The BIGGEST slide rooms Newell Coach makes

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foreign [Music] in my never-ending pursuit to find the coolest motor coaches in the world we found a gem today this coach has the most living space i've seen in any motor coach ever i'm really excited to show you this 2022 newell coach i'm gonna introduce you to the owners of this coach we're gonna ask them why they chose a newell coach let's go see if we can't find the owners of this coach and ask him more about it and take a look inside of this beautiful machine hey scott and terry how are you guys doing today hi we're great we're glad to have you here well it's an honor to be here what a beautiful coach thank you the inside of this coach is looking a lot different from the outside you want to show the folks on youtube your coach today sure i'll let terry take care of this night and day that's what we like to call it absolutely the paint scheme on this coach is unlike anything i've ever seen so is the interior what's the story here well i i think i had the most influence on the exterior and terry along with amber of newell uh really produced this interior and i really didn't in a way see it until we took delivery and i was just completely blown away by this is so warm and welcoming and inviting now on the exterior i really had a vision for really a black coach i like a black car a black motorcycle but i wanted the wisp of smoke on the side and we were actually uh ryan lauck's first customer when he when he went to newell and we had a great time working with ryan uh who came up with this scheme worked on it for several weeks and they came up with the graphics the paint team pulled it off wonderfully and i'm super pleased with it i really like what you did now scott you were kind of in charge of the outside i heard nothing to do with the inside terry this is all you're doing you did a great job what uh what's going on in here ma'am thank you so much um i worked with amber at new orleans she was a dream to work with i just love the way it turned out i kind of wanted something light i wanted something a little different than some of the other coaches that i have seen that have you know more of a darker wood feel which is really beautiful but for us i wanted a lighter maybe almost you'd call it a coastal feel and so we just planned the whole thing out and made it lighter with some touches of blue and some touches of wood and so that's that's kind of how we planned it out this piece right here this table um is real wood and i think that was one of the first ones that they've done that's real wood it's walnut wow so that's a kind of a nice touch and it warms up the the lighter color and it'll give some warmth yeah broke it up a little well you and amber did a great job now scott you were just telling me that this is the largest slide out that was how did you work that out well when terry and i decided to essentially go full time we're out about eight to ten months a year in in our coach visiting children in three different states so uh we wanted to be very comfortable so when we started working with newell james netherley the the principal design executive there said okay what do you want in your coach and then we'll kind of build it around the slides i said james i said i actually want to do this differently i said i want to have the maximum amount of slides that a newel can handle length depth width and then terry and i will fill that space and he laughed and so that's what we have this is the most uh available space and slides that you can get with a newel and we are thrilled with it because when you walk in of course the the newel is known for its interior height and with these amazing windows that you see here we don't feel like we're in a motor home i feel like we're in a small condo or something like that we're just super comfortable we're never feeling really tight uh and constrained in here we're very comfortable staying here for months on end and one of the touches with these larger windows is also amber and i decided to put a mirror up here above the windows so it even makes the window almost feel a little bit bigger and taller yeah i didn't even notice that until you set it cool but yeah it just is so nice and light and then those lights oh i'm seeing these lights here yeah that's those lights oh very cool so i thought that was on the balance and something about the whole design process that i found really interesting is literally from the time that door opens until you get to the very back of the coach the customer's picking out every finish and every surface so we've got some carbon fiber up on the dash aisle that you know you see when you come in terry and amber pick that you know the floor tile uh the chairs and even trying to tie in the wood with the wood with the wood you know just that little touch that terry and amber did i think it's just super neat yeah now what caused you you've got a floor plan with the two recliners over here and a good size sofa over here what cost you to choose this particular floor plan well let me say what it's not uh even though we have six grandchildren with one on the way we designed it for us not to carry a bunch of grandkids and we just figure if we have the grandkids with us we'll put them down on a pallet or something so we'll we'll stay at a um at a campground has cabinets yeah yeah yeah that's really actually we thought through that we wanted it to be comfortable for us so this idea of having two really nice recliners of course we have the the elevator yeah the elevator comes up and and that's where we'll watch tv at night and uh this is a very comfortable uh sofa it does come into a jackknife but that's about it now you were just sharing something with me as we were adjusting these air conditioning units the the air conditioning in the front of the coach is a little bit different than the coach you had before it is i had a production coach i mean it was nice it was a tiff and zephyr but it had three air conditioning units the newell has four and what james netherley from newell pointed out to me and it's just a wonderful feature and an engineering benefit here is that they have one air conditioner dedicated to this front area and it's basically a blade of air the viewers can't feel it i can but there's a blade of air that comes down here and in my old coach the production coach this area never got