How this streamer lost 30 pounds...

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tired of being alone and have no one to love want to have a glow up and people compliment you on how great you look or just wanting to improve yourself for your own mental health so that you're not aimlessly wandering from day to day spending the majority of your time on social media hoping to come across something that makes you feel any kind of emotion well you came to the right place because today i'm going to talk about my lifestyle changes one year ago i looked a little different the amazing thing about being a content creator is you guys can see exactly what i looked like a year ago you can even see the video that got me to this part of my life being the last airbender i can only talk about my experiences i'm not some health guru or fitness guy who's gonna teach you how to do intermediate fasting or how to count your macros or say i went through a life changing journey if you guys have seen my content i'm really just a guy who plays games on the internet i think a lot of people think there's this one trick one thing that you can do to make your life better i don't know about all that what made me want to put more effort into fashion some skincare some health some hair some exercise some diet is one among us was blowing up like one year ago i was having a good time i was known as the among this guy and i know i wasn't the first streamer to ever stream it but i would like to think i am the person who popularized it on youtube it was essentially like what fortnite was for ninja a game that was super popular and i was one of the top content creators for it and i was very lucky i feel very blessed to have friends that were great to play with and was just the right place at the right time because with hearthstone and tft i was the best when it comes to entertainment and i don't think that is even in dispute unfortunately those two games aren't like insanely popular they had a following but it wasn't like among this right it took a lot of pride in being known as the among this guy and because of that i was invited to a lot of amongst lobbies not all of them and that was totally fine because i made my own lobby so when other people are hosting the lobbies and i don't get invited it's really no big deal because i play enough among us already like i got to play and meet so many cool people like jack one of my favorite people that met through among us corpse i played pewdiepie met aoc lil nas so a lot of cool things happened because of my place and among us i was fortunate to be in a lot i'm very thankful for that until the jimmy fallon among us lobby happened and seemed like such a weird thing to be like sad over i already got so much out of it it sounds like i'm entitled or feel like i deserved more it didn't make me feel sad three of my friends got invited all three deserved a hundred percent to be invited i talked about it with like my friends like am i like just being butthurt or salty and a lot of them were very understandings like well that makes sense you will feel that way because you're known as the humongous guy you make the youtube videos you put together the lobbies you invite the people you put time and effort into making sure each lobby goes really smoothly you're the technical help like when bradman was trying to stream among us for the first time it was me in there helping him not twitch not among us it was me because i just like helping people the more the merrier so when the jimmy fallon thing happened i know it was nothing personal it was just business but i just wondered why did i get passover that day never really found out i'm sure there are like many reasons they can say it's like oh well we only had three spots oh you're on facebook and it really shouldn't have bothered me that much because it's like an amazing lobby it was filled with people who didn't play the game and they were just trying to play like what's this cool thing the kids are doing these days that we can do to make our show more popular among us among us kind of sauce it wasn't like playing with obama but it was very cool opportunity to be on tv kind of deal like i've met talk show host like i've met conan o'brien i hugged him conan brian by the way my favorite talk show host and no i really doubt jimmy fallon himself was the one who made that decision most likely a community manager from among us or from uh jimmy fallon's team it's not jimmy fallon himself so that happened i just kept thinking like why was i passed over and one thing i thought about maybe i just don't have that mainstream appeal when i look at rey who's funny and very animated you know beautiful woman corpse has music cool personality deep voice takuno oow anime nice voice cute boy and i was busy trying to defend against the fire nation so i thought maybe it's just the way i look or maybe because my appeal isn't recognized in mainstream media because my opinion has always been sarcasm dry humor and like strategy games a lot of these qualities you don't get to see within the first day of watching my content you probably don't even get to see it within the first week it's definitely more of a month-long journey they're like oh this is kind of his humor and this is kind of his personality right you wouldn't know i'm like the