Passion 2015 Judah Smith

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you love Jesus love you it is uh so awesome to be it passion a lot of cliche words come to mind awesome amazing moving life-changing all of which are true for me passion has impacted my life since I was a young man of course pastor Louie is is 40 years older than me and so he's like a father figure to me but to be honest I my life and what I'm doing in a lot of the way that I think has a lot to do with pastor Louie and Shelly Giglio and I if there's no other reason I come to passion but to stand is one of tens of thousands and probably hundreds of thousands young people's lives that have been impacted I pray that I could for a moment be an example of so many young people who the trajectory of their life was impacted by the faith and courage of this couple and I love them so so much and I think it would be appropriate for us to thank Louie and Shelley for their faith their courage their passion love you so much and if you've got a job opening a passion city church I'd like to take it I'd like to quit what I'm doing you have no idea how serious I am but man I love being here I gotta be honest there's there's there's new energy in Atlanta the Atlanta Hawks are good this is clearly Jesus is is coming soon and things remarkable are happening of course I love hocks I love any kind of hocks especially Hawks in the sea and around the sea and it's an honor to stand here before you as a world champion and hope to be to repeat as world champions how many will be praying for Seattle this Sunday will you do you ha ha ha haters gonna hate hey hey that's ok I get it we love you I bring you greetings from sunny Seattle it is tropical and beautiful as always and really excited to share God's word with you I was 16 years old when I first read my first John Piper book and that that's one of like five books I've ever read just to be clear so to say that he's impacted my life is obvious but I'm so grateful for pastor John Piper so grateful for his sacrifice and his labor in the Bible and Scripture and I'm trying to think nearly every sermon I probably preached in the last decade somewhere along the line I checked in on what pastor Piper thought on that particular passage and if there are any other preachers here or aspiring preachers I encourage you to do so I'm so grateful for his gift his grace his passion his brain which is astounding and I just so grateful to have experienced that and I may not be in the building but can we thank Pastor John Piper once again for who he is and just an amazing man I I'm really pumped to share the scripture with you and and share this this thought with you we're gonna go to John's Gospel John chapter 11 and I'm going to share with you what is really one of my life messages it's something that has completely changed the course of my thinking Mike since my living my breathing my parent Dean my marriage all of these things John chapter 11 we're gonna read five verses and then we'll just let this journey begin or y'all y'all doing okay post lunch post lunch you're doing okay alright so we're gonna we're gonna have a good time okay if it's not fun let's not do it that's my motto okay how many no it's not fun if it's not fun in the morning just think that through okay John chapter 11 verse 1 now a certain man was a Lazarus of Bethany the village of Mary and her sister Martha it was Mary who anointed the Lord with ointment and wiped his feet with her hair whose brother Lazarus was ill so the sister sent him saying Lord he whom you love is ill now when Jesus heard he said this illness does not lead to death it is for the glory of God so the Son of God may be glorified through it verse 5 in our last verse now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus I love this passage I'm excited I'm pumped are you pumped I want to uh I want to title this talk of the one you love turn to the person next to you and say you are the one he loves okay just with a little bit attitude with a little bit of Atlanta attitude tell them you are the one he loves hey would you pray with me I know we've been doing a lot of prayer but more prayer is better than less prayer come on let's pray again Jesus thank you for this moment in this space thank you for the next 34 minutes in 52 seconds help us Lord to lean into what you want to say right here right now in this moment thank you for your grace thank you for your love thank you Lord that we have seen you thank you Lord we love the darkness but you chose us and you brought us out into this marvelous light thank you for your grace thank you for what you're doing thank you for the Seattle Seahawks and thank you for another Super Bowl championship in Jesus name and everyone agreed you just agree thank you have you uh have you ever said something the moment you said it you wish you could unsay it right like if you're not you're not human right for the rest of us as humans what that happens right like the moment you say it you swore you wouldn't say it you promised you what you thought it for a long time but you said I'm never going to say it but then you say it and as soon as you said it regret remorse shame guilt it all sets in right like you I had one of those moments where you guys are crazy I had one of those moments and I've been married for 15 years okay I know I don't look at I look like I'm in college still shut up man so but what happened was is I was just in the marriage okay now I got married at 21 can I just say no one on God's green earth should get married at 21 okay what what that is is I was like young and I want to guilt free sex I let your boy okay so I got married young okay that's what Christians do okay so I got married at 21 because I needed to you know uh pursue God's plan so so I got married to the only girlfriend I ever had her mom and