cool you just couldn't keep up with there's too much heat coming in but with this blade of air coming down uh that newell has and the newer coaches the coach always stays cool awesome what's some of the other cool stuff okay well one of the things i wanted to do uh was to keep the interior clean although terry picked out all the designs and everything i just wanted to minimize the number of switches and controls that we saw make it look more like a regular residential living room so i asked james i said can we hide these switches you know in a nice way put them behind a little cabinet or something he said yeah i've got just the spot for us and this is the neat thing about working with newell because this is a one-off i think it's the only one maybe somebody else has it but this is where we put the switches in the controls and uh basically everything is in there and we rarely use you know it's not like you're going in there seven or eight times a day we use it in the morning we use it at night and then we just tuck it away yeah i really like that how all of the lines are staying clean especially how bright uh everything is in here usually we would see the red and blue lights on both of those panels really beautiful something else i think this comes from i just love boats and there's really not any 90 degree angles either in nature or in boating yeah so we wanted to have as many uh curve features even in the galley and yeah this has has uh it's not a radius to it instead of the instead of you know just a fixed 90 degree angle and newell cabinetry is just stunning i mean the fit and finish of these cabinets is just amazing uh the detail i've worked with wood long enough to know quality when i see it and their cabinetry folks are just top notch i agree the best of the best in the industry and is that like a matte white finish or yes yeah i mean that's probably how you could describe it best yeah yeah there has a little detail in there but yeah yeah just a little bit of wood grain in there not too much but really just stunning now the floors uh it's the flat floors like we've talked about before any inspiration on that or they're a little bit darker on the floors yeah we wanted to bring bring in you know we've got the touches of darker so we wanted to bring in some darker and not just have it just all white so it just gives a little more um variety yeah absolutely the ceiling that terry and amber came up with i hadn't seen it of course even the design of it until we actually took delivery and i looked up and i thought it's so elegant i i just can't imagine improving upon this uh they did a great job what kind of a callback i don't know if i've ever seen this with that cool pattern and then almost like a rustic mirror kind of a mirrored uh antiqued mirror you know look yeah i really i like that so it was fun it's really fun picking everything out but but the fun thing is amber knows where it's going but you as a customer if you haven't had a lot of these and we've had this one and one other and and the other one we did not get to pick anything so you're not exactly sure where it's going but you're just trusting her when she pulls it out and you say you like it that it's going somewhere where you know it's all gonna come together and it does it definitely did on this code and the hardware that they use with newell is so neat because it just has a clean look you know you have to basically you know there's not like a big handle here it's uh almost every noodle that i've seen has this this feature but it's just very elegant you just can't you don't see all of the pools yeah i think cool we did too andrew we um it's already out we went ahead and did this so that we could have some additional counter space so we you know they added that for us and that was that was cool really nice now can we see him i know newell does some really cool half baths can we show everyone the half bath wow now a little bit more color in here than the rest of the coat so it's just got a little bit of blue but we brought the blue in i love the tiles uh that you used and the bidet toilets i know those have become very popular what a beautiful painting here what's the story on the painting actually this is this is a really cool story because their artist patsy lowe um her signature is parkslo um she does she is a new owner but she also does art for coaches and um and i didn't realize that we had opted for that option so i never really even interacted with her this is just something that amber sent her fabrics and gave her a description i guess after working with scott and i of our personality and she came up with this this is the first one she ever did that actually has stones and beads in it and shells it's the first time she's done that and um we just love it and it just ties everything together just beautifully so we're thrilled the bedroom as well oh cool yes yeah i'm looking forward and i'm not going to touch it but i want to give everybody a close-up it's got it's three-dimensional it's got religions in it yeah yeah i think it's called mixed-media when you do all that okay very cool and then we want to make sure we mention this because i am very proud of my husband yeah what's going on well usually newell likes to put two round vents there to be able to access you know eric into the into the half bath um but on this white background it just it really drew your eyes and almost looked like two eyes or something up there so scott said um can't we just make it like a line yeah slot and i think that'll be a lot less you know eye-catching and it is it's awesome and so we love it that's another nice thing about newell you can come up with your own ideas and you know a lot of things are customer driven you can come up with these ideas and then they can say we can do that that's what it's all about yeah and all those little details all add up so i can appreciate that now you did opt to have hardware do they always have hardware they're referred to on the refrigerator yeah you're really you're tugging on it yeah yeah yeah but it's that big ge i mean the heavy duty hinges and everything it's just a wonderful system so one of the bigger bedrooms in any motor coach with those huge slides and this has something that i've never seen in any other newer coach or motor coach with the washer and dryer but look at how much space you guys have here it looks like a little makeup area over here