I Recreated Every Removed Minecraft Biome

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people think that there are only 64 biomes in Minecraft but there's actually a lot more that have been removed most of which people don't even know about so to see if these biomes deserve being removed I'm going to be recreating every single one starting with wait for it the first biome ever the inev island and I know it doesn't look like much but as the video goes on the biomes going be getting crazier and crazier even building biomes that literally nobody knows about so with that being said let's get to work on the next removed biome which is a sky biome and the material list is actually really easy so let's quickly get all the materials we need and now I just need to find a place to put it and I think right above here should work so now all that's left is to start building and if you're wondering why this biome looks a lot like the ather Dimension it's because this biome inspired the creation of it but after Notch took too long to officially release the Sky Dimension a mod developer ended up taking matters into his own hands and made the ather mod we all know today so now to finish the Bome off I just need to add the 7x7 wooden inep house that she used to spawn in also since it's pretty much just a floating Rock I'm add some details to make it a Cherry Grove and I know the removed B wasn't a Cherry Grove but it just looks so much better so with that being said the sky biome is complete and with that biome done I think it's a good time to mention that I'm starting with the easier ones and moving on to the harder ones so with that being said it's time to get to work on the last easy biome which is the dirt biome from the infinite Dimension snapshot and to actually get to this biome I first have to go to the infinite Dimension snapshot then if I write the word isolation in a book and throw it in to Nether Portal you'll see that it's just a huge plane of dirt but if I go to the coordinates 00 you'll see that there's actually a house here so now I just need to build all of this in my hardcore world and I'm going to start with getting all the dirt but since getting all manually will take over 5 hours I'm going to be building a dirt farm but the only problem is the materialist isn't too pretty like how am I supposed to get four ravagers so I'm just going to do what I do best and let future of me worry about that so let's start with getting the easy materials and even though I call these the easier materials they're still really annoying to obtain since most most of them are Redstone and require multiple items to make one but after 4 hours I finally have all the materials I need meaning I can start building the first part of the farm okay and now I just need to get the four ravagers into these holes and I'm sure it won't be too bad [Music] right anyways now that I got the ravagers into the holes I just need to finish up the farm finally I just got to go AFK here for about 4 hours you know I really need to get better at managing my time okay and now I got all the dirt I can start building the biome so let's go to 0 0 and I'm going to start with cleaning up the terrain and while on one hand I could chop it all down on the other hand bro are you serious right [Music] now and now that I'm done with that I can finally start building and since making it go an infinite amount in each direction would literally take forever I've only made it go 250 blocks in each Direction so with that being said let's start by filling it all in and now that I'm done with the train I can start working on the house and it actually had a decent amount of features like the farm area the upstairs which had this cool little painting of a flower and since I'm the best Minecraft player ever I'm about to get a first try and since I'm the best I'm about to get a first try I said I'm about to do a first try wait give me a second yo let's go first try that totally didn't take me 5 minutes anyways this room also had an item that said home sweet home but it obviously doesn't exist in the main version the final room is a basement that had three chests some bookshelves this room also had a secret chest that had a bunch of rotten flash bones and an iron sword called stabby mix tab face now to finish the house off I just need to have the three dogs with the different colored collars the Villager named Bob and finally the two signs one that says go away and I don't know how to pronounce the other one but it translates to no no advertising please so with that the last easy biome is complete and now that I'm done with the easy biomes it's time to move on to the medium ones which there's actually four of but for now I'm just going to focus on the first one which is the original version of The Nether and just like the in-depth biome this biome is also an island and since I already have a stone and dirt farm I can start building the island and now that the island is finished I can start making it look like the old Nether and I'm actually going to start by adding the fog to the sky the only problem is it turns out it's pretty much impossible to make the sky look like the nether one without using a texture pack I even spent an hour trying do that glass fog thingy with fierce but I couldn't get it to work so I did what I do best and just gave up with that idea that is you see after a bit of thinking I thought why Try replicate something that still exists so I moved to the nether you know I should have just done this in the first place anyways I'm just going to start by remaking the island also if you're wondering the original reason I didn't make this island the nether was because it would make recreating a later part of this biome a lot more difficult but I guess that's just something future me will have to deal with and now that I'm done with the main part of the island I'm going to be building the inev house and if you didn't know you actually used to spawn in this house now the next thing I'm going to add is Oak Tree saplings and poppies because apparently they used to be able to spawn in the nether oh I kind of forgot about that okay and now that I'm done with the landscape it's time to move on to the hard part of the build which is getting rid of all these nether mobs and as you can see if I kill them more and more will just continue to spawn so I'm going to be turning my game to peaceful mode well sadly it's not that easy you see I have to make this machine called a mob switch which fills the