This Movie is SO BAD the studio is Censoring Reviewers (Haunting of Sharon Tate)

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all right hopefully I'm in frame I never make videos standing up but I gotta bring a little bit of energy today oh I didn't like that but okay so a lot of you are new here a lot of you might not even be watching this video but if you've been here for a while or if you just want to know or want to be informed there's there's a couple of you know realities about me one of those realities is that I love movies and I love talking about movies I love watching movies and III doin everything in my power to see as many movies that come out in a year as I can and to I think my only talent in life is ranting and sometimes that's positive sometimes it's it's passionate positive I'm excited about it ranting at other times it's just traditional ranting and every once in a while if you're really lucky those two forces come together and that's what we're dealing with right now while talking about the haunting of Sharon Tate now that name Sharon Tate sounds familiar to you that is because she's one of the people who was murdered by Charles Manson's cult she was also Roman Polanski's wife I don't like Roman Polanski no surprise there but it she's kind of letting you know who she is you know she was an actress and you know she was one of the people who was murdered in that home in the summer of 1969 which as I'm sure you attend chily realized if you're really fast at math or just know this it's where we're at the 50-year anniversary right now now her name would have come up recently on my channel because just last week I made a video talking about Quentin Tarantino he had just been you know touring his movie Once Upon a Time in Hollywood I can't festival and you know somebody was kind of complaining that the you know Margot Robbie's Sharon Tate didn't have a lot of speaking lines I openly said well the movies not supposed to be specifically about Sharon Tate is Rick's story who's played by Leonardo DiCaprio she's just there's just that backdrop of what's happening in in that area of Hollywood at the time now we're gonna circle into my issues with this so I originally wasn't going to talk about this movie until the Tarantino movie came out it was originally supposed to come out in August due to the wishes of the family he bumped it up to July so that it wouldn't coincide so much with the 50-year anniversary and I would like to openly state that Sharon's sister Deborah openly said that she was you know she was very hesitant about the Tarantino story and about the movie but you know he invited her on set he let her read the script he let her know exactly what his intention was with the film and now she signed off on it she gave the movie her blessing so in my opinion well obviously I haven't seen it I guess that means it's probably good to go and it's not really exploitative in nature obviously this is one of Tarantino's flips history stories much like inglorious basterds is where it takes something from history but then just kind of flips some of the details but this movie just so you guys then run down and the reason why I'm talking about it now is because of the behavior of the studio that produced it and probably largely the the director who wrote it himself who is on quite the little tear up of making these weird altered reality horror movies based on actual murders and that is because the plot of the haunting of Sharon Tate is about Sharon Tate getting all of these weird scary nightmares that are being displayed as premonitions where she sees herself and the other people in the house dying and then she is trying to do everything in her power to stop it from happening but nobody believes her even though there are weird people coming by the house and there's people leaving things at the house that would just kind of let you know that hey something we're probably this happening maybe we should just call the cops out here and just give them the check in on some things and then you end up with this this weird option where they get the chance to try to like change change their fate there's a big big element of fate here but it is very much firmly in some kind of like weird supernatural moment allowing these people to try to like change the outcome of what happened and in my opinion that that is both exploitative and it's really insulting it's really bad now the worst thing about it is the director thinks that this is some way of like honoring her memory and showing that it's a way for her to fight out of it and his entire letter to the family doesn't even read us something like I hope I get your blessing it really it's all about him it's like I remember how much it affected me as a child I remember how much it's like stay with me my entire life but I've been affected by the my entire life and this is my outlet and I might even be a little bit more sympathetic to that reasoning future Amanda here I just want to point out that it's absolutely laughable that he's trying to say that this isn't a typical slasher movie considering this thing is just loaded with just horrible brutal violence fake movie blood and it's just kritis in its entirety then it got stuck with him if he hadn't made something about like the an evil horror last year if you hadn't already finished filming the murder of Nicole Brown Simpson for next year the dudes making some weird try out of real murder cases and not even in a way that is just telling you the straight-up facts of the situation what actually happened like like I suppose zodiac did