high iq guy unless you watched an entire game of among us like if you come across my tweets it's all very dry and sarcastic and it comes off as rude for people who don't know me i even recently i tweeted at ludwig question mark question on question mark because we were bantering in twitter dms there was like an audience that thought i was blaming him or trying to call him out replying in the comments like bro what the is wrong with you ludwig paid for the universal trip and you're like out here flaming him and was like the weirdest thing because the point of that tweet was to showcase ludwig being both funny and generous he paid for a lot of the stuff on the universal trip and i want people to know that looks a cool guy he's a rare person and it's a very small minority but it kind of just showcased like me at face value doesn't showcase my best qualities and i do have good qualities i'm not low confidence i know chad's trying to be like super positive and i appreciate that i love your chat but i'm very confident in my qualities i just started thinking like the problem is more that my qualities are not immediately obvious but that's what people care about when it comes to traditional media so i thought well i'm not gonna change my personality because i like my personality a lot so what can i change i can change how much effort i put into my physical appearance i'm not getting plastic surgery i'm not getting liposuction i just made changes to my lifestyle to try and be healthy and i think that's what i would tell everyone to do i know new year's is coming up 2022 two years after quarantine a lot of people are gonna be like this is it i'm gonna change things around i'm gonna hit the gym i'm gonna do this i'm gonna go to gym every day i'm gonna stream every day i'm gonna work out every day i think that's very hard to do when you set these big goals and that's what i actively avoided so what changes did i make to have a glow up first things first most obvious one is wait now i wouldn't say i was an overweight gentleman one year ago before people on social media come at me for equating weight to attractiveness i mean i wouldn't say i'm doing that but society has taught us to value that being normal weight is more traditionally on the attractive scale compared to overweight i'm being very careful with my words because people like saying hey you hate fat people don't you that's fat phobic you son of a and i'm gonna cancel you i don't make the rules but when it comes to traditional media there's a correlation between attractiveness and weight that's just the truth should that be the way things should be i don't know all i'm gonna do is talk about how i lost weight and why i lost weight so uh one year ago compared to now it's a difference of 30 pounds um so i dropped 30 pounds in the span of 10 months which i would actually say isn't like a drastic amount a healthy weight loss pace is four pounds a month so one pound a week that's considered like a little aggressive but within reason so 10 months is actually 40 weeks and i lost 30 pounds i wouldn't say i look overweight in these pictures if you look at these pictures as it is one year ago you would just say oh that's just toast looks like a normal asian dude and he's bald but this is what i look like now 30 pounds lighter i wouldn't say there's a drastic shift it's not immediately obvious it's like the subtleties which i think is the big difference my cheeks definitely smaller i notice it because it's almost smooth like a straight line whereas in the past it kind of puffs out a little bit and here which is mainly the jawline being more visible which makes a lot of sense because with 30 pounds less fat you keep less around the jaw and there's other like small things throughout your body and how i lost weight is i did this thing where i set goals instead of starting on new year's i challenge you guys to think about a date that's coming up ideally like a few months from now maybe you have a wedding maybe you're getting married maybe you're starting university new year of high school starting a new job traveling to a new country there's got to be something so i don't like thinking about the date i start i like thinking about the date i'm gonna end example you graduated from high school you're going to college in five months the goal would be to show up to college fit maybe drop the few pounds if that's what you want or maybe pack down some muscle if that's what you want and you just kind of hyper focus on that date because when you start say 2022 yeah i'm gonna work out every day it's like oh my god i'm gonna have to do this for one year why this is so hard i have to eat broccoli and chicken what's the goal but if you have a goal in mind that you're working towards and there's like a deadline it's much easier well you got 60 days to get fit you got 59 days to get fit you got 58 days to get fit like eventually that day is going to come right and you want to be ready for that day it is much easier to stay motivated for 60 days than it is to stay motivated for an indefinite amount of days so when i was in canada i was visiting family and i knew i was coming back to the states in four months and i was away from my friends i wasn't appearing that much on streams or content so i knew okay i have four months i can make progress it