The Minecraft Legend That Disappeared

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on May 8th 2011 a 14-year-old Canadian Named Sam decided to create his YouTube channel the teenager was bored and had nothing to do so he made this choice to keep himself occupied Sam named it exploding TNT and little did he know he would become one of Minecraft's greatest legends in only a few short years the young YouTuber uploaded his first video to the platform 2 weeks after the Channel's creation it was titled massive TNT explosion t TT versus Creeper here he showed the TNT trap he built inside was a defenseless creeper that he killed once he lit one of the TNT blocks causing the trap to explode after it blew up Sam displayed the destruction it caused this video started a trend on his channel where most uploads featured an explosion some of which were made by fans he blew up herrine Notch tsus Justin Bieber and more oh and land lots of land but this was exploding TNT's only gimmick at the time and while it was enjoyable for those watching back then he eventually had to experiment with his content to avoid getting stale he could only detonate so many things differently before the well ran dry and viewers lost interest plus he wanted to avoid repeatedly making the same content on his main Channel instead he created a second channel the TNT exploders where he exclusively posted explosion videos however the first time exploding TNT tried something in entirely knew was when he began his prank Craft series on November 12th 2011 in the introductory episode he pranked three players by inviting them into a secluded room where the walls would crush them once they pressed the button inside resulting in their deaths TN asked the audience if you should continue this series at the end of the video and the answer was a unanimous yes viewers love this content as it was hilarious in a breath of fresh air each video followed the same format with a different prank but all good things must come to an end unfortunately prank craft didn't last very long as TNT only made two more episodes and then the Bandon the series however he made something unlike his previous content around this time and these videos would forever change the exploding TNT channel the reason you know and love TNT is most likely thanks this content his legendary machinimas over time these videos drastically evolved and became some of the Minecraft community's most treasured gem but you may not know that they started a simple list videos on December 11th 2011 with five ways to make someone Rage Quit which marked the beginning of what many consider the golden age in exploding TNT's history TNT continued to make more given how well Reed this first video was and they soon became a staple on his channel he uploaded over a dozen of these within 9 months and they were all incredibly popular with hundreds of thousands or millions of views per video this rapid growth allowed TNT to reach 50,000 subscribers 6 months later in June 2012 during this period he also posted other content like interact with Minecraft videos trolling guides and the shortlived that annoying troll series but at this point he hadn't uploaded one of his most iconic videos of all time why Herobrine was removed I bet the title alone gave you Goosebumps but some or most of you may recall watching this masterpiece over a decade ago I know I sure do when revisiting it all these years later is a surreal feeling however this video signaled the start of another stage in TNT's YouTube Journey as this was one of his first cinematic machinimas that Define the style of content he became known for creating seeing how successful the video was TNT began making more Herobrine skits while continuing to post other content his fans enjoyed in only a few uploads later he was celebrating the highly anticipated 100,000 subscriber Milestone 3 months after he hit 50,000 in 2012 an achievement like this was a huge deal as most of the notable Minecraft youtubers we know nowaday weren't very popular for comparison's sake one of the biggest creators at the time was Captain Sparkles and he was nearing 1,700,000 subscribers other YouTubers like DanTDM Stampy and popular MMOs only had a few hundred or thousand while it's still significant subscriber Gap in the grand scheme TNT wasn't extremely far behind Captain Sparkles and was well ahead of three of the most well-known Minecrafters 11 years later dream took the lead in subscribers and the subcount difference between him and TNT is in the tens of millions that alone should prove how famous exploding tnt was becoming and his popularity would only Skyrocket from there the Herobrine content was doing wonders for him and the character became integral to his Channel's initial success TNT made several of these in a row and while they were doing very well he didn't want to turn into the Herobrine Machinima maker of course he had other characters in his videos at this time like Notch and the troll but they weren't nearly as popular as Herobrine so he switched things up again before getting locked into solely making these kinds of videos this time he decided to make skits about any topic while still including his beloved characters in the content it was the best of both worlds from this point onward the possibilities were end list and TNT was about to take his content to the next level the subjects varied heavily from YouTubers trolling and even politics nothing was off limits by doing this TNT made it difficult for the audience to get bored