mob cap of Minecraft and prevents any new mobs from spawning and the Machine actually isn't too [Music] bad yeah this is literally it so now I just have to AFK here and wait for enough zombies to go through the nether portal with that the mob switch is complete and as you can see there's now no new nether mob spawning now for the finishing touch I need to transport some mobs from the overwhel to the nether since as you can see there were no nether mobs back then and to do this I'm just going to trick some mobs into going into the nether portal then name tagging them so they won't despawn and with that out of the way the original version of the nether is complete now the next biome I'm going to be working on was pretty much the complete opposite of the nether which was known as paradise and this biome actually had a lot of distinct features but for now let's just find the place to build it and I need to make sure it's pretty far away from the mainland and I think right here should do so let's start building the island and now that the main part of the island is complete I'm going to go around using sand to connect the island to the ocean floor since as you can see it's kind of just floating right now and doing this actually took a lot longer than expected I thought it was only going to take about 20 minutes but no after collecting and placing down all the sand over 2 hours had passed and I bet you could assume that I had so much fun placing all that sand down by by the way I was being sarcastic if you couldn't tell anyways now that I'm done with that I'm going to go around adding grass so the dirt can turn into grass and I'm also going to be adding some trees to add more life to the island and talking about adding life I'm also going to be bringing in some Piggies and sheep so they can enjoy that Island's Beauty now to finish the landscape off I'm going to be adding the end of house and I'm also going to be adding loads of poppies and dandelions because as you can see there used to be hundreds of them everywhere one slight problem though I don't have hundreds of poppies and dandelion so I built a flower our farm and I know it's kind of small but size doesn't always matter right right anyways now I'm just going to go around adding all the Dand lines and poppies and now that there's more flowers than you can count I'm going to move on to the distinct features I was talking about earlier the main one being that's always daytime no matter how long you stay in the world and I know what you're thinking but Melo how are you supposed to do that without using commands and that's a great question because I have no idea okay so here's the game plan so I'm pretty much going to be building a ginormous Dome that covers the entire Island and this is going to act like a fake sky for when it's night time so now I just need to get all the light blue concrete and as you can see I need quite a bit of it this is going to take forever actually wait never mind I forgot I had one of these thingy mobbers okay now I just need to convert all the concrete powder into concrete using this machine and I'm also going to make some beacons to speed the building process up and now all that's left is to start building and placing down 50,000 concrete naturally takes a long time but I just kept building and continued finishing row after row also if you're wondering how I know where everything goes it's a mod called litica that lets you make a schematic of literally anything in the game anyways 3 hours later I'd finally finished placing down all the concrete for the Dome and now that I'm done with the Dome I'm going to be adding some clouds and to prevent mobs from spawning I'm going to be using my Overworld mob switch which is pretty much the exact same as the one we made earlier for the nether but it's for the Overworld finally the last distinct feature was that all crops would grow 10% faster but well I have no idea how I would do that without commands so with that being said the paradise is perfect and now that I'm done with that biome it's time to move on to the chaing biome and I know this biome never existed but there's actually a separate reason I'm building it which you'll figure out later but for now let's just focus on getting all the resources needed to build the biome and the materialist actually isn't too bad I just need some gold and emerald blocks which I could just get from my farms and now all that's left is to start building so enjoy this super cool Montage of me making it all [Music] and now that I'm done with the biome you could see that there's still one major problem it being that it's too small but on second thoughts it's not like size always matters so I guess it's not too big of a problem right anyways that's where you come in you see for every subscriber we get off this video I'm going to be adding one emerald block to the biome and the main reason I'm doing this is because me and my friend Zenith are ear a sub race to 250,000 subscribers and I would say I want to beat him but that would be a lie since I needed to beat him so if you want to do me a huge favor make sure to hit that subscribe button thanks again and I think it's time to get back to the video now before we move on to the crazy hard biomes there's one more medium difficulty biome I have to build and it was one of the first biomes ever which was known as winter mode and this biome came into existence all the way back in Minecraft Alpha also you only had a 1 in4 chance of spawning in it but when Minecraft Alpha 1.2 came out it was removed so with that being said let's start building the biome and I'm going to start by finding a place to build it and since I need it to be able to snow what better place than the top of this mountain and I'm going to start by flattening it all out and a couple seconds later boom the whole mountain is flat and now that the area is relatively flat I'm going to make a 140x 140 platform of cobblestone so the terrain can sit on and now I can finally start building the actual terrain and as you can see it was pretty much just the overw terrain and luckily I already have farms for all the materials so let's start building also something I forgot to mention earlier is that there's a bunch of other removed biomes that I'm not going to be building because they're extremely boring and have no unique features for example the bamboo jungle Hill and as you can tell by the name it's just a hill with bamboo on top of it and with that being said I think you can see why I decided