giving us a role in his family we get to guard the treasure stay weak what does that mean stay honest stay genuine just remember who you really are and to hold this leaven every day becomes this like right this is crazy he loves me I'm forgiven I'm a part of his family and that's where I'll be all set here comes joy here comes confidence here comes rest you're like this this guy no I know you're shocked so am i right we ought to be the most surprised people in the room when God uses us loves us includes us Wow I know nuts I'm in love he loves me in spite of me wow you're so humble am I like really like is there any one of us that can claim that you are here because of you did you set that date with your mom did you set it mom I'm coming out who can claim how do I start to think about my body I'm I can't even know how it works you know me I take that for granted like I'm up here standing I'm like I don't know like people try to tell me how the heart works and the valves and the blood and I'm I'm just trying to eat carbs I don't know it's like all I do you know I'm so weak the truth is you don't have to act weak or try to remember that you're weak you just are we just are or earthen vessels and boy that gives us the instant posture to go you love me I tell you what I'm gonna guard every day that you love me in spite of me thank you jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so if you grew up in Sunday school you probably got the best message you'll ever get Jesus loves you don't forget it Jesus loves you keep singing about it keep talking about it write about it think about it have coffee about it Jesus who loves me you can take everything but to my dying breath I will guard the reality that God loves me and God loves you that's the treasure that's where the encouragement is that's where the strength is that's where the life is so ever whatever God's plan is for church home and whatever God calls us to go whether it's Basel or today the pop-up concludes in Renton wherever God wants us to go we're gonna go and what is going to be our calling card when what is going to be our message it will not be who look at us we're polished put together we got a program we got services we got buildings we got websites no you can have all that that's not who we are we are who we are because the one who loves us and gave his life for us and that's our message [Applause] you're just as much clay as anybody else and that clay keeps me watching Jesus whoo so if you got all worked up this week about how weak you are but I'm inconsistent you are I want you to take that weakness and make it turn you to the only one who is true and faithful the only one who loves unconditionally eternally without in the only one who was perfect the only one who is truly true and righteous Jesus the Savior of the world in the universe and your soul whoo for when I am weak then I am strong and the power of Christ rests upon me it's gonna be the best week of your life the weaker you get the more you watch Jesus how great is this how grace is some of you've been beating up all week and your thoughts are beating you have you been beating up yourself and your own emotions and your own thoughts telling you look how bad you did look what you said look what you thought look what you watched look what you and you can take all of those accusatory statements in your head and you can declare back to yourself no when I am weak then I am strong and the more weak I get the more I'm gonna watch the true treasure which is Jesus so I dare you tomorrow morning you know what this afternoon there's no game so lean into the Bible and tell yourself list all your weaknesses if you want because those are all the reasons you get to look more and more at Jesus he is enough listen to Jesus my grace is sufficient for you you are not what you do you are who you are by the grace of God your performance does not define your identity the finished performance of Jesus defines your identity you are righteous you are righteous you cannot be any more righteous than you are right now you are in right standing with God and whom the Sun sets free is free forever and eternally you are forgiven you are covered and you are loved by simply receiving the free gift of Jesus Christ oh man I feel like preaching but I'm gonna end right there cuz I gotta go to Bothell but God is speaking to us this morning you don't let your heart be troubled when you're weak then you're strong would you close your eyes just for a moment Jesus we thank you so much for your word we thank you so much for your strength and your love for us which is constant and never-ending who Jesus encourage your people today encourage your people today thank you lord you've already forgiven us if this week we've been so caught up with ourselves we forgot to watch and guard and keep the true treasure which is you it's you you're the point of it all once again you amaze us once again you wow us once again you overwhelm us once again you do exceedingly abundantly above all we can ask think or imagine possible if you're here today and you said Judah I'd like to follow Jesus I want to be a follower of Jesus for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that who so ever whoever whenever wherever would simply receive or believe in the Lord Jesus you will not perish but have everlasting life if you want that life that does not end you want to spend eternity with Jesus you want experience of forgiveness right here right now for the rest of your days on earth only Jesus provides forgiveness for their air are wronged and our sin only Jesus can cover our past and meet us in our present and take care of our future only Jesus only Jesus can save only Jesus can forgive only Jesus can ever if you want that Jesus to be the Lord of your life today I want to ask you to respond on the count of three I'm gonna ask you to lift up your hand and put it right back down and I do this every week I ask people to raise their hand because I believe when you respond on the outside to what's happening on the inside it just becomes all the more real to you well you know who you are it's not by accident that you're here today on the count of three you lift up your hand put it right back down one God loves you too you'll never be the same three if that she would just shoot up your hand all over the room side just I received I believe thank you thank you thank you amazing amazing amazing amazing Jesus thank you that you see these hands but Oh God you see these hearts that just believed and received in you and are forgiven for ever ever and we celebrate your saving power no one like you in heaven or on earth you are great and greatly to be praised now Lord I pray bar entire community I pray over Church home today what we commit to our future our future is remembering that we are all brothers and sisters our future is remembering that we're all clay that we're all weak but when we're weak then we're strong our future is that we're gonna guard we're gonna watch we're gonna focus on the person of Jesus the love of Jesus the work of Jesus our eyes are gonna be on you Lord wherever you want us to go whatever it is from Bothell to Renton to other cities and spaces and places and rooms we commit Lord one to another and we commit to you we're gonna tell the story of your unconditional love of your goodness and your grace and your mercy and your long-suffering so God wherever it is dark wherever it is bleak wherever people are broken Lord send us with the message of grace and hope and faith and love and mercy and we will be bold to declare how great you are and how wonderful you are and how big you are Oh God continue to surprise us with your goodness and your grace and we declare it is goodness of God that leads men and women to repent and for their lives to be transformed and changed and we thank you for that today in Jesus name if you're physically able willing would you stand on your feet hey come on with some passion today let's sing out what we believe about our God let's tell him how great he is come on church hey we hoped you loved it we hope you had a good time there's more for you if you want to subscribe grace what do they do and if you want to see more videos you click right over here perfect we love you goodbye
Channel: Churchome
Views: 20,590
Rating: 4.8898072 out of 5
Keywords: Churchome, Judah, Judah smith, church, message, anxiety, depression, how to, elevation, Steven, Hillsong, oceans, sermon, the city church, church home, Chelsea smith, bobby Houston, td jakes, pastor, pastor preaching, carl lentz, Jesus, conference, guest speaker, sermon jam, worship, Justin Bieber, la Hillsong, Selena, preaching, Judah message, performance, childish gambino, wilkerson jr, steven furtick, brian houston, seahawks, hipster pastor, jesus is, life is, shame, commandments
Id: LTn_GeqmMJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 23sec (2963 seconds)
Published: Thu May 31 2018
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