This Makes Allah Forgive Your Past Sins

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[Music] my brothers my sisters many people commit sins and thereafter they change their lives so when we were young we committed sins we were embarrassed of some of the things we've done and we then change our lives later on as we grow up we become people who are more conscious of our relationship with allah subhanahu wa ta'ala so in your teen years as you grew up perhaps in your early twenties when you hadn't yet turned to allah you did some embarrassing things sometimes people get involved sexually with others stuff protect us sometimes people you know go into pornography allah protect us some people sometimes some people begin to send you know their friends nude pictures of themselves may allah protect us sometimes people actually get involved in uh you know relationships that are very very toxic later on they realize uh sometimes they make mistakes uh sometimes they even involve in in sins that are like sheikh and away from allah subhanahu wa ta'ala they begin to you know say things or do things that are really really bad whether it's drugs whether it's alcohol whatever else it may be and later on they regret and they regret that regret is actually something that perhaps stems from your relationship with allah remember adam alaihissalam committed a very very grave sin he actually disobeyed the instruction of allah regarding food he consumed that which was haram for him he consumed it in in a way that displeased allah because allah had expressly warned him about shaitaan shaytan's plan allah told him so much allah told him watch out this guy is really dangerous and so on but he fell adam alaihissalam and adam and eve they fell when they fell what happened they were not doomed suddenly they were given a chance to repent as soon as they uttered the words o allah we have wronged ourselves so they admitted their sin and they they are expressing their remorse and if you don't forgive us we're going to be from among those who are losers we have wronged ourselves if you don't forgive us if you don't have mercy on us and forgive us then we're going to be from among the losers when allah heard that he became so happy he accepted their repentance he accepted the forgiveness he forgave them he wiped out their sins yes he sent them onto the earth and the and the plan started oh son of adam whenever you've committed a sin have hope in the mercy of allah enough that you know you will be forgiven by the lord who is the most merciful the most forgiving the most kind the most compassionate the most loving the most beneficent and so on if you don't believe in those names of allah you don't know allah so if you think that oh my past is haunting me you know i i'm too embarrassed i'm going to be punished by allah i'm going to be exposed by allah why are you worrying when allah covered you while you were sinning do you really believe he's going to expose you while you're seeking forgiveness now i want to say something shaytaan is terrible he keeps coming to our lives even after we've changed our lives and he keeps telling us you know what you're not good enough you're going to be exposed one day you're going to be so he creates this anxiety in us yet the sin is wiped out by allah the first time we sought forgiveness the sin was totally wiped out completely wiped out so when we sought the forgiveness and the sin was wiped out how do we you know go back to losing hope in the mercy of allah when allah warns you don't lose hope in the mercy of allah i want to tell you that losing hope in the mercy of allah is a bigger sin than the sin that you have committed perhaps because no matter what sin you have committed the mercy of allah is broader than that sin allah says in allah allah will forgive all the sins including shirk and association of partnership with allah if it were committed during your life and you had sought the forgiveness of allah during that life and you changed your ways allah will wipe it out the only time allah don't forgive shirk is if you were to die in the condition where you did not seek forgiveness from sins everything allah can forgive even if you didn't seek forgiveness from it if you've died in that condition he may forgive it besides sheikh that's all that's the meaning of the term inna of that allah will not forgive that which is association of partnership with allah but he will definitely forgive it if you sought forgiveness in your life when allah says he won't forgive it he is only referring to having died in the condition without seeking forgiveness from allah for it in which case he will he will forgive everything else but this one he says this i won't forgive that's that's up to allah he can do what he wants he can say what he wants but he still says he's the most merciful the most forgiving the most kind the most compassionate the most loving the most the most do you believe in the names of allah have you recognized allah do you know allah is the most loving the most loving the most kind the most merciful the most compassionate the most beneficent do you believe that if you believe that allah is the most in all these characteristics then you're a true believer then you will smile you know that the weakness of man is such that we commit sin and we seek forgiveness people commit sin every day allah says i will forgive them every single day people commit sin every night allah says i will forgive them every single night subhanallah for as long as they seek that forgiveness so don't lose hope in the mercy of allah one of the traps of the devil is he makes you become haunted by your past where people suffer ocd as a result they depress they cannot eat they cannot drink because of something they did when they were 20 years old perhaps you may have lost your virginity may allah protect us so many young girls actually uh message saying you know what i i i unfortunately fell i committed this and did that and now i don't know what don't become depressed forgiveness is for you too allah will forgive you subhanallah and allah will definitely open your doors and allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is definitely open it does not mean you are doomed it does not mean that you know you need to be to be whipped etc all that you need to just seek the forgiveness of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala remember this you need to seek the forgiveness of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala you're living in conditions that are trying that are very testing there is a lot of pressure to do a lot look at the people who are on drugs look at the people in the gambling casinos look at the people who are gambling away their their earnings and their livings look at the people who are drinking alcohol and intoxicating themselves you know the degree of intoxication is such that it's unimaginable but you know what allah says my doors are open my doors are wide open i will forgive i will keep on forgiving i will continue to forgive but never think that i am not forgiving that's not one of the names of allah allah's name does not include he who doesn't forgive he who punishes you know meaning he who is going to punish you and that's it no in fact it's the other way around allah chooses for himself bismillah in the name of allah the most kind the most forgiving the most merciful the most beneficent like we say the one whose mercy encompasses everything and he has a specialized mercy for those who believe so don't let your past haunt you you need to smile at the fact that you have a lord who is absolutely merciful your past is your past that's exactly what it is it's not your present it's not going to be your future so if there is a bad habit or something you did in the past it's gone it's over allah is not going to punish you now that you sought forgiveness when you seek forgiveness once that was enough we repeat it we say it again and again and again the first time was enough it wiped your sin out the second time it elevates your status it's not like that sin still exists the messenger peace be upon him says the one who seeks forgiveness from a sin is equivalent to the one who never ever committed that sin before so please my brothers my sisters don't lose hope in the mercy of allah no matter what you've done you are still the beloved servant slave of allah the beloved creature of allah he loves you he made you he's waiting for you he actually does not want you to lose hope in his mercy so remember this my brothers and sisters the trap of the devil is when you have sought forgiveness he comes back to you and makes you doubt the mercy of allah which is a bigger sin than whatever you've committed in the past because you haven't even recognized allah [Music]
Channel: One Islam Productions
Views: 11,464
Rating: 4.9641256 out of 5
Keywords: islamic lectures, muslim, muhammad, Allah, god, abu bakr zoud, nouman ali khan, eman, patience, marriage, divorce, depression, hellfire, jannah, makkah, dua, salah, sin, fasting, muslim lecture, 1 islam productions, sadness, stingy, Quran, Merciful Servant, Islamic Lectures, Ramadan, Mufti Menk, Nouman Ali Khan, Muslim videos, Lectures Islam, Ramadan videos, Khalid Yasin, One message foundation, Shaykh Uthman Ibn Farooq, omar suleiman, Bilal Assad, Mohammad Hoblos, The Daily Reminder, Hoblos
Id: yUsUXeqO6bE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 27sec (567 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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