This NEW zombie defense game predicts the future!

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as a YouTuber I get sent lots of games from developers to play and I was scrolling through trying to figure out what I should play when I came across this face this is terrifying so hello fellow engineers and welcome to infection free zone uh that man's on the bottom Cornerstone now this is actually from the same people that brought us one one two operator do you remember that game that I played if not there'll be a link in my end screen anyway both that game and this game they use real world geographical data which means every city you play in they're actually the real City layout and no the loading screen has a damaged Bridge or could you dance how could you all right so basically the world as we know has gone bridges are no more sadly there's a virus spreading among humans that's turning people into zombies you know the classic the classic story your loved ones even your little kids turn into zombies when they get infected and basically there are some like immune humans and they sort of went underground lived in bunkers for a while but as you can imagine they were completely sealed off to the outside world they were waiting for like a radio message from someone just to say like it's safe you can come out now or whatever and just as things were being depleted like all their food was being depleted the electronics were failing in their bunkers they got a message and the message said this this video is sponsored by yahaha the brand new user-generated content creation platform where you can create and publish your own 3D multiplayer games there's no coding or anything like that it's very simple to use even an architect could do it and all the games you're seeing on screen right now were all made through yahaha you simply grab the components and smart assets that they provide place them exactly where you want and create your dream game there's millions of ready to use 3D assets in the asset library look there's even Bridges all of which are stored in the cloud drive and streamed creators when they need to use them and once you're done creating you can easily publish your creation to their cross-platform app where mobile and PC users can discover your work and join to play so basically once you're happy with the level you can change the name you can add some screenshots and a description to give players an idea of what to expect then finally once you're happy there's just one click to publish meaning other players can now find and play your game so boost the link down in my description to download yahaha studio and join their Early Access now for free oh and by the way the the infections reclining so you can all you can all come out to the surface now let's rebuild and so yeah the people they're coming out their bunkers a little bit wary of course but that's where we start the game from so operator that's that's the person on the radio that said it's clear this is first squad leader that's me imagine imagine that face up there that's me actually let's just make it me yeah that's better that's better that's me yeah we made our way out the neighborhood looks deserted we'll have to scavenge the nearby buildings for any useful resources so let's go look for food so if we zoom out this is this is the map and it's it's pretty damn big I don't know what I don't know what places is but obviously this is created with like real world data so if you did happen to live in this estate wherever it is in the world you could probably literally see your house and like how it's progressed and stuff whether it survived the zombie apocalypse that's really cool I assume in the main game you're like you'll be able to like pick wherever you want in the world but anyway this building here this is our headquarters so if we click on this you can see what building it is the structure and Integrity all the resources all that kind of stuff in the top left we've got our citizens panel so we can click on that to see like what sort of people we've got most people are unemployed because we've literally just started and then the the icon to the left this is our Squad so we can click on our Squad you can see who's in that now we've got very very aptly named people for that so if you're looking at her would you reckon her name is yep that's right it's Soldier underscore zero but the one next to it you can imagine she's probably got a lovely name like Soldier underscore one because yes after zombie apocalypse no one cares what your name is you're just a soldier and a number anyway we can rename the squad so we're gonna be renaming these after my patreons this is the comedian Squad and then if we press V can you see like all these little buildings they've got icons now so ones that have question mark obviously we don't know what they are we have to go over to explore those but then other ones like this one that's got qcs got a bit of food in there likewise the old shop obviously that's got food in it way up here this one's got a gun in it and if we zoom out you can see all these buildings they've all got different stuff man there's so many build there's so many buildings so anyway top left it says we got our scavenge buildings for cans cans of food that is so I guess it's just a question of do we want to like search the buildings near us like create like a safe area or do we go straight like to the shop to try and get some food anyway let's send these funny guys I reckon let's go over to that building so so we just right click on there then we Press Play Because you can you can stop time on this it's only six in the morning now you can see there's dotted line so if we if we have a little look look there's our Squad here just heading over to there and they're gonna go suss it out see what's involved in there and it's pretty cool as well like can you see like this old sign love the infected so obviously when people got infected uh some people they didn't want us to turn on them straight away they want us to love them anyway the the squad they found something so as you can see in the comedian Squad view they've they've picked up two cans of food nice so let's let's tell them to go search next door hopefully they'll find more food because we may as well fill up our capacity before we send them back you can see the bars going up oh they've got they've got extra canned food nice and another canned food right let's send them home you can see they're heading back now with the four cans of food I'm sure that will feed the 40 people lovely all right then the random person on the radio from the start he he tells us we should scavenge some more locations okay and he's also said we