like David Fincher's zodiac which is based off of book written by a cartoonist Robert gray-smith who worked for the San Francisco Chronicle so you know that's that at least was just trying to tell the story honestly and just kind of capture that place of America and what it was like living around that time you can say what you will otherwise but this is just exploitation it's pointless and the boom the movie itself is really bad but again I was gonna wait until closer to the release of the Tarantino movie to watch that movie and kind of bring this up on the side now but the reason why I'm talking about it now is because we got we had a little bit of justice going on here and that for whatever reasons Lionsgate and lasso are claiming basically a bunch of videos and in some cases the not just claiming monetization they're blocking the video in all countries and the one thing that all of these reviews have in common is that they all [ __ ] on the movie I actually don't know if there's any positive reviews out there it could literally just be that these people are the ones randomly being targeted but literally every review is just negative so it's just working out that way but somehow I don't think so considering the lengths that they're going you know some of them they're blocking at all countries some of them are being blocked on multiple devices some of them are just being completely copyright claims and it's it's not like valid copyright claims it's people using just like video portions of the trailers chopped up in sections of the video is if I was just gonna put something over the screen right now to show you what was up also just to throw it in there they cast Hilary Duff as Sharon Tate you can't just put Lizzie McGuire in something and expect me to be okay with it anyways we'll get that out of the way so this was specifically brought onto my radar because my friend art who I to Sundance with featured a little bit of this movie in his completely unrelated video where he was talking about extremely wicked shockingly evil and vile which we actually watched together at Sundance Film Festival and walked away with similar opinions of the fact that at that point the trailer had dropped that day everybody was all I can't believe they're making a movie just glorifying Ted Bundy and we're all like you know you haven't even seen it yet and then he just mentions if you want to know about an exploitative movie how can I introduce you to the haunting of Sharon Tate which i think is also unmet flicks at least in the States and extremely wicked obviously is because they picked it up at Sundance but so he ended up making the comparison video of those two and they claimed his video and that's how this got on my radar and that's why I got angry and I started looking into it and they they claimed this girl possessed by horrors video some other guy named Desmond's video and I'm sure there's a bunch of other people whose videos have been claimed to some degree because they are they're just angry about it if you look at it it's manual detection it means that they're going around looking things up to manually detect it arts video doesn't mention the movie in the title or the thumbnail in the slightest I didn't know that that was going to be featured in his video until I watched the video for him it was the same as possessed by horror blocked in 248 countries unavailable on some devices and monetization claimed by claimant and then the two claimants were Lionsgate and lasso entertainment now he actually counted it possessed by more said I'm not gonna bother countering it because then it's just gonna go to that same group of people then they just have the the ability to shut it down it's not worth it I think you should always go through that first round and just like point out fair use laws and a lot of times they'll drop it I got them to drop so when I got Sony to drop some monetization claims on my second channel about spider-man video and you know it all worked out in the end but I can understand in this where it seems like they're actually targeting bad reviews I understand it so I checked him with him today and he said that lasso ended up dropping their claim on it but the Lionsgate one kept all the other things so that includes the Block in two hundred and forty eight countries so this is a movie that is so bad that they are going around finding people's reviews so that they can manually take them down if they feel like it uses like just even the remotest section of their videos so I'm not going to include any actual trailer footage and then I'll probably put some people's faces up and stuff but this is a bad movie not just because it's exploitative it's really gross when you think about it and like I'm gonna get in some of the details I'll let you know if you really like I recommend not watching it but I'm gonna get in some spoilers not pointed out but also just because it's horribly made the script is terrible like everybody's trying to let go at Hilary Duff specifically I'm not saying that she's some kind of like you know Academy award-winning actress like I do love Lizzie McGuire but a lot like how can she act well when she has a script like that these people there's my baby yeah now we're gonna get into a couple of the specifics of the story and why the just the movie in general is just really horrible but I just recommend not watching it so just let's keep keep rocking with me here so this movie starts like I said she starts getting nightmares and premonitions that like horrible things are gonna happen to her and all her friends and to