This Minecraft YouTuber Mysteriously Disappeared

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having spent a lot of time on YouTube we know that sometimes YouTubers decide to stop making videos sometimes they feel like YouTube is not the same as it used to be or maybe they were so successful that they didn't need to make any more content but what happens when a YouTuber completely disappears with no online presence on any social media and with a lot of people now worried that he isn't even alive this is the story of low-level Noob a Minecraft Youtuber who is very popular in 2015 to 2017 but ever since he quit making videos a lot of rumors and controversies were made about his disappearance he started off in 2015 and like any other Minecraft Youtuber at the time he was making regular Minecraft content like how to fill up a giant creeper and villagers versus zombies now this is 8 years ago and I get a bit nostalgic just looking at how Minecraft content used to be back in 2015 but this isn't the type of content that will get you 1 7 million subscribers and over 800 million views in total so what did he do to become popular well low-level Noob created a series of videos called realistic Minecraft he'd record his hands in front of a green screen and then he would place it over some Minecraft gameplay footage you might think that it is very simple but at the time it was very popular especially with younger audiences his most viewed video realistic Minecraft prison escape has 77 million views which is a level of popularity that not many YouTubers reach especially in the Minecraft community and I'm not ignoring the fact that some of his other videos also did extremely well with such a successful Channel you would think that the last thing on your mind would be to quit YouTube you'd be wanting to make the most of this opportunity and make as many videos as possible but that's not what happened after a total of 63 videos low-level Noob would upload his last video on November 2017 this video is effectively the last time we ever hear from low-level Noob again since the only other social media he used was a Twitter account that was linked to his YouTube channel and a go+ account which isn't active anymore because go+ was shut down so maybe low-level Noob didn't want to make content anymore maybe he decided that what he created was enough and that he could live comfortably from the channel but when I checked the comments on some of his videos I kept the same thing people were saying rest in peace and giving their condolences to low-level Noob now this seems out of the ordinary since no one has heard from low-level Noob since 2017 but for some reason everyone believes that low-level Noob died of covid-19 during the pandemic it's nice to see that people are paying their respects but when there is no proof that he died it starts to sound a bit strange so what I have been doing in the past few weeks is scrolling through the internet trying to find any evidence to support this to support the claim that lowlevel Noob has passed away I found a lot of random articles claiming that he passed away and I've also found in those same articles that they had no sources to support what they were claiming so that didn't help me at all I even spent hours scrolling through Tik Tok because there was a search term titled the death of low-level Noob and it had over 40 million views across all the posts on the platform just imagine how strange this must seem if you were low-level Noob imagine you've decided to stop making videos but only to find out that your Peak popularity was not when you were making videos but when everyone thought that you died of covid this isn't just me making this up because if we look at Google search Trends he was being searched more during the pandemic than he was during 2017 in fact I'm starting to think that the reason why his channel has 800 million views at this moment is because a lot of people believe that he is passed away and are watching him out of respect right now it's one of the rare cases where a YouTuber has become more popular after they stopped making videos and it's also sad to think that a lot of his fans believe that he passed away even though there is no evidence or sources to support that the earliest posts I could find that claimed he passed away were all on Tik Tok in 2021 but none of the Tik Tok videos provided any source which stated he died to covid-19 it seems like Tik tok's primary source of information for this was trust me bro it's true because I could not find anything that proved this and honestly it's hard to find any information about low-level Noob one of the things I had to do while researching this video was tracking down close friends of lowl noob using the wayb back machine on low-level noob's Channel I was able to find three YouTube channels that were associated on his page and this was back when he only had around 30,000 subscribers these YouTubers were Lio sunburn gaming canal and k44 du2 builds I was not able to find Loo's Channel and k44 du2 builds still had a YouTube channel but was inactive but I was able to find sunburn gaming Canal who had actually changed their YouTube Channel's name to Swale I reached out to this person in their comment section and they did confirm that they knew lowlevel Noob but after that there wasn't much else they could tell me which is perfectly fine as for finding out other information about low-l Noob we presume that his name is Mike because he introduces himself as that in some of his older videos and while it says on Twitter that he is from Lafayette Louisiana it seems plausible