of his videos and the best part about it was that they were involved in creating this content every video he made came from suggestions in his comments and he always featured the commenter who gave him the idea at the end of the video however these videos generally followed the pattern where the characters acted out funny hypothetical if how or why situations within a few short months TNT found great success with this formats more than ever before but as 2012 was wrapping up TNT had an exciting announcement on December 29th he uploaded a video promoting his new Minecraft miname server MC Origins it was owned by him and his friend gam player HD who frequently acted in his videos you could play Survival Games paintball sple parkour mob Arena time bomb and PVP Arena at launch but the owners had plans to add more game modes over time TNT had made servers before but nothing as ambitious as MC Origins and fans immediately adored it in fact This Server is the reason Hypixel exists you see Simon or Hypixel was one of TNT's earliest fans and was inspired by the creation of MC Origins to make his own Minecraft server MC Origins gave me the motivation to create the Hypixel server I remember visiting when they had their holiday days in Christmas theme Lobby players were excited to just hang out and chat my favorite Minecraft memory still to this day nonetheless throughout the years TNT made multiple videos on MC Origins and the server received updates to maintain a consistent player base but running it wasn't without problems which we'll discuss later but back to TNT's Channel by the summer of 2013 he hit 500,000 subscribers and posted a heartwarming video in which he thanked his fans for their support it included an a compilation of some of his most memorable videos to dates and he also asked viewers to leave comments sharing why they subscribed to his channel there was one that stood out that I'd like to share I first started watching you when I had my appendix out you made me laugh when I was in so much pain laughing her too so I never did it until I started watching you and I couldn't stop myself I subscribed immediately after one video you basically saved my life TNT and I cannot thank you enough I think everyone can relate to this comment except for the appendix part maybe not that regardless these skits formed a large portion of the content on TNT's Channel and were enjoyed by millions worldwide like the previous year TNT and gamep player HD created another unrelated miname server at the end of 2013 they called it the Nova and the server launched with Hunger Games SkyWars and parkour of the two the Nova was the less popular server yet fans still enjoyed it and they eventually added new game modes to keep things fresh nevertheless by the spring of 2014 TNT reached 1 million subscribers at this point his machinimas were in their Prime the editing was better than ever the videos were more unique funnier and featured voice acting shout out to The Talented ARG for making our childhoods he's a legend on some occasions TNT even collaborated with other Minecraft YouTubers like Deadlocks munching BR and Jerome ASF as they voice acted for some of his skits he also introduced new characters into the videos like just Bieber Jeb and Herobrine's mom fans loved the content and it seemed they would only continue improving around this time a subscriber named cyber derp came up with a genius idea you should make a video of the dumbest ideas you've gotten for videos in little shorts this comment led to the birth of the weird common Series where TNT could use multiple ideas that weren't good enough for an individual video in these episodes this series became one of the most beloved on TNT's Channel and it was all thanks to the man the m the legend cyber derp however despite these improvements TNT had one concern he worried his content would get boring if everything stayed the same for a long time videos had to change before they got too repetitive he needed to spice things up and this was when he added what would become the audience's favorite character the one the only pink sheep in the deleted video titled if Herobrine took a shower The Woolly mammal made his very brief debut where he told herb he dude you penus is fascinating as you stared at him naked in the shower yes that's real and I'm guessing that's why TNT eventually took this video down however his second noteworthy appearance was where he got his time to shine on May 21st 2014 TNT uploaded a skit titled herbine versus pink sheep in which fans heard the animal's strange text of speech voice and got a proper look at his appearance for the first time they also saw the Sheep's oddly flirty Behavior towards herbine and the mob was thirsty thing for him even stating that he wanted him in his bedroom herob Brienne herob you were right I am not someone who loves you I'm just a cop because I'm a cop you're coming with me now because I'm arresting you right now I'm taking you straight into my bedroom herob Brin pretty sexy if you ask me despite this weird sexual attitude this video was enough to convince viewers that they wanted to see more of pink sheep throughout the years TNT began regularly including the character in his contents the man 's voice looks and personality slowly but surely evolved during this time and eventually he became an essential part of exploding TNT's career pink sheep was Irreplaceable and probably the most important character the TNT ever created without him TNT would have likely never made it to where he