should probably think about adapting buildings into shelters if we click on these you can see it's like it's just an abandoned house but there's a button down here adapt building so if we click on that we can decide whether we want to turn into a shelter or a warehouse so let's turn it into a shelter that takes 1.6 wood we've got 50 wood which is pretty good I've selected the one next door as well and now you can see all the people they're coming out with their boxes I love um in the future like everyone they sort of they just wear those like Heelys you know those trainers where like they've got wheels in the heels so everyone everyone looks very cool but it means they don't have to have a walking animation which is pretty good anyway let's send the comedians to go investigate some more places so they're gonna check out behind the building I think you want to sort of like clear out the buildings closest to us just to get some some sort of a safe area um but also we've just been told we don't have enough wood we're gonna come downstairs button here the area work menu and we can give orders to our citizens so if we say gather wood in what way do you want to I actually feel like this way is probably safer because there's like a lake down here but we haven't sent our Squad down this way at all sorry I'll tell you what cut all those down and we'll see what happens right so you can see people there leaving they're heading over this way I'm gonna send my squad down to that building so hopefully they can protect these guys a little bit should anything happen meanwhile trees are being cut down or is that building is clear let's clear the one next to it as well but we can rotate the camera nice okay so can rotate you can see the intense wood chopping going on there look at them working away I'll tell you what I'm gonna do as well I'm going to create a new Squad as well because we want we want more people to help oh wait we've been interrupted there's smoke so we're gonna we're gonna send people over there to go investigate so go investigate that it's up that way okay right well thankfully I've just made my new Squad yes cheers patreon that's called face I'm sure you'll be nice and friendly to the survivors that are held up in here I'm sure they'll definitely want to come but yeah we are we are gonna send you guys to go investigate up there so you can see those guys are moving up there we've got the current Squad down there oh we need to The Comedians we need to move you go have a look in there I have a feeling you're gonna find some pills all right these guys are they actually chopping wood I really cannot tell I don't know they still don't seem to be doing much and our wood has not gone up but I'll give them benefit the doubt maybe they are right squad one The Comedians oh they've searched there's nothing in there I thought it's meant to be drugs in there well that is less than ideal let's send them back up to I think that one let's go clear that that should have some food in it or something I've just created another Squad the Desiree code Squad of course these have very very unique members we have Soldier zero Soldier one soldier 2 and Soldier three who would have thought that now unfortunately we have run out of guns which means these two guys Soldier two and three they only have machetes now what it might be worth doing with these guys is sending them up this way because look there is apparently guns in there so it will tell them to go investigate that meanwhile we'll zoom out we'll see how how these guys gotten up here oh look they're just going into the building with the smoke and look they found some survivors so do we accept them or do we leave them I think we've got to accept them we gotta accept then we got more more hands yes more mouths to feed but more hands to chop trees Etc so they're clearing their amount I think these are the yeah these are the survivors coming back and these ones because they have because they've been living in like hard times they don't actually have Heelys so unfortunately these guys they they literally have to run I'm I'm surprised that some people have running animations and some don't I was just joking about the Heelys but maybe it's right anyway as you can see is too dangerous for us to remain after night time and it's 6 30 in the evening so everyone's going to come home now and I'm probably gonna send all my squads back so face Squad let's get you guys back home the Desiree guys are look they found ammo they've got ammo nice I'll take that back to HQ and then comedians I reckon let's let's Salvage a few buildings on our way home so these guys should search a few more buildings on their way back everyone else should be back fairly shortly so we can choose to continue or we can just play it safe and get back to the HQ I'm gonna I'm gonna play it safe because I'm an engineer Safety First you know how it is oh and there's alarms there's alarms so we're just waiting for these guys to come back I can actually hear like zombie noises I don't know if I can can I see some oh no look over here there's zombies they're crawling Yeah so basically you can only see them when they come out of buildings so they've gone into that building they're having a bit of a boozer tonight probably Friday night and we can only see them on the map when they come out so if we were to keep exploring uh we probably would bump been to some I mean it's 11 o'clock Sunrise is at 4 40. that's a long time to wait there's more there's more guys over there there's loads up there as well oh they're everywhere I don't like this oh man there's Luke there's like three loads okay let's just fast forward let's get to the morning all right now the sun is rising which I assume means it's safe to come out are those guys I think they're all held up in those buildings so we definitely don't want to go into them at least not till we have more weapons and stuff so what I'm gonna do all my people are out there chopping the trees down again and we've got to prepare for the next night so we've been told we've got to build a wooden Tower so let's get that sorted you first off I'm going to use my squads to go investigate all these buildings surrounding so you check that one face you go across the road over that way and Desiree you do you do the closest ones because you've only you've only got two guns in there you've got loads of machetes all right we've still got 16 unemployed people so what I might do let's turn this building here into a warehouse It's Gonna cost six wood but we've got 12 Woods that should be fine then oh look the first tree came down does that mean you've got loads of wood I'm not sure I am gonna Mark some more wooded area to be chopped