my mom we're best friends if you don't know my story and they were pregnant together and they said let's have a boy and a girl and get them married and so I'm a product of arranged marriage as it works okay so we're like we're like three months into our marriage okay we known each other our whole life but with three months into our marriage and I'm starting to think man marriage is amazing like I love marriage on this particular Saturday it was sunny which we get like seven sunny Saturdays in Seattle so I'm pretty pumped I'm out with the boys and we're playing golf right that's what gangsters do we play golf so um so I'm out playing golf and like it's a sunny day everything's going great I'm pretty sure that I'm winning and I'm getting light to the 17th hole and I realized how awesome is my life like I'm about to go home to my wife who's probably right now fixing me dinner I actually thought that and I'm gonna come home we're gonna have dinner and then dessert in the norms and this is about to go down right so I'm like I'm 21 and I'm living the dream right so I get home and I race home I'm breaking the speed limit which I do not recommend but I had to get home and I walk in and we it was a real small house and I walk in and I'm like yo girl where you were right translation honey I'm home if there are any married men in this space you understand what I'm about to try to express that when you want when you when you there are some times when there is a chill in the air that is inexplicable and the cold doesn't bother me anyways right but like it does bother me so that's not true right immediately I'm like whoa whoa there's a chill and I walk into the kitchen and I'm like yo girl what's up and I said are you are you good are you like I knew she wasn't but I are you are you okay she said this she said this she said this she said that she said she said I'm fine there's a lot of college men in here and you are dumb can I just say this so that's why I'm going to help you because when a female says she's fine she is not fine fine does not mean fine when a female says fine see there is a code language amongst women that they do not share with men ever I am convinced somewhere in this world when a young lady turns about 14 15 years old other older women take them away and take them to an undisclosed location where they learn the code language of the female gender and one of the code words for the female gender is sign a gentlemen if you are ever dating or you ever relating or you ever plan on marrying a woman and that woman ever tells you that she is fine what you shouldn't say is what I said because when she said I'm fine I said I know you are girl way right that's how dumb this guy was at 21 because I tell you what fine means fine means there are so many things wrong with you and the list is so extensive I do not know where to start with you so I say I'm fine I'm fine I said that's that's good awesome now when I was 21 I was cool like I was like if you're fine I'm fine let's sit down and let's eat but women typically are expounder I was like you gave me a one-word answer I'm used to kickin it with dudes that's cool for me right when you go to lunch with your boys you're like how was your day good hey man everything at work at the job totally awesome what a golf Saturday absolutely how's your burger fantastic fries little soggy right like that she said I'm fine I was like all right she said I said I'm fine I was like I heard you she said I don't just I just do not understand and I was like no I'm cool with fine let's sit down let's eat you know I'm good she's and I understand she said this she said are you going to golf every day now when she said it I was like is that a option because if it is you are more fine than I ever realized she said are you going golf every day and I was like um Oh women are like Jesus well let me say what I mean when Jesus asked questions anywhere in scripture he's actually not looking for information that he lacks right hee-hee-hee is the answer women gentlemen they don't really need any information from you so when they say are you going to golf every day the best response is to go don't answer she's about to give you the answer right ha ha ha so things started to escalate of course Chelsea is incredibly emotionally unstable I'm a bit of the emotional Rock kind of like a Chevy truck in our relationship okay I lied I lied it passion that's what Jesus covers my sins I'm a little emotionally unstable in case you couldn't tell so things escalate right I start raising my voice I raise my voice it pretty much anything so I'm raising my voice am i come on you serious right so before long laundry is being launched through the air right like I'm putting this point like this was the worst fight we've ever had now there's been quite a few more not that much it's like once a day so ha ha make it up is awesome no I'm just saying so you hate me yeah you're doing your homework at school I'm having sex but anyways ha ha ha ha ha that's cool guilt free to put a ring on it so so anyways is he bragging yeah bro so things escalate launders being launched through the air and and then that's when I said it that's when I said it I promised myself I'd never say it I promised myself it would never slip through my lips let me give you two quick little background ok I know we're taking an extensive amount of time here on this story but I just feel like having fun ok before we got married we read this little book called the 5 love languages if you heard it dr. Gary Chapman fantastic book absolutely it's a klappa book it's some book right so the premise of dr. Gary Chapman is he believes that everyone has a particular love language by which they typically express love but it's how they mostly feel love right there are five love languages there's quality time there's touch there's words