RMA Armament Level IV Model 1155 Ballistic Test

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hey guys like here with our ma we took a QA on our Facebook page some rounds that are 11:55 can take stress test so the video today is exactly what we're doing we're shooting to ss109 s and to m855 both are 62-grain the ss109 moves that are on 3150 feet per second the m855 move around 3100 feet per second so very close we're going to shoot these four rounds into it and then we're going to be shooting some 308 from hornaday's is called there @ t AP STD rounds or 110 green and they're rated at 30 165 feet per second we're shooting at 50 feet from local to strike bases so without the further talking let's go ahead and load up and let's put some rounds into the plate all right [Music] great great yep all right we just put four rounds of the plain to walk up and take a look at it please had pretty good you can see no no penetrations here's the front damage there's the first shot there's the second hit pretty close to the edge there there's the third little damage and here's the fourth which is right right smack on the edge and the plate did pretty good to health around so now we're going to put the plate back and we're going to hit it with some 308 plate did pretty well holding up against those two other sets of rounds and now we're going to be shooting the Hornaday 308 sand from our FN Rachel [Music] [Music] [Applause] okay guys a dish top three of those for today's 110 grade I read tip rounds into the place let's go see how it did you can see how fast through plate did pretty well damaged the back cover blew it off but there is no hole whatsoever plate did really well so here's the front you'll see the clay did really low this is the first shot right here this is the second shot you can tell and here is the third shot so in total this plate has like four or five six seven rounds in a total from three different types of ammunition and it did very well again this is our NIJ go6 certified model 1155 ten year warranty and they're currently selling right now on our website for one hundred and thirty five bucks great deal for a super strong plate high quality
Channel: RMA Armament, Inc.
Views: 28,593
Rating: 4.8954248 out of 5
Keywords: RMA, RMA Armament, RMA Defense, Body Armor, Level 4 Body Armor, Military, Law Enforcement
Id: gNdAhKc5wbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 19sec (199 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2017
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