Update on Blue Ribbon Committee investigation on corruption

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good morning magenta magapa you may be asking gee danny what have you been doing you may be asking gee what have you been doing in your retirement considering that you cannot do anything at the moment because of the pandemic well guess what i've been watching soap opera i'm following up on this in blue ribbon committee investigation of the corruption that is going on it's very interesting i find it interesting not political not political strictly investigating what is going on stay with me we'll talk about it and i'll give you a preview of the events that transpired today [Music] as i said i was watching the uh was watching tv to watch the blue ribbon committee investigation of the corruption this was done using zoom with people located in different places and having a conference to be sure that they flush out all the data all the facts and i'm going to give you a summary of what was discussed today very revealing very interesting let's take a look the issues are the legality number one is the legality of transferring billions of peso funds from doh to dbm by the way this is not an issue that was discussed today but nevertheless it's one issue if in fact that is an illegal act that will be one act in itself that they could litigate if that is not acceptable okay there's no bidding and the reason given was it's a national emergency uh bidding takes a long time so that's why they did it with no bidding but keep in mind when there's no bidding it opens itself to corruption that is the reason for the bidding so you can document that you got the best deal in town so there was a question how was firmly chosen over ems component assembly inc so who just who is ems components assembly i thought there was no bidding so why is there another company well i think there was several companies they opened it up for companies to give them a proposal although it is not a formal public bidding process that that is how ems got involved because they gave a proposal now why ems component assembly and orders were put on hold and only delivered today today mr lao said we did not choose ems because they cannot deliver the volume that family could deliver makes sense right they failed to deliver they said they failed he said they failed to deliver well ems was in the meeting so they said okay ems what do you say about that no that is not true we were making a delivery and they put the orders on hold they were asked not to deliver any more not to deliver anymore that is the reason why i like this format when everybody's there so everybody could contradict what anybody else is saying everybody's hearing what everybody is saying so they were given a 523 million dollar contract for which they retooled their factory to be able to manufacture this mask by investing 200 million pesos so about half almost half of the total business the problem is this they were not even able to deliver it because as i said they put the orders on hold they were only to deliver 42 of 523 million so they lost money they lost money now how is formally being famous when they only have 625 000 capital investment and they're getting multi-billion peso contract so by the way everything here is in pace or not dollars i may say something different but so what kind of due diligence did we do well no due diligence was done on formally according to mr lao by the way mr lao is the secretary of the department of budget and management that's the agency that buys or procures this material so they had to make a selection as to who to give the contract with not to he said no diligence was that done today that was in another week's last week's interview today he said no we didn't do diligence in that they were able to deliver the first order so that is proof enough that they are able to deliver you might think that's right right no because before you give somebody a multi-billion dollar contra or peso contract you're supposed to know check that capability not after before and they say well because there is no risk anyway if they fail to deliver we don't pay them because they get paid after delivery true but what if we need the material and the material that's not alive damage is cost that's why due diligence should be done before the order is placed who made the selection decision now that is still vague according to lao it was decided by a group almost like a committee but nothing was discussed who's in that group who's in the committee that's maybe for the next meeting who's financing purchases of family masks etc meaning who at formerly obviously it's not the department of budget and management but family must be getting it from a bank from the vendor from a third party a person is firmly that's another thing they are trying to get their handle on who is family just a sales agent of the chinese suppliers or the supplier by itself now here's the difference between an agent if they're just an agent the company who supplies it will ship directly to dbm dbm will pay them the meaning the supplier and then the supplier will merely cut a commission to firmly but the way i see it it's like a drop ship i was i did this business myself my own personal business i used to sell key duplicating machines somebody will call me and place an order with me i don't maintain the inventory i call the company my supplier and the supplier ships it directly to them to my comps to my customer with no identification that it's coming from them so my customer thinks it's coming from me then my customer pays me and i pay the supplier that's not an agency thing if it's an