of affirmation acts of service and gifts those are the five love languages okay so um in the love language journey as we're learning about each other's love language before we get married to have an effective efficient marriage where we serve one another I kind of tuned out now you said you know how could you tune out in preparation to marry the woman you love so much the reason I tuned out is because I was raised by an older sister and a mom both very very strong and I was convinced that I had women completely figured out and the reason for this is because these two very strong women who effectively raised me while my dad was preparing scriptures and preaching sermons I was at the malls of America where it's the most of time my mom did most of her ministry and we were there in the malls of America shopping I don't wear clothes I put on outfits okay I'm the modern man deal with it okay this is what it is but my mom and sister were very strong women and I figured if I understand them I'll understand women now my mom's love language is acts of service my sister's love language was gifts so I learned at an early age if I will mow the lawn and give my sister gifts women are happy so when I got married I thought this is so easy I will hire someone to take care of the lawn and I will bring home periodically high heels right like this is this is what I'm going to do for our marriage unbeknownst to me I married a woman whose love language is quality time now I know you're wondering what my love language is dr. Gary Chapman believes you have the top two or top three my love languages um a touch words of affirmation and touch me again okay those are my top three don't you judge me but my wife's love language was quality time now you go all isn't that sweet well I called my brother-in-law one time I was like my sister's love languages gifts you have it so easy bro you can play golf whenever you want just send packages in the mail from Amazon so I promise I was like once I learned it was quality time a few months and I thought I'll never say that I regret that or that but things escalated she started throwing underwear at me you know and I'm like geez this is a little abusive you know so it came out as soon as I said it I knew I should have said I'm like really out of all the love languages you could have you have to have quality time I shouldn't have said that fast forward 14 or 15 years friends and I am reading this passage I go to my loving caring considerate compassionate wife and I say babe I need an illustration about something stupid that I've said that I shouldn't have said for the life of me I can't remember a single one right like that one and she's like oh you need something dumb and inconsiderate something you shouldn't have said in our marriage how about three months in you came home from playing golf for six hours with your buddies and you came and had the gall nerve of the audacity to tell me you I should have any other level eggs in quality time you mean something kind of like that and I'm like have you ever heard of forgiveness you need counseling you know people say in the heat of the moment you say things you don't mean whoever thought of that with me in the heat of the moment of life when things really escalate and intensify do I say things I don't mean I actually propose I would argue this afternoon in Atlanta Georgia home of the award-winning Atlanta Hawks I would like to declare that I think just the opposite in the heat of the moment here it is friends you actually end up saying what you actually truly genuinely really mean but swore you'd never say what you really think about life each other friends god politics culture society if you put us in a corner and things get too heated and too intense and too difficult and too challenging it just seeps through our lips doesn't it this is what I think then if you're going to do that to me if in fact that is true if you would come to an agreement with me we cannot kind of on that same page and that same premise that in the heat of the moment we say things we actually believe in the deepest core of our being then that sheds a real interesting light on the portion of Scripture we just read a moment ago because in John chapter 11 the heat is on is it not Mary and Martha who are beloved friends personal friends of Jesus there little brother Lazarus is on death's doorstep he is moments possibly hours away from slipping into eternity and it is very clear to me that they have probably exhausted all medical means they have probably searched out any other possibility and they have come to the conclusion that the only way their little brother is going to live is it is if they get a miracle and the good thing is they know a miracle man who's their personal friend and that is Jesus Christ the problem is he is some three four five miles down the road and there's no Prius to get him there cheaply so it's going to take a minute for Jesus to travel so they get a genius idea we need Jesus we need a miracle Lazarus is going to die without Jesus what we'll do is we'll write a note and upon writing this note we will hand deliver it to Jesus upon reading this note and the contents of this note Jesus will be compelled to come the several miles down the road to come and save Lazarus life this is an interesting situation if you had one note to save your loved ones life if you had one note to save your best friend's life one note to save one of your classmates or roommates or teammates life if you had one note to save your little brother's life what would it say god I know you're busy that's cool all the best no like if you had one note to save your loved ones life what would it read I think about my older sister who I love and her and her husband pastor in Las Vegas which is a wild place to build a church and reach people if my sister was