what's going on yeah bavaria with lighted makeup table so and that bottom drawer has her uh blow dryer and everything all built in just like they do it you know oh look at that built-in like you see in a lot of homes yeah so i think this is the first time newell has put a washer and dryer you know in this uh in this area in a slide and it really has just opened up a lot of space takes it out of the bathroom and since we had more space because of the larger slides we could we could put it in there again another little thing well can you put it in the side well we can do that we love our windows and we wanted to to keep this the window that's behind you so one way to do that and still be able to watch tv is we opted for the projector which is here and oh yeah basically that just will project a really high quality picture up against the the the shade the night shade so you're basically looking at the regular tv but you still have the uh the window that is really cool now is it the one that projects outside as well or it does it can do that oh very cool i did i had it one time with the screen saver which is basically an aquarium thing and all the grandkids looked at it and said that's just so cool oh that's cool i haven't actually set it up outside to watch a movie right now i i want to see that maybe tonight maybe you can put on an aquarium i'll be back for that so now real quick i've got to just spin the camera around just to show everyone i mean we're standing probably close to 10 feet away here i mean we've got three adults in this bedroom and i mean it's just incredible the space this is probably the biggest rv bedroom that i have ever been in i just it's huge it is for us it is for us and i think that's what makes the coach really liveable it's got plenty of room on the side you know we tucked away uh the uh electrical cords and everything i just wanted this tucked away and uh we're really happy with it and the full king size beds a lot of the rvs have like a junior king absolute full king-sized red we're we're doing this about eight months a year almost full time maybe some some years more than that so we really wanted it and needed it to have as much space as possible so that it's you know comfortable and enjoyable so and like i think almost every newell uh it's got the pocket doors uh that separate the bedroom uh from the front salon and also uh this has that beautiful mirror that they have here and some more artwork the same artist uh did this and uh we just love this this frame that dual builds in this is all storage here uh got plenty of storage there and then terry and amber did a great job with uh with the uh the master bath here wow double sinks which were important to us and we've got his and her closets on the back mine's on the left terry gets a little more room on the right and it's a wonderful shower there's one thing that uh we did as well with the shower that i think is a first yeah yeah what's uh well it's that um i wanted i wanted the window there oh wow you know it gets a little tight in any motor home back here but the more natural light you have the better off you are and so i said james can you put a window in there he said absolutely and we're super pleased with it yeah yeah very cool and i love how they brought in the same flooring here a little different floor here in the bathroom than the rest of the coach and then it's got that hidden i can't even see the drain oh there it is it took me like a few i was looking for it but uh the hidden drain and then i like how they brought in the tile from that that was used on the floor of the other coach on the wall and then they even brought it back here behind the toilet there's a heated towel bar another bidet toilet and you know newell has got the 120 volt you know the big water pumps yes sir it's so much different than the production coach that we had yeah it was almost like a toy shower you know you kind of held it but but here in the newell we can we don't even think about whether we're running the dishwasher or whether we're running the regular uh clothes washer you want to take a shower you've got you know a ton of pressure which is really nice just like home and then another auxiliary pump as well the 12-volt backup we haven't had to use it but it's there if we ever needed it very cool and then i've got to get everyone a close-up on these sinks here such a cool style i don't know if i've ever seen these this style of kind of crackle finish that they did absolutely stunning and you did a great job on specking this coach now i want to ask you you know you had a tiffin before you had a production coach before what caused you to choose a new all over other coaches on the market well the the first hurdle we had to get through was just how much time are we gonna spend on a coach and uh what our first production coach experience taught us over two years is that we love this lifestyle you know when we go out to phoenix to visit our daughter we have our home with us when we go to florida to visit our daughter and her husband we have our home with us and the same thing when we go back to virginia beach so once we made the decision that we really like the lifestyle we're going to be in the coach maybe eight to ten months a year we wanted something where there was just in all candor a higher quality coach you know that everything is just more robust they're put together so well the fit and finish is is uh really strong and so then we were looking for the nicer coaches we first looked at our are there nicer production coaches that didn't seem to fit the bill and then then of course you're into into the customs perhaps a a bus conversion or of course our our preferred option which is the newel and we carefully considered both but it was actually one of your videos with mark martin who is just a terrific guy and a great new customer of course a great driver but you walked through the differences that that caused him to go with a newel and now all of that resonated with me the interior height is significantly greater on the newel the horsepower and the torque is far superior in the newel and uh just the still plenty of space in the bays yeah there's still plenty but we live here we don't live in the bays and yeah and the bays on the on the bus conversions they're built to carry i don't know 51 or so passengers however many it is in all of their luggage so you've got this massive amount