is today and above all else the videos wouldn't have been as entertaining as they were but all in all 2014 was a hell of a year for TNT with several notable accomplishments for starter certified Hood Classics like if lava and water switch places if diamonds and dirt switch places and if you couldn't respawn all came out in 2014 man that makes me feel old the success of these gems allowed them to end the year with around 1,500,000 subscribers additionally TNT's machinimas grew in scope especially the few two-parters he uploaded unlike TNT's other skits which were random these videos followed story Arts he' posted one of these the previous year but made three in 2014 my favorite was if Notch and exploding TNT switch places part one and two in these TNT and Notch traded jobs Notch would be a Minecraft Youtuber and TNT would run Mojang part one showed Notch's perspective and part two showed TNT's point of view these skits were fun creative and a nice detour from his usual content which fans adored it's a shame he didn't make more of these however the following year 2015 was one for the ages this year was when pink sheep's popularity increased and TNT got to try new things thanks to his prevalence as a Minecraft creator while pink sheep appeared in a few 2014 videos It wasn't until 2015 that the character became an essential part of the videos throughout the year he grew his signature mustache got a new Texas speech voice good work ugly face villager 97 started wearing MLG glasses and established himself as a prankster gangster he also had two separate merch drops and an entire video surrounding him titled if pink sheep had a baby keep this one in mind because it'll be relevant later aside from this he made frequent appearances in the machinimas and played a significant role in The Lost Island series speaking of which this is the perfect time to discuss TNT's first everever episodic series while he had made two parters before this was his first time tackling a project like this and he executed it beautifully Lost Island followed the tale of TNT Notch her brine TNT's friend failboat and pink sheep on a vacation gone wrong across the five episodes they got into a plane crash which left them stranded on a remote island once on the island they noticed that something was off and worked to unravel the mystery until they managed to get rescued however this rescue didn't go according to plan as the helicopter blew up and they were now abandon at Sea that's where the series ended in the fifth episode it was a massive Cliffhanger and fans were craving a second season given how much they loveed this first one unfortunately the that was nothing more than a pipe dream as the second season was never released I may be devastated but at least I have my exploding TNT Tu pe's action figure to comfort me God I'm so good at Segways sometime in 2015 Jazwares the Florida based toy company reached out to TNT and other Minecraft youtubers with an irresistible offer they wanted to create the tube Heroes toy line based on different Minecraft creators with TNT said to be one of many he happily accepted the proposal and two toys were released in July TNT uploaded a wonderfully made stop motion animation to promote a plush and an action figure sadly I didn't know either of these instead I own the captain sparkle toy I know I'm a fake fan he posted two more of these animations during the year to adverti the toys but unfortunately I'm not sure how well they sold however tube Heroes dropped another TNT toy in the form of a mystery figure months later additionally they developed a mobile cart racer for iOS devices which featured team TNT is one of the playable characters it had awful reviews in a small player base and it was the last thing Jaz warar made that included TNT as the company discontinued the brand sometime in 2017 regardless 2015 was a tremendous year for TNT in 2016 was no difference over this year pink sheep earned himself the title of TNT's most important character had a son and created a YouTube channel Yes you heard me right he became a father by this point pink sheep often appeared in the videos and was cherished to like no other character not even Herobrine was as liked as The Woolly mammal however given his immense popularity TNT felt he had to add another animal like pink sheep to the content and this is when he came up with a brilliant idea on February 20th TNT made history when he uploaded is the dragon egg hatched in Minecraft part two where another Legend was born his name was purple Shep and he was the son of pink sheep and the Ender Dragon don't ask me how that happened I'm as confused as you are hello pink sheep Daddy my name is purple Shep purple Shep had a text of speech voice and a fabulous mustache like his daddy but aside from a different wool color the main difference between the two was that purple Shep had a deformed face jeez he's an ugly one to look at get him off the screen before you make the viewer sick nonetheless pink sheep had some exciting news to share with us 2 months after the birth of purple Shep he'd made his very own YouTube channel where he made uploaded gaming content sometime later like any good son purple Shep wanted to follow in his dad's footsteps plus fans were begging to see the young sheep make his own videos but at first pink sheep hesitated to allow purple Shep to create content because of his sheer ugliness however purple Shep gave his father a bag of Doritos and that was all it took to convince him to let his son make a channel on