won't be amazing progress because four months isn't that much time and you're not gonna kill yourself four months is doable so for the four months i was away i ate a lot less carbs when it comes to food my number one recommendation is to eat less carbs and less sugar less processed food if you like coke drink diet coke or coke zero now i know there's a lot of chemicals in that stuff i would say just not drink it at all if you could but those habits are hard to beat less carbs means less rice potatoes less bread less noodles less pasta so the staple foods i try and eat as little as those as possible because i like meat i like vegetables and i also like carbs i like rice stereotype aside that doesn't mean to completely cut it what i started doing is i would receive say like a burger so maybe there's something you guys can do you get a burger and i take top bun and i throw it right into the trash just like that i cut my carbs in half i ordered chinese food bowl of rice boop half into the trash i really try and avoid pasta or spaghetti because as much as i love them pasta is very heavy food waste sometimes i mean you can save it for next meal i would say it is better to waste food than to eat food that you don't want to eat or you don't have to eat children are conditioned with this idea like you must finish eating everything on your plate but that kind of thinking i believe causes overeating from a young age you can save it give it to others let's say you have only two options you don't have to eat it or you have to throw it away and you're feeling kind of full already i would say throw it away title this guy's toast waste food hates children in africa save it for later if you don't always food order less food make less food that's what i did at the very beginning i don't recommend doing anything too drastic when people try and go on these diet goals i'm only eating lettuce i'm only eating boiled chicken guess what you're gonna be miserable if you're miserable you're gonna quit no one can survive on lettuce and boil chicken and you're gonna relapse and you're gonna say my diet i don't care what i look like do what will keep you motivated if you're hungry at night and you a bite of brownie take that bite of brownie because if you don't take that bread or brownie and you get angry and resentful you're gonna order mcdonald's and you're gonna stuff your face full of bad food and you're gonna be like i should have done that do whatever you have to do to keep you on track even if it means eating unhealthy every now and then to preserve your own mental so two very easy things i did was no sugar and half all my carbs and you're just gonna save a lot of calories just like that also no sauces um because sauce is very sugar heavy and it's like very calorie dense butter oil sugar and it doesn't feel like you're eating anything right that's the problem with sauce it almost feels like oh it's just flavoring like oh a little extra flavors like that sauce is like 50 of the calories you're gonna be eating sauce is great like pasta sauce marinara sauce but it's actually pretty high in calories you can go for diet like vinaigrette diet caesar dressing i use tabasco which has no calories i don't mean like no sauce of any kind sauce without a lot of calories yeah i like it so much i have it on my desk what about ketchup ketchup has a lot of sugar if you're talking about like mcdonald's ketchup so do not recommend ketchup so those are the changes i made to my diet it's nothing drastic obviously the less you eat the more weight you lose the more you eat the more weight you'll gain getting healthier doesn't mean just losing weight sometimes it's gaining weight if you're under like a healthy amount i do recommend you gain weight to reach that healthy amount because i also have friends who struggle with gaining weight and they're like super thin and they want to gain weight but i have no expertise on that front like there's online calculators that tell you how much you should weigh for your height and your age and try and reach that goal so that was my food change next up is workout routine a lot of people ask hey toast do you work out you lift bro do you do cardio and when i first started my journey to be healthier i did exercise and i recommend everyone exercise if you could it's just good for your mental good for your health i didn't get a gym membership like i had one but i didn't like going out to the gym because it's like i gotta go ten minutes i gotta walk ten minutes i gotta drive 20 minutes by the time i'm there i'm tired and it's like gonna eat up a whole hour so i got a yoga mat and i got a dumbbell and i just exercised in my closet and ran around the block i did push-ups bicep curls if you want specific exercises you can always google like on youtube home exercises but as long as you're breathing harder and you're like exerting force like push-up or like a pull-up if you're at the gym and you do a bicep curl or you do dips on a chair at your home just do something i know that sounds easy lol just do something but it's all good things like even if you work out for 10 minutes that beats not working out for 10 minutes when you gain more muscle you burn more calories because muscle needs calories to maintain so now you can eat a little more or if you're not eating that much it will