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[Music] [Music] he says [Music] [Music] which means there is not one of you but will pass over hellfire there is not one of you but will pass over it hell fire this is with your lord a decree which must be accomplished then we shall save those who had taqwa and we shall leave the wrongdoers in hellfire jithiya in misery down on their knees there is not one of you but we'll pass over it in accordance with the hadith of the prophet sallam reported by evan jared from abdullah that he said concerning allah statement every one of you will pass it he said the bridge over hell is like the sharp edge of a sword the first group to cross it will pass like a flash of lightning the second group will pass like the wind the third group will pass like the fastest horse the fourth group will pass like the fastest cow why are they using horse and cow because this was the vehicle used in those days for transportation so in other words if we were talking in today's terms you talk about the vehicles we're riding today cars and motorbikes and so on then the rest will pass while the angels will be saying oh allah save them save them it's about the believers the messenger of allah was once in the house of hafsah his wife when he said no one who was present at the battle of badr and hodeibia of the muslims will enter into the hellfire then said doesn't allah say in the quran there is not one of you but will pass over it the messenger of allah replied by reciting then we shall save those who had taqwa the remainder of the verse the messenger of allah sallam said no one of the muslims who has had three children who all died will be touched by the hellfire except from an oath that must be fulfilled what is that oath that must be fulfilled it is the oath of allah where he says every single person will pass by it this is a decree that we have promised and it will be accomplished this is the earth meaning some people will cross and will not be into hellfire if they were believers in allah of course and fulfilled its conditions and they've had three of their children who had died children before the age of puberty who died this is a mercy from allah one of the blessings allah gives on that day that he will save you from the fire because of the sadness and the sorrow that he made you go through in this life because of your children but you were patient allah rewards you for your patience so fire will not touch you yet even those people whose allah's mercy reaches they will pass it even the prophet muhammad sallam will pass it every person will pass bridge which is bestowed over hellfire we ask allah to save us from falling into hellfire with it the people with great light will pass very quick the people with a little bit of light they will have it on the edge of their thumb and it will sometimes light up and at times it will go darken describes this bridge over hellfire as well saying hellfire will be burning underneath somehow and it has claws that reach it to try to grab people from there it's hungry it has a tongue which comes out as well and it will scrape people some people will cross it and they have been scraped by the claws of hell fire and burnt some of them will fall and they will be saved later on and some of them will fall and they will never be saved now here the disbelievers when they come to pass it it means that they will go on to the bridge and then they will fall they will not be saved there will be people who are hypocrites they used to say we're muslim but they weren't and when they see the light on people among the muslims that they used to know in this life and find and discover how fast they the the they're crossing they plead to them they will say to them this is in the quran please wait for us wait we used to know you in the former life in other verses as we used to know you um let us take a little bit of your light just a little bit angels will scream at them go back you have no room for me go back and you try and find light behind you meaning what did you leave behind of good deeds for you to find any light the only light on that day is the light which you put forth and left out and left behind meaning you will find on that day a wall is separated between them and the believers one side it has mercy and the other side it has torture and torment so these hypocrites will fall and they will be in the lowest of the lowest pits of hell fire even lower than iblis himself the crossing of this bridge my dear brothers and sisters is a very dark one it's very very dark and only your light will make you cross as we said allah says then we will save those who had taqwa what is taqwa taqwa for those people who when they are about to do something wrong they remember allah they remember his punishment they love allah so much that they do not want to lose that love so what do they do they physically avoid the forbidden thing and they don't question why is it haram i'm going to keep doing it until i'm convinced why allah told you it's not good don't and it also means those who did the wrong but then later on remembered allah and repented these are the people of taqwa these are the people who will be saved when they cross and some of them who fell into hellfire they'll also be saved later on through the intercession as we said of the angels the believers and the prophet muhammad now there is a group of people who will reach in accordance to some narrations some