dying you asked me what kind of note would I send to God to compel him to save her well it first of all its length would be considerable right I take issue with the brevity and the lack of length of this note I mean their little brother's life hangs in the balance and they give Jesus a sentence right now this is what I would write I would write Lord it's my sister Wendy I don't know if you remember her she has been following you since she was five years old I'm pretty sure she still reads her daily Bible she reads it every year she's a faithful tither she's a pastor for crying out loud she's a great mom she is a great wife she's a really good sister she's a good dresser she is really kind considered like I would begin to list all the character qualities would you not she's one of the good people let's keep her around now I read this and she liked me I read the Bible and I anticipate what I think is going to happen based on my experience or my perspective of God now when I read this many years ago I was anticipating that this letter was going to say Lord uh Lazarus the one who loves you the one who's committed to you the one who you know carries your bag you know he's your guy right heroes with you everywhere he's one of the keepers he's one of the good guys look he's ill could you come based on the nobility of Lazarus and who he is because he's you know again he he sees one of the keepers could you come could you could you heal him that's not at all what they write is it listen listen to the order which I believe is divine and orchestrated by God Mary and Martha put pen to paper they put this note into the hand of a runner and they write Lord which is a great way to address Jesus because he is Lord Lord Lazarus the one you love the one you love is sick how I'm reading that and I'm like what why are we reminding Jesus of what he definitely knows here why are Mary and Martha in this critical hour in this essential moment why did they choose I I cannot believe that this was a half hazard written note this was intentional it came out of the core of their being and what they believed about Jesus and God with all their heart they write Lord the one you uh remember you love him you love this guy we witnessed your love we've experienced your love we've seen your love you love him remember you love him he's yours you're for him he said could you come and heal him so I saw this and it's kind of started me on a journey in my own Bible and I started to study and realize that those closest relationally with Jesus seemed to be far more preoccupied not with their love for Jesus but Jesus love for them see Mary Martha and Lazarus are probably the closest family unit to Jesus other than his own natural family the second to last week of his life is spent exclusively with Mary Martha and Lazarus relationally Mary and Martha have put in time with Jesus they know him and look in the heat of this moment life and death hangs in the balance where does their focus go what seems to seep to the surface of their soul not Lazarus love or their love for Jesus but in this life and death moment what seems to surface in their brain and their heart and their soul is what will move Jesus is to remind him the extraordinary extensive unconditional love that he has for Lazarus that that's what's going to work in our note I read that and thought have I missed the emphasis of the gospel because that's not the note I would have wrote my note would have reminded Jesus of what my friend Lazarus had done for him in hopes that Jesus would be compelled by his performance his nobility his ethics or his morals or maybe his capacity and gift ability to add to the extending of the kingdom I don't know those are things that come to mind but Jesus is written a note by Mary and Martha who are close to him and they say you you love him remember so this got me thinking I started reading through Scripture and I couldn't believe what I ran into have you ever heard of the guy named John he's got one of the four Gospels have you heard of this guy John he's one of the disciples I'm sure you have okay I'm not trying to insult your intelligence John did something socially unacceptable I don't know if you're aware of this John gave himself a nickname gentlemen because women don't have this problem gentlemen would you please stop giving yourself nicknames okay that's not allowed okay we just don't do that it's not cool right I met someone recently and I'm like I want your name they're like Wayne but you can call me baller and I'm like I don't want to call you by your name is Wayne don't make me call you baller baller seems weird I don't think you look like a baller I don't want to call you baller but that's that's what the boys call me that's fine I want can I call you by your name it's Wayne please don't name yourself okay so but but John did and you won't believe the nickname he gave himself and not just one time in his gospel five times in John's Gospel he references himself by his personal given nickname you know what he didn't name himself hi I'm John the disciple whom Jesus loves nice to meet you hey you're like Judah that's not that bad really really okay so after this session we're hanging out right I'm in the lobby and you come up with like hey man I see I'm like yeah I'm Judah and you're like I'm Jim or Wayne or baller and I say I'm Judah and and I'm actually the passion speaker that Jesus loves you would literally be like oh my gosh these preachers are so into themselves these days this is ridiculous I am sick of this right you you honestly would be offended be honest with yourself I'm actually ranked number one of all preachers I'm the most loved by Jesus but it is a privilege would you like me to sign something for you I typically sign it number-one-ranked loved preacher by God so all the best god bless go with God right like