burn a little more calories exercising isn't to just immediately make you stronger or like look better it also burns more calories and also you look better there's a reason why girls love thor or captain america or those k-pop boys why do you think they lift up their shirt during performances these are just the physical benefits i don't look like that by the way i got a single keg i don't have a six-pack not a secret that a lot of girls prefer muscles on the guys i know there are girls that prefer like the skinny gaunt look the joker jared leto look and that's totally fine doesn't mean you have to go straight into the gym going like every single day for the next year but you should try and figure out like what's your goal body if you're just doing this to lose weight if you're just doing this for health if you're just doing it to gain muscles and gain weight that's okay what worked for me was just i want to be in shangchi too the movie a superhero so i need to start exercising more i don't go every day i go like once every two days don't kill yourself going every day or trying to keep a unmaintainable streak going just go whenever you can life gets busy sometimes you're just feeling sad and you're not up for it but when you can go to the gym or just pick up a dumbbell in your room dedicate like one hour most important thing throughout all of this is just do what will keep you motivated well if you have no motivation i mean if you have no motivation then you're not gonna do any of this if you're gonna say yeah i don't really feel like eating healthier i don't really feel like exercising i don't feel like putting an effort in then don't do it and you're gonna probably stay the same and if you're okay with that that's okay too but don't complain like oh i wish i lived healthier when you make no effort into doing it also i'm the kind of guy that does not like talking about my lifestyle stuff if i'm working towards it because when i talk about i'm gonna go to the gym every day after i say it i have less motivation to do it what is way more cool is to do all these things without saying it and then ideally get to a point where people will say it for you like at the beginning of this year i didn't say i'm gonna try and look healthier i'm gonna look better i'm gonna up my fashion sense it's just something i did that i put effort into behind the scenes and i hope that my efforts eventually show to a point where other people will say it right like i actually worked out in secret i got really annoyed like when my dad would walk into my room as i'm exercising and he'll say oh are you trying to lose weight i'm like get out dad that's another way to motivate yourself it's like you want to surprise people what else is different about me fashion so my hair is definitely different from one year ago in the sense that i actually have hair now i remember when i shaved my head like this i thought to myself all right toast this is it probably as bad as you're gonna look for a long long time so if there was a time to actually like start your journey of glow up now would be the time a lot of people ask hey tell us how do you do your hair well i've tried slicking it back i tried getting an undercut which is like pretty popular but i actually didn't love it it didn't look natural on me because i have a lot of hair in the front so it's actually really hard for me to stick it back camera stop unfocusing what's wrong with you it's more of the cool look like edgy look but i didn't do it right but i did try it i went to the bar where i said give me an undercut and i came out looking like this i'm like it is a style but it wasn't my style it's a lot of work to maintain i don't like having a hairstyle where in order for it to look good i need to do stuff to it because i just don't have the time for that so then recently i decided to get a perm yes i permed it it's really popular with the kids the zoomers these days but they go extra curly you got you guys seen this this is the boy all over zoomer tiktok i don't know if i would look good in this i doubt it i'm sure it works for other guys but i saw this and i'm like there's no way this works on me so i decided to go for a more asian perm so i did something called a korean perm a korean wave perm or it's just a slight curl to it like when you look at my hair there's no products i wake up like this normally i have really straight hair right but now if you look at my hair there's a slight wave to it which is essentially like a substitute for actually putting product in your hair it gives it some texture and it makes my life easier so i recommend everyone to just google like a hairstyle you're interested in like if you ever come across a dude with a cool hairstyle you should say hey mr barber can i get that and perms aren't that common yet with guys because like when you hear permits like oh that's a girl thing like girls get perv men doesn't get perm but society is evolving and it is more accepted for men to like do more fashion stuff right i could get a dyed i don't like dyeing my hair because this is not a dig at anyone who has dyed hair i think i like keeping my style more minimalist and dyed hair is a little too much but it will work for some people like different people different what's the same nothing wrong with dyed hair i personally didn't go