not to build these and just like that I'm done with the base part of the biome and now that the base is complete I need to wait for it to snow so the snow can cover all the dirt so I waited and waited and waited some more and when I thought I couldn't wait any longer it finally happened just kidding I had to do some more waiting but after waiting for what felt like forever it finally started snowing and now I just got to do some more waiting while the snow covers the ground and it looks like doing all that waiting was just a huge waste of time since as you can see there's still loads of parts that aren't covered with snow so with that being said I think it's a good time to introduce you to the snow maker 7.19 7,000 and as you can see using this will let me get an infinite amount of snow so now I just got to do some more waiting and wait till I get enough snow yay anyways now that I got the snow I'm just going to go around covering all the bald spots and now that I'm finished with that I need to make the illusion that's always snowing and since I'm 99.98 91699 283 9% sure that's literally impossible do without commands I'm going to start by making a huge Dome just like the one I made for the paradise biome earlier and now that the dome's done I'm going to be moving on to the next part you see what I did there domes done it's pretty funny right okay yeah I'll stop anyways as I was saying I need to go back to the snowmaker 7.71 9,000 and the reason for coming back is because I need some snow blocks to scatter throughout the sky to make that illusion that's always snowing and I know it's not perfect but I'm pretty sure it's the Clos to we could get to the original without using any commands so now for the finishing touches I'm just going to be adding some trees since I totally didn't forget to do that earlier and with this I'm done with the medium difficulty biomes meaning I can move on to the [Music] hard okay now that we're in the hard ones it's important to note that there's two of them and with that being said I'm going start with recreating one of if not the biggest biome of the whole video which is the moon and if you say it sounds fake I wouldn't blame you since I know it sounds crazy but if we go to the 23 W13 a orb snapshot then if we spend the next 3 hours getting basic materials making a nether portal killing blazes to get blaze rods killing Endermen for ender pearls finding the stronghold going to the end beating the Ender Dragon finally getting an elytra and now after doing all that we'll finally be able to get to the moon actually wait I forgot to get some rockets and now with all the preparation out of the way I can finally get to the moon so now I just need to fly 700 blocks into the air and while I get there let me tell you a bit more about this update so it's actually the 2023 April Fool's update and it actually has quite a bit of cool features the main one being these prompts that always pops up and if you vote on it it will happen in game another cool feature is these potions that let you turn into any mob in the game and there's also some that lets you change your size yo look at me I'm a giant pig moo another feature was the moon and talking about the moon which look at that we're finally here also as you could see the moon had these cows that Moon the walked and now that I've shown you this it's time to start building it and just like the snow and Paradise biome I'm also going to be making a dome for the moon and the reason for this is to create that infinite void that we all know as space one small problem though the dome's almost 100,000 blocks yeah I'm going to be here for a [Music] while anyways now that we got all the concrete all that's left is to start building actually wait I'm going to first place some beacons down to speed the building process up by 20% and while 20% might not seem like a lot it adds up quickly when you're placing tens of thousands of blocks down now with all the preparation out of the way we could finally start building and as you can imagine placing down almost 100,000 concrete takes a long time and I mean a very long time but I legit just sat there placing blocks for hours on end and six grueling hours later I'm finally done placing all the concrete and now that I'm done placing down all the concrete I'm going to go slap up some fish to get some sea lanterns then I'm going to be randomly scattering them throughout the Dome and these sea LAN PS are going to be representing stars in the sky and I actually really like how they look with shaders on so now that the dome's done I can start getting the materials to start working on the moon and since blocks of cheese don't exist in this version I'm going to be using endstone blocks since they look pretty much the exact same the only issue with that though is that I need 95,000 endstone and if you've ever mined endstone you know that you can't insta mine it so imagine how big of a pain getting 95,000 would be luckily I have three methods I'm going to try and see which one's the fastest and I'm going to be starting with the pickaxe and to test this out I'm going to be mining for 5 minutes and then seeing how much endstone I [Music] get and after 5 minutes of mining I got 10 Stacks plus 16 which adds up to 656 and I know it might seem like a lot but after doing some basic math you'll realize that I'd have to be mining for 12 hours yeah no I'm not doing that so let's start testing the second method which is a Wither and I know it sounds crazy but let me cook you see when a Wither is under half Health it goes into its ground face and just chases you around blowing up every block around it so let me test this for 5 minutes and I'll be right back and after 5 minutes I got drum roll please 1,664 End Stone which is almost three times faster than the pickaxe however the downside to this is that you need a lot of food so the weer won't kill you and your armor loses durability really quickly so with that being said let's move on to the last method which is a TNT bomber and I've actually already gone ahead and tested this one out and after 5 minutes I got drum roll please 1,152 and I know it's less than the 1,664 I got from the Wither but I'm actually going to use this method since I don't God to dig those extremely long tunnels and I don't got to worry about my armor breaking so I think this method is over over all better meaning I just got to spend the next few hours getting all the endstone and now all that's left is to start building and honestly nothing