June 1st purple Shep launched his YouTube career and mostly posted gaming videos like his father with a few months both sheep had hundreds of thousands of subscribers and consistently uploaded content that viewers enjoyed but unfortunately despite their loyal fan bases both eventually stopped uploading we'll touch more on their departures later as for TNT not much changed in 2016 as he continued making machinimas and growing his channel it wasn't until the following year 2017 that TNT shook things up unexpectedly TNT returned to his roots and began making explosion videos again however this time around he executed them differently at first TNT started small with videos like 10,000 TNT versus 1,000 Creepers or 50,000 TNT versus 500 Iron Golems until it grew to hundreds of thousands or even a million TNT blocks in some instances he used nuke mods as you can expect these caused much more destruction than vanilla TNT more importantly each featured the BET between pink sheep and TNT where the loser would typically have to leave an embarrassing comment on the Winner's video or face some other kind of punishment like changing your profile picture to something that looks awkward unfortunately TNT lost most of these bets and had to post many comments on pink sheep's contents the most awkward one was I have to tell everyone something very important I had a dream about pink sheep last night in my dream I kissed him because I was finally brave enough to tell him the truth I love him or it I can only imagine how a shame TNT felt while typing those words but despite the infinite amount of L's TNT took in these videos he took a huge W towards the end of the year on September 22nd TNT uploaded a video announcing he released a book called exploding TNT versus everything a description of its story reads one of Minecraft's biggest Heroes is about to embark on the quest of a lifetime exploding TNT is one of the most exciting characters in the Minecraft Universe and he's about to have his biggest adventure yet exploding TNT failboat purple Shep and pink sheep are all here in this exciting adventure for the Ages which their millions of fans are sure to love when some villagers have a dire problem it looks like exploding TNT is the man for the job he arrives to save the day by blowing things up but when his explosions reveal a hidden Minecart and Minecart Track that may have surprising and ominous implications and when Crystal sheep that's pink sheep's girlfriend after he broke up with the Ender Dragon mysteriously goes missing exploding TNT realizes that more may be at work than meets the eye what follows is an epic adventure filled with old friends new friends tricky puzzles and exciting challenges as further Mysteries reveal themselves it becomes clear that exploding TNT will have to draw on his skill talent and unique sense of humor in order to save the day like the tube Heroes toy I never own this book especially since it came out when I was 15 and had already grown out of TNT's contents I'm unsure how well it's sold but it has 89 reviews and a 4.6 rating on Amazon so people must have liked it TNT promoted the book in a few videos but sadly it seems most of his community was either unaware of the product or uninterested in purchasing it regardless publishing a book is still a massive achievement and TNT should be immensely proud of himself sometime after the book's launch TNT cooked up another project it was a series similar to Lost Island titled Lost in Space and when the trailer dropped fans were immediately sold it looked phenomenal and seemed like a tremendous improvement from the previous series everyone was excited to see the first episode and viewers were blown away when it came out only a few days later TNT had exceeded their expectations and the story had the audience hooked in this pilot Notch selects pink sheep failboat and exploding TNT for a secret mission in outer space to deal with an unknown threat that may destroy the world the video ends with Notch handing our heroes guns and telling them their Journey Begins in 3 days it's disappointing to say but this was the first and only episode of Lost in Space as TNT ditched the series for uncertain reasons despite how well received it was people are still eagerly waiting for the second episode to this day even though it'll likely never come however after this video TNT uploaded a Q&A where he made intriguing promises that fans wouldn't easily forget at this point TNT had over 4, 380,000 subscribers and had cemented his place as one of Minecraft's greatest content creators while being completely Anonymous he had never used his voice or shown his face in a single video but in this Q&A he promised to reveal his voice at 5 million subscribers and his face at 10 million these statements had the public on the edge of their seats and now was just a matter of getting TNT to those Milestones 5 million Subs would come in due time but unfortunately he'd never reach 10 million soon after these Legend legendary announcements 2017 ended and it was another Banger year for TNT 2018 was mostly the same with some exceptions like the creation of his fortnite channel which he eventually handed off to a friend but generally speaking the content on exploding TNT remained the same throughout the year however in 2019 TNT experienced the highest of highs and the lowest of flows during this year TNT slightly changed up his machinimas by trying different formats while continuing to make the usual skits he was known for but there was one video