agency thing my supplier will ship directly to them and the customer will pay my supplier so they carry the risk of loss when it comes to receivables okay and then i get paid a commission once the order is placed i get my commission they take care of collection and all that is the difference and i think maybe that is what they're trying to get a handle on but i don't know the technicality behind it why is it illegal to be an agent maybe if you if the chinese supplier is the one supplying it then they should be registered with customs and all that they should have import and then if they are if the supplier is in the philippines let's say family they should have an import permit i don't know and that was not discussed in detail so maybe that's something that they will pull out of a hat sometime in the future then there is a fear of ghost inventory the reason being they had one two or three incidents where they signed a receiving document as if they received the inventory but actually they did not nobody actually saw it come in so it's possible that somebody told them that just sign this paper like you received it so everything is completed all the documents are completed and signed but there is no inventory flowing in that's a concern is it happening nobody knows so by the way before i get to that point so these they send people from this committee to various wheelhouses to check the inventory so hopefully that will be disclosed on friday i think friday is the next time they have a meeting now mr yang when he was interviewed not today but the previous week said he knows nothing about family he only heard the name from newspapers see the concern i have here is there are all kinds of lying this mr yang during the interview his name was mentioned several times where do you get the money well you know when i did this i contact mr yang well when i do this i contact mr yang mister young mr young mr yang's name is always coming up and yet he knows nothing about family complete life in my opinion okay family officers there you go as i said are in constant contact with mr yang when they need to borrow money so the dots are going around and around and around the middle is mr yang mr yang and by the way mr yang if i don't know if you see it on tv or youtube uh he was meeting about 20 people round table oblong table rectangular table chinese people negotiating with president duterte and mr yang was there and today's meeting mr young did not attend the meeting because allegedly he has a five-day bed rest order from his doctor due to exhaustion and this is this was communicated by his attorney by the way last week when mr yang was being interviewed his attorney was there to translate for him like an interpreter so apparently he does not speak english or tagalog but yet in that meeting with duterte it was like he was communicating with him i thought he was a translator for the chinese people in fact but be that as it may let's assume that that is the case look he's sick family officer staff received two death threats on his smartphone and he led the message for them to hear who is threatening him or what not because he was sort of reluctant to get other people involved something fishy is going on on another subject president duterte wants red cross audited due to corruption by gordon i think allegedly he took some money from red cross to finance his election red cross said they are audited every year and reports are already in the office of the president that's all he has to do is to read those reports so what kind of audit is he looking for if there is such fraud or corruption going on it will be disclosed in the uh annual audited statement wow so what do you think guys this thing there's something fishy going on do you think everything is clean and this is just noise because of election time it's up for you to judge not me for you to judge not me but i really want to see this done to the fullest extent to know the truth let's find out what's behind all this and let's try to unravel whatever dirt there is if any in this transaction because we're talking about billions the thing that upsets me the most quite honestly is the fact that we have a filipino manufacturer who was left in the cold after investing 200 million in equipment he was only given 500 million and not even only 42 percent of 500 million was delivered so he lost and who gained chinese companies now if there is overpricing and therefore there could be kickback involved that's going to be another story if there is no overpricing who benefited chinese companies chinese companies not good in my view either way so anyway that's what we have so far and they will continue on friday if there's a new update i will get back to you and let you know thank you so much for watching i hope you enjoyed this show and please do share this with others and i'll appreciate it if you click like and do subscribe to my channel unless you have already done so thank you so much god bless and make it a great day you
Channel: Vlogger Grandpa
Views: 7,462
Rating: 4.8838477 out of 5
Keywords: philippine retirement and travels, vlogger grandpa, my free catechism, corruption, pharmally, duque, china imports, ppe imported from china, corruption in philippines, duterte corruption, duterte, department of health, doh, iatf, projects are a source of corruption, how to avoid infrastructure project corruptions, roque, pharmally shareholders, who owns pharmally, overpricing by pharmally, pharmally and duterte, risa hontiveros, christopher lloyd lao, ghost inventory
Id: Yece1PZ6rlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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