of vertical space in there that you really can't take advantage of uh i mean they're they're nice and they drive nice but i tell you what the zf the zf suspension on this newel is amazing and to my knowledge it is the only coach that has this active tag steering so when i turn left the actual tag it's not just free flowing like it was on the production coach it is actually turning the the rear tag turns right and it gives us this amazing turning radius because a lot of people will think well gosh scott's put himself in a stuck situation he can't make that turn and sure i can make that turn because you get used to what the coach can do between how sharp the front wheels turn plus this active tag steering it's it's it's amazing how i guess nimble it is or maneuverable it is i mean still a big 45 foot long coach and you got to be thinking but it is amazing where this coach can go uh because of the way the suspension is set up uh anything else that caused you to choose a newell over over the other coaches or i think the final uh deciding factor was of course a plant visit yeah you know it's a major investment and you want to make sure that you're comfortable with with who you're going to partner with and uh from the receptionist all the way through to the technicians to to the men and women who are true craftsmen and women who are building the coach the longevity of the people who work at newell is really you can just tell they've been there i think an average of 18 years they really know the product and importantly they have this 1-800 i was going to say that if you forgot i was going to say that was a big deal i don't there's no perfect coach you know from time to time something's going to give and if you're on a weekend on a saturday and for some reason these amazing slides reliable slides but if something happened and i couldn't get in the slide on a weekend that's never happened but i could call the 800 number within 20 minutes a technician who not only i mean he understands slides so they they go ahead they figure out what's what you're asking for and then they get the right technician who has the the experience and the skill to walk you through uh the fix over the phone and that's a that's a really cool service it is a very cool service and big or small you know a slide is a big thing but they can be a smaller issue that but that's troublesome that and you know you can you can get them so the the factory visit uh just gave us complete confidence that we were making the right investment and i see it as an investment it's allowed us to do some really neat things to it's allowed us to stay in phoenix longer with our daughter i think if we were staying at a hotel i'll pick a number seven to ten days maybe max either one we gotta get out of here yeah park out there in phoenix and uh and go see our daughter and her husband with us we have our home with us yeah now is there anything that you would change on this coach is there anything you don't like about this coach well i'm i'm super happy with it that said i am excited about the the option uh that may happen one day of building another one so i am keeping a little list of things that i'd like to see on the next one but i think we could keep this coach 10 or 15 years or longer and be super happy with it if we have the pleasure of building a new one uh i'm always keeping my little list of things that i do different yeah now is there uh any advice that you would have if someone's thinking about purchasing a new old coach any advice you'd have for anyone out there well i know that you know even if you buy a used one but within a certain number of years you get a two year factory warranty from newell i mean from bumper to bumper essentially so my default position would be of course either new or used but if you're going to go to the used route which is a great great option i would go through newell because you get the two year warranty and i think it's like even if the washer and dryer break down they're going to take care of that and one thing about the newell as compared to the bus conversions is you don't have to figure out is to say is this a chassis issue or is this you know the uh the build-out conversion issue we don't have that we can go to one true source which is the factory the the men and women who built it and they lived this newel from from really the frame up and uh i think that too you're never put in that position of well no go to the chassis guy or no that's a conversion issue and we have heard that that that happens and nobody would really be willing to take responsibility but at newell they're they're they're the only person to yeah responsibility so i guess i'd wrap it up by saying you know even if you're just looking it's a fascinating experience to see how they're put together to go to the plant and just walk through and and you'll come out with a great appreciation for american craftsmanship and quality uh the the whole plant is is virtually spotless and uh it's laid out wonderfully and you can appreciate the different stations like the cabinetry the men and women who work there they're dialed in they're good and they really care they care about what they're doing what they're building and the people that they're building it for and it's just it's a really great family feeling very much so scott and terry i can't thank you enough for showing me and the folks on youtube this amazing coach congratulations she did an absolutely fabulous job the interior and exterior design can't thank you enough i also greatly appreciate all of you out there on youtube subscribing to the channel and liking these videos i hope you're all having a great day thanks again well thanks for tuning in i mean we've enjoyed watching uh andrew go from i don't know several thousand to over a hundred thousand subscribers we're one of them and his andrew your station i mean your channel actually had a real influence on us buying that mark martin video so congratulations to you greatly appreciate that can't thank you guys enough i also greatly appreciate all of you out there and i hope you're all having a great day thanks again
Channel: RVing with Andrew Steele
Views: 39,422
Rating: 4.9349594 out of 5
Id: eiaJhfusv3A
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Length: 27min 4sec (1624 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 13 2021
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