that he was actually living in Germany or Switzerland while he was actively making content it isn't just that he had a European accent it also was noted from the backgrounds of his videos when he filmed outdoors and someone else figured out that he had a Swiss German keyboard in one of his videos so again these are all just presumptions he could be living anywhere in the world right now and he could have a different name he might have just made up Mike for the sake of a video but even if we did know the truth we still can't do much investigating with his first name and Country he lives in it's not enough information now since I cannot find anything credible to support the claim that he died of Co I'm going to say right now I don't believe he died to co and I think it would be wrong for me or for anyone to just assume the worst when there is no evidence the only reason why people believe it is because someone else believed it everyone was just saying that he died and telling each other about it and no one was doing any fact checking behind the scenes to prove it and I will understand why a lot of people believed it because a lot of his fans were really young and didn't know better when they heard the news it really is just a piece of misinformation that went viral without anyone realizing it wasn't true but there is still one more rumor that came out from low-level noob's disappearance and that is that he didn't quit YouTube and that he is currently uploading videos under a different name now I didn't think I'd have to do this but now we have to investigate this YouTube channel named real life player another Channel with over a million subscribers and is also making realistic Minecraft content because in low-level noobs comment section the other main thing that people keep saying is that he didn't die to co and that he's actually making videos under the name real life player the level of reach that people are going for at this point is out of this world but we have to look into it now and from quickly watching any of the videos on this channel it's immediately clear that real life player is actually just re-uploading low-level Noob videos there are no new videos or new content from lowlevel Noob himself that are on this channel it is just content that is being effectively stolen from one channel to another but people still think that real life player is low-level Noob and if it really was you'd think that the person running the ch channel would upload something to confirm or disprove the rumors instead this person just lets people believe that he is low-level Noob because he gets more views by doing so this wasn't the only channel that was doing this in fact I was going to talk about another YouTuber named Vector play who was re-uploading low-level Noob videos as well but his channel has been terminated which is a good thing for the sake of the Minecraft community on YouTube but it also means I had to change this video a little bit when we look at real life player we see that his first realistic Minecraft videos came out in 2018 just about a year after low-level Noob quit YouTube but real life player actually used to be called Vine laughs way back in 2013 and he used to make Vine compilation videos I will have the links in the description so you can see the channel archives for yourself but it definitely doesn't look like the kind of content that low-level Noob was creating and this was 2 years before lowlevel Noob started YouTube and in case this wasn't weird enough one of the main channels that was linked on real life players YouTube page was Vector play who we know was terminated for breaching Community guidelines and re-uploading low-level Noob videos even if they weren't friends they were likely aware of each other at the time and the way that they were running their channels it's not definitive but at the end of the day I don't think we should just believe that low-l Noob passed away to co or that he is making videos under a different name without any evidence being shown to prove it even if you didn't like low-level Noob or you thought that his content was very strange for the platform I don't think he deserves being impersonated by people who just want to make money off his name it's an interesting story about Legacy about what can happen to a YouTube channel after that YouTuber stops making videos now I also have had my own mysterious disappearance I haven't uploaded for six months on this channel and I'm working on it but in the meantime we are really close to 100 ,000 subscribers so if you learned something new from this video or you enjoyed it then it would mean the world to me if you helped me Reach This Milestone of 100,000 subscribers I should have hit it last year but I'm going to try this year otherwise go watch this video I made about realistic Minecraft I'm sure you'll enjoy it if you enjoy this one it should be on the screen right now I'll see you all in the next video
Channel: Fizzy Banger
Views: 196,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lowlevelnoob, lowlevelnoob death, lowlevelnoob died, lowlevelnoob covid, lowlevelnoob realistic minecraft, realistic minecraft, minecraft, this minecraft youtuber disappeared, this minecraft youtuber mysteriously disappeared, this youtuber went missing, this minecraft youtuber went missing, lowlevelnoob dead, real life player, real life player minecraft, real life player lowlevelnoob, low level noob, low level noob dead, low level noob death, minecraft in real life
Id: 7Hhc3c66ROY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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