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If you were going to build it that way why not just build a regular house?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Weirdassmustache 📅︎︎ Feb 17 2021 🗫︎ replies
You can find project documentation about this house with a ten-part series of Advice, Tips, Tricks on a container house on our website luxurycontainerhouse.com/sirius You can find project documentation about this house with a ten-part series of Advice, Tips, Tricks on a container house on our website luxurycontainerhouse.com/sirius You can find project documentation about this house with a ten-part series of Advice, Tips, Tricks on a container house on our website luxurycontainerhouse.com/sirius
Channel: 2apples
Views: 5,582,345
Rating: 4.8881016 out of 5
Keywords: #containerhouse, timelapse in 15 minutes, TIMELAPSE- Couple Builds House in 20 Minutes, #timelapse, luxuryhomebuilder, luxurybuilding, archilovers, architecture, home, interiordesign, design, interior, luxury, chcisvujdum, chcisvujdum.cz, luxurylife, luxurylifestyle, simpleprogress, homedesign, modernarchitecture, inspiration, containers house design, container house architecture, luxury home builder, eco house, cheap house, time lapse house 15 minutes, luxury life style, luxury home shipping containers
Id: 4ia7qLgPSFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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