that would be weird a weird encounter not once not twice not thrice not four times but five times John says I am the the disciple that Jesus loves but wait a second God put it in his book right like I believe that John was used by the Spirit of God to write that so I'm thinking through this through time like so in the actual writing process inspired by the Holy Spirit when John is putting pin to pop I ride and he's actually writing this and he writes and it comes to his spirit in his mind in his heart as the spirit hovers over him and he writes the disciple whom Jesus loves the spirit of Jesus and the Spirit of God goes yep that's true and then he writes it again and he writes it again and he writes it again and it's as if the Holy Spirit hovering over this incredible divine moment it's like he's got a point I do love him hahaha write it again John four times okay five is good that's number of grace so it's kind of because of my grace that I love you so yeah that's let's leave it right there that's good that's good that feels right which means that God told John to write in his book that he was the disciple that Jesus loved and I read that in the mic well that's not really what I was taught I mean the people weren't around talking about I'm the guy you know the guy he loves circles I grew up in it was like whoa whoa bro who do you think you are sit down right now right like but God seems to have inspired John to believe about himself those closest to Jesus as I said a moment ago seem far more preoccupied with Jesus love for them rather than their love for Jesus Lord the one you love is sick now this will teach us something about God you know what moves God the most we're about to land on some good news here you don't moves God the most God hopefully I'm not insulting you God now that may be not news to you but for some of us that's news I'm a seventh generation preacher I've been in more church services than you've been to chick-fil-a okay more Church gatherings Church retreats Church advances remember when we were going to retreat anymore only advancing right so I've been to camps advances retreats retreating this year we're advancing we're back to retreating right convention summits all of it right but growing up so much of my perspective and paradigm was my focus to love God and I felt like I could really move God with my with my love do you move God with your love of course you do but what does God most moved by his love why is this good news well because it all some levels the playing field and we can begin to see how good this news really is as pastor Piper so profoundly put it this brings us to John 3:16 the scripture that Tim Tebow wrote John 3:16 I'm super grateful for that John 3:16 says for God so loved the world I have this one memorized it's I'm a preacher don't be intimidated seriously it's not a big deal you'll grow you'll grow forgot for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever whoever believed in him would not perish but have everlasting life have you thought about how ridiculous that verse of scripture is I know we see it on NFL Sunday and in the endzone and neon markers but if you ever thought how absolutely ridiculous that versus for God doesn't say he loves it says he so loves the world um okay so the cell in front of the love for me I'm a simple guy means that the love is amplified and it's like really intense love and it's obsessive love it's like Sullavan so hey man I love you or it's dude I so love you okay I can tell a dude I love you but the moment I say I so love you it gets mad weird okay because that is that is wow that's intense love the Bible says God so loves the world the word world there in the original language it speaks of a sinful system and the people in it it's simply what it essentially means is God loves bad people God doesn't just love bad people he's obsessed with bad people this is a problem for God why are we talking about this god you are going to be obsessed with people who possibly perchance will never reciprocate your emotion or your affection or your affinity you are going to spend your effort and your energy and I guess based on Scripture you're going to spend the life of your son with no guarantees you are going to give the life of your only Son for people who may never even care to consider your extravagant extensive gift you so love bad people God can I fill you in on something down here on this little ball called earth we don't role like that I had a friend named Jeff Iverson I have not seen Jeff Iverson since I was nine years old Jeff Iverson had a sleepover at my house Jeff I person told me how babies are made Jeff Ireson disappeared from my life and I have not heard I'm not sure Jeff still lives might that with my parents I don't know about your parents but if something happened where a friend was not good for me I never heard from bad friends again they were removed that's how we do things down here God we don't kick it with bad people because that we're giving so much energy in so much effort but they don't reciprocate so but you're you're obsessed with bad people and then furthermore it says that you gave your son with a whoever whoever what whoever just whoever would acknowledge and receive look that's not how we give gifts down here either but when I give someone shoes especially if they're Jays they're Jordans I better see him wearing them next time I see them in a social setting and if they're not wearing them I asked for them back so that I can give them to someone who's grateful it's called strings that's how we do things down here little string attached God loves bad people and it's moved him to send his son and on the end of what he gave was a who whoever that word love if you're students of scripture you know what that word love is it's the Word of God that word exclusively in the possession