crazy happened it was literally me just placing tens of thousands of pieces of endstone down so enjoy this quick time lapse of me placing it all I just realized I forgot to have these highly stimulating videos for good measure and now that the terrain's done there's just a few more features I need to add such as scattering a bunch of these little Moon Rovers throughout the biome making some questionable looking pixel art to represent the Earth and before you say anything I tried okay and I can't forget the moon walking cows finally I just need to have these huge copper structures that pop up whenever you step on the pressure plate on top of the Rovers so let's start by getting the materials for it which is pretty much just a ton of copper but there's actually a couple other little things too and now all that's left is to start building also it's important to note that I downscaled them by quite a bit since the original ones are massive now with the main part of the structure done I'm going to be adding some buttons so lanterns and rods the resupply chest that had a bunch of random materials in them and finally the green Sher boxes that had the lab materials in them and now to finish the biome off I'm going to be building two more of these structures and with that the Moon is officially complete and now that the Moon is complete it's time to move on to the final biome which isore generated one two on second thoughts I'm not saying all that but you get the point nobody has ever heard of this biome before so with that being said let's start building it and I'm going to start by flatting a 120 by 120 area since that's the rough size I'm going to be making the biome and now I need to mine this area all the way down to bed rock and by my totally accurate calculations it'll take three bajillion years okay maybe it won't take that long but either way it'll take a long time to do it manually luckily I can use the exact same machine I used earlier to collect the endstone to do all the hard work for me unluck I have to clear out all the water manually and since sponges are the best way to clear water out I think you know what time it [Music] is okay now that we got all the sponges I just need to clear out all the water which actually isn't too much finally I just need to build the machines and let them run also I built three of them to speed the process up by quite a bit which might be a bit Overkill but the faster the better right okay and now that the first cycle done I just need to let them run one more time so they get all the way down to bedrock also the main reason I'm making this hole is because the generated biome didn't have bedrock at the bottom of it meaning I'm going have to destroy all the Bedrock at the bottom of this hole and while I would say that's feuture me's problem it looks like the TNT bombers have already reached Bedrock meaning it's current me problem and while I could use a normal method we all know about doing that would take literal days since I have to destroy about 50,000 Bedrock luckily there's a machine that I can build that destroys an average of one Bedrock per second however the downside to this machine is that for every piece of Bedrock I want to destroy I need one piston meaning I need about 50,000 pistons and since each piston is n individual materials that's 450,000 materials this is going to take a while and when I say it's going to take a while I mean crafting them is going to take a while since I already have farms for all the materials well except for iron I still have this really small iron farm that doesn't produce much luckily I have a full Vault that's made out of iron that I made in the previous episode so I'm just going to borrow a bit of these iron blocks and now all that's left is to start crafting the [Music] Pistons okay and now that I got the Pistons I just need to get five piece of ancient debris because apparently the machine needs them to run now with all the preparation out the way I can build the machine now I just need to AFK here until the first layer is completely broken and that's the first layer done meaning I just have to move the machine one block down and repeat the process so there's a second layer um I think this machine broke my game like how's this even possible the third layer there's the fourth layer and there's the void and now with the Bedrock fully destroyed I can finally start building the final biome and I'm actually going to start by making a huge purple concrete wall to represent the purple fog in the actual biome and I've actually already gone ahead and a AFK my conquer duper so all that's left is to build it okay and now that the Wall's complete all I need to do is to start working on the actual biome and luckily most of the materials are easily obtainable like for the concrete I can just AFK my concrete duper and Terra Cotta is really easily obtainable since you can insta Min it the only material that's relatively hard is Crimson high or is it high Fe wait how do you even say this word hiy oh okay so I need some Crimson however since that will take forever to get all manually I'm going to build a simple farm for it and would you look at that all the materials have magically appeared so now I just need to build the farm AFK for a bit and now that I got the materials all that's left is to start building the biome and I honestly thought building this biome was going to be relatively fast but no due to all the zigzags UPS downs and different colored concrete it ended up taking about 10 hours but I just kept placing down blocks and I eventually finished now before I make the surrounding area look a bit nicer I want to let you know that I've just made a brand new new Discord server so if you've ever wanted to ask me a question give me some feedback or literally anything else this is your chance to do that also the first 100 people to join get a super special Ro that will never come back so with that being said I just need to fill in the Gap and I'm also going to add some trees so the terrain doesn't look so flat and with that the final removed biome is complete and after building every removed biome I can confidently say that these bies should have never been removed because they make Minecraft feel so much more unique and different which is something this world really [Music] needs
Channel: Mello
Views: 249,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 37sec (1417 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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