for it because i'm already perming my hair if i dye it and change my fashion and i get earrings like oh my god toast are you going through a mid-life crisis kind of deal so i do want to hold back on some fronts different folks different strokes there it is i'm not using fancy shampoo i'm not drying it in a special way i'm not moisturizing it i'm not putting gel in it or mousse in it i wake up like this i also got earrings i got it at the start of the year right when i moved to canada because again i wanted to do a lot of these things in secret earrings are a little harder to pull off and that's why i don't do anything too extravagant like even the dangling this is a lot for some people so on my right ear i just have a little stud on my left ear i go a little edgier with a hoop and a knife don't just get earrings because like oh i'm gonna look like a badass and super edgy like there's i'm sure people here have seen individual with earrings and it's just that's not working honey tattoos i didn't get tattoos i used temporary tattoos just to like see what it looks like and it's kind of cool i want to get like some simple ones down the line skin care men you gotta take care of your skin growing up i had a lot of skin problems i still do you guys just can't see it because i have a bit of makeup on and i've tried to take care of my skin a little more i mean if you have perfect skin already and it looks silky smooth and you're very happy with it keep doing what you're doing don't change it up but if you're not happy with it if you're breaking out very commonly and there's like a lot of bad stuff going on some imperfections and blemishes you can see a dermatologist which is very anxiety inducing like i have never seen a dermatologist once in my entire life it gives me anxiety to be so vulnerable with my about my insecurities even though it's that doctor's job even that the idea of it's like oh god no i'm too embarrassed don't look at me don't get a microscope and like zoom in on my active i can't take it it's too embarrassing what i did was i just try a bunch of different products but the bare minimum of you should have guy or girl is a cleanser stuff gets in your face throughout the day you should clean it once a day or twice a day depending on how oily it is or how strong it is do you wash with soap before the routine no no don't use hand soap please don't use body soap especially not like the block of soap that you use on your body and go like this don't do that they have a lot of like scent the majority of them are not designed for facial care some are most of them are not if what you're doing works for you you don't have to change anything but it's very harsh and i don't recommend just grabbing a bar of soap and go like yeah yeah because that that is like thick i've tried a variety of cleansers in my life you want the very simple ones cetaphil cleanser is very popular for a light cheap no-nonsense i'm just gonna clean your face kind of deal not all cleansers gonna work for everybody but you should just try out a whole bunch of different things so rave is another one that i've tried in the past this one's a foaming one so a little more bubbly try that one out before you go to bed or you wake up in the morning the second most important thing i would say is a moisturizer a lot of people don't like to moisturize and i was one of those people because it's like put almost feels like you're putting oil or butter on your face but it is very important to moisturize your face because if you don't moisturize it it dries up or sometimes your skin will try and like overcompensate for the dryness it's like oh my god it's so dry on this guy's face make oil make oil and then when it makes a lot of oil it clogs your pores which isn't good maybe you use a sunscreen with moisturizer whatever you do what's the problem with dry skin so if you have dry flaky skin and i do sometimes when i use my cleanser i have like dead skin cells all drop off right you know where they go into my pores with the oil and then i have dry skin i have clogged pores and then it gets turns into pimple so definitely look into moisturizing your face every day how do you apply it first you wash your face and use your cleanser gently when it comes to cleanser use it gently what i like to do is i cleanse with my pinky finger and i just barely i'm almost barely touching my face with it because you don't want to irritate it by going like oh yeah get that gunk out wash that face and when i apply moisturizer same thing very gently there are like exfoliants and like things you put in between but that is more case by case and i am definitely not the person to ask about that i would suggest you google it well if you don't get acne i'm like like i said if your skin is flawless already i wouldn't do anything that might risk that that's my skin care routine it's not very in-depth there are much better resources out there for like full-on skincare those do you use sunscreen i know sunscreen is really important i'll be honest i don't use it because i don't go out a lot but sunscreen is extremely important because all that rays is gonna up your skin and like give you like wrinkles really early on i just don't go out but if you're going out and the sun's going to be blasting your face put on sunscreen none of what i do is perfect