sahabas interpreted this verse saying that they will reach a high cliff on the bridge somewhere very high on the cliff but they have not passed yet and they will be stationed there they can't go forward and they are also not falling into hellfire so they're safe from the fire but they can't also go forward they're right in the middle why are they on high cliffs they said because they are called the araf that's their name they are called the araf and in arabic al-araf when you refer to it generally means a peak somewhere high that's why they said they'll be somewhere high and allah knows best also al-araf means those who you know so these people will be known by who they'll be known by the believers and they'll be known by disbelievers who are they they are the people whose good deeds were exactly equal to the amount of their bad deeds what does that mean it doesn't mean that you did exactly the same amount of good deeds as the amount of bad deeds no it means that the value on that day you might have lesser good deeds but their value is heavy or you might have more bad deeds but their value is less and so it's equilibrium until they're equal and the same on the scale the same worth so what happens to them their good deeds protect them from the fire but their bad deeds prevent them from going forward what happens to these people allah is not oppressive allah talks about them in the quran the disbelievers in the hellfire will see them and they begin to give them bad hope they will say you're going to fall and the believers on the other side will say our lord save them what is the point of these who are stationed there it is one of the hopes which allah gives in order to show the disbelievers in hell fire more misery but at the same time they can't pass because it's unfair other people have to beat them they are left towards the end then a voice calls out to the people of hell fire and they will say as in the quran see these people that you knew in the former life they did some wrong things with you you thought that we are going to place them with you in here but today we will give them our mercy and before your eyes watch how we will save them and so allah will save the people of the araf and take them over the bridge and they will await at the door of jannah or they will enter jannah after the believers so allah says to the disbelievers in hellfire this is one of the torments for them these people you thought will also put them with you we've saved them but you you don't deserve it that's how bad your deeds were that's how bad your belief was your lord is not an oppressor to any of his servants no one muslim or non-muslim now we reach heaven and hell and the entrance of it so i want to stop here and share allah heaven and hell fine but i leave you with this story about the good deeds there was a man by the name of malik nudinar a great scholar of the past this man was a thief before he became a scholar and he used to drink alcohol one day allah wanted to guide him and one day he saw a tyrant man who had an employee and this employee was poor and the man would not give him his his wage for the day so he said to him give him his wage he had some mercy and the tyrant would not give him so medicated took out some wealth and gave it to the poor man and said to him tell your daughters tonight to make dua for maliki not they may die for him and one day he wanted to get married no one would give him their daughter because he was a thief and an alcoholic so he bought a slave there were slaves in those days he bought a slave freed her and married her and then allah gave him a daughter named fatima at the age of five his daughter died he loved her so much and he was saddened for her loss time passed and one day he saw a dream as if the world had ended and he saw in front of him for the fire and behind him there was a a dragon chasing him he said i ran away from the dragon and i reached the cliff and in that cliff i was about to jump but there was hellfire so i turned away and the dragons behind me he said i ran and reached the ocean the sand and the ocean and there i saw a very old man he couldn't even speak to me so he pointed this way and said go that way i went and i found a cliff and in that cliff there were children and the children called out fatima save your dad and then i saw my daughter fatima she came up to me and she did this with her hand and a dragon faded away and she said to me dad look your bad deeds are the dragon they weren't big enough to save you and your good deeds are the old man they're not even enough to save you the bad deeds are so bad that they're so big and your good deeds are so bad that they couldn't save you and then she recited [Music] may allah accept your deeds [Music] hmm [Applause]
Channel: One Islam Productions
Views: 30,754
Rating: 4.9795084 out of 5
Keywords: muft menk, islamic lectures, muslim, muhammad, Allah, god, abu bakr zoud, nouman ali khan, eman, patience, marriage, divorce, depression, angles, hellfire, heaven, jannah, makkah, dua, supplication, salah, prayer, sin, ramadan, fasting, seerah, muslim lecture, 1 islam productions, sadness, jesus, bible, stingy, Quran, Merciful Servant, Islamic Lectures, Ramadan, Mufti Menk, Nouman Ali Khan, Muslim videos, Lectures Islam, Ramadan videos, Khalid Yasin, One message foundation, Shaykh Uthman Ibn Farooq
Id: ifxbfQUqPmI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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