in particular that fans had been waiting ages to see The Voice reveal after years of anonymity viewers were finally going to hear TNT's voice of the first time and soon after hitting 5 million subscribers he released the highly awaited video on April 20th this reveal was as exciting as dreams face reveal and I can only imagine how neat it must have been to watch this video when it dropped however unlike dreams face TNT's voice wasn't endlessly ridiculed as the reveals reception was overwhelmingly positive it received over 176,000 likes and tens of thousands of supportive comments although following its release TNT didn't use his voice much in his content throughout 2019 regardless this was a Monumental accomplishment for him and it seemed like things would only go up from here but sadly not all was well behind the scenes his channel and videos suffered from monetization issues which he regularly complained about on Twitter during the first few months of 2019 additionally MC Origins shut down in June due to a sharp decline in players over the years as it turns out the server had been struggling financially for a while before its discontinuation and because of these issues they began closing game modes naturally these closures caused players to leave MC Origins and it's a shame that the Beloved server ended like this despite their best attempts to keep it active throughout the years as for TNT's other ser the Nova it seems like it shut down a year or two before MC Origins although it's uncertain when exactly and why this one closed oh and purple Shep stopped uploading this year but screw him he was ugly and like toasters but regardless of the difficulties he faced TNT continued making machinimas for all of 2019 until 2020 as we all know this year was terrible and it only got worse when TNT uploaded a video where he announced he'd be taking an indefinite Hiatus from content creation as he felt burnt out and mentally drained but I've been thinking about it for a while now like I've been making these Minecraft Machinima videos for 8 or N9 years straight now so you can imagine how tiring even like mentally it gets really tiring to do the same thing over and over again for that long however he had earned the right to take time off after tirelessly making videos every week for years straight so fans understood and respected his decision he also showed interest in trying new content formats once he returned to YouTube but I also want to try out new things like I don't really know yet I I kind of want to think about it and decide what to do viewers eagerly awaited his comeback throughout 2020 but unfortunately aside from tweets and pictures on his dog's Instagram he wouldn't upload again until February 2021 over a year after he left in his return video TNT apologized for his long absence and thankk those who stuck around I know I know I know I took way too long on my break but I'm finally back first of all if you're watching right now thank you because that means you remember who I am more importantly he said his upload schedule would be sporadic as he figured out what content to make also just a warning I probably won't be that consistent with uploading yet while I try to figure out what I want to do and everything sadly this was the case and it became rare to see a new exploding TNT video come out he posted four hardcore survival videos with commentary one explosion video and four of his usual skits then left once again and hasn't has returned since however this departure was different from the last in a devastating way TNT didn't say goodbye to his audience after uploading his final video in October 2021 and it seems like we'll never get one since it's been over 2 years reading the thousands of comments on this video paying tribute to TNT is equally heartbreaking and comforting on the one hand there's a lingering sadness because chances are will never see a new exploding TNT video again and on the other it's nice to know that this goat made so many people's childhood special however considering that TNT's channel was declining and he was dealing with health issues it makes sense why he left his views weren't the same as before and he consistently lost subscribers to make matters worse apart from mental exhaustion he was suffering from what seemed to be a physical health Affliction I wish him the best and hope he's doing well but with the endless hours of entertainment he provided us when we were young he deserves nothing more than a happy retirement in the I give uphole while many of us would like him to return for a last Ur ra for the sake of closure it's best to let TNT move on with his life we should be eternally grateful for all the laughter and joy he brought into her lives at the end of the day he fulfilled his purpose and gracefully took his leave along with pink sheep who left in early 2023 although it's worth mentioning he's still semi-active on Twitter and was featured in YouTube's favorite creators of 2022 tweet among other kings like Mr be and DanTDM despite not uploading a single video that year that love should solidify TNT status as one of Minecraft's greatest legends and prove that as long as we keep his legacy alive he'll never truly be gone or forgotten thank you for everything TNT the memories you gave us will forever hold a special place our hearts
Channel: ShamPee
Views: 1,303,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 1sec (1681 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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