the point she actually gets a direct she's like shot-by-shot imagining of how her and her friends are going to die and this is like loosely tied to the fact that I think like a year or two before the murder she said she had some kind of dream about her and one of the friends there dying and it was like it was just a dream and it was a couple years before and that is how he kind of just extrapolated this out to an entire thing where she's basically being is having premonitions of her untimely demise and it's very bad and then you know they'll do this weird thing where they take actual historical footage of Sharon Tate talking to interviewers and and stuff about the murders like actual news footage of the murders and then like blend it with like her like Hilary Duff Sharon Tate just in black and white talking to like an interviewer or something so that it's like it's just trying to blend this like fiction reality without living in the world of reality and it never establishes that with the viewers so it's it's just very insulting by that nature it is really just some weird like hey guys what if we add a supernatural twist to the Manson murders and just throwing in the actual footage makes it just seem pretty gross just very gross they managed to fight off the Manson Family like the you know minimal injuries and you know they're they walk outside the gate and they're all smiling and then they're waiting for her and then you know she turns around and it starts doing the voiceover stuff and then her character is specifically kind of saying like you know I think that we're kind of all there's just a never-ending amount of like worlds and universes that were in and we basically just kind of keep going through it until we get it right so like a multiverse Theory type thing and that this is just the scenario where they manage to get it right except as this is happening it has her walking back through where the house is and walking like in all of their dead bodies are in a row and it just you know you see all of them with the white sheets pulled down but in hers it's white sheet pulled over her face and then she goes and she just pulls the sheet back and there's her dead too and then but all the rest of them are waiting on the other side of the gate smiling it's like as if they're they're ghosts and then they took the second chance and or they're like it's just weird and like this this other thing happened to her at the entire movie it's like they decided they wanted to add slow-mo shots into the movie but they didn't plan for it ahead of time so they shot presumably in 24 FPS as is the cinematic standard just the entire movie and then the scenes they want to slow down they just tried to slow down from that frame rate so it's choppy I'm not even a filmmaker and I know that you don't do that I have no formal training to make movies and I know that you don't do that how did this unless it was some kind of weird style choice which I sincerely doubt director Daniel Farren's he's done a lot of like documentaries on horror movies by looks and things I've never seen any of them but it's almost just like he got bored doing just like the straight up like documentary here's what happened so then he just decided to grab real-life tragedies and just put a horror spin on them like most of these situations don't need a supernatural twist or some kind of like explanation or weird added thing they are horribly gruesome and terrifying and tragic all on their own that's why people still talk about them so this movie is absolutely horrible i 100% recommend not seeing it and Lionsgate please stop claiming people for complaining about this damn movie there was a Twitter account that I thought was getting really sassy with people and then it was genuine but they've added to their bio fan accounts so they're just it's a fan account getting sassy but this is a disgustingly exploitative movie where the living family members have specifically said they're not okay with it but the director is defending it to the death that it's okay the sister specifically is the term extremely hurtful and hateful to describe the movie and this dude's still gonna try to defend it because of how he feels and how he feels it affected his life the gist of it is is that this movie is horseshit it should never have been made and the specific fact that they seem to be hunting down youtubers and reviewers in any way they can to try to censor their voices and silence their voices because a lot of them who openly said claiming monetization is one thing it sucks and it's still it's definitely a fair use violation but at least the videos out there they're blocking it on multiple devices they're blocking it in like hundreds almost like 300 countries that's a big deal they need to stop and just accept that it's that it was not a good movie and it was an incredibly poor taste so thank you all so much for watching have a fantastic day and we'll catch you all later
Channel: Amanda the Jedi
Views: 300,421
Rating: 4.9656248 out of 5
Keywords: haunting of sharon tate, haunting of sharon tate copyright, daniel farrands, daniel farrands letter, sharon tate, hilary duff, real story, sharon tate movie, possessedbyhorror, let me explain the haunting of sharon tate, let me explain, copyright strike abuse, censorship, movie reviews, 2019 movie, haunting of sharon tate is bad, worst movies of 2019, quentin tarantino, once upon a time in hollywood, haunting of sharon tate review
Id: azllPZA3i40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2019
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