of our divine creator and Savior and deliverer agape agape is not the kind of love that we function with on earth is it it's not the love that people get married with people don't get married with agape I've performed a lot of weddings okay the the bride does not come kicking and screaming down the aisle hate him he's ugly and he's like but I'm gonna marry her anyway I see potential in her that's not how people get married people get married and all their friends and family are there and they go are you sure about this you promised do you promise repeat after me repeat I promise I promise I promise I love you I love you I love you your turn I love you I love you love you I promise this is it you promise totally okay kiss you guys are good that's called love that's reciprocated Bible says God possesses this love that needs no reciprocation it's called agape it's unconditional and it is towards us and it is for us and it is obsessive and it is not exclusive to morally good people as if there are such a thing as if there is God is obsessed with bad people and his love is relentlessly towards us and for us and it does not stop and it cannot stop there are people in this space right now you have tried to shake God and you have tried to shake that feeling and that sensation that someone is there and someone is watching and there's more to life and there's more purpose and God has there's something more than what I'm doing and you have tried to shake it off and you don't know what that 9 sensation is I'm telling you that is God's love relentlessly pursuing you and it will not stop and it will not end whatever you choose whatever your decisions his love remains this is how extensive and relentless God's love actually is towards and for you and that is everyone in this space and everyone who has ever lived or will live God's relentless agape love is towards you he's obsessed here's the problem God has a he cannot help himself but to be obsessed with you that's what moves God as we end and conclude right here when Mary and Martha write this note they write in their Lord the one you love is sick that word love that they use is the only love they know they use the word phileo from familiar with the ancient language phileo is reciprocated love four layers brotherly phileo is marriage phileo is love that we how we handle and deal with love on this planet they said Lord the one that you phileo Mary and Martha they're so cute they they haven't even scratched the surface they say Jesus the one who you love because you love him excuse me the one you love because he loves you that that guy he's sick would you come and verse five seems like such a harmless verse and if you're like me sometimes I read verses and I'm like that's a little unnecessary that verse doesn't seem to really add much to the text or the narrative of the story and it says now Jesus loved Mary her sister Lazarus love Martha sister Sheila he loves him oh yeah we kind of figured that out but I I looked at the word love and you know what it's not phileo at all that John is trying to communicate to Austin Jesus doesn't phileo Lazarus and he doesn't phileo you he Agha pays you his love for you is relentless and unconditional and knows no end it remains towards you for ever do you know what the good news is the good news is is that God loves bad people if he didn't love bad people we could not be loved but this is what God does it is our highest honor and the highest good in our existence for those of us that have accepted our eyes have been open and we have been awakened to this incredible reality let us not take for granted the extraordinary extensive explicit explicit explicable that God has given us in Jesus and let us shout from the rooftops that there is a love so grand and so beautiful and so extensive let us open our arms wide and our hearts wide to recognize that the news that we have to share is to all people who have ever lived or will ever lived for the Bible declares who so ever Christianity is not predicated upon morals and ethics and deeds and resume and knowledge and education it is predicated upon a love that is being revealed to the world by which we can respond to in faith this is the message we've got to tell people as pastor Piper said it is so good as pastor Louie said how can you not look at the cross of Jesus and say to yourself this is the end of my little plans and my puny ideas of fulfillment and joy I have been overwhelmed with this grandiose magnanimous act of Jesus the perfect God man the son of Living God and now it is my highest honor to live the rest of my life spreading the news of his extensive extraordinary relentless and unconditional love Wow Lord the one you love is sick can I encourage you as we this plane is landed we're taxiing to the gate and we'll be deplaning in seconds this is it can I encourage you as we're pulling into the gate here that um the emphasis of your life I pray that John 3:16 will not read like this for the world so loved God that He gave His only begotten Son that's not what John 3:16 says but can I be honest that's how I live so much of my journey with Jesus I believe that my love my love is what moved him and my love was the focus and the emphasis it's not the emphasis is is his love and we've got to spread the news of his love and how his love has covered a multitude of sins let's tell the world that if you're broken and if you're bad and if you're beaten welcome to the party we are all in this together and there is a love custom-made and tailor-made for broken and bad people thank you Jesus thank you Jesus
Channel: passionconferences
Views: 104,867
Rating: 4.7593985 out of 5
Id: c-D6L7D8n_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 54sec (2694 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2015
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