down let's just can I do all of those yeah nice okay see some of our Squad found food so we'll send them back to the HQ to drop that off face found ammo but let's send them up that way comedians found nothing absolutely useless what a bunch of jokers you could see [Music] but yeah they're all they're all searching different buildings and stuff so that's good we need to think about building this Tower oh look we've just been interrupted we found some we found some seeds some grain and some Farming tools we've also been asked can we make a place to cook meals as well so a new Mission over here we've got to build five farms and a cook house now I also really need to think about trying to get this wooden Tower done so we're guessing it's in defense so Towers wooden Tower it's going to cost 20 logs and then you need to equip it with weapons and ammunition afterwards okay so let's grab a tower and I guess shove it like over there is that good right then four or five you can see we need four logs as well as two tools so imagine as we keep Scavenging we will find them so let's build a farm somewhere so let's shove it on this street corner sort of in the road as well nice but one on that corner as well look we've made the strongest sheep farms with that road I'm gonna try and keep all these like fairly close just because I'm a little bit scared of like Danger All Right Step six Farms that's plenty we only actually need five and then I can choose a building to be turned into a cook house I'm I'm gonna choose that building right there right nice oh look these guys have found something they found oh a load of food nice take that back guys and all these other ones oh they found two food there's a raise you go next door though it could be something good next door and look you can see they're bringing boxes over to the wooden Tower so that is getting built the trees are a lot of trees have been cut down I think yep there goes another one into the water and then they're bringing back loads of logs that is decent that is what we want to see all right then we're just expanding exploring all these buildings that we don't know what's in them I'm not entirely sure what to do with these infected buildings do I just leave them or do I send my squad to go take them out I don't know what have you guys found oh more ammo nice right so I did notice we need we're gonna need like some other resources we can gather metal we can gather bricks so let's do metal and I'm guessing yeah I can select that car I can select this demolish building for bricks yeah there we go I can also take up the lamp posts if I want metal as well I think decent but yeah we're expanding rapidly this is this is actually quite fun I'm enjoying this I'm enjoying this a lot mate what have you guys found oh they got food and ammo right take that back I reckon you guys let's go let's go explore down the road you guys have still found nothing the comedian Squad they literally are a bunch of jokers they haven't found any resources all day yeah as we're expanding I think what I'm gonna do I'm gonna make another shelter probably right next to my HQ as well that's going to take 24 logs it will hold 17 people though yeah everything else is being built you can see that farm I think it's nearly done I think that sort of acts like a bar so they've just got that little strip to go and then that's done and it is close to night time though and our Tower is not quite complete 62 less let's assign some more workers so if you want things to build quicker you just gotta sign more workers to that I probably should have done that sooner I don't think that's gonna get get built in time and we might be in trouble tonight right it is night time the alarm is sounding which means the zombies are gonna be heading out yeah unfortunately our Watchtower didn't get completed all right and we've actually been told we gotta we gotta kill the hordes tonight so no more hiding all right come on comedians time to time to show your worth let's go take on the zombie I'm literally I'm just gonna send everyone I think all right battle all three squads versus those guys oh they're taking them down they're taking them down yes we killed a horde zombie hordes are nothing more than a bunch of Architects they take them down nice I think we killed did we kill the hoods oh there's no no there's a horde sneaking up behind us oh I've sent all my people out right attack attack before they get into our HQ oh man that's a lot of hordes as a lot of hordes you can see the ammo numbers are going down thankfully we did beat them but there's another horde coming over this way so I've just told them all to attack these ones as well I think we're good I think we're good Yep they're down they're down alright so the question is do I let these guys sleep or do I like whilst we're here do I just might as well make them explore right or maybe we're more likely to find more hordes I don't know they're exploring more buildings we're dying of hunger oh no that's not good they just said they're dying of hunger all right I've just got a weird message it's like it's got a load of ashes in there it's EVS what's ifs oh this is the infection free zone of Crofton all right so I've tried to talk to them I'm pretty sure that they can't hear what we're saying so we're going to switch channel right and then we've been told we need to build a radio antenna so we can pick up long range signals um but we gotta we gotta find a library so that we can we can work out how to do that so oh is that a library I think that's a library there so we're gonna head down this way and explore this I should probably take all my squads to be honest uh these two they seem to be really hungry can you see they've got red bars I don't know how I make them eat food oh I'll tell you what I can I can assign we've got loads of spare workers so in our citizens panel we've got 23 unemployed people and I think that's because we've stopped chopping trees so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna and click on this Farm I'm gonna add another person to that I can hold three people I'm gonna assign seven people to the Cook House hopefully that can work and then everyone else I'm gonna make them collect resources so gather wood let's just let's literally chop everything in like the sort of that sort of area do the same for metal same for bricks all right there you go no more unemployed people that is good then we got squads down here hopefully they find some food they're the two they're the two hungry squads meanwhile these guys are going to explore the library look at them and they're Heelys they are loving life they are loving like right these two found zero food not ideal let's have a little look in these buildings over that way then right they're having a mooch around building clear we've got nothing yeah there's nothing there's nothing okay what about we try these bigger buildings part of the library complex right they're heading in anything good I think because they're bigger buildings they take a lot longer to search like these were only little buildings they got searched like almost instantly that's pretty cool I like that hopefully it means there's more chance to find something good as well yeah but if we fast forward the day is absolutely flying oh look they found something they've got food they've got loads of food take it back take it back they've got food as well back to HQ and then these guys in the main part of the library they're nearly done and they did they not find anything I think they found nothing oh really they found nothing right so we might have to find another Library nearby oh or were we meant to go I think maybe we're meant to go to that okay let's go oh man sure there's going to be food here as well sandwich Court I'm gonna send my squads to like the main building so like these supermarkety ones oh no it's night time it's night time I probably shouldn't oh no look look as a horde there's a horde that around turn around so this we'll come back tomorrow we'll come back tomorrow back to HQ everyone rest up tonight yeah there's a horde off to them there's a horde after them all right take them down take him down I think we're good I think we're good oh that was scary that was actually quite scary all right everyone get back in all right hopefully if they spend an evening like in the HQ they might regen their food needs they've still all got red bars oh there's more there's more oh they do actually they just defend from the building casket I'd have to bring him out I could just leave him inside all right one more horde to deal with sorted all right now we gotta send you down this way properly so you guys explore that oh look they are they're all rested now they are actually all rested okay that's good so they're gonna head down to different way points as well as that main one that we want to check out I've seen that's where the library stuff is oh God what's happening down here I think there's a horde in the building right take out the horde take out the horde all right we killed The Horde and now they're just losing that nice meanwhile these guys I think we're just gonna we're gonna try and get to the main building so the drugstore over there oh yeah the tools that means we can build more Farms so yeah definitely head into that then I guess these guys you can go search the the lightning bolts it says shop on the side so I don't know maybe maybe it's just some like normal Goods oh these guys have found something what have you found oh they got the tools they got the tools right we'll quickly just search this one I'll hopefully get some more food and we'll send those ones back nice so they're going back now they're full of tools and food love to see it it's 4 P.M so the Sun is setting how are these guys up here getting on not too bad haven't found anything so have a little search of those stores then we'll head back and we've actually found what we needed to construct the radio antenna so there it is once we shove this in we can actually send out signals ourselves presumably to attract new people which would be cool so let's Wang that there that's going to take 20 metal and we've only found eight so far so we've really got to we've got to scavenge the cars and stuff meanwhile everyone I think we need to head back it is it is night time you see my squads they're heading back hopefully we're not going to find any any infected people on the way oh God oh God there's hordes behind you run we need to we need to get our watchtower in operation we don't actually have any spare weapons so I think we gotta add weapons to that in order to like make it do something so what we're gonna have to do is search there's a few gun stores dotted about so we'll have to search them like tomorrow morning but yeah for now we'll just let them survive the night all right and then we're just gonna send people out to try and find some weapons I guess oh oh they've they found something oh they found loads of ammo that is awesome okay go back with the ammo it's not a gun though we do actually need a gun for a watchtower don't we uh infected house infected house I think they're doing okay it's quite a big horde to be fair we're losing ammo they don't have much ammo left but they did destroy the horde that is good and now they're looting the shop decent that's quite an interesting looking building I might send them over there afterwards so look oh they got they got three grain we better send that back to the Farms one of these guys down here they found ammo as well look loads of ammo right back to the HQ and then as I keep getting like workers there's as they as they finish jobs I keep getting some unemployed ones so if I click on these Farms I can choose how many people like start building them so I got three people building that all these other Farms are filled with people there's one building the antenna just one guy on his own well look these guys are searching the big building it is it's getting dark early today it's only four o'clock and the sun's setting all right let's fast forward and see what they find in there so building clear oh they literally they found nothing that was that was not worthwhile right head back to base let's hope the zombies don't find them I think the hordes are getting bigger and bigger every single day so we've got to be a bit careful I mean our squads are only four people but yeah lots of fun this this is only the pre-access alpha I'm really looking forward to like the full game I love to like play like my hometown or something you'd be like oh no there's zombies in Old Steve's house or whatever I hope you guys all enjoyed this game and I'll say peace love and that really scary face from the steam page bye
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 349,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: infection free zone gameplay, infection free zone walkthrough, infection free zone playthrough, lets play infection free zone, infection free zone review, infection free zone preview, infection free zone impressions, infection free zone download, infection free zone trailer, infection free zone music, infection free zone soundtrack, infection free zone guide, infection free zone tutorial
Id: meO4w3AHTBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 39sec (1299 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 12 2022
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