i don't work out perfectly i don't dye perfectly i don't skin care perfectly i don't do hair perfectly but i do make an effort in each of these categories in a way that makes me keep doing them because if i have to spend an hour on my skincare every day i just put on sunscreen every day uh my serum every day if i have to like floss my teeth every day guess what i'm not gonna do it you don't floss bro i never floss and my dentist always makes a comment about it just brush my teeth and let my dentist complain every six months do you want to talk about makeup oh god makeup and guys i do a tiny bit of makeup because i'm a content creator i'm gonna be in front of camera and no one wants to see my big red t-zone that's not gonna do anyone any favors but makeup makes some guys feel more secure in their appearance um because when i had a lot of acne i'm talking someone i wouldn't make eye contact it's like i don't want to look at you looking at my face i know i have a pimple there there is still a social stigma with guys wearing makeup i don't think there should be but it's definitely seen as a more feminine thing as a guy you can just do something very light very chill if you don't want to be like eye shadow mascara blush kind of deal it's called foundation right maybe there's some girls in chat that can correct me concealer foundation foundation right big spoil alert everyone every guy you see on the tv or in the movies are wearing makeup your favorite boy band they're wearing makeup there are talk show hosts they're wearing makeup your esports uh hero when they're playing on the big screen you know what riot does they bring in the makeup artist you know what blizzard does they bring in a makeup artist how do i know this because i've done events for both of them for the players for the casters for the streamers bts beautiful guys handsome guys when they perform they're wearing makeup chris evans going to the golden globes guess what they're wearing makeup so don't compare the way you look to all these guys on the big screen because you think oh guys don't wear makeup so this is just how they naturally look no they are wearing makeup the trick with guys is you want to do the minimal so that it doesn't look like you're wearing makeup because guys aren't supposed to wear makeup right but guys do if you don't want to get too fancy with it men can wear foundation which is essentially making your skin tone like skin and even-ish color like this guy right he's not doing mascara i think he did his eyebrows here he's not putting on eye shadow he's just reducing redness and like pimple on like small scars minor blemishes it's more even a more consistent color and it's not strong enough or like out there enough to be like oh wow you're wearing makeup right now like people won't really notice it there's nothing wrong with a little makeup if it makes you more secure more confident let me show you guys what i use i hope you guys don't think any less of me like oh my god toast doesn't naturally look like that i recently started using this like a week ago like a month ago sorry foundation comes in liquid form or powder form you know let me grab both of it what am i doing with my life this is a liquid foundation i'll do a full full video one day i actually don't do that much so you just find a foundation that matches your skin color this is from the brand nars but there are multiple good brands you just need a tiny tiny bit just a tiny bit let me get my beauty blender to apply makeup you could just go like i don't recommend that i have this thing a lot of people use this it's called a beauty blender you wet it and you just a tiny bit you just need a tiny bit and you just put it on your face this is how i normally do this like because i'd do this in my bathroom and i would have like a cleaner face but you just go like etcetera etc if you don't know what your skin tone is you could trial an error by buying a bunch i don't recommend that i recommend just going to sephora and asking this is gonna be hard if you're a guy it's gonna be embarrassing for you but trust me they don't give a that's what i had to do you just go into the store and you say hey what's the foundation that matches my skin color and she will help you she would be like oh you're more of a this shade or this shade and they'll try it on it's like okay let's try this let's try this they're doing their job don't feel embarrassed if you're an introvert suck it up this is good practice you're not asking them out on a date you're not asking them to do anything you're asking them to do their goddamn job it's like telling the subway sandwich maker hey can i get some lettuce on my subway you know what they're thinking about they think about the lunch break they're thinking about when i get off work they're thinking about that guy you know they're texting they're not gonna care you're not that important so if you just go in there and say hey can i get some help finding the right shade they're gonna be like sure that's my job that is a liquid foundation i've been trying powder foundation which is even more simpler you just get a brush you can ask them hey can i get a larger foundation brush so it comes in this right it's preference they do give a different look a little bit sometimes i like that liquid sometimes i like powder powder i like because it is for me easier to put on because with liquid you gotta like make sure it's all blended into your skin and sometimes like if you don't do it properly there are patches on your skin that's definitely lighter than the other parts with powder you just go like that you're essentially just throwing colored powder on your face i would say it's not as good as like making your entire skin more consistent skin tone but i've been liking it because it's just way easier to put on and it doesn't give you that shininess you might get with liquid because if it's powder it's going to absorb like a little bit of shininess on your face more natural looking in my opinion and that's the goal for most guys you can just stop there if you want right and most guys would prefer to stop there because they're like i don't want to do the other stuff i don't do my eyebrows like some guys love doing their eyebrows and some guys have even gotten um microblading which is essentially like eyebrow tattoo but eyebrows goes a long way i have a couple picture where someone did do my eyebrows i personally don't have the time to put on eyebrows every single day so what i do instead is brush powder foundation paint the face that's it every day on stream are just going out uh i've been using powder foundation um each stream and each shoot but if i'm just around the house i don't put it on because they know what i look like what do you do for your lips nothing i know i can use lip balm i know there's like products out there but there are so much more things i know all of this because when i go through like professional shoots or big broadcasts that's what they do on me when i went to the arcane shoot maybe i can show a picture of arcane i'm wearing makeup in this one because riot sent over makeup artist from fenty they did a collab i think it's relatively obvious i'm wearing makeup in this one because it's so smooth right they use a different color for my eyes and they put some kind of balm on my lips they use setting spray so that my makeup stays they did like six different things which for me is too much for a day to day i'm not gonna do this every day and i think i look very obvious i'm wearing makeup and i don't like that does it feel heavy on your face no uh not the powder foundation yeah it's also like what it feels like liquid foundation sometimes i can feel it a powder foundation is just like powder boom nail polish i don't do it i mean if you want to do it like even rings i'm kind of like oh this is a little edge lord because i'm not going for the gothic eboy look i just like picking things here and there that i like when it comes to fashion unfortunately a lot of my cool clothes are gift valenciaga sweater gift necklace gift my burberry cardigan gift i don't know too much about fashion an easy way to look good is uh wear like a lot of black i don't wear a lot of colorful stuff do you remove makeup using makeup remover i just use my cleanser because it has makeup removing properties remove your makeup before bed i know you're lazy trust me i'm lazy too sometimes after a long day i don't want to wash my face but if you did put on makeup that day make sure you wash it off because if it's left on your face guess where it's gonna go into your pores and then you get a pimple and then you're like oh god i wish i just washed my makeup off wash your face there are makeup wipes i don't use them but there are like wipes designed to wipe off makeups you use perfume no i mean when it comes to cologne just get something subtle but distinct and don't spray it i assume you shower on a regular basis those do you touch your face a lot no never touch your face unless you're washing it don't do it cause your hands touch everything every day keyboards mouse walls doors door handles toilets don't touch your face with your dirty ass hands so that's all the things i did over the last year to have a quote unquote glow up it's a journey you know it's not done yet as i haven't exercised in the last month and i'm not too like scared or like oh my god i need to go back to the gym asap i haven't been feeling it i've been focusing more on work so that's okay right try not to hold yourself to too high of a standard because you're just gonna feel guilty and relapse if that's the case and 2022 is coming up so hopefully there's something you learned from this video that you can take away to help you on that journey even if it's one small thing that would make me very happy thanks for watching why don't you guys leave in the comments what's one thing you're gonna work on and hopefully we can revisit this in one year and you guys can tell me the good news and your progress thanks guys good luck bye bye [Music]
Channel: Disguised Toast
Views: 1,816,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us impostor, among us imposter, among us gameplay, disguised toast, disguised toast among us, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, among us impostor tips, among us gameplay funny moments, Toast Twitch, Disguised Toast Twitch, toast glow up, toast weight loss, toast fashion, toast makeup, toast hairstyle
Id: